Understanding the role of the species known as "PM" [closed] - project-management

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Closed 3 years ago.
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As a professional programmer I work daily with a species known as the "PM". While they usually go by that common acronym, it seems there are actually several discrete varieties: product managers, project managers, and program managers. There may be other species yet undiscovered. Through years of close observation and study, the subtleties of their differentiation elude me. I have only been able to determine their common responsibly: to communicate to me, the programmer, in the vaguest possible terms, what it is they think they want built. I then tell them, in the vaguest possible terms, when I think it will be delivered, and they go away.
So my question for the stackoverflow crowdsourcing juggernaut is this: please explain the differences between the product managers, project managers, and program managers. Please do so with out waving your hands, as I can not see them, and it doesn't help anyway.

I'll attempt to explain them as I've worked with them. Please do understand that the definitions can be murky and change from organization to organization.
Project Manager: Responsible for coordinating the schedule of the project within the engineering. This should be the one single person that management can go to in order to know the current status of the committed work for a given release. This person is typically hip deep in spreadsheets, Gantt charts and status meetings.
Product Manager: Responsible for the deciding which user-visible features will be on the plate for consideration in a given release. This person should be well versed in what the customer is attempting to use the software for and be able to act as a developer's resource for understanding what to build from a functionality point of view.
Program Manager: Essentially a project manager responsible for coordinating the release across the different disciplines in a company. This is the person who makes sure that marketing has the press release ready at the same time as engineering is ready to ship and that sales have been trained on the product.
These are how the last couple of companies I have worked for have defined the roles, but you will certainly see many variations.

Project Manager a person responsible for managing project, specifically its scope, quality of deliverables, deadlines, time spent, and budget. PM bears responsibility for all project deliverables. See my other answer for a drill down on PM responsibilities. On small projects PM wears multiple hats, but during bigger ventures may have others to help her (or him), such auxiliary jobs might carry the titles of:
Project Co-ordinator is someone who co-ordinates project work between various parties involved and individual stakeholders.
Project Administrator keeps reporting up to date, including project status, does all kinds of other administrative tasks.
Project Expeditor does exactly what the title says: chases everyone up, removes obstacles from the project team’s path and makes sure there is always steady progress.
Product Manager takes responsibility for a product and full product lifecycle. The products are normally created and evolved through a series of projects. The relationship between products and projects is many-to-many. A single project may contribute to many products’ evolution and a single product requires several projects to keep carrying it from one lifecycle stage to another. It’s also important that product lifecycle constitutes a series of states (such as “shipping the product” or “supporting the product”) that are usually carried on as processes and state changes done as projects. Read on the difference between a project and a process.
Program Manager manages a series of interdependent projects aimed towards a common end. Some of the projects are executed in parallel, some sequentially. Program Management is fairly similar to project management, where individual tasks are replaced by entire projects. Think in terms of the space exploration program.
Obviously these titles are not set in stone and companies would often attribute a somewhat different meaning or completely redefine them. The definitions I’ve given are generally accepted within the management community.

Rather than focussing on subjective definitions of each of these roles (yes, they are subjective and you’ll get 10 different answers from 10 different people), I would focus more on the task responsibilities of the individuals. A tool to help you with this is a RACI matrix (aka responsbility assignment matrix) which makes it clear who is responsible and accountable for activities.
This industry will go on creating new “manager” titles forever and a day. As far as I’m concerned, just tell me what they actually do upfront in the project then we’ll refer back to that whenever there is ambiguity.

I read in the book (the title eludes me, but it has "Management Anti-Patterns" somewhere in it) that PM are usually developers elevated to a manager role, but who has no idea how to manage. And still developers want that role because that is one step up the hierarchy (and a higher pay bracket).
A good developer does not necessary means a good manager, and once you become manager, you got pressures coming from your peers and from the top, and some cannot cope with it. Some companies are 'enlightened' enough to develop a separate career track for developers and have their pay match those of the managers.
I'm sure you come across one of the more introvert species of PM. The last time I was in a mock PM situation (it's a software engineering module which we have to do paperwork, like SCRUM) I was chasing my team-members for updates every week and doing code reviews. So that's one perspective for you.


