Why Doesn't Applescript Exit After Background Shell Job? - applescript

I can created an (very) simple applescript app to run Firefox background & exit. (The reason is I have different profiles for work & home). My script is basically:
do shell script
-no-remote -P 'Personal' &"
It works, but the script/app doesn't exit until I quit Firefox. How can I fix that?

You need to redirect stdout and stderr somewhere. The do shell script command knows that the pipes it setup for the program's stdout and stderr are still open, so it waits for them to be closed.
do shell script "/Applications/firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox -no-remote -P 'Personal' > /dev/null 2>&1 &"


Why does this nested bash command with subshells hang? [duplicate]

I have a script (lets call it parent.sh) that makes 2 calls to a second script (child.sh) that runs a java process. The child.sh scripts are run in the background by placing an & at the end of the line in parent.sh. However, when i run parent.sh, i need to press Ctrl+C to return to the terminal screen. What is the reason for this? Is it something to do with the fact that the child.sh processes are running under the parent.sh process. So the parent.sh doesn't die until the childs do?
child.sh param1a param2a &
child.sh param1b param2b &
exit 0
java com.test.Main
echo "Main Process Stopped" | mail -s "WARNING-Main Process is down." user#email.com
As you can see, I don't want to run the java process in the background because i want to send a mail out when the process dies. Doing it as above works fine from a functional standpoint, but i would like to know how i can get it to return to the terminal after executing parent.sh.
What i ended up doing was to make to change parent.sh to the following
child.sh param1a param2a > startup.log &
child.sh param1b param2b > startup2.log &
exit 0
I would not have come to this solution without your suggestions and root cause analysis of the issue. Thanks!
And apologies for my inaccurate comment. (There was no input, I answered from memory and I remembered incorrectly.)
The following link from the Linux Documentation Project suggests adding a wait after your mail command in child.sh:
Summary of the above document
Within a script, running a command in the background with an ampersand (&)
may cause the script to hang until ENTER is hit. This seems to occur with
commands that write to stdout. It can be a major annoyance.
As Walter Brameld IV explains it:
As far as I can tell, such scripts don't actually hang. It just
seems that they do because the background command writes text to
the console after the prompt. The user gets the impression that
the prompt was never displayed. Here's the sequence of events:
Script launches background command.
Script exits.
Shell displays the prompt.
Background command continues running and writing text to the
Background command finishes.
User doesn't see a prompt at the bottom of the output, thinks script
is hanging.
If you change child.sh to look like the following you shouldn't experience this annoyance:
java com.test.Main
echo "Main Process Stopped" | mail -s "WARNING-Main Process is down." user#gmail.com
Or as #SebastianStigler states in a comment to your question above:
Add a > /dev/null at the end of the line with mail. mail will otherwise try to start its interactive mode.
This will cause the mail command to write to /dev/null rather than stdout which should also stop this annoyance.
Hope this helps
The process was still linked to the controlling terminal because STDOUT needs somewhere to go. You solved that problem by redirecting to a file ( > startup.log ).
If you're not interested in the output, discard STDOUT completely ( >/dev/null ).
If you're not interested in errors, either, discard both ( &>/dev/null ).
If you want the processes to keep running even after you log out of your terminal, use nohup — that effectively disconnects them from what you are doing and leaves them to quietly run in the background until you reboot your machine (or otherwise kill them).
nohup child.sh param1a param2a &>/dev/null &

Running bash script does not return to terminal when using ampersand (&) to run a subprocess in the background

