Xcode scrolls text while typing - xcode

Xcode seems to be doing something annoying today.
I like editing my source code so that I'm typing roughly in the vertical center of my Xcode window. I don't like typing near the bottom or the top of the window as it hides code right before or right after the code I'm busy editing.
Lately, while editing an implementation file, Xcode has a habit of scrolling the text so that I'm editing close to the bottom of the window. This scrolling is triggered every time any code completion takes place.
Has anyone seen this before? If so, how can I turn it off or is it simply a bug?

You may be encountering a bug where one text view scrolls unexpectedly when a second window is open on the same file. Make sure that the file is not open in any other windows if this is what's happening.

I also noticed this in Xcode 5 and earlier. It appears that Apple has fixed this in Xcode 6. I am running Xcode 6.4 and no longer see the issue.


Xcode: variable dialog on hover not working

I'm using Xcode 6 (Version 6.1.1 (6A2008a)) and I find the dialog that usually pops up when you hover over a variable in Xcode (just before your breakpoint) incredibly useful.
However sometimes this dialog won't appear.
Is this a bug with Xcode or are there reasons why it sometimes won't appear?
I am using the same Xcode version.
You are not hovering on a property: self.myVar (does not work - not sure why!)
You are not hovering on a variable of an instance: cell.myImageView. Hover will only work for cell here.
You are not clicked in on the variable - happens by mistake sometimes with the trackpad.
I think it is bug with some peculiar behavior. It seems to happen when you open and close the Navigator or Utilities pane - which is common during debugging. Here is how I was able to replicate it:
Set a breakpoint
Hover on a variable that works
Close and open Navigator or Utilities pane
Hover on that same variable - it will not work.
This seems to work once. In order to replicate it, you have to run again.
Having said that, if it is not working; if you hover above the variable sideways or up/down or, move away and come back to the variable, it usually will display the variable value.
But i agree, the erratic nature is annoying.
Hope this helps.

How to solve XCode swipe gesture to go to previous / next file freeze editor?

Since this morning I'm facing a really annoying bug in XCode 5 on Mavericks :
I'm heavily used to swipe from left to right with two fingers on the MacBook trackpad to go to the XCode editor previous / next files.
BUT, now, doing this totally freeze the editor after having just moved for something like 5 px.
After that I have to close XCode and reopen it to make the editor work again.
Pressing the previous / next button works wel since it doesn't trigger this buggy animation.
Did anyone had this problem before or has any clue to solve it ?
In fact this problem is affecting other swipe gesture like the previous / next swipe in Safari.
I found a way to fix this on Apple Support Forum, by resetting the NVRAM.
Shut down your Mac.
Locate the following keys on the keyboard: cmd ⌘alt ⌥PR. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in next step.
Turn on the computer and immediately press and hold the cmd ⌘alt ⌥PR keys before the gray screen appears.
Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
Release the keys.
When your Mac finishes starting up, you might want to open System Preferences and adjust settings that have been reset, such as sound volume, display resolution, startup disk selection, or time zone.
Apple support: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204063
For me, in Xcode 8.3.3 and Xcode 9, it started working after
Go to the system preferences
Go to Trackpad
Select and deselect "Tap to click"

Rectangular cursor keypad in XCode

I've got interesting strange bug in Xcode. I can't find an information and can't fix it.
What happened. One day I came into office, and launched the project in XCode (I do not remember the sequence of actions), and instead of a standard keyboard cursor when editing text, I see a flashing white rectangle. The rectangle is similar to the cursor in the operating system DOS. I can not turn it off. The problem has plagued me for a second day.
Take screen shot
Buttons H, J, K, L perform cursor in the text. Backspace key does not work. Later, after some keystrokes, everything becomes normal, the cursor becomes a standard. After a few seconds, the cursor becomes black again, and everything continues to this scheme.
Additional information:
Mac mini 2011, OS Mac OSX Lion 10.7.3, XCode 4.3;
The problem only occurs in XCode;
The problem occurs with all projects;
I did not change system settings or XCode;
This is not a text selection. If you hold the left mouse button, the rectangle appears on the left of the cursor, in the normal state, the cursor is displayed on the right;
XCode reinstalled several times, with reboots the computer;
Delete all data in the folder ~ Library/Developer/ and ~/System/Library/Developer;
Connect other mouse and keyboard;
I was looking for information on google and stackoverflow.
Thank you for your answer!
I solved this problem.
Deleted XCode. Then I used the program "Find Any File" to search for files containing the title of "xcode" and deleted all files that have been found. Then reinstalled XCode and the problem disappeared.
I tried to find where the settings are XCode but did not find such information, so delete all files containing "xcode" in the title.
This happened to me and I found that I had installed xVim and hadn't noticed it since the changed don't take effect until after restarting Xcode. I removed the plugin in ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins to fix the issue.

Instruments 4.1 unresponsive to projects launched from Xcode 4.1 until pressing Cmd-Tab

If I open Instruments and select a standard application (e.g. Mail or MS Word) it has no issue.
If I am in Xcode and I go to Product > Profile (or press Cmd + I), it launches Instruments, allows me to select a template, and loads the standard screen. Then the downward arrow starts tracing to the right as it should, and the iOS simulator launches the program. However, nothing is plotted in Instruments. It shows no changes to anything no matter what the app is doing. I can't click anything in Instruments: no menu's, can't stop recording, can't open tabs, etc.
I randomly discovered that if I hit Cmd + Tab, Instruments will start behaving normally. This seems really strange to me. Either it's a bug or it's a hole in my knowledge about how to operate Instruments.
Strange bug is fixed in XCode 4.2!
The problem was the hidden password dialog, so sometime it works and sometimes not.
One of possible solutions was:
Run Instruments
Cmd Tab to Xcode covering the instruments. Cycle and hide messages until password dialog is found.
Close Xcode.
PS: I know it is a few years to late for the answer, I was just looking for unanswered questions. Just check as answered - > it's good for both of us. )

Console missing in Xcode 4

My log window is missing in Xcode 4. I don't know what I did, but now there is just a blank gray box where it should be at the bottom the Xcode window.
How can I get it back?
This button should do the trick:
... which, on my window, can be found here:
XCode must have been in a funky state, closing and reopening fixed it.
