Windows SDK "Samples" dir is missing [closed] - windows

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to look at sample code for the Wlan API (MSDN link).
But C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\<version number>\Samples\ doesn't exist for me. The only directories there are:
I got my SDK (v7.0A) by installing the Visual Studio 2010 beta. OS is Windows Vista.


I can't find a download for the Windows Driver Kit 8.1 [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am unable to find a download for the Windows Driver Kit 8.1 and I need it to do driver builds from VS 2013. Or I need to upgrade my driver project to VS 2017. Any recommendations?
WDK 8.1
WDK 8.1 Update (via
The reason of removal: We removed the Windows 8.1 WDK downloads, because they do not meet our current requirements for downloadable files. They were signed by SHA-1 certificates, and we require SHA-2 certificates. As soon as we can rebuild and test these versions of the WDK, we will replace them.

WAMP requires Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 : VC 11 however that is no longer available on the microsoft website [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Visual Studio 2012 : VC 11 vcredist_x64/86.exe is no longer available on the Microsoft website though I need it to run WAMP.
This is the link to where the download is supposed to be:
How can I get these files ? Is there any third party downloads ?
Yes, WAMPServer support have added an installer for all the MSVC Redist libraries to the Secondary repository of Wampserver files which you can find here. For some reason MS keep messing with the location of these downloads.
Secondary repository of Wampserver files
Scroll down to the botton of that page and look for Microsoft VC++ packages VC2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015 zip files
You can also find the link on the WAMPServer Forum page called WAMPServer 3 All you need to know

Updating Visual Studio 2010 [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I downloaded Microsoft Visual 2010 Express for Windows Phone, but now i want to have the Visual C++ in it for my project. How do i do that?
You can't use C++ in Windows Phone 7 projects. You'll have to wait for Windows Phone 8 to be able to use C++.

Where can I find the Mac Office 2011 developer details? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm wanting to learn about the API and add-on capability of the Mac version of Office, 2011.
I cannot find any documentation on MSDN - it must be hidden well. Can someone point me at it please? Thank you.
You can find the the Mac Office 2011 VBA reference docs at
In almost all cases, the PC version of Office 2010 VBA references are concurrent with the Mac Office 2011 versions, but you can locate the Object Model Changes from Microsoft - Product - 2010 on each product under the Visual Basic Help page and you'll see what may have been added, removed or changed. For example, here is the Object Model Changes from Microsoft Word 2010.

Good source for studying professional software development with Visual Studio 2010? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I spent a lot of time reading blogs and tutorials on the Net regarding how to do this and that with VS2010, but I thought it would be better to learn it in a more systematic way.
Do you know of a good website/book that will teach me how to use Visual Studio 2010/2008 Team System + Microsoft Project to perform various tasks from Project Management to code development and testing in the way the software was designed for?
Thank you.
Go to the supplier ;o) Microsoft has a nice section dedicated to Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training
From the ad I'm seeing to the right at this very moment:
