Linux commands to output part of input file's name and line count - bash

What Linux commands would you use successively, for a bunch of files, to count the number of lines in a file and output to an output file with part of the corresponding input file as part of the output line. So for example we were looking at file LOG_Yellow and it had 28 lines, the the output file would have a line like this (Yellow and 28 are tab separated):
Yellow 28

wc -l [filenames] | grep -v " total$" | sed s/[prefix]//
The wc -l generates the output in almost the right format; grep -v removes the "total" line that wc generates for you; sed strips the junk you don't want from the filenames.

wc -l * | head --lines=-1 > output.txt
produces output like this:
linecount1 filename1
linecount2 filename2
I think you should be able to work from here to extend to your needs.
edit: since I haven't seen the rules for you name extraction, I still leave the full name. However, unlike other answers I'd prefer to use head rather then grep, which not only should be slightly faster, but also avoids the case of filtering out files named total*.
edit2 (having read the comments): the following does the whole lot:
wc -l * | head --lines=-1 | sed s/LOG_// | awk '{print $2 "\t" $1}' > output.txt

wc -l *| grep -v " total"
28 Yellow
You can reverse it if you want (awk, if you don't have space in file names)
wc -l *| egrep -v " total$" | sed s/[prefix]//
| awk '{print $2 " " $1}'

Short of writing the script for you:
'for' for looping through your files.
'echo -n' for printing the current file
'wc -l' for finding out the line count
And dont forget to redirect
('>' or '>>') your results to your
output file


The flow of stdout from combined commands

I need to edit a bash script that sorts .vcf files. vcf files are roughly structured as shown below:
## header line
## header line
Data line
Data line
The script is called vcfsort and is part of a library for manipulating vcf files. It looks like this:
head -1000 $1 | grep "^#"; cat $# | grep -v "^#" | sort -k1,1d -k2,2n
And it is run by writing vcfsort input.vcf > output.vcf.
I understand roughly what it does: since sorting should only be done on the data lines, it gets the header lines:
head -1000 $1 | grep "^#";
And combines it with sorted data lines:
cat $# | grep -v "^#" | sort -k1,1d -k2,2n
I need the head command to read more lines. Instead of calling vcfsort like above, I thought I could just edit the script myself and write it out directly as a command like this:
head -10000 input.vcf | grep "^#"; cat input.vcf | grep -v "^#" | sort -k1,1d -k2,2n > output.vcf
This does not work as expected. My attempt above writes the correct output to stdout, if I leave out > output.vcf. However, if I include it, only the data lines are written to file and the header lines are written to stdout. So, I have a couple of questions:
In this stack overflow answer, it is said that to combine
semicolon-separated commands, they should be enclosed in parentheses. Why is that not the case in the vcfsort script?
Why is $# used in the cat command instead of $1? $# should refer to all of a shell scripts arguments, but since only one is given (the input file), why not just use $1? If there is a reason for this, how can I transfer that to my command line expression?
Why do I only get part of the stdout when I send it to a file?
Could you show me the edits I need to make to get my command to work as intended?
So the script gets first 1000 lines of first file!
Separates header, and basically just copy all comments in those first 1000 lines to output.
Next, it filters all comments lines (leaving only data lines) for all files, and does sorting.
so if you use
vcfsort file1 file2 file3
$1 = "file1" and header from file1 only will be presented in output.
while $# referring to all files: "file1 file2 file3"
if you need to get headers from all files and merge it - I would recommend to use loop.
for file in $#; do
head -1000 $file | grep "^#";
cat $# | grep -v "^#" | sort -k1,1d -k2,2n
Why do I only get part of the stdout when I send it to a file?
head -10000 input.vcf | grep "^#"; cat input.vcf | grep -v "^#" | sort -k1,1d -k2,2n > output.vcf
Each command executing separatelly (divided by semicolon ";"). So in example above you just redirecting data lines output after sorting. It doesn't redirect to file header part.
I would recommend to delete redirecting to file and just use:
vcfsort input.vcf > output.vcf
This does not work as expected
May I know what was expected?
There are two command lists, separated by a ;, inside vcfsort:
head -1000 $1 | grep "^#"
cat $# | grep -v "^#" | sort -k1,1d -k2,2n
Each list is a single pipeline. The final two commands in each pipeline inherit their standard output from vcfsort, so that when you run
vcfsort input.vcf > output.vcf
both grep and sort write to output.vcf.
The equivalent using braces would be (replacing ; with a newline for readability)
# Quoting the parameter expansions is important, to protect
# against word-splitting and pathname expansion of the original arguments.
{ head -1000 "$1" | grep "^#"
cat "$#" | grep -v "^#" | sort -k1,1d -k2,2n
} > output.vcf
Output redirections apply only to a single command, not a command list. Here, a command group serves as that single command:
the standard output of the command group is output.vcf, and the two lists in the group inherit that just as before.
Your attempt
head -10000 input.vcf | grep "^#"; cat input.vcf | grep -v "^#" | sort -k1,1d -k2,2n > output.vcf
only opened output.vcf to use as the standard output for sort; the standard output of grep remains whatever standard output it inherits from its parent, namely your terminal.

