Accessing TEAMCITY from a remote machine - teamcity

I am having trouble browsing to my team city(JetBrains) from a remote machine. I have followed the install directions and the install went smoothly. I can browse the to application locally on the server, no problem at all. I changed the default server url in the config file to be http://my servername . I can browse to http://my server name and the application shows up no problem locally. The application is alos installed on the default 80 port of the server with no other web server installed.
If I browse to http://my servername from my laptop on the same domian nothing happens. When I run diagnostics it seems to pick up the webserve but it fails to respond.
As a test I uninstalled the app and installed IIS to see if I could browse to the default IIS page remotely. This worked no problems at all. I uninstalled IIS, ensured nothing was hogging port 80 on the server. Reinstalled the applicaiton, configured it exactly the same, still nothing. The application works fine locally, but I get nothing remotely.
I was just wondering if anybody knows anything else I can try? or is there a setting in tomcat I need to tweak?

I just updated TeamCity from 7.0 to 7.1, and now I have the exact same issue.
However, what turned out to be the cause had nothing to do w/ the TeamCity upgrade. It turns out our system administrators had setup a policy update to block all incoming connections other than port 80. When I started my upgrade, I noticed the server wanted to do some system updates. So I let that go first.
I suspect that had I tried to access the TeamCity server after the system update, I'd have realized I could no longer access the website remotely.
But since I only noticed it after the TeamCity update, I assumed it to be the culprit and wasted a bunch of time on that red herring.
The solution for me was to
Open Windows Firewall on the server
Click on the root level option in the left-hand pane
Make sure under each of the profile sections, that inbound connections are allowed.
(#3) was my problem.
Hope this helps someone else out in the future...

Verify that the server is running on port which is not blocked by the firewall. Change the port if necessary.
Tomcat also supports binding to specific IP addresses, in case your machine has multiple IPs, you can configure which one to use in server.xml, like:
<Connector port="80" address="" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
redirectPort="8443" />
Where is the IP of the server which can be accessed from the remote machine.
Check the server logs to ensure that it's started on the correct IP/port and is accepting connections.

I just faced the same issue when evaluating TeamCity v10.0.
I solved it by changing the 'Server URL' value with the name of my computer that can be used from remote computer.
As they say, "make sure the server is accessible by the URL specified".
To reach this setting:
- Login to TeamCity interface then
- Click on the 'Administration' link
This is well explained in the TeamCity support page:

The problem is that TeamCity's default server.xml has localhost as the host name. You need to add an alias for it answer that name as well, as described here:


Laragon, laravel. my virtual host cannot work on my PC

Anyone can helme? i get problem whit virtual host
This is my problem
I solved that issue as follow
Menu -> Apache -> sites-enabled -> delete all (auto)
C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts right click -> properties on hosts file and uncheck the "Read-only"
make sure auto virtual host is checked on laragon
restart laragon and try your project folder name inside in www with .test (or as specified in laragon setting) in the browser
This question has entirely insufficient details to help you in any meaningful way. However, if I had to guess, I would say there are couple of possible reasons:
Your DNS for is not configured properly for Note, .dev is an actual top-level domain, owned by Google and reserved for their own use -, so it's likely you are trying to follow some advice how to setup .dev for local development, but Firefox is actually looking against the real .dev DNS servers.
Assuming your DNS is indeed properly configured (in which case you happen to work for Google, and you just accidentally leaked their Amazon competitor :-)), it is possible that your app server is not running. It's impossible to say by the screenshot.
Assuming that the DNS and the app server are configured and running properly, it's possible your firewall is blocking port 80.

