Advanced DataGrid in flex - advanceddatagrid

I am using AdvancedDataGrid with its number of rows changing dynamically.I want to adjust the grid height according to the number of rows displayed.Can anyone help me out in this.

I'm not sure what you're asking... please provide an example. You want the grid to keep getting taller as the row number increases? Is this to avoid a scroll bar? How tall would you like it to get before you stop? Are you looking for it to be 1:1 (height = numberOfRows * heightOfOneRow)?
It sounds like what you're asking for should be pretty straight forward, if you just elaborate a little bit.

This is a dupe of flex datagrid - making grid height dynamic and component that contains it, and I answer the question more fully over there. Short version: the rowCount property controls the height of the DataGrid control.


Can NSCollectionViewCompositionalLayout support "growing cells"

I have a collection view showing a simple one-column list with a NSCollectionViewCompositionalLayout. The cells take the full width and have a fixed height.
I would like that, upon an external event, one of the cell grows in height (animated).
That could be for example :
when the cell is selected
when an image shown in the cell is downloaded
I found no way to do this in Apple's doc, when I think this is a fairly common use case. It seems that NSCollectionViewCompositionalLayout is very flexible in positioning cells, but very static. All cell sizes are computed once and for all.
Is there any API for this ? What's the way ?

Tableau cannot horizontally scroll in worksheets

I am using Tableau for data visualization and generating lists that can be exported to Excel.
However, when the amount of columns get too big, I cannot see all my columns in the view (They are there though). The problem is that there doesn't seem to be a horizontal scrollbar. I can scroll vertically through my rows, but I haven't found a way to do this horizontally to look through my columns, the same way you would do at the data source tab.
If anyone could help me to figure out how to achieve this that would be awesome! I am using Tableau Desktop version 2018.3 on a Mac.
Edit: The problem also seems to be on Windows and is not related to the maximum amount of columns or the view mode.
Example image of the described problem
You are not getting scrollbar because you are viewing it on a worksheet. Try putting it on the dashboard and set dashboard size to fixed and increase width to accommodate all columns.
now you will get horizontal scrollbar for sure
Besides updating the horizontal row/column label limit #Bernardo mentioned here:
You'll need to make sure you've have selected "Standard" from the display option list at the top of the screen. That options prevent Tableau from fitting everything into the height, width or view of your current display.
Tableau shows a horizontal scroll bar for measures, but not for dimensions. When only dimensions are included on either the Columns or Rows shelf, the lower horizontal scroll bar will not display. Dimensions are treated as headers for measure aggregations and do not generate a horizontal scroll bar when they exceed the width of the view.
To change the Table Layout and increase the number of columns and rows in your table, go to:
Analysis > Table Layout > Advanced
Set each of the Maximum values to 16, which is the limit allowed.

Does the react-virtualized Masonry component support setting the scrollTop or scrollToIndex values?

I've implemented a Masonry layout that adjusts dynamically to the window size and it all works very well. I calculate its height and width and reset the cell measurements when any outside dimensions change.
I just need to be able to programmatically slide into view a specific item while it is being edited as well as scroll back to top programatically. Is this possible? I've tried to set scrollTop or scrollToIndex but it has no effect (unlike List). I have the feeling that I'm missing something obvious.
Thank you!
Unfortunately, the Masonry component does not currently support a scrollTop prop (other than a partial support required to work with WindowScroller). I would be willing to review a PR adding this functionality, but whether it landed would depend on the complexity. :)

Vaadin grid horizontal scroll

I want to avoid horizontal scroll in Vaadin grid and oblige column to be resized according to the screen. I tried grid.setExpandRatio() but I have no change.
Have you any idea please?
The Vaadin Grid component provides width control for each column. See API doc.
You can set expand ratio of each column that is added when additional free space is available beside the space that is required for each column. But this doesn't help in your case. The best way I found so far is to set a maximum width for a column that is suitable for shrinking.

JqGrid add vertical scroll with horizontal scolling

jqGrid offers a bunch of fantastic features, but there is one feature missing that my customer keeps on complaining about (OK, he is never really satisfied with what he gets ) and that's proper vertical and horizontal scrolling. The grid I had to set up contains about 20 columns with some columns containing longer text so the grid won't even fit a 24″ screen. To properly layout the grid and the rest of the visual components (i.e. additional search and filter functions above the grid) I moved the grid to a scrolling div being about 95% of the screen width with a horizontal scrollbar to scroll the oversized grid, the problem with that workaround is that you won't see the vertical scrollbar of the grid itself, it only becomes visible if you first scroll to the right and that's not really comfortable.
Hope my explanation is comprehendible? If someone knows a good workaround, I would be eager to know it! Otherwise a "dual scrolling grid" would be a nice feature in 4.5
Thanks a lot!
Video example
jqGrid have many many options. It could be a problem with usage of jqGrid. The grid with many columns could be displayed in different ways.
One way is just to display full grid on the page and to use scrollbars of the browser windows. If you have simple page layout then the way could be really the best.
Another way could be to use shrinkToFit: false option. In the case you should specify the exact width values for columns in colModel. If you use shrinkToFit: false option you can set width option of jqGrid. In the case horizontal scrollbars will be placed in jqGrid.
In many cases the grid with many columns contains not always really interesting information for every user. So it can be helpful if you would provide columnCooser in the grid. Additionally you can save the users preferences in localStorage (see the answer and another one). It could improve user experience.
You don't wrote about the height of the grid, but the usage of height: "auto" produced typically good results.