File Name comparision in Bash

I have two files containing list of files. I need to check what files are missing in the list of second file. Problem is that I do not have to match full name, but only need to match last 19 Characters of the file names.
are same files.
This is a unique problem and I don't know how to start. Kindly help.
awk based solution:
$ awk '
{start=length($0) - 18;}
NR==FNR{a[substr($0, start)]++; next;} #save last 19 characters for every line in file2
{if(!a[substr($0, start)]) print $0;} #If that is not present in file1, print that line.
' file2.list file.list
First you can use comm to match the exact file names and obtain a list of files not matchig. Then you can use agrep. I've never used it, but you might find it useful.
Or, as last option, you can do a brute force and for every line in the first file search into the second:
# Iterate through the first file
while read LINE; do
# Find the section of the filename that has to match in the other file
CHECK_SECTION="$(echo "$LINE" | sed -nre 's/^.*([0-9]{14})\.(.*)$/\1.\2/p')"
# Create a regex to match the filenames in the second file
# Search...
egrep "$SEARCH_REGEX" inputFile_2.txt
done < inputFile_1.txt
Here I assumed the filenames end with 14 digits that must match in the other file and a file extension that can be different from file to file but that has to match too:
| variable | 14digits |.ext
So, if the first file is FILE1 and the second file is FILE2 then if the intention is only to identify the files in FILE2 that don't exist in FILE1, the following should do:
cat $FILE1 | rev | cut -c -19 | sort | uniq > ${tmp1}
cat $FILE2 | rev | cut -c -19 | sort | uniq > ${tmp2}
diff ${tmp1} ${tmp2} | rev
rm ${tmp1} ${tmp2}
In a nutshell, this reverses the characters on each line, and extracts the part you're interested in, saving to a temporary file, for each list of files. The reversal of characters is done since you haven't said whether or not the length of filenames is guaranteed to be constant---the only thing we can rely on here is that the last 19 characters are of a fixed format (in this case, although the format is easily inferred, it isn't really relevant). The sort is important in order for the diff to show you what's not in the second file that is in the first.
If you're certain that there will only ever be files missing from FILE2 and not the other way around (that is, files in FILE2 that don't exist in FILE1), then you can clean things up by removing the cruft introduced by diff, so the last line becomes:
diff ${tmp1} ${tmp2} | rev | grep -i xlsx | sed 's/[[:space:]]\+.*//'
The grep limits the output to those lines with xlsx filenames, and the sed removes everything on a line from the first space encountered onwards.
Of course, technically this only tells you what time-stamped-grouped groups of files exist in FILE1 but not FILE2--as I understand it, this is what you're looking for (my understanding of your problem description is that MyFile12343220150510230000.xlsx and MyFile99999620150510230000.xlsx would have identical content). If the file names are always the same length (as you subsequently affirmed), then there's no need for the rev's and the cut commands can just be amended to refer to fixed character positions.
In any case, to get the final list of files, you'll have to use the "cleaned up" output to filter the content of FILE1; so, modifying the script above so that it includes the "cleanup" command, we can filter the files that you need using a grep--the whole script then becomes:
cat $FILE1 | rev | cut -c -19 | sort | uniq > ${tmp1}
cat $FILE2 | rev | cut -c -19 | sort | uniq > ${tmp2}
diff ${tmp1} ${tmp2} | rev | grep -i xlsx | sed 's/[[:space:]]\+.*//' > ${missing}
grep -E "("`echo $(<${missing}) | sed 's/[[:space:]]/|/g'`")" ${tmp1}
rm ${tmp1} ${tmp2} ${missing}
The extended grep command (-E) just builds up an "or" regular expression for each timestamp-plus-extension and applies it to the first file. Of course, this is all assuming that there will never be timestamp-groups that exist in FILE2 and not in FILE1--if this is the case, then the "diff output processing" bit needs to be a little more clever.
Or you could use your standard coreutil tools:
for i in $(cat file1 file2 | sort | uniq -u); do
grep -q "$i" f1.txt && \
echo "f2 missing '$i'" || \
echo "f1 missing '$i'"
It will identify which non-common entries are missing from which file. You can also manipulate the non-common filenames in any way you like, e.g. parameter expansion/substring extraction, substring removal, or character indexes.

