CodeIgniter Validation Callback not being Called - validation

My callback function from validation rules isn’t being called.
The other validation rules for that field ARE being called
$rules[‘login_name’] = “required|max_length[12]|alpha_dash|callback__check_login_name”;
function _check_login_name($login_name) {
echo "here"; // DOESNT WORK
So in the above line, required, max_length, alpha_dash are being called, but the callback isn't.

It could be that the method is somehow not readable out of scope. Does it work when you simply call _check_login_name manually (from outside of the class)? If that is not the issue, then have you tried placing echo's in the system folder's Form_validation.php? Place a series in after line 581. After that, more code will be needed in order to give more help.

For testing, try this instead of the echo:
function _check_login_name($login_name) {
$this->form_validation->set_message('_check_login_name', 'The callback was called.');
return FALSE;
Per the callbacks entry in the CI manual:
"If your callback returns anything other than a boolean TRUE/FALSE it is assumed that the data is your newly processed form data."

I have a feeling that you're using the old validation class. Try the new Form Validation Class. I think there was a bug with that in the old one.


Laravel 5.4 : Dynamic validation rule

I kind of struggle to find the answer to my question, and my test don't prove to be useful. So maybe someone here would have hit the same issue that I'm facing.
I have inputs with the following kind of patterned name projects-0-1, project-0-2, project-1-0 and so on... These are file inputs so people can upload a document/an image.
So basically, I've been trying to get a validation message that would (ideally) be something like that:
$validator->getMessageBag()->add('project-*-*', 'File is empty!');
$validator->getMessageBag()->add('project-*', 'File is empty!');
I tried a couple of things already and nothing seems to work.
The reason I get to add a custom message is that file is simply not validated if it comes empty to the $request object. So I first need to check if the $request->hasFile and in case it doesn't I want to add the error message.
Things to consider:
inputs can be dynamically added to the form, so I don't know the exact number of file inputs I need to validate beforehand.
even if this should not impact the code and validation, it's worth noticing that everything happens through ajax as I embed the form on another website. Therefore I created endpoints etc...
Any hint ?
Right, coming back here in case someone faces that issue too. I found a "hacky" way to get there and it does the trick for me.
As each input file is dynamically added to the DOM, I add an extra hidden input that holds the name of the file input as a value.
Then in my controller I do smth like that:
public function createValuesKeyArray ($preset)
$regexPattern = '/^'. $preset .'-[0-9]*$/';
$customPresets = preg_grep($regexPattern, array_keys(Input::all()));
$keys = [];
foreach ($customPresets as $customPreset) {
array_push($keys, $customPreset);
return $keys;
// This allows me to get all hidden input names in an array in order to get its value from the $request
$hiddenInputs = $this->createValuesKeyArray('hidden-project-name');
Once I get this array, I can do stuff like that and dinamycally add my set of rules for the input files present in the DOM:
foreach($hiddenInputs as $hiddenInput){
$globalRules[$request[$hiddenInput]] = 'required';
Not sure if this the right way to get there, but it does the job for me and I don't find that code horrible. I'll stick with it until I find a better way.

Grails: object is being saved although it has errors

I'm having a problem while trying to validate and save domain object.
First I'm making the validation, when the validation is wrong, I'm putting error inside my future to be saved object, like this:
myDomain.errors.reject("An Error")
Then, when I'm trying to save this object, I can see that error list has one error but 'validate()' returns 'true', also, when the function is finished the object is being saved automatically.
I must say that all the called functions are in the same class which is a controller.
I need to know how to code my save function (in the controller class) which shows only the error without saving the object, and when the validation is good, to save the object.
myDomain.validate() will overwrite myDomain.errors clearing the reject(). You could do something like this:
// bind etc.
// do grails validation
if (!myDomain.validate()) {
// do custom validation
if (custom validation has errors) {
myDomain.errors.reject ()
If you can move you custom validation into a validator on myDomain you do not need the custom validation.
You don't need to call save() explicitly.
The fix was to use:
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
For the function which located in the service file.
It makes the function to avoid from saving transactions in the end of it, which caused the problem in the first place.

iup.GetParam in LUA: data validation in the callback function

LUA novice, experimenting with GUI using iup.GetParam using LUA 5.1.
I have a simple use of iup.GetParam (which works fine with a simple callback function testing for OK & Cancel) and am trying to add some simple data validation for the parameters (e.g. testing a parameter for being alphanumeric), but am unsure of the correct approach.
I've searched the reference manual (and for code examples), but drawn a blank so far.
Using the string validation example, if I want to reject the
character entered by the user and display the old value of the
parameter, do I simply return 0 from the callback function, or, do
I also have to reset the value of the parameter to its previous
value before the return? Or is the right approach something
completely different?
In either case, do I have to refresh / update the GUI display with a
separate iup call, or does GetParam handle that for me?
Whatever combination I try, it doesn't appear to work (the parameter happily displays the non-alphanumerics). Debugging shows the validation test and return working as coded, so the advice I'm seeking is to get confirmation of the right approach. Sharing a simple working example would be great.
simply return 0
No, IUP will do everything for you, in this case
Download the "getparam.wlua" from the examples folder, then add to its callback this:
elseif (param_index == 1) then
return 0
You will notice that the integer value is now read-only.

