How to turn off popup blocker through code in Watin? - watin

I am facing trouble in turning the popup blocker off through watin code. Could anyone please help me in knowing how to turn off the popup blocker of IE through watin? Is there any way to turn off the popup blocker of tool bars (like google, yahoo or msn) if any of them are installed in IE? Thanks for your help in advance.

You can use .NET to change the registry keys for IE. See for more information on the specific keys.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_WEBOC_POPUPMANAGEMENT
Value = 0 for Off
Value = 1 for On
Per Zone:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\[0-4]\1809
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\[0-4]\1809
Value = 0 for Enabled
Value = 3 for Disabled
Per Site:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\New Windows\Allow
Create subkey with domain name and binary data.
Here is a code example of writing the registry keys through .NET to get a site into a trusted zone, which allowed WatiN to be able to download a file:
Programmatically add trusted sites to Internet Explorer

You can't disable this with WatiN, you could however use UIAutomation to do it.


ms access "enter parameter value" when I enable macros

I have an issue in MS Access.
I have a report that calls a query where the results are filtered with a value taken from the form that calls the report.
The condition on the field looks like this: ​[FORMS]![Main Menu]![Combo42]
When I open the project with the macros DISABLED the report works okay.
But when I enable macros (either from the enable content pop-up yellow line that appears on top or enabling all macros in the trust setting ) and I try to open the report the "enter parameter value" pop up appears.
It looks like when the I enable macros "Combo42" field becomes unaccessible from the query.
I have tried all the possible combinations from "trust center" settings menu even though only the "enable macros" seems to have any affect.
Is has to be setting related because the issue appears only on "freshly installed" office that I installed by my self (i tried many versions) but when I use pre-configured office (i.e. company laptop) the issue doesn't appear.
Does anyone has any idea why this is happening?
after some time investigation tying to answer some questions i found the solution here
MS Access VBA code editor character encoding and copy/paste
different outcome same root cause.
Have you tried renaming the reference to a valid field name after enabling Macros? This can help:
Enter Parameter Value

Error::SessionNotCreatedError: Unexpected error launching Internet Explorer

Unable launch Internet Explorer using my script it gives this error
Selenium::WebDriver::Error::SessionNotCreatedError: Unexpected error launching Internet Explorer. Protected Mode settings are not the same for all zones. Enable Protected Mode must be set to the same value (enabled or disabled) for all zones.
I researched a lot to get work around for this and found few solutions, but I am unable to change my IE browser settings, The checkbox to "Enable Protected mode" is disabled for all the zones here
Also, tried to override this with desired capabilities here is the code but not getting any success:
caps = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.internet_explorer(
:ignoreProtectedModeSettings => true,
:javascriptEnabled => true,
) :ie, http_client: client,:desired_capabilities => caps
I am using Cucumber with Ruby and Watir and Browser is Internet Explorer 11.
Please suggest some workaround for this.
The issue gets resolved after doing continuous research around it,
Most of the Stackoverflow and Github answers shows to change the settings from Internet Options but those are not working from me due to permission limitation
One of the blog posts from LinkedIn Suggested to modify the registry specific to internet explorer, but that too I am unable to edit due to permission limitations.
Taking the points from registry modification, then I found a way to edit it via PowerShell script and found few solutions to reset the Internet Explorer Preferences from Microsoft power shell script repositories
How to reset all Internet Explorer settings for a different user profile?
With this got 1 step success but main problem remains same i.e. my IE 11 not launched, then searched for to "Enable the Protected Mode for all Zones" and got few post with a good description around it
a. Powershell – IE zones Protected Mode state
b. IE Browser - Powershell script to add a site to trusted sites list, disable protected mode & make all zones security level low
At last, after doing tweaks in the Powershell script it works and my script is working fine for IE browser.

