Spring: escaping input when binding to command - spring

How do you handle the case where you want user input from a form to be htmlEscape'd when
you are binding to a command object?
I want this to sanitize input data automatically in order to avoid running through all fields in command object.

If you are using a FormController you can register a new property editor by overriding the initBinder(HttpServletReques, ServletRequestDataBinder) method. This property editor can escape the html, javascript and sql injection.
If you are using a property editor the values from the request object will be processed by the editor before assigning to the command object.
When we register a editor we have to specify the type of the item whose values has to be processed by the editor.
Sorry, now I don't the syntax of the method. But I'm sure this is how we have achieved this.
I think the following syntax can work
In your controller override the following method as shown
protected void initBinder(HttpServletRequest request,
ServletRequestDataBinder binder) throws Exception {
super.initBinder(request, binder);
new StringEscapeEditor(true, true, false));
Then create the following property editor
public class StringEscapeEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport {
private boolean escapeHTML;
private boolean escapeJavaScript;
private boolean escapeSQL;
public StringEscapeEditor() {
public StringEscapeEditor(boolean escapeHTML, boolean escapeJavaScript,
boolean escapeSQL) {
this.escapeHTML = escapeHTML;
this.escapeJavaScript = escapeJavaScript;
this.escapeSQL = escapeSQL;
public void setAsText(String text) {
if (text == null) {
} else {
String value = text;
if (escapeHTML) {
value = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(value);
if (escapeJavaScript) {
value = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(value);
if (escapeSQL) {
value = StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(value);
public String getAsText() {
Object value = getValue();
return (value != null ? value.toString() : "");
Hopes this helps you

You can use #Valid and #SafeHtml from hibernate validator. See details at https://stackoverflow.com/a/40644276/548473