How do I do cross-entity server-side validation

In my application, I have cross-entity validation logic that requires me to look at the entire change set and I'm doing this using the BeforeSaveEntities override.
I can construct the right logic by examining the saveMap parameter, but what am I supposed to do if I find something invalid?
If I throw an exception, like I would for single entity validation in the BeforeSaveEntity override, the whole save is aborted and the error is reported to the client. But some of the entities might be valid so I would want to save those and only abort the invalid parts.
Because BeforeSaveEntities returns a saveMap, I think I should be able to remove the invalid entities from the change set and continue to save the valid entities, but then how do I report the invalid parts to the client?
Is it possible to do a partial save of only the valid entities and at the same time, report a sensible error to the client to describe the parts of the save that failed?
Jay told you the way it is.
I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for Breeze to change because I think yours is a rare scenario and it isn't one we would want to encourage anyway.
But I'm weird and I can't stop thinking what I'd do if were you and I absolutely HAD to do it. I might try something like this.
Warning: this is pseudo-code and I'm making this up. I do not recommend or warrant this
Create a custom MyCustomEFContextProvider that derives from EFContextProvider.
Give it an ErrorEntities property to hold the error object
Override (shadow) the SaveChanges method with another that delegates to the base
public new CustomSaveResult SaveChanges(JObject saveBundle,
TransactionSettings transactionSettings = null) {
var result = base.SaveChanges(saveBundle, transactionSettings);
// learn about CustomSaveResult below
return new CustomSaveResult(this.ErrorEntities, result);
Catch an invalid entity inside BeforeSaveEntities
Pass it with error message to your custom ErrorEntities property
You get to that property via the EntityInfo instance as in
((MyCustomEFContextProvider) info.ContextProvider).ErrorEntities.Add(new ErrorEntity(info, message));
Remove the invalid entity from the SaveMap so it won't be included in the actual save
Let the save continue
The second line of your override SaveChanges method creates a new instance of your CustomSaveResult from the standard one and returns that to the caller.
public class CustomSaveResult : SaveResult {
public List ErrorEntities;
public CustomSaveResult(List errorEntities, SaveResult result){
// copy over everything
this.Entities = result.Entities;
this.KeyMappings = result.KeyMappings;
this.Errors = this.Errors;
// and now your error stuff
this.ErrorEntities = errorEntities;
Let's assume the caller is your Web API controller's SaveChanges method. Well you don't have to change a thing but you might make it clear by explicitly returning your custom SaveResult:
readonly MyCustomEFContextProvider _contextProvider = new MyCustomEFContextProvider();
public CustomSaveResult SaveChanges(JObject saveBundle) {
return _contextProvider.SaveChanges(saveBundle);
JSON.Net will happily serialize the usual material + your custom ErrorEntities property (be sure to make it serializable!) and send it to the Breeze client.
On the Breeze client you write your own variation on the stock Breeze Web API data service adapter. Yours does almost exactly the same thing as the Breeze version. But, when processing the save payload from the server, it also extracts this extra "error entities" material in the response and does whatever you want to do with it.
I don't know what that will be but now you have it.
See how easy that was? LOL.
Breeze does not currently support a save mechanism that both saves and returns an error at the same time. While possible this seems a bit baroque.
As you pointed out, you can
1) Throw an exception inside of the BeforeSaveEntities and fail the save. You can even specify which specific entity or entities caused the failure and why. In this case the entire save is aborted.
2) Remove 'bad' items from the saveMap within the BeforeSaveEntities and save only a subset of what was passed in. In this case you are performing a partial save.
But we don't support a hybrid of these two. Please add this to the Breeze User Voice if you feel strongly and we can see if other members of the community feel that this would be useful.

Codeigniter form validation, custom check doesn't work if the field is not required

Gah.. I have spent way to long on this, but I believe I have found the problem.
Essentially I have a hidden field which is populated when a user clicks on an image.
It is required that the user has clicked the image but I do not want the generic form error message for a 'required' check with the CI form validation class.
As such I quickly made a image_required function in my extended form validation class, and set a rule such that this rule was applied to the hidden field.
function image_required($str)
$CI =& get_instance();
$CI->form_validation->set_message('image_required','Please click the image above.');
if($str != '')
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
If the hidden field was blank no error was being called.
I am led to believe now that this is because CI says this field is empty yet it is not 'required', therefore we will ignore all the other validation rules for the field. Is this correct?
If so how can i go about requiring this field be set but having a custom error message?
bangs head
If you look at the source code (v2.1.3) for the '_execute' routine (system/libraries/Form_validation.php) you will see on line 486
// If the field is blank, but NOT required, no further tests are necessary
So you are correct, it needs to be required and then it will process your rule.
In order to fix it so you can have a non-required blank field that still processes rules, you should override the '_execute' method by creating a file called 'MY_Form_validation.php' in the application/libraries folder (I think, you might need to check exactly how you extend an existing library) and then copy the '_execute' method and alter the code to continue on a non-required but blank entry.
I do love CI, but I have to say this does not allow the flexibility required. It is perfectly reasonable to have a field that cannot be empty, but is NOT required. As in, you wouldn't enforce "user MUST enter a value", but they cannot submit a blank. I think someone got confused between EMPTY and REQUIRED.
1) REQUIRED: User MUST put a value in the field and it cannot be empty (i.e. '')
2) EMPTY: User does not HAVE to enter a value, BUT, if they do, it's cannot be empty. This not the same as REQUIRED... Looks like I'll be using a callback again.
REQUIRED incorporates two logical steps (1->Must enter a value, and 2->Cannot be empty) these two steps should be separated logically to allow either / or.
In constraint terms it would be either, REQUIRED, NOT NULL. Or NOT REQUIRED, NOT NULL.