Cannot connect to Localhost on server running IIS

I recently installed IIS on a Windows 2012 R2 server and can't seem to connect to localhost, the IP, server DNS, etc. I've tried the following and nothing seems to be helping:
In CMD run netstat -ano to check that port :80 is listening (it is)
Bound the site to All Unassigned and the IP address on port 80 (no hostname)
Adjusting the security permissions on the wwwroot folder to confirm that IIS_IUSRS has access and tried adding IUSR
Changed the Application Pool settings for Load User Profile from False to True
Edit the hosts file to add the line localhost
Ensured that Anonymous Authentication is enabled and no others are enabled
Temporarily disable the MacAfee running on the machine
Not sure what else to try or where it might be failing here.
I was struggling with a similar problem - I didn't have any connections and couldn't connect to even localhost with IIS.
Turns out I had forgotten to open IIS as an administrator. That fixed the problem.
You will need to Regiis your .Net.
Open CMD and browse to:
Then run the following command: "aspnet_regiis -ir"
**Update for windows server 2016/ Win10 /IIS8:
No longer need to RegIIS , instead, you'll need to open "Turn windows Features on or off"
Than Enable .Net Framework4.X Advanced services and "IIS/World Wide web/Application development features/ASP.Net 4.X"
Turns out I needed to grant permission to the Application Pool that the application was using. The Application Pool's identity was NetworkService, so as so as I granted Network Service read/execute permissions I was able to navigate to the site.

How can I access a webpage located inside a VM from the host machine's browser?

I am able to access the link http://localhost/men/tops-men/jackets-men.html successfully from my VM (configured using X2Go client).
IP Address of the VM:
I am also able to ping the VM successfully from my host machine (Windows).
The page that I am trying to access is a php page deployed on Apache Web Server.
However I am not able to do so from my Windows host machine.
I tried from my Windows machine but it did not work.
Do I have to configure something on my host machine or on my VM ?
Not sure what I am missing.
On VM check you can view
If not you need to configure the web server to listen on that IP (if you're running IIS this is under "bindings" in the right-hand side panel of IIS Manager).
On Host open a cmd window and check you can ping
If not check your firewall settings on the VM.
If neither of these 2 things help then you need to add more information about your setup to the question. Those are 2 very simple things you can do to diagnose 2 basic problems you might be having.
I was finally able to solve the problem based on this SO link: Unable to access magento site from anywhere but localhost
Updated the DB table core_config_data and updated the data by replacing http://localhost with http://ip-of-vm and then restarted the apache web server.

SONAR not working on Web Browser

I am trying to access Sonar through web browser. I already started it on my terminal but when I try to access it on web browser through , it shows nothing. However, the status shows Sonar is running. How can I make it running on the web browser ?
The configuration for Sonar web is:
I think this is the problematic line in your conf. This line indicates which IP address the Web Server will bind to. If you set it to, then Server will only respond if you reach to it through the IP, that is, you'll only be able to access it from localhost, though IPv4. (Your browser will probably prefer IPv6, with ::1 being the host)
Comment out the line (prepending a #) in order to have it listen to every IP the machine is called by.
If you can verify access from the host machine itself, but the above doesn't help, then you might want to check if your firewall is blocking requests.
With the settings you provided, make sure you're using this URL and trying to access the server from the same box:
If you're attempting to reach and getting the empty page, it's due to the sonar.web.context value you're using.
Note: unless you're hosting SonarQube in an external webserver, you don't need to set the sonar.web.context, in which case, you would just go to
If this URL isn't working for you, I would suggest looking at the SonarQube server logs in the /logs folder to determine if there were any errors starting the server. If so, you'll want to update this posting with the details from the log, including which operating system you're running.