Pass method argument in Aspect of custom annotation

I'm trying to use something similar to org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable :
Custom annotation:
public #interface CheckEntity {
String message() default "Check entity msg";
String key() default "";
public class CheckEntityAspect {
#Before("execution(* *.*(..)) && #annotation(checkEntity)")
public void checkEntity(JoinPoint joinPoint, CheckEntitty checkEntity) {
System.out.println("running entity check: " + joinPoint.getSignature().getName());
public class EntityServiceImpl implements EntityService {
#CheckEntity(key = "#id")
public Entity getEntity(Long id) {
return new Entity(id);
My IDE (IntelliJ) doesn't see anything special with the key = "#id" usage in contrast to similar usages for Cacheable where it's shown with different color than plain text. I'm mentioning the IDE part just as a hint in case it helps, it looks like the IDE is aware in advance about these annotations or it just realizes some connection which doesn't exist in my example.
The value in the checkEntity.key is '#id' instead of an expected number.
I tried using ExpressionParser but possibly not in the right way.
The only way to get parameter value inside the checkEntity annotation is by accessing the arguments array which is not what I want because this annotation could be used also in methods with more than one argument.
Any idea?
Adding another simpler way of doing it using Spring Expression. Refer below:
Your Annotation:
public #interface CheckEntity {
String message() default "Check entity msg";
String keyPath() default "";
Your Service:
public class EntityServiceImpl implements EntityService {
#CheckEntity(keyPath = "[0]")
public Entity getEntity(Long id) {
return new Entity(id);
#CheckEntity(keyPath = "[1].otherId")
public Entity methodWithMoreThanOneArguments(String message, CustomClassForExample object) {
return new Entity(object.otherId);
class CustomClassForExample {
Long otherId;
Your Aspect:
public class CheckEntityAspect {
#Before("execution(* *.*(..)) && #annotation(checkEntity)")
public void checkEntity(JoinPoint joinPoint, CheckEntitty checkEntity) {
Object[] args = joinPoint.getArgs();
ExpressionParser elParser = new SpelExpressionParser();
Expression expression = elParser.parseExpression(checkEntity.keyPath());
Long id = (Long) expression.getValue(args);
// Do whatever you want to do with this id
// This works for both the service methods provided above and can be re-used for any number of similar methods
PS: I am adding this solution because I feel this is a simpler/clearner approach as compared to other answers and this might be helpful for someone.
Thanks to #StéphaneNicoll I managed to create a first version of a working solution:
The Aspect
public class CheckEntityAspect {
protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
private ExpressionEvaluator<Long> evaluator = new ExpressionEvaluator<>();
#Before("execution(* *.*(..)) && #annotation(checkEntity)")
public void checkEntity(JoinPoint joinPoint, CheckEntity checkEntity) {
Long result = getValue(joinPoint, checkEntity.key());
logger.info("result: " + result);
System.out.println("running entity check: " + joinPoint.getSignature().getName());
private Long getValue(JoinPoint joinPoint, String condition) {
return getValue(joinPoint.getTarget(), joinPoint.getArgs(),
((MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature()).getMethod(), condition);
private Long getValue(Object object, Object[] args, Class clazz, Method method, String condition) {
if (args == null) {
return null;
EvaluationContext evaluationContext = evaluator.createEvaluationContext(object, clazz, method, args);
AnnotatedElementKey methodKey = new AnnotatedElementKey(method, clazz);
return evaluator.condition(condition, methodKey, evaluationContext, Long.class);
The Expression Evaluator
public class ExpressionEvaluator<T> extends CachedExpressionEvaluator {
// shared param discoverer since it caches data internally
private final ParameterNameDiscoverer paramNameDiscoverer = new DefaultParameterNameDiscoverer();
private final Map<ExpressionKey, Expression> conditionCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(64);
private final Map<AnnotatedElementKey, Method> targetMethodCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(64);
* Create the suitable {#link EvaluationContext} for the specified event handling
* on the specified method.
public EvaluationContext createEvaluationContext(Object object, Class<?> targetClass, Method method, Object[] args) {
Method targetMethod = getTargetMethod(targetClass, method);
ExpressionRootObject root = new ExpressionRootObject(object, args);
return new MethodBasedEvaluationContext(root, targetMethod, args, this.paramNameDiscoverer);
* Specify if the condition defined by the specified expression matches.
public T condition(String conditionExpression, AnnotatedElementKey elementKey, EvaluationContext evalContext, Class<T> clazz) {
return getExpression(this.conditionCache, elementKey, conditionExpression).getValue(evalContext, clazz);
private Method getTargetMethod(Class<?> targetClass, Method method) {
AnnotatedElementKey methodKey = new AnnotatedElementKey(method, targetClass);
Method targetMethod = this.targetMethodCache.get(methodKey);
if (targetMethod == null) {
targetMethod = AopUtils.getMostSpecificMethod(method, targetClass);
if (targetMethod == null) {
targetMethod = method;
this.targetMethodCache.put(methodKey, targetMethod);
return targetMethod;
The Root Object
public class ExpressionRootObject {
private final Object object;
private final Object[] args;
public ExpressionRootObject(Object object, Object[] args) {
this.object = object;
this.args = args;
public Object getObject() {
return object;
public Object[] getArgs() {
return args;
I think you probably misunderstand what the framework is supposed to do for you vs. what you have to do.
SpEL support has no way to be triggered automagically so that you can access the actual (resolved) value instead of the expression itself. Why? Because there is a context and as a developer you have to provide this context.
The support in Intellij is the same thing. Currently Jetbrains devs track the places where SpEL is used and mark them for SpEL support. We don't have any way to conduct the fact that the value is an actual SpEL expression (this is a raw java.lang.String on the annotation type after all).
As of 4.2, we have extracted some of the utilities that the cache abstraction uses internally. You may want to benefit from that stuff (typically CachedExpressionEvaluator and MethodBasedEvaluationContext).
The new #EventListener is using that stuff so you have more code you can look at as examples for the thing you're trying to do: EventExpressionEvaluator.
In summary, your custom interceptor needs to do something based on the #id value. This code snippet is an example of such processing and it does not depend on the cache abstraction at all.
Spring uses internally an ExpressionEvaluator to evaluate the Spring Expression Language in the key parameter (see CacheAspectSupport)
If you want to emulate the same behaviour, have a look at how CacheAspectSupport is doing it. Here is an snippet of the code:
private final ExpressionEvaluator evaluator = new ExpressionEvaluator();
* Compute the key for the given caching operation.
* #return the generated key, or {#code null} if none can be generated
protected Object generateKey(Object result) {
if (StringUtils.hasText(this.metadata.operation.getKey())) {
EvaluationContext evaluationContext = createEvaluationContext(result);
return evaluator.key(this.metadata.operation.getKey(), this.methodCacheKey, evaluationContext);
return this.metadata.keyGenerator.generate(this.target, this.metadata.method, this.args);
private EvaluationContext createEvaluationContext(Object result) {
return evaluator.createEvaluationContext(
this.caches, this.metadata.method, this.args, this.target, this.metadata.targetClass, result);
I don't know which IDE you are using, but it must deal with the #Cacheable annotation in a different way than with the others in order to highlight the params.
Your annotation can be used with methods with more than 1 parameter, but that doesn't mean you can't use the arguments array. Here's a sollution:
First we have to find the index of the "id" parameter. This you can do like so:
private Integer getParameterIdx(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, String paramName) {
MethodSignature methodSignature = (MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature();
String[] parameterNames = methodSignature.getParameterNames();
for (int i = 0; i < parameterNames.length; i++) {
String parameterName = parameterNames[i];
if (paramName.equals(parameterName)) {
return i;
return -1;
where "paramName" = your "id" param
Next you can get the actual id value from the arguments like so:
Integer parameterIdx = getParameterIdx(joinPoint, "id");
Long id = joinPoint.getArgs()[parameterIdx];
Of course this assumes that you always name that parameter "id". One fix there could be to allow to specify the parameter name on the annotation, something like
public #interface CheckEntity {
String message() default "Check entity msg";
String key() default "";
String paramName() default "id";

