Fastest way to debug Firefox addons during development - debugging

Debugging a Firefox addon is a slow process: (1) edit source code in a JS editor (2) package into XPI using a build script (3) drag into Firefox to install (4) restart Firefox (5) open the JavaScript Debugger
Can we speeden up the process? Like install it into Firefox without a restart, or configure the build script to install it into Firefox as well?

You'll want to locate your profile folder. Once you find it, go into the folder called 'extensions', and then locate the folder for the add-on you are working on. Replace that folder with a file of the same name (minus .xpi if that's part of the name), and inside the file place the full path to your source directory of the add-on.
In Linux and Mac, that'll look like:
And on Windows:
Remember the trailing slash and beware of extra whitespace.
As long as you don't use jar files inside your add-on, you will no longer have to rebuild (this is covered in a bit more depth here).
Additionally, you'll want to set nglayout.debug.disable_xul_cache to true. For edits to xul or js files, you'll just have to open up a new window to see your changes instead of restarting the application. There are other preferences here that you may find useful as well.
Extra tips:
Starting firefox with a certain profile (dev), while other firefox profile is open and with the debugger already on:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -no-remote -P dev -jsconsole
Check out the restart addon (saves time).

i use Netbeans with the Foxbeans Plugin for addon development, there you just press the "run button", and firefox starts up with the addon installed (into a test profile). maybe you should give this a try!

You need the "edit source" and "restart firefox" steps; they can't be removed from the process...
When you install the addon, the javascript ends up on disk, in your firefox profile. If you edit it in there, and restart firefox, the new stuff will be picked up. When you're done, create the xpi from the files in your profile. contains a good description of debugging FF extensions in venkman

Came here via google - FF nightly 31 has new tools for debugging add ons. Its a god send. Details here:

To make development of the add-on faster, an important goal is to eliminate restart of FF to test every code change. Three options that I can think of:
Use the FF nightly 31 build, based on the other answers in this post.
Use the following add-on
Build it in your code with a restartless add-on. Refer to the answer in this post firefox restartless bootstrap extension script not reloading
I have used the last two options and it works greatly for me.

You can also set dynamic breakpoints via the debugger keyword. Open the "Browser Toolbox" to make the debugger stop at the line.
I think it's nice because you don't have to lookup the source file and line after every restart.
Also take a look at this Debugging extension code in firefox answer which mention the improved debugger capabilities for restartless extensions since Firefox 23.

As of 2022 most of the old answers are quite outdated.
Installing unsigned extensions/addons/themes is not possible anymore for the Release versions of firefox, especially just copying them into the profile/extension folder ("sideloading", see here).
Only ESR, Developer, Nightly and Unbranded versions of firefox still allow installation of unsigned extensions.
Mozilla gives a nice Firefox workflow overview for creating extensions.
For running and debugging extensions you can use the tool web-ext or the following (both methods described in link above):
in firefox open a new tab exteand type about:debugging
under This Firefox you can Load temporary Addon... to load your extension
(don't load a .xpi file, just select any file within the directory you develop your extension in)
the extension is loaded and you can debug it
you need to use the Browser Toolbox to debug extensions
in case the devTools won't work make sure = true in about:config
when you made code changes you can click Reload in the debugging tab
Finally, after coding and testing, when you want to create a new .xpi file, VS Code's Tasks are handy.
This here is a very simple task that uses 7-zip on Windows to create a .xpi:
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"label": "Make Theme .xpi",
"type": "process",
"windows": {
"command": "C:\\Program Files\\7-zip\\7z.exe",
"args": ["a", "-tzip", "${relativeFileDirname}-theme.xpi", "${fileDirname}\\*"]
(this snippet uses variable substitution to read files and put .xpi file into specific dir)


Is it possible to "blackbox" or skip other extensions when debugging vscode extensions?