VS Express 2013 for Web - Browser is security restricted or JavaScript is disabled

I initially installed the Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Web on my desktop. My desktop runs Windows 8.1 with internet explorer 11. It ran fine until the license expired after the first 30 days. I tried to sign in to renew the license, however after clicking the 'sign in' button I get an error dialog. The dialog states 'Browser is security restricted or javaScript is disabled. I have no other option but to close and exit Visual Studio.
I went to the online forums for Microsoft. There were discussions and suggestions on how to fix the error. I tried lowering the settings for the security tab in internet explorer. I have validated the option for scripting is enabled. I have also added https://* to the trusted sites tab. Other users on the forum have tried the same suggestions and have not succeeded in signing into the visual studio application.
I had exactly the same problem, here is what I did:
a) Go in IE, click on settings wheel then Internet Options and Security tab.
b) Click on Custom level button (make sure you select Internet zone).
c) In Security Settings window, under Scripting I set Enabled for Active scripting.
After that Sign In should work. Even though Chrome is default browser, it seems that VS uses IE for sign in process.
Hope this helps!
There is another issue people are running into that is a bug with the login dialog. The login dialog is using a Web Browser control to login the user. By default it loads up "about:blank" as the URI. It then proceeds to try to execute some JavaScript (just ";") to verify it has permissions to do so. On some machines this is problematic because "about:blank" has been mapped to zone 0, or the Local Machine zone. When the JavaScript is executed MSHTML will check the zone of the URI and then the policy for executing scripts. By default the Local Machine zone is locked down, and all script executions result in a Query policy. What this means is if you're running in immersion mode (aka in Internet Explorer) you will get a message box asking if you want to execute the script. However, the Web Browser control used by VS 2013's "Sign In" dialog doesn't run MSHTML code in immersion mode, so the Query policy effectively equates to a Disallow policy. The bug here is someone in VS assumed "about:blank" resolves to the Internet zone, and when it resolves to the Local Computer zone you get this behavior.
The workaround is to remove "about:blank" zone mapping. Point regedit to this key:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains]
Remove the "blank" key.
Alternatively you can change the Local Machine Lockdown policy for executing scripts. The reg key for that is:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Lockdown_Zones\0]
Set the "1400" DWORD value to 0.
There are many sites you need to list in your Trusted Sites. Following the trace of what the stupid, stupid login script does:
Only then was I able to log on to my FREE software.
Hi this is Albert from Microsoft. Just want to let you all know that this issue has been fixed in the upcoming Update 2 for Visual Studio 2013. Thanks for your patience while we figured this one out :)
Same problem "Browser is security restricted or JavaScript is disabled" here but the solution from #jic didn't work for me..
If you can and it is convenient for you this is a solution which worked for me:
I have created a new user/profile on my PC and for this user it was just working fine.
Before this action I have tried to make an user account which had this problem as:
Power user - didn't work
Administrator - didn't work as well
So the last solution in my case was a brand new user on the PC..
Here's what worked for me.
Open Control Panel, Internet Options.
First, I clicked the Security tab and turned security the security for the Internet zone to its minimum.
Next, click the Privacy tab, then click Advanced. Choose "Accept" for both types of cookies.
Of course you can change these all back after extending your VS trial.
you must change secure settings of iexplore for admin account. If logon by other account, you must start iexplore under admin account or logon under admin account, because you will get license after admin account.
Click on Start --> Run --> type cmd and click on OK.
Command Prompt will be opened. Then enter this command.
ipconfig /flushdns
and press Enter.
Now try to access
It worked for me...
As I can not add a comment yet to the answer of CBGraham, I've to add this note over here:
The solution described from CBGraham worked for me (Thanks Graham). I had to add an additional link:
Then I opened the IE and tried to login to a Microsoft site. I left the IE window open and just clicked once again on the VS to login. Then it worked for me. Even with strong restrictions on the IE settings. While I'm surprised why someone should set down his security settings, just to register VS.

Watir, Automation on Windows 7 with IE8

I am trying to run watir scripts on Wndows 7 on IE8 as administrator.
Here is problem description:
Problem was with below statement(popup windows)
popup = Watir::IE.attach(:url, /ContactDetails/)
and Error message was Unable to locate the url(ContactDetails)
The issue seems to be that when there already exists an instance of IE8 that was opened with administrative privs, Watir won't see any other IE8 windows that are being run as admin, including ones it opens itself.
Fix that i have been doing:
Turn off User Account Control (set to the lowest setting). Go to Control Panel->System and Security->Action Center->Change User Account Control settings, and drop the slider to the lowest setting.
But this is not a permanent fix, i have to change the windows 7 settings every day to run my automation script.
Can anyone help me finding out the permanent solution ?
As far as I know, watir-webdriver does not have IE class and attach method.
Have you tried to attach via the title of the page? for example:
browser2 = Watir::IE.attach(:title, "Google")
if the browser you wanted to attach to was Googles home page.
Look at the source code and
put whatevers inbetween the title tags on your page.