How to move a team from waterfall development model to scrum model? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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How to move a team from waterfall development model to scrum model? What all are the steps that one need to follow to achieve a smooth transition. What would be the acceptance curve and will it be successful altogether?
First the team needs to want the change, and the business has to support it.
There isn't a set sequence of steps, and success can vary widely, as much depends on your particular situation.
I'd recommend getting Mike Cohn's book Succeeding with Agile, which gives some excellent advice for such a transition.
Though there are many ideas on how to implement scrum within an organization, starting with one team is certainly a consistent thread. So good work on starting that way. From there find someone with experience in implementing agile. A contractor, a colleague, or advice at meetup groups. Here's a link to one I have attended in the DC area - http://groups.google.com/group/dcnova-scrum-user-group
From there, my opinion is to adapt scrum to your team. It's size, it's need for adjustment, etc. Everyone has opinions, but if your team doesn't buy it, it's not worth it. Don't take that as a license to cut things from scrum. Keep the daily standups, the commitment, the retrospectives, the demo (etc), but adjust the size of the sprint, etc.
I recently saw a compelling presentation that advocated implementing pieces of scrum/agile as the team/business was ready. See this gentelman's site for details - http://www.dragile.com/
A big key is to not get lazy - do scrum. And have a high standard. If you're going to go it alone (which can be dangerous) - read your heart out. Read examples, talk to others, go to meetups, etc. Don't let your inexperience in scrum sour your team to it.
Another good link for an example of one team's experience implementing scrum.
In my experience with learning to manage a team using agile there are two critical components to making agile/scrum work. I think that Jody's point about not being lazy is really important, with the more free-flowing work pattern of agile it can be easy to succumb to skipping meetings or other such nonsense.
Get a good web based task tracker. This allows developers to login and see what they need to do and will help track progress. I've been very happy with Pivotal Tracker (www.pivotaltracker.com). Of course the tracker is only worthwhile if you actually keep it up to date, which leads me to point two.
Having meetings EVERY day. The daily standup discussed in the scrum and agile books is by far the most important aspect of the routine. Keep the meetings short, do it in the same place at the same time every day. Update the task tracker during this meeting and keep it organized.
Transitioning a team from waterfall can be difficult. Having everyone on the team read about scrum is important. Also, understand that not every aspect of the scrum model will work in your environment. Facilitate an open discussion about what aspects of the model you want to adopt as a team. The more input you get from the team the more buy-in you'll have.
How to move a team from waterfall development model to scrum model ?
Strategizing Phase:
Well, the first step off course is the thought for change. Then comes the buy-in from the Management, and the Product Development Teams.
Release Planning and Virtual Product Discovery:
Ideally, you would start by identifying all stakeholders and identifying all the requirements by using the Agile Release planning method - which is a really lean way of doing Release Planning. You would identify virtual products at this stage if not already identified.
Team Forming and Infrastructure:
Next step would be forming cross functional teams based on what virtual products need to be built. This step can be tough. It may require RE-organization. Cross functional teams mean there will be no requirements gathering team, or software development team, or QA team. You would have to pull a experienced lot of people from each department to form a cross functional team. A Scrum Master and a Product for each team will have to be appointed.
Basic infrastructure will need to be established for the cross functional teams to operate smoothly, without interruption.
Start Sprinting With Team(s):
Start following the Scrum/Agile principles and have them Sprint. Capture various artifacts and use them to inspect and adapt.
WALAH you are Agile!
What all are the steps that one need to follow to achieve a smooth transition. What would be the acceptance curve and will it be successful altogether?
Steps are mentioned above in order. Acceptance curve varies based on how well you execute the steps I mentioned above.
Lastly Yes, off course it will be successful. 100% guaranteed successful.
Kidding, I wish I could guarantee that, but I can't. :)
What I suggest is this - When you read my statement "Yes, off course it will be successful", the hope you might have got, just hold on to that hope and take that first step!
I happened to be a part of a team which was migrating from waterfall to scrum. If the teams large and distributed, I don't think its easy for everyone to migrate to scrum all at once as a change in organization takes certain amount of days/months/years.
Once such approach that you may like to try is Tracer Bullet, although this term is used more in agile world, but you can surely prove your point to get the buy-in and lead by example if you/your team is stuck in the middle of waterfall and scrum and are looking to go nowhere in quick time.

Managing loads of small projects [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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most of the books about Project Management (if not all of them) describe management of one big project. Sometimes they describe how to manage very few projects in the same time. But I have very different situation.
I manage small team (4 people) with very small projects. Usually one engineer works on dedicated project. Some times One engineer work on few projects with different priorities (projects quite often switched to "on hold" state for a several days).
So my specific is:
Small projects with short lifetime (1 week to 2 month in general)
Projects usually are not shared between engineers
Number of projects can be 2-3 times higher then number of people (some projects go "on hold" quite often)
There are 2 longterm projects with lowest priority which can be shared between engineers
Can someone share own experience how to manage projects like this, or if you never had such experience but have an idea how to organize that I'll be glad to read it.
Of course if you know book which can help me - I'll be glad to check it as well.
May be there is ready methodology for thas kind of projects which I never heard.
Thank you.
I suggest looking at Kanban. Here's some links to explore:
Kanban (the book) on Amazon
David Anderson's site
Some Kanban info on InfoQ
The Limited Work In Progress Society
I have a team with this situation. My solution is to run each project with week long iterations and allocate an engineer to that project for a number of weeks, where possible. That way each project is only an average of half a week from being worked on if needed