How do I get the selected item of an NSOutlineView with using my own data source.
I see I can get selectedRow but it returns a row ID relative to the state of the outline. The only way to do it is to track the expanded collapsed state of the items, but that seems ridiculous.
I was hoping for something like:
array = [outlineViewOutlet selectedItems];
I looked at the other similar questions, they dont seem to answer the question.
NSOutlineView inherits from NSTableView, so you get nice methods such as selectedRow:
id selectedItem = [outlineView itemAtRow:[outlineView selectedRow]];
Swift 5
NSOutlineView has a delegate method outlineViewSelectionDidChange
func outlineViewSelectionDidChange(_ notification: Notification) {
// Get the outline view from notification object
guard let outlineView = notification.object as? NSOutlineView else {return}
// Here you can get your selected item using selectedRow
if let item = outlineView.item(atRow: outlineView.selectedRow) {
Bonus Tip: You can also get the parent item of the selected item like this:
func outlineViewSelectionDidChange(_ notification: Notification) {
// Get the outline view from notification object
guard let outlineView = notification.object as? NSOutlineView else {return}
// Here you can get your selected item using selectedRow
if let item = outlineView.item(atRow: outlineView.selectedRow) {
// Get the parent item
if let parentItem = outlineView.parent(forItem: item){
#Dave De Long: excellent answer, here is the translation to Swift 3.0
#objc private func onItemClicked() {
if let item = outlineView.item(atRow: outlineView.clickedRow) as? FileSystemItem {
print("selected item url: \(item.fileURL)")
Shown is a case where item is from class FileSystemItem with a property fileURL.
My view-based outline view displays a custom context menu (right-click menu) for its rows.
One of the menu items on the menu is "Rename...", and the menu item's representedObject property is set to the object represented by the outline view row:
let menu = NSMenu()
// ...other menu items...
let renameItem = NSMenuItem(
title: "Rename...",
action: #selector(OutlineViewController.rename(_:)),
keyEquivalent: "")
renameItem.representedObject = object
On the action side, I want to make the text field in the table cell editable, programmatically. The problem is, I am not sure of how to get a reference to the table cell from the represented object alone.
This is my action method:
#IBAction func rename(_ sender: Any) {
guard let menuItem = sender as? NSMenuItem else { return }
guard let item = menuItem.representedObject else { return }
I can get the row for the represented object (Int):
let row = outlineView.row(forItem: item)
...and the row view (NSTableRowView):
let rowView = outlineView.rowView(atRow: row, makeIfNecessary: false)
I can get the column index (Int) and column (NSTableColumn):
let columnIndex = outlineView.column(withIdentifier: "TitleColumn")
let column = outlineView.tableColumns[columnIndex]
...and attempt to get the cell view (NSTableCellView):
guard let cell = outlineView(outlineView, viewFor: column, item: item) as? NSTableCellView else {
Finally, I try to make the text field editable:
guard let textField = cell.textField else {
All these test pass (I set breakpoints), but nothing happens: The text field does not become editable (unlike when double clicking).
What am I doing wrong?
Edit I have realized that when I call:
outlineView(outlineView, viewFor: column, item: item)
This is basically the NSOutlineViewDelegate method that my view controller is implementing, so instead of giving me the cell already on screen, it is creating a new copy on demand. Kind of like calling
// Data source method, creates or dequeues a new cell to pass
// back to the table for display
...instead of calling:
// Method of table view proper; returns existing cell if
// already on screen, or defers to the data source (method
// above) otherwise
So instead of calling a delegate method that creates the cell view anew, I should query the outline view itself. However, the only meaningful method I can see is:
func rowView(atRow row: Int, makeIfNecessary: Bool) -> NSTableRowView?
...which returns an NSTableRowView...
Solved it. Just had to dig a little deeper into the API:
// Get row index
let row = outlineView.row(forItem: item)
// Get view for the whole row:
guard let rowView = outlineView.rowView(atRow: row, makeIfNecessary: false) else {
// THIS is the missing piece: Get row subview for the given column
// (= cell)
guard let cell = rowView?.view(atColumn: 0) as? NSTableCellView else {
Now I have a reference to the actual text field already on screen, and it becomes editable:
Everyone discussed about how to get rid of the blue outline during right click... but me.