Converter from #PathVariable DomainObject to String? (using ControllerLinkBuilder.methodOn)

I'm trying to call Spring's ControllerLinkBuilder.methodOn() with a non-String type, which always fails. And I don't know which kind of Converter to use and where to register it.
Here's my Controller:
class CompanyController {
#RequestMapping(value="/{c}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
void getIt(#PathVariable Company c) {
Link link = linkTo(methodOn(getClass()).getIt(c));
The System.out.println(c) works well. My Company Domain object get's fetched from DB. (I'm using DomainClassConverter)
But the other way doesn't work: ConverterNotFoundException: No converter found capable of converting from type #PathVariable Company to type String
Do I just need a Converter<Company, String>? And where should I register it? I tried something within the addFormatters(FormatterRegistry registry) method of WebMvcConfigurationSupport, but it did just display the same error. But after all I'm not sure what exactly I tried...
I had the same issue, it is a bug. If you don't want to do copy & paste on every controller you can try something like this in your WebMvcConfigurationSupport. It works for me.
public void addFormatters(final FormatterRegistry registry) {
try {
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("org.springframework.hateoas.mvc.AnnotatedParametersParameterAccessor$BoundMethodParameter");
Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField("CONVERSION_SERVICE");
DefaultFormattingConversionService service = (DefaultFormattingConversionService) field.get(null);
for (Converter<?, ?> converter : beanFactory.getBeansOfType(Converter.class).values()) {
catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
Found a "solution". It requires a lot copy & paste from Spring's classes, but at least it works!
Basically I had to copy org.springframework.hateoas.mvc.AnnotatedParametersParameterAccessor and change two lines:
class AnnotatedParametersParameterAccessor {
static class BoundMethodParameter {
// OLD: (with this one you can't call addConverter())
// private static final ConversionService CONVERSION_SERVICE = new DefaultFormattingConversionService();
// NEW:
private static final FormattingConversionService CONVERSION_SERVICE = new DefaultFormattingConversionService();
public BoundMethodParameter(MethodParameter parameter, Object value, AnnotationAttribute attribute) {
// ADD:
CONVERSION_SERVICE.addConverter(new MyNewConverter());
This class get's used by ControllerLinkBuilderFactory. So I had to copy & paste that, too.
And this one get's used by ControllerLinkBuilder. Also copy & paste.
My Converter just does myDomainObject.getId().toString():
public class MyNewConverter implements Converter<Company, String> {
public String convert(Company source) {
return source.getId().toString();
Now you can use the copy&pasted ControllerLinkBuilder inside the controller and it works as expected!
I developed a framework to render links in spring hateoas and it supports annotated parameters (#PathVariable and #RequestParam) and arbitrary parameters types.
In order to render these arbitrary types you have to create a spring bean that implements com.github.osvaldopina.linkbuilder.argumentresolver.ArgumentResolver interface.
The interface has 3 methods:
public boolean resolveFor(MethodParameter methodParameter)
Is used to determine if the ArgumentResolver can be used to deal with the methodParameter. For example:
public boolean resolveFor(MethodParameter methodParameter) {
return UserDefinedType.class.isAssignableFrom(methodParameter.getParameterType());
Defines that this ArgumentResover will be used for UserDefinedType.
public void augmentTemplate(UriTemplateAugmenter uriTemplateAugmenter, MethodParameter methodParameter)
Is used to include in the uriTemplate associated with the method the proper template parts. For example:
public void augmentTemplate(UriTemplateAugmenter uriTemplateAugmenter, MethodParameter methodParameter) {
adds 2 query parameters (value1 and value2) to the uri template.
public void setTemplateVariables(UriTemplate template, MethodParameter methodParameter, Object parameter, List<String> templatedParamNames)
Sets in the template the values for the template variables. For example:
public void setTemplateVariables(UriTemplate template, MethodParameter methodParameter, Object parameter, List<String> templatedParamNames) {
if (parameter != null && ((UserDefinedType) parameter).getValue1() != null) {
template.set("value1", ((UserDefinedType) parameter).getValue1());
else {
template.set("value1", "null-value");
if (parameter != null && ((UserDefinedType) parameter).getValue2() != null) {
template.set("value2", ((UserDefinedType) parameter).getValue2());
else {
template.set("value2", "null-value");
gets the UserDefinedType instance and use it to sets the templates variables value1 and value2 defined in augmentTemplate method.
A ArgumentResolver complete example would be:
public class UserDefinedTypeArgumentResolver implements ArgumentResolver {
public boolean resolveFor(MethodParameter methodParameter) {
return UserDefinedType.class.isAssignableFrom(methodParameter.getParameterType());
public void augmentTemplate(UriTemplateAugmenter uriTemplateAugmenter, MethodParameter methodParameter) {
public void setTemplateVariables(UriTemplate template, MethodParameter methodParameter, Object parameter, List<String> templatedParamNames) {
if (parameter != null && ((UserDefinedType) parameter).getValue1() != null) {
template.set("value1", ((UserDefinedType) parameter).getValue1());
else {
template.set("value1", "null-value");
if (parameter != null && ((UserDefinedType) parameter).getValue2() != null) {
template.set("value2", ((UserDefinedType) parameter).getValue2());
else {
template.set("value2", "null-value");
and for the following link builder:
.queryParameterForUserDefinedType(new UserDefinedType("v1", "v2"));
to the following method:
public void queryParameterForUserDefinedType(UserDefinedType userDefinedType) {
would generate the following link:
"_links": {
"user-type": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/user-defined-type?value1=v1&value2=v2"
full config in spring boot. same as Franco Gotusso's answer just provide more detail.
* This configuration file is to fix bug of Spring Hateoas.
* please check https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-hateoas/issues/118.
public class MvcConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public void addFormatters(final FormatterRegistry registry) {
try {
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("org.springframework.hateoas.mvc."
+ "AnnotatedParametersParameterAccessor$BoundMethodParameter");
Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField("CONVERSION_SERVICE");
DefaultFormattingConversionService service =
(DefaultFormattingConversionService) field.get(null);
for (Formatter<?> formatter : applicationContext
.getBeansOfType(Formatter.class).values()) {
for (Converter<?, ?> converter : applicationContext
.getBeansOfType(Converter.class).values()) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);