I have an issue where my development environment has a few large extensions in it, and debugging my own extension using the "All exceptions" and/or "Promise rejects" breakpoints will hit on them quite frequently.
I am aware of the skipFiles option in the launch configuration, and that you can use a custom "Data" folder when launching code with the --user-data-dir option, but neither of these solutions seem to work for me. I can't figure out how to find generically define the extensions folder with skipFiles, and --user-data-dir doesn't seem to work as I'd expected and doesn't seem to be for my purpose.
To put it plainly, my ideal situation would be to use the debug shortcut F5 and for a completely sterile version of vscode to launch with only my extension loaded and settings which aren't inherited from my development environment.
In the following image of a breakpoint being hit, you can see that the first party extension "git" in the path "/Applications/Visual Studio" is still being tracked. The command line switch --disable-extensions does not exclude this either.
You can disable all other extensions when debugging your own extension via the --disable-extensions flag. Just pass it via the args attribute in your launch.json:
"args": [

Install a personal firefox web extension permanently

Previously, I could write an addon for personal usage packed as something.xpi and I clicked on it to install it.
After a while, mozilla introduced xpinstall.signatures.required which you could still get around it.
However, it did not stop stabbing developers who are interested to have a personal addon isolated from the world. Today, only web extensions are working and my XUL based addon is thrown away. The tutorials only talk about temporary installation of a web extension while I want my one runs on firefox forever.
Beside whether I can use web extension to write into files or create a GUI in an independent page, I have a bigger challenge:
How can I install a local web extension permanently without creating a Mozilla account for personal usage?
Navigate to the folder where your extension is located. You can build it in the usual way using web-ext:
web-ext build
You can install this ZIP file permanently in Firefox by going to about:addons and dragging this file into the tab.
In order for this to work, you need to set xpinstall.signatures.required to false in about:config (works only for Nightly and maybe Developer Edition).
Apart from setting xpinstall.signatures.required to false, you need to add this to your manifest.json:
"browser_specific_settings": {
"gecko": {
"id": ""
Found on, thanks to "alexherbo2".
You need a "blueish" Firefox -- Developer Edition (effectively beta) or Nightly (unstable, updated every night).
You can get them from
Then xpinstall.signatures.required will work again.
(As for permissions--you can create a GUI in a tab or a popup, but I don't think you can do it in a separate window (unless you do a webpage-style popup window). You won't be able to write to arbitrary files anywhere on the system--which is a good thing! You can write to the Downloads folder, and read/write some sort of internal storage, but that may not expose the actual files involved. For more information see
What you should be looking for is having your extension signed by Mozilla as Unlisted.
See Mixing Listed and Unlisted Add-ons on blog post for an overview.
That way, AMO does not host nor (normally) review your extension; it simply runs some basic automated checks and immediately signs your extension so that it can be privately distributed as an XPI.
For those interested in developing/running an extension from a local directory without having to package or load it manually via "Load Temporary Addon..." from about:debuggin#/runtime/this-firefox please go to this github repository.
From the
The procedure involves a few steps, but it needs to be done only once.
First you need to enable AutoConfig aka userchrome.js by copying the file config-prefs.js to [Your Firefox install directory]/defaults/pref
Note: For best security, on Windows it is best to leave your Firefox install in "c:\Program Files" so that your config-prefs.js and userChrome.js can only be modified when you are in root/admin mode.
Then you need to edit the file userChrome.js and modify the function installUnpackedExtensions() to reflect the locations of your own addons.
The modified userChrome.js then must be copied to your Firefox installation directory. For example on Windows this is usually "c:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox" for the 32-bit version of Firefox. You can rename the file, but remember to modify the corresponding line pref("general.config.filename", "userChrome.js") in defaults/pref/config-prefs.js
Now your addons from your local directories will be loaded automaticaly whenever Firefox starts. After editing your code remember to reload it from about:debuggin. You can also get there via the menu by selecting "More Tools", then "Remote Debugging", and click on "This Firefox" on the left side (but the quickiest way is to bookmark it and then add a bookmark keyword such as "dbg" for quick access.)
Please note that this is an automated install of the extension every time Firefox starts, so it is not quite the same as a "permenent install". That is, this procedure has exactly the same effect as clicking on "Load Temporary Addon..." from the about:debuggin page, just that the process is now automated via userChrome.js. This means that if you have code that does something after the installation of the extension such as browser.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(details => { if (details.reason == "install") { something after install... }); then this code will be called every time Firefox is launched.
You can try setting the preference extensions.legacy.enabled (this will only work in Nightly or Dev Edition).