Instead, I'm trying to display the blue outline.
I didn't get any outline when I right clicked my outline view row. The menu appeared but the outline wasn't. You can see that the blue outline is not visible in this picture below:
Below is what I'm trying to achieve.
This is how I implemented the NSMenu. I subclassed the NSOutlineView and made a new protocol to override NSOutlineViewDelegate.
This idea was to make it simple by letting the NSOutlineView ask the NSMenu for each item, so we can implement different menu for each item. It works but the blue outline view doesn't show up during right click.
import Cocoa
#objc protocol KRMenuOutlineViewDelegate: NSOutlineViewDelegate {
// This method will ask NSMenu for each item in outline view
func outlineView(_ outlineView: KRMenuOutlineView, menuFor item: Any, event: NSEvent) -> NSMenu?
class KRMenuOutlineView: NSOutlineView {
override var delegate: NSOutlineViewDelegate? {
didSet {
if let newValue = delegate {
* Swift doesn't support overriding inherited properties with different type
* like Objective C Does, therefore we need internal delegate.
internalDelegate = unsafeBitCast(newValue, to: KRMenuOutlineViewDelegate.self)
} else {
internalDelegate = nil
private var internalDelegate: KRMenuOutlineViewDelegate?
override func menu(for event: NSEvent) -> NSMenu? {
let point = self.convert(event.locationInWindow, from: nil)
if let item = self.item(atRow: self.row(at: point)) {
return self.internalDelegate?.outlineView(self, menuFor: item, event: event)
return event)
Then, I use it in my view controller like this:
extension KRTreeViewController: KRMenuOutlineViewDelegate {
func outlineView(_ outlineView: KRMenuOutlineView, menuFor item: Any, event: NSEvent) -> NSMenu? {
let menu = NSMenu(title: "Contextual Menu")
menu.delegate = self
let key = String(utf16CodeUnits: [unichar(NSBackspaceCharacter)], count: 1) as String
let deleteMenuItem = menu.addItem(withTitle: "Delete",
action: #selector(didClickMenuItem(_:)),
keyEquivalent: key)
deleteMenuItem.representedObject = myItem = self
return menu
#objc fileprivate func didClickMenuItem(_ menuItem: NSMenuItem) {
// ...
How to properly show a context menu:
If you have created your menu using a storyboard:
First, go to the storyboard and add the menu to the viewController that contains the outlineView.
Then make it an #IBOutlet so you can reference it later.
In a method like viewDidLoad(), add the menu to the outlineView by calling = myMenu
where myMenu can either be the one you created in Interface Builder or in code.
You can run the app now and should see the blue outline around the cell.
The problem now is that you don't know which cell the user has clicked.
To fix this, set yourself as the delegate of myMenu and adopt the NSMenuDelegate protocol.
func menuNeedsUpdate(_ menu: NSMenu) {
let row = self.outlineView.clickedRow
guard row != -1 else { return }
for item in menu.items {
item.representedObject = row
Here you can do whatever you need. This implementation sets the rowIndex as the representedObject of each menu item. Keep in mind that this only works on static outlineViews (ones that don't change in the background) and menus which only go one level deep.
You could also store the index or object represented by the cell (if the outlineView is not static) in a local variable.
I am incredibly new to this, so please keep that in mind!
I've been at this all night, watched countless videos/haunted
countless forums...I can't find one single answer!
I am trying to make a basic popup menu in Swift/OSX What I need to figure out is:
How can I add more than the 'three items' to this menu
Whatever is selected in the popup, for that info to send an integer
value to another number.
I very much would appreciate your help, Thanks.
A NSPopupButton is a container for a bunch of NSMenuItem objects so to add an item you can use
func addItemWithTitle(_ title: String!)