I have a script (lets call it parent.sh) that makes 2 calls to a second script (child.sh) that runs a java process. The child.sh scripts are run in the background by placing an & at the end of the line in parent.sh. However, when i run parent.sh, i need to press Ctrl+C to return to the terminal screen. What is the reason for this? Is it something to do with the fact that the child.sh processes are running under the parent.sh process. So the parent.sh doesn't die until the childs do?
child.sh param1a param2a &
child.sh param1b param2b &
exit 0
java com.test.Main
echo "Main Process Stopped" | mail -s "WARNING-Main Process is down." user#email.com
As you can see, I don't want to run the java process in the background because i want to send a mail out when the process dies. Doing it as above works fine from a functional standpoint, but i would like to know how i can get it to return to the terminal after executing parent.sh.
What i ended up doing was to make to change parent.sh to the following
child.sh param1a param2a > startup.log &
child.sh param1b param2b > startup2.log &
exit 0
I would not have come to this solution without your suggestions and root cause analysis of the issue. Thanks!
And apologies for my inaccurate comment. (There was no input, I answered from memory and I remembered incorrectly.)
The following link from the Linux Documentation Project suggests adding a wait after your mail command in child.sh:
Summary of the above document
Within a script, running a command in the background with an ampersand (&)
may cause the script to hang until ENTER is hit. This seems to occur with
commands that write to stdout. It can be a major annoyance.
As Walter Brameld IV explains it:
As far as I can tell, such scripts don't actually hang. It just
seems that they do because the background command writes text to
the console after the prompt. The user gets the impression that
the prompt was never displayed. Here's the sequence of events:
Script launches background command.
Script exits.
Shell displays the prompt.
Background command continues running and writing text to the
Background command finishes.
User doesn't see a prompt at the bottom of the output, thinks script
is hanging.
If you change child.sh to look like the following you shouldn't experience this annoyance:
java com.test.Main
echo "Main Process Stopped" | mail -s "WARNING-Main Process is down." user#gmail.com
Or as #SebastianStigler states in a comment to your question above:
Add a > /dev/null at the end of the line with mail. mail will otherwise try to start its interactive mode.
This will cause the mail command to write to /dev/null rather than stdout which should also stop this annoyance.
Hope this helps
The process was still linked to the controlling terminal because STDOUT needs somewhere to go. You solved that problem by redirecting to a file ( > startup.log ).
If you're not interested in the output, discard STDOUT completely ( >/dev/null ).
If you're not interested in errors, either, discard both ( &>/dev/null ).
If you want the processes to keep running even after you log out of your terminal, use nohup — that effectively disconnects them from what you are doing and leaves them to quietly run in the background until you reboot your machine (or otherwise kill them).
nohup child.sh param1a param2a &>/dev/null &

Applescript: Making a self-quitting script

I have an applescript which launches an application on computer startup.
The problem is that the script stays open in the background and prevents the machine from restarting, unless I force-quit the said script (The script is saved as an application).
How do I make the script quit itself after performed the actions?
Here is what I have (On OSX 10.8):
on run
do shell script "#!/bin/sh
# luxconsole control
/Applications/LuxRender/LuxRender.app/Contents/MacOS/luxconsole &"
end run
Try this way:
on run
do shell script "/Applications/... > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
end run
Try This;
do shell script "killall -yourapp-"
put that at the end of your script

Shell Script Start a Server and return

I have a shell script that starts a server. I actually ssh into my server and run the shell script. As soon as it starts, it logs everything to the console and the console does not return. The problem starts when I close my Machine, the ssh connection is disconnected and the server that I started is shutdown. I guess I need to start the server and return from the shell. Here is what I have so far:
java -Xmx1G -Dhttp.port=8080 -Dconfig.file=MyProject/conf/application.conf -cp ".:MyProject/lib/*" play.core.server.NettyServer .
exit 0
Any suggestions on how to return after calling this shell script?
After ssh to the server Just backgrounding your script (./myscript &) will not daemonize it. You must disconnect stdin, stdout, and stderr, and make it ignore the hangup signal (SIGHUP).
nohup ./myscript 0<&- &>/dev/null &
will do the job. Or, to capture all output:
nohup ./myscript 0<&- &> my.admin.log.file &
To avoid script termination on ssh session close use nohup (No hangup) with output redirection to a log file:
nohup bash /path/to/startScript.sh > script.log 2>&1 &
You can redirect stdout and stderr to files, background and disown the process (or nohup it) and then exit the script.
However, the correct way to do this is to use some kind of process manager daemon like upstart.

SSH doesnt exit from command line

I ssh to another server and run a shell script like this nohup ./script.sh 1>/dev/null 2>&1 &
Then type exit to exit from the server. However it just hangs. The server is Solaris.
How can I exit properly without hanging??
I assume that this script is a long running one. In this case you need to detach the process from the terminal that you wish to close when you terminate your ssh session.
Actually you already done most of the work by reassigning both stdout and stderr to /dev/null, however you didn't do that for stdin.
I used the test case of:
ssh localhost
nohup sleep 10m &> /dev/null &
# hangs
ssh localhost
nohup sleep 10m &> /dev/null < /dev/null &
# exits
I second the recommendation to use the excellent gnu screen, that will do this service for you, among others.
Oh, and have you considered running the script directly and not within a shell? I.e.:
ssh user#host script.sh
If you're trying to leave a command running remotely after you close your SSH link, I strongly recommend you use screen and learn to detach the screen. That's much better than leaving background processes around; it also lets you reconnect and see what the process is up to.
Since you haven't provided us with script.sh, I don't think we can know for sure why the command is hanging.
You can use the command :
This command close the ssh session.
sh -c ./script.sh &