bash echo number of lines of file given in a bash variable without the file name

I have the following three constructs in a bash script:
echo $NUMOFLINES" lines"
echo $(wc -l $JAVA_TAGS_FILE)" lines"
echo "$(wc -l $JAVA_TAGS_FILE) lines"
And they both produce identical output when the script is run:
121711 /home/slash/.java_base.tag lines
121711 /home/slash/.java_base.tag lines
121711 /home/slash/.java_base.tag lines
I.e. the name of the file is also echoed (which I don't want to). Why do these scriplets fail and how should I output a clean:
121711 lines
An Example Using Your Own Data
You can avoid having your filename embedded in the NUMOFLINES variable by using redirection from JAVA_TAGS_FILE, rather than passing the filename as an argument to wc. For example:
Explanation: Use Pipes or Redirection to Avoid Filenames in Output
The wc utility will not print the name of the file in its output if input is taken from a pipe or redirection operator. Consider these various examples:
# wc shows filename when the file is an argument
$ wc -l /etc/passwd
41 /etc/passwd
# filename is ignored when piped in on standard input
$ cat /etc/passwd | wc -l
# unusual redirection, but wc still ignores the filename
$ < /etc/passwd wc -l
# typical redirection, taking standard input from a file
$ wc -l < /etc/passwd
As you can see, the only time wc will print the filename is when its passed as an argument, rather than as data on standard input. In some cases, you may want the filename to be printed, so it's useful to understand when it will be displayed.
wc can't get the filename if you don't give it one.
wc -l < "$JAVA_TAGS_FILE"
You can also use awk:
awk 'END {print NR,"lines"}' filename
awk 'END {print NR}' filename
(apply on Mac, and probably other Unixes)
Actually there is a problem with the wc approach: it does not count the last line if it does not terminate with the end of line symbol.
Use this instead
nbLines=$(cat -n file.txt | tail -n 1 | cut -f1 | xargs)
or even better (thanks gniourf_gniourf):
nblines=$(grep -c '' file.txt)
Note: The awk approach by chilicuil also works.
It's a very simple:
NUMOFLINES=$(wc -l $JAVA_TAGS_FILE | awk '{print $1}')
I normally use the 'back tick' feature of bash
export NUM_LINES=`wc -l filename`
Note the 'tick' is the 'back tick' e.g. ` not the normal single quote