The NSMenuItem gets constructed for you by the call.
and as you may wish to start from scratch you can use
func removeAllItems()
To clean existing items from the button.
There are also other methods around moving and removing menu items from the button.
A NSPopupButton is-a NSControl so you can use var action: Selector to set the action sent when an item is selected and var target: AnyObject! to control which object receives the message. Or just wire it up in Interface Builder.
protocol FooViewDelegate{
func itemWithIndexWasSelected(value:Int)
class FooViewController: NSViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var myPopupButton: NSPopUpButton!
var delegate: FooViewDelegate?
let allTheThings = ["Mother", "Custard", "Axe", "Cactus"]
override func viewDidLoad() {
func buildMyButton() {
myPopupButton.addItemsWithTitles(allTheThings) = self
myPopupButton.action = "myPopUpButtonWasSelected:"
#IBAction func myPopUpButtonWasSelected(sender:AnyObject) {
if let menuItem = sender as? NSMenuItem, mindex = find(allTheThings, menuItem.title) {
All the button construction can be done in Interface Builder rather than code too. Remember that you can duplicate items with CMD-D or you can drag new NSMenuItem objects into the button.
I have a view-based NSTableView where all the cells are editable. I need to refresh the data from the model every time the user modifies a textField from the view.
All the doc I find is related to the cell-based NSTableView.
Does anyone have a clue about this?
I'm using data source to populate this NSTableView.
This is the code of the Controller of the NSTableView
class ViewController: NSViewController, NSTableViewDelegate, NSTableViewDataSource {
#IBOutlet var globalView: NSView!
#IBOutlet var songsTableView: NSTableView!
var tableContents = NSMutableArray()
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
for (song) in songManager.songs {
var obj = Dictionary<String,String>()
obj["title"] = song.title
obj["artist"] = song.artist
func numberOfRowsInTableView(tableView: NSTableView) -> Int {
return tableContents.count
func tableView(tableView: NSTableView, viewForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSView?{
var obj = tableContents[row] as Dictionary<String,String>
let column = tableColumn?.identifier
var cellView = tableView.makeViewWithIdentifier(column!, owner: self) as NSTableCellView
if column == "title" {
cellView.textField?.stringValue = obj["title"]!
if column == "artist" {
cellView.textField?.stringValue = obj["artist"]!
cellView.textField?.editable = true
return cellView
And this is the code of the class that manages the data.
var songManager = SongManager()
struct song {
var title = "No name"
var artist = "No artist"
class SongManager: NSObject {
var songs = [song]()
func addSong(title: String, artist: String) {
songs.append(song(title: title, artist: artist))
I have not touched the row that the storyboard creates by default, so I guess it contains a single NSTextField.
I get to display the data, but cannot detect when the user tried to modify a textfield.
Given how things are currently set up, the simplest approach is probably to connect the text field's action selector to an action method on a target, such as your controller. You can do that in IB or in your tableView(_:viewForTableColumn:row:) method.
In that action method, you can call songsTableView.rowForView(sender) to determine which row was edited. Each column's text field would have a different action method, such as changeTitle() or changeArtist(), so that you know which column was edited. (You could also use songsTableView.columnForView(sender), then get the table column by using the index in songsTableView.tableColumns[col], and checking the returned column's identifier. For that, you would assign specific identifiers to the columns rather than letting IB assign them automatically.)
Once you have the row, you look up your dictionary using var obj = tableContents[row] as Dictionary<String,String> and set the value for the key appropriate to the action method (or column identifier) to the sender's stringValue.
I'm using a WKWebView in a Mac OS X application. I want to override the contextual menu that appears when the user Control + clicks or right clicks in the WKWebView, but I cannot find a way to accomplish this.
It should be noted that the context menu changes depending on the state of the WKWebView and what element is under the mouse when the context menu is invoked. For example, the context menu only has a single "Reload" item when the mouse is over an "empty" part of the content, whereas right clicking a link presents the options "Open Link", "Open Link In New Window", and so on. It would be helpful to have granular control over these different menus if possible.