Wicket: Label with default text if model empty + CompoundPropertyModel

I have:
public FooPage( ... ) {
this.setDefaultModel( new CompoundPropertyModel(new GenericIdLDM( Foo.class, 1)) );
add(new Label("title"));
I'd like to have $subj.
I've found this solution from 2007 (point below) : http://www.mail-archive.com/wicket-user#lists.sourceforge.net/msg29603.html
However, it wouldn't work for CPM as it needs the constructor with model.
How could I make it work with CPM?
public class DefaultTextModel extends AbstractReadOnlyModel<String> {
private final IModel<String> delegate;
private final String def;
public DefaultTextModel(String def, IModel delegate) {
this.def = def;
this.delegate = delegate;
public String getObject() {
String s = delegate.getObject();
return (Strings.isEmpty(s)) ? def : s;
public void detach() {
You could have a custom Converter for your label. I think the better reflects your intentions as well. See for example https://cwiki.apache.org/WICKET/using-custom-converters.html#Usingcustomconverters-InWicket1.4
Other option could be JavaScript, check if the span is empty and then provide the default value.
I can override Label#initModel():
protected IModel<?> initModel() {
return new DefaultTextModel(defaultModel, super.initModel());
A simpler solution is to override Label#onComponentTagBody() and just apply the default text there.
(Sven Meier replied on the mailing list)