Command to get nth line of STDOUT

Is there any bash command that will let you get the nth line of STDOUT?
That is to say, something that would take this
$ ls -l
-rw-r--r--# 1 root wheel my.txt
-rw-r--r--# 1 root wheel files.txt
-rw-r--r--# 1 root wheel here.txt
and do something like
$ ls -l | magic-command 2
-rw-r--r--# 1 root wheel files.txt
I realize this would be bad practice when writing scripts meant to be reused, BUT when working with the shell day to day it'd be useful to me to be able to filter my STDOUT in such a way.
I also realize this would be semi-trivial command to write (buffer STDOUT, return a specific line), but I want to know if there's some standard shell command to do this that would be available without me dropping a script into place.
Using sed, just for variety:
ls -l | sed -n 2p
Using this alternative, which looks more efficient since it stops reading the input when the required line is printed, may generate a SIGPIPE in the feeding process, which may in turn generate an unwanted error message:
ls -l | sed -n -e '2{p;q}'
I've seen that often enough that I usually use the first (which is easier to type, anyway), though ls is not a command that complains when it gets SIGPIPE.
For a range of lines:
ls -l | sed -n 2,4p
For several ranges of lines:
ls -l | sed -n -e 2,4p -e 20,30p
ls -l | sed -n -e '2,4p;20,30p'
ls -l | head -2 | tail -1
Alternative to the nice head / tail way:
ls -al | awk 'NR==2'
ls -al | sed -n '2p'
From sed1line:
# print line number 52
sed -n '52p' # method 1
sed '52!d' # method 2
sed '52q;d' # method 3, efficient on large files
From awk1line:
# print line number 52
awk 'NR==52'
awk 'NR==52 {print;exit}' # more efficient on large files
For the sake of completeness ;-)
shorter code
find / | awk NR==3
shorter life
find / | awk 'NR==3 {print $0; exit}'
Try this sed version:
ls -l | sed '2 ! d'
It says "delete all the lines that aren't the second one".
You can use awk:
ls -l | awk 'NR==2'
The above code will not get what we want because of off-by-one error: the ls -l command's first line is the total line. For that, the following revised code will work:
ls -l | awk 'NR==3'
Another poster suggested
ls -l | head -2 | tail -1
but if you pipe head into tail, it looks like everything up to line N is processed twice.
Piping tail into head
ls -l | tail -n +2 | head -n1
would be more efficient?
Is Perl easily available to you?
$ perl -n -e 'if ($. == 7) { print; exit(0); }'
Obviously substitute whatever number you want for 7.
Yes, the most efficient way (as already pointed out by Jonathan Leffler) is to use sed with print & quit:
set -o pipefail # cf. help set
time -p ls -l | sed -n -e '2{p;q;}' # only print the second line & quit (on Mac OS X)
echo "$?: ${PIPESTATUS[*]}" # cf. man bash | less -p 'PIPESTATUS'
sed did not work in my case.
I propose:
for "odd" lines 1,3,5,7... ls |awk '0 == (NR+1) % 2'
for "even" lines 2,4,6,8 ls |awk '0 == (NR) % 2'
For more completeness..
ls -l | (for ((x=0;x<2;x++)) ; do read ; done ; head -n1)
Throw away lines until you get to the second, then print out the first line after that. So, it prints the 3rd line.
If it's just the second line..
ls -l | (read; head -n1)
Put as many 'read's as necessary.

How do you pipe input through grep to another utility?

I am using 'tail -f' to follow a log file as it's updated; next I pipe the output of that to grep to show only the lines containing a search term ("org.springframework" in this case); finally I'd like to make is piping the output from grep to a third command, 'cut':
tail -f logfile | grep org.springframework | cut -c 25-
The cut command would remove the first 25 characters of each line for me if it could get the input from grep! (It works as expected if I eliminate 'grep' from the chain.)
I'm using cygwin with bash.
Actual results: When I add the second pipe to connect to the 'cut' command, the result is that it hangs, as if it's waiting for input (in case you were wondering).
Assuming GNU grep, add --line-buffered to your command line, eg.
tail -f logfile | grep --line-buffered org.springframework | cut -c 25-
I see grep buffering isn't the only problem here, as cut doesn't allow linewise buffering.
you might want to try replacing it with something you can control, such as sed:
tail -f logfile | sed -u -n -e '/org\.springframework/ s/\(.\{0,25\}\).*$/\1/p'
or awk
tail -f logfile | awk '/org\.springframework/ {print substr($0, 0, 25);fflush("")}'
On my system, about 8K was buffered before I got any output. This sequence worked to follow the file immediately:
tail -f logfile | while read line ; do echo "$line"| grep 'org.springframework'|cut -c 25- ; done
What you have should work fine -- that's the whole idea of pipelines. The only problem I see is that, in the version of cut I have (GNU coreutiles 6.10), you should use the syntax cut -c 25- (i.e. use a minus sign instead of a plus sign) to remove the first 24 characters.
You're also searching for different patterns in your two examples, in case that's relevant.