The older WebUIDelegate provides the - webView:contextMenuItemsForElement:defaultMenuItems:
method that allows you to customize the context menu for WebView instances; I'm essentially looking for the analog to this method for WKWebView, or any way to duplicate the functionality.
You can do this by intercepting the contextmenu event in your javascript, reporting the event back to your OSX container through a scriptMessageHandler, then popping up a menu from OSX. You can pass context back through the body field of the script message to show an appropriate menu, or use a different handler for each one.
Setting up callback handler in Objective C:
WKUserContentController *contentController = [[WKUserContentController alloc]init];
[contentController addScriptMessageHandler:self name:#"callbackHandler"];
config.userContentController = contentController;
self.mainWebView = [[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame configuration:config];
Javascript code using jquery:
$(nodeId).on("contextmenu", function (evt) {
window.webkit.messageHandlers.callbackHandler.postMessage({body: "..."});
Responding to it from Objective C:
-(void)userContentController:(WKUserContentController *)userContentController didReceiveScriptMessage:(WKScriptMessage *)message
if ([ isEqualToString:#"callbackHandler"]) {
[self popupMenu:message.body];
-(void)popupMenu:(NSString *)context {
NSMenu *theMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:#"Context Menu"];
[theMenu insertItemWithTitle:#"Beep" action:#selector(beep:) keyEquivalent:#"" atIndex:0];
[theMenu insertItemWithTitle:#"Honk" action:#selector(honk:) keyEquivalent:#"" atIndex:1];
[theMenu popUpMenuPositioningItem:theMenu.itemArray[0] atLocation:NSPointFromCGPoint(CGPointMake(0,0)) inView:self.view];
-(void)beep:(id)val {
NSLog(#"got beep %#", val);
-(void)honk:(id)val {
NSLog(#"got honk %#", val);
You can intercept context menu items of the WKWebView class by subclassing it and implementing the willOpenMenu method like this:
class MyWebView: WKWebView {
override func willOpenMenu(_ menu: NSMenu, with event: NSEvent) {
for menuItem in menu.items {
if menuItem.identifier?.rawValue == "WKMenuItemIdentifierDownloadImage" ||
menuItem.identifier?.rawValue == "WKMenuItemIdentifierDownloadLinkedFile" {
menuItem.action = #selector(menuClick(_:)) = self
#objc func menuClick(_ sender: AnyObject) {
if let menuItem = sender as? NSMenuItem {
Swift.print("Menu \(menuItem.title) clicked")
Instead of this you can also simply hide the menu items with menuItem.isHidden = true
Detecting the chosen menu item is one thing, but knowing what the user actually clicked in the WKWebView control is the next challenge :)
It's also possible to add new menu items to the menu.items array.
Objective C solution. The best solution is to subclass WKWebView and intercept mouse clicks. It works great.
#implementation WKReportWebView
// Ctrl+click seems to send this not rightMouse
-(void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)event
if(event.modifierFlags & NSEventModifierFlagControl)
return [self rightMouseDown:event];
[super mouseDown:event]; // Catch scrollbar mouse events
-(void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
NSMenu *rightClickMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:#"Print Menu"];
[rightClickMenu insertItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(#"Print", nil) action:#selector(print:) keyEquivalent:#"" atIndex:0];
[NSMenu popUpContextMenu:rightClickMenu withEvent:theEvent forView:self];
This answer builds on the excellent answers in this thread.
The challenges in working with the WKWebView's context menu are:
It can only be manipulated in a subclass of WKWebView
WebKit does not expose any information about the HTML element that the user right-clicked on. Thus, information about the element must be intercepted in JavaScript and plumbed back into Swift.