Internet Explorer 8 64bit and Selenium Not working

I am trying to get selenium tests to run. Yet every time I try to run a tests that should run IE I get a error on line 863 of htmlutils.js It says that I should disable my popup blocker. The thing is I went to IE tools-> turn of popup block.
So it is disabled and I get this error.
Is there something else I need to disable. I actually don't even know what version of Internet explorer it is running since I am using Windows 7 Pro 64bit version. So when I do use IE I use 64bit version but I am under the understanding if the site or something like that does not support 64bit it goes to 32bit.
So not sure what I need to do it to make it work.
This is the lines where it does
function openSeparateApplicationWindow(url, suppressMozillaWarning) {
// resize the Selenium window itself
window.resizeTo(1200, 500);
window.moveTo(window.screenX, 0);
var appWindow = + '?start=true', 'selenium_main_app_window');
if (appWindow == null) {
var errorMessage = "Couldn't open app window; is the pop-up blocker enabled?"
throw new Error("Couldn't open app window; is the pop-up blocker enabled?");
Where is this log.error message stored? Maybe I can post that too.
I had a similar problem on Vista and IE8
I would get the same error message
Couldn't open app window; is the pop-up blocker enabled?"
Running my remote control as Admin wasn't an option for me, and also a poor idea from a security perspective.
So in the end I manage to solved this by changeing browser from "*ietha" to "*iexploreproxy"
port: 4444
- name: "Internet Explorer 8 on Vista"
browser: "*iexploreproxy"
Alternatively, you can change browser string from the code:
ISelenium selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*iexploreproxy", "");
Works like a charm.
The only question remaing is if this somehow affects the outcome of the test cases. So far no, but I'll update this answer in case that would happen.
I ran into this on Windows 7 64bit.
My solution was:
Disable popup block. - Select "Tools/Popup Blocker/Turn off pop-up blocker"
Disable IE protected mode. - Untick "Tools/Internet Options/Security/Enable protected mode"
It'd be better just to disable protected modes for known trusted hosts/addresses. I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.
I was experiencing the same problem. I ran the Selenium RC server as an administrator and everything worked fine.
I, too, am experiencing this very problem on a Windows 7 64bit box, trying to run Selenium on it to test and ASP .Net MVC application, written in C#.
I am still trying to work out the answer for myself, but I thought I'd post here to tell you of a little progress I have made in getting something to work, albeit in Firefox instead of IE.
Here's the line I changed:
selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*chrome C:/Program Files (x86)/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe", "");
I would ideally like for this to work in Internet Explorer 8, but if for the moment, I can begin getting tests working and later change over to use IE again, then great.
Hope this helps for your problem with it all.
I had the same problem on Windows 7 64bit IE8. The first step was to disable the IE popup blocker. Then, I got a message in the status bar saying that "Pop-ups were blocked on this page. Press the 'Ctrl' key to allow the pop-ups".
It turns out that the Google Toolbar was providing this feature. Disabling it solved the problem. View > Toolbars > Google to toggle.
If you happen to be doing this from JavaScriptMVC, there is a reference you need to change in \jmvc\plugins\test\drivers\selenium.js:
1) Change iexplore to iexploreproxy and you should get better results:
msie : (/iexploreproxy/i).test(browserStartCommand),
2) At this point, you'll find that you still get the popup error, but a separate instance of IE has started. Leave that IE window open and restart the tests, but not Selenium.
3) Next, the windows should show up in the right place, but IE gives the annoying block active content warning. Allow the content to run and restart the tests, but not Selenium itself.
This is super clunky, but it at least gets you past that part. If I find more methodical ways to do these things I'll update as needed.
I have had the same problem and have found another solution which works for me. Just use the *iexploreproxy setting in the browserString.
I used:
selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*iexploreproxy C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplorer.exe", "");
I hope that works for others too :)
You can start the test when you disable the Security mode of Internet. Don´t know the correct name for it, but in dutch it is beveiligde modus.
I tried modifiing the security settings to dublicate this security mode, but couldn´t find the correct setting for it. It must therefor block more then you can set manually.