Autocomplete using advanced model in wicket

First I want to say I saw a site:
Still I have some problem with implementation.
I have form where want to edit Order from my database.
I want to autocomplete client's name in form and save it to database.
I can see suggestions of client names and I can choose which client's name I'll use.
Just when I submit form new client won't be saved in order, in database.
I don't know how to relate form Model with AutoCompleteTextField input.
Any ideas ?
Pseudo code of my classes:
Long id;
String date;
Client client;
Status status;
Long id;
String name;
String nip;
String address;
String postcode;
String city;
String phone;
String mail;
Long id;
String name;
String value;
Yes you are right.
My implementation of AbstractAutoCompleteTextField from site:
AbstractAutoCompleteRenderer autoCompleteRenderer = new AbstractAutoCompleteRenderer() {
protected final String getTextValue(final Object object) {
Client client = (Client) object;
return client.getName();
protected final void renderChoice(final Object object, final Response response, final String criteria) {
// textfield
AbstractAutoCompleteTextField<Client> name = new AbstractAutoCompleteTextField<Client>("name", new PropertyModel(order, "client"), autoCompleteRenderer) {
protected final List<Client> getChoiceList(final String input) {
return clientService.findByNames(10, 0, input);
protected final String getChoiceValue(final Client choice) throws Throwable {
return choice.getId().toString();
My form implementation you asked for:
form = new Form("orderForm", new CompoundPropertyModel(order)) {
public void onSubmit() {
orderService.update((Order) getDefaultModelObject());
// Form validation successful. Display message showing edited
// model.
With this code I got: "'Hurtownia Techniczna "ADA"' is not proper Client." (translated from Polish) in feedback panel.
I think, that's where things go wrong:
AbstractAutoCompleteTextField<Client> name = new AbstractAutoCompleteTextField<Client>("name", new PropertyModel(order, "client"), autoCompleteRenderer)
Rest of the answer edited to reflect the correct use case
To be specific: You're creating a PropertyModel of your orders client value, which is a Client-Object and tie it to a TextField. To create a Client-object from the TextField, wicket needs a converter. There are lots of build-in converters but none of them is capable of converting to a custom object. Thus you'll need to provide the converter by implementing IConverter. Since I don't know how you store and retrieve your Client-objects I can only show you a generic example, a Locale-Converter used in one of my projects:
public class LocaleConverter implements IConverter {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3251433094703013493L;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* #see org.apache.wicket.util.convert.IConverter#convertToObject(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale)
public Object convertToObject(String value, Locale locale) {
Locale retValue = null;
try {
retValue = LocaleUtils.toLocale(value);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw (new ConversionException("" + value + " is not a valid locale.", e));
return retValue;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* #see org.apache.wicket.util.convert.IConverter#convertToString(java.lang.Object, java.util.Locale)
public String convertToString(Object value, Locale locale) {
return value.toString();
Then you'll need to register your new converter to your application. Again, this will be slightly different for you since you've got a different converter...
protected IConverterLocator newConverterLocator() {
ConverterLocator newConverterLocator = (ConverterLocator) super.newConverterLocator();
newConverterLocator.set(Locale.class, new LocaleConverter());
return newConverterLocator;
This method needs to be included in your application class.

Spring 3 Custom Editor field replacement

Having my ValueObject
UserVO {
long id;
String username;
I created custom editor for parsing this object from string id#username
public class UserVOEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport {
public void setAsText(String text) throws IllegalArgumentException {
Preconditions.checkArgument(text != null,"Null argument supplied when parsing UserVO");
String[] txtArray = text.split("\\#");
Preconditions.checkArgument(txtArray.length == 2, "Error parsing UserVO. Expected: id#username");
long parsedId = Long.valueOf(txtArray[0]);
String username = txtArray[1];
UserVO uvo = new UserVO();
public String getAsText() {
UserVO uvo = (UserVO) getValue();
return uvo.getId()+'#'+uvo.getUsername();
in my controller i register
public void initBinder(ServletRequestDataBinder binder) {
binder.registerCustomEditor(UserVO.class, new UserVOEditor());
having in my model object ModelVO
ModelVO {
Set<UserVO> users = new HashSet<UserVO>();
after custom editor is invoked all you can see after form submission is
ModelVO {
Set<String> users (linkedHashSet)
so when trying to iterate
for(UserVO uvo : myModel.getUser()){ .. }
Im having classCastException .. cannot cast 1234#username (String) to UserVO ..
It is not magic, it is because of Generics will be only proved at compile time. So you can put every thing in a Set at runtime, no one will check if you put the correct type in the Set.
What you can try, to make spring a bit more clever, is to put the ModelVO in your command object.
<form:form action="whatEver" method="GET" modelAttribute="modelVO">
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView whatEver(#Valid ModelVO modelVO){
