Image shrink in Expression blend - image

I am designing a picture in Expression Blend. I need some help with the sizing of the images. If I don't specify any size, it will render the image at full size, but I want it to be restricted by height and width. If the window resizes, the images should resize.

Set the Stretch property to Uniform.

Have you tried setting the height and width of the picture to 100%


Drag and drop custom image: at what size does the system automatically fade the outer edge?

I'm using IDragSourceHelper::InitializeFromBitmap() to create an image behind the mouse cursor during a drag & drop. It works great, but for larger images, it seems that the system will do a transparency fade around the edges of the image. That is reasonable, however I would like to keep the image size below that limit. So how do I programmatically find the size limit that the system is using?
The outer edges of drag image are blended out if the image width or height exceeds 300 pixels.
For example, here is a bitmap that has a width of 300 pixels.
And here is the same bitmap resized to a width of 301 pixels.

Image map re-sizing

I have been looking to dynamically scale a image map with coordinates to a div, so when re-sizing a window occurs the map and all coordinates are scaled accordingly.
any suggestions on how to do this?
i think this may work
but with the alternate option of :enter a bounding area and the map will be clipped to within that area.
my question then is how do i establish a bounding area, will it scale dynamically to that whole area?
This jQuery plugin works great for scaling and rescaling image maps on the fly. You can call this once, and it will take care of all image maps on the page. It will even rescale an image map if something happens that changes an image's dimensions.
If you weren't just using the div to solve the image map scaling problem, you could put a blank image (a completely transparent .gif or .png) in your div with the image map applied to it and set its width and height to 100%.

How to decrease image size(height, width) without losing its resolution and quality

I want to decrease height and width of a image without losing its resolution, so afterwards if i want to make image height and width as original, it looks same.
I dont know how this can be achieved. Will just changing image's height and width and later increasing will result in loss of resolution to image?
Got to the Image > Image Size > Resample Image and select Bicubic Sharper from the dropdown menu and you can get the output

Magento product thumbnail, how to set it to be proportional

I wan't to set my product thumbnails in Magento to proportionally fit the frame.
At the moment if I upload a rectangular image, the thumbnail will display the width of the rectangle and will leave the space left as white.
I need it to proportionally zooms in the image until both the width and height is met.
Been looking for extensions that do this, but no luck so far!
Here is a page that will help with the image options
The option to stop it rendering the white space is:
You may need to also play with some of the other options to get it to your minimum dimensions. There aren't any options that clip the image, so you'll have to hide the excess image in css with overflow:hidden;

Window border width and height

I'm writing a direct3d application and after noticing strange bugs such as anti-aliasing occurring even when it was turned off and the mouse pointer not lining up to things with the same coordinates as itself I discovered that when creating a window the width and height parameters include the border. The program was rendering a 800x600 graphics output to a window of the same size, but because of the borders it was squished into 792x566 rectangle. I've increased the size of the window to compensate, but this does not work if the system uses a border style other the standard XP style. (Classic style, for example)
Is there a way to tell what the border width and heights will be before I create the window?
Another option would be to make sure the D3D surface is the same size as the client rectangle size (GetClientRect()). Then you know you'll render to the appropriate size and not have to worry at all about the width of menus, borders, etc.
It sounds like you are looking for the GetSystemMetrics function. For example, the border width in pixels is returned by
ADDED: For the total size you will need to add together the various "pieces" of the non-client area: border, frame sizes, title bars, etc.