Intercepting and finding information about the element the user clicked on happens by injecting JavaScript into the page prior to rendering, and then by establishing a callback into Swift. Here is the class that I wrote to do this. It works on the WKWebView's configuration object. It also assumes that there is only one context menu available at a time:
class GlobalScriptMessageHandler: NSObject, WKScriptMessageHandler {
public private(set) static var instance = GlobalScriptMessageHandler()
public private(set) var contextMenu_nodeName: String?
public private(set) var contextMenu_nodeId: String?
public private(set) var contextMenu_hrefNodeName: String?
public private(set) var contextMenu_hrefNodeId: String?
public private(set) var contextMenu_href: String?
static private var WHOLE_PAGE_SCRIPT = """
window.oncontextmenu = (event) => {
var target =
var href = target.href
var parentElement = target
while (href == null && parentElement.parentElement != null) {
parentElement = parentElement.parentElement
href = parentElement.href
if (href == null) {
parentElement = null;
nodeName: target.nodeName,
hrefNodeName: parentElement?.nodeName,
hrefId: parentElement?.id,
private override init() {
public func ensureHandles(configuration: WKWebViewConfiguration) {
var alreadyHandling = false
for userScript in configuration.userContentController.userScripts {
if userScript.source == GlobalScriptMessageHandler.WHOLE_PAGE_SCRIPT {
alreadyHandling = true
if !alreadyHandling {
let userContentController = configuration.userContentController
userContentController.add(self, name: "oncontextmenu")
let userScript = WKUserScript(source: GlobalScriptMessageHandler.WHOLE_PAGE_SCRIPT, injectionTime: .atDocumentStart, forMainFrameOnly: false)
func userContentController(_ userContentController: WKUserContentController, didReceive message: WKScriptMessage) {
if let body = message.body as? NSDictionary {
contextMenu_nodeName = body["nodeName"] as? String
contextMenu_nodeId = body["id"] as? String
contextMenu_hrefNodeName = body["hrefNodeName"] as? String
contextMenu_hrefNodeId = body["hrefId"] as? String
contextMenu_href = body["href"] as? String
Next, to enable this in your WKWebView, you must subclass it and call GlobalScriptMessageHandler.instance.ensureHandles in your constructor:
class WebView: WKWebView {
public var webViewDelegate: WebViewDelegate?
init() {
super.init(frame: CGRect(), configuration: WKWebViewConfiguration())
GlobalScriptMessageHandler.instance.ensureHandles(configuration: self.configuration)
Finally, (as other answers have pointed out,) you override the context menu handler. In this case I changed the action in target for the "Open Link" menu item. You can change them as you see fit:
override func willOpenMenu(_ menu: NSMenu, with event: NSEvent) {
for index in 0...(menu.items.count - 1) {
let menuItem = menu.items[index]
if menuItem.identifier?.rawValue == "WKMenuItemIdentifierOpenLink" {
menuItem.action = #selector(openLink(_:)) = self
And then, in your method to handle the menu item, use GlobalScriptMessageHandler.instance.contextMenu_href to get the URL that the user right-clicked:
#objc func openLink(_ sender: AnyObject) {
if let url = GlobalScriptMessageHandler.instance.contextMenu_href {
let url = URL(string: url)!
self.load(URLRequest(url: url))
Following the answers already given I was able to modify the menu and also found a way get the URL that was selected by the user. I suppose this approach can also be used to get an image or any other similar content selected, and I'm hoping this can help other folks.
This is written using Swift 5
This approach consists on performing the action from the menu item "Copy Link", so that the URL gets copied into the paste board, then retrieving the URL from the paste board to use it on a new menu item.
Note: Retrieving the URL from the pasteboard needs to be called on an async closure, allowing time for the URL to first be copied into it.
final class WebView: WKWebView {
override func willOpenMenu(_ menu: NSMenu, with: NSEvent) {
menu.items.first { $0.identifier?.rawValue == "WKMenuItemIdentifierCopyLink" }.map {
guard let action = $0.action else { return }
NSApp.sendAction(action, to: $, from: $0)
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
let newTab = NSMenuItem(title: "Open Link in New Tab", action: #selector(self?.openInNewTab), keyEquivalent: "") = self
newTab.representedObject = NSPasteboard.general.string(forType: .string)
#objc private func openInNewTab(_ item: NSMenuItem) {
print(item.representedObject as? String)