apache in xampp won't turn on - after it worked before

I recently installed Xampp on my windows machine. It worked when I just did it, see here. However, now the apache won't turn on. I realize that I did not close it correctly (did not use xampp_stop), so maybe that could be the cause.
The error I am getting is:
make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
unable to open logs
How can I get it to work?
Just ran into this very well do documented blog with respect to Apache not working.. I think its really good to reference if you have apache startup issues.
apache friends
here are the steps that i note from the link:
Check that xampp folder is not in a folder containing spaces or brackets ie (Program Files (x86)
Make sure that you have run \xampp\setup_xampp.bat (probably as administrator)
in CMD run -netstat -a (or look in Xampp control beta 3 - and press the netstat button... ) , make sure that nothing is running on port 80 ( on win 7 a lot of the time its actually skype that uses port 80) ( quit skype and try again, if so, in skype --> options ->> advanced --> make sure the "use port 80 as alternative checkbox is unchecked"
If "system" is using port 80, then its windows that is using it ( i have read that that is some IIS service) - if you enable xampp as a service and re-boot then xampp grabs port 80 before system...
If you dont want to run as a service then open xampp\apache\conf\http.conf and change the port that apache will run on (search for string "Listen 80" and "ServerName localhost:80" and change 80 to something else eg: "180")
Make sure you are running Xampp control.exe as administrator
Stop your firewall temporarily to see if its being stopped (then try startup apache again) if so, create an exception in windows firewall
Check that your anti-virus is not stopping it.
If you are running windows 7 64 bit ultimate (sp1) (like i am) - then you may still have a problem (like i am)
last try is to delete xampp folder, and download a previous version of xampp, then try again.
If you have any other steps that you think may also cause a problem, please comment.
I ended up solving it.
Go to the Xampp control panel. Check the "Service" check box.
Clicked on "SCM" button. (Or "Service" button, there on the "SCM" button).
Then I clicked on the "Apache" in the list of services. Turned it on.
Now it is labelled as "Running" in the control panel, and "localhost" works.
I ran into this issue a couple months ago. You have to set Apache as an automatic windows service by checking the Svc checkbox in the XAMPP Control Panel. Once you have set it as a service, you will need to restart windows before you can start apache. Once you have restarted windows, you should be able to stop and start Apache through the XAMPP Control Panel.
From a blog post about it:
The reason you have to do this is because Windows 7 has a service called http.sys which starts automatically and uses port 80. Running Apache as an automatic service causes apache to start before the http.sys service. This allows apache to get port 80 before http.sys starts.
One: If it is running as a service, check your services in windows and make sure it is stopped.
Two: If it is not a service, it will just be a process; go into the task manager and find httpd / apache and terminate the process.
Three: Make sure you are running xampp_start / xampp_control as administrator, on some systems this is important.
I would recommend always using xampp_control as it gives a quick window into whether Apache is supposedly running or not even if some unusual events recently occurred.
netstat -aon | more
If this doesn't work, to see if anything else is listening on that port, and terminate that process.
You may also wish to edit Apache's httpd.conf (probably in xamppdir/apache/conf) to listen to another port and see if it will launch.
change the httpd.cong file in those lines:
Listen 8080
ServerName localhost:8080 ( port as example, 8080)
Now, create a xampp.ini file where the xampp-control.exe located and put the code into it:
apache = 8080
Now restart the xampp.
Hope, it will work to change the apache port. But if you have installed oracle 10g client or any software in which perl is installed then do some more steps like bellow:
4.change the lines from:
`# Perl settings`
`Include "conf/extra/httpd-perl.conf"`
`# Perl settings`
`#Include "conf/extra/httpd-perl.conf"`
Now restart the xampp and it works properly in 8080 port.
I found the problem in TeamViewer application - it uses port 80 by default. Under advanced setting I made changes so the application will not use port 80 or 443 for incoming connections. Then switched of xammp and ran again. It works!
I had a similar problem, and after a bit of research, found out that the culprit in my case was the "World Wide Web Publishing Service" (W3SVC in the iissvcs Group).
Apache in XAMPP ran without a problem after stopping this service in my case.
My XAMPP Apache all of the sudden wouldn't start, and, while I wasn't getting that error message specifically, it was because I installed a Skype upgrade, and Skype took over port 80 when my PC started which blocked Apache. I tweaked a Skype advanced setting to fix this.
If your issue hasnt been solved, scan this page for the "windows auto fix" link. It worked for me: Ran the tool, restarted PC, all ports open, instantly on.
This might help others that's why I am posting my particular solution. I recently swapped Zend Server CE for XAMPP (2.5). The VHOSTS file had to be set-up with an Include directive to an error_log. I was having issues with SVN so I wiped the project I am working on to get a fresh install. However, I happened to start XAMPP prior to doing an svn checkout. That's when I noticed apache doing the Busy...Apache started [Port 80] business. Someone's comment on this thread reminded me of the Include directive. I climbed through the directories and added a blank error_log and blammo! Apache started up nicely.
This might help someone else too :)
In my case I solved it by opening xampp\apache\conf\http.conf.
I changed Listen 80 to Listen 2337
Above that line I had to add Listen
Then I opened xampp\apache\conf\httpd-ssl.conf
I changed Listen 80 to Listen 7332
Then I could connect to localhost again.