How to package an unsigned Firefox WebExtension?

I'm trying to develop an extension to run on the FirefoxDeveloperEdition (which doesn't require signing) on mac.
I followed the "Your first WebExtension" guide and everything works fine when using the "Load temporary add-on". But when I try to package it and install it using the "install add-on from file", it shows "this add-on could not be installed because it appears to be corrupt".
I zip all the files (borderify.js, manifest.json, icons, without the container folder) and change the suffix to .xpi. Is this the correct way of packaging? some answers mention that there should be a "install.rdf" ?, if so, how can I create that file? it seems there is no guide on the docs.
I've tried using the mac builtin "compress n items", xpi file, also tried using web-ext build, xpi file. they all end up with the same error alert.
I've set xpinstall.signatures.required false in about:config.
My firefox version is: 51.0a2 (2016-10-17) (64-bit)
Is there anyone able to load the unsigned xpi? Is it a Firefox bug? or is it just me?
If you want to install .xpi, you need to provide an id.
Add this to your manifest.json root
"applications": {
"gecko": {
"id": "",
It's not particularly well documented, specifically this page tells that "add-on will be assigned a randomly-generated temporary ID when you install it in Firefox.". However, that only seems to work for installing over about:debugging - xpi installation still requires an ID. It might be any string, since you've running it on DevEdition with disabled checks anyway.
Goes without saying, that would not work on release Firefox.
P.S: Ctrl-Shift-J will open a browser console that will usually contain additional information about the extension installation error - might be useful next time.

Content script file not visible in addon debugger

I've created an addon using the addon SDK and installed it in Firefox (version 35.0.1). The addon has the following files -
data/login.js (content script file)
lib/main.js (main addon code)
test/test-main.js (auto-generated)
In the main addon code I'm creating a panel, and the content script file is loaded using the contentScriptFile property of the panel. However when I launch the addon debugger, I'm able to see only the main.js script and not the content script. I've checked that the xpi file actually contains the content script file. So why isn't the debugger showing it?
I think I found it (using Firefox Developer Edition 42.0a2 though).
Open the Default Web developer Tools (Ctrl+shift+I)
Go to Settings (cog wheel top right)
Enable "Advanced Settings" > "Enable worker debugging (in development)"
Enable "Inspector" > "Show Browser styles" (for seeing your content style (files))
Reload the page
Try using the browser toolbox or the browser content toolbox which is not scoped to a single addon.
Afaik the addon debugger only shows scripts running in the same compartment as the addon main, which may miss scripts running in sandboxes/other compartments.
Its probably an error in your content script code that prevents the file from appearing in the debugger file list. I had this problem and it's difficult to find these errors as the Firefox error log often doesn't refer to the which file is in error or the line number. Check for unpaired braces that kind of thing

How to debug firefox extension after cfx run?

I want to debug my firefox extension. I set
javascript.options.showInConsole = true true
devtools.debugger.remote-enabled: true
run in sdk console cfx run, after that i go to Web Developer -> Browser Toolbox get incoming connection and i see my extension main.js. But after that, the code in main.js already been executed. How to debug it after cfx run?
also, two other things might be messing with your approach:
1) when you use cfx run, that by default creates a new profile on every run, so any settings that you have changed will not persist. to avoid this, you need to specify a profile directory with --profiledir=DIR (warning: don't use your main profile).
2) if the addon main.js code has already run by the time you open the debugger, you should start firefox manually, setup the debugger, and then drag the addon xpi into a tab.
Bug 899054 - [Meta] Implement an Add-on Debugger
this is really close to landing (the UI bits in bug 911098 are in m-c), so if you grab a Nightly tomorrow, or the day after, it should be in there, and might just work (for some undefined value of "work").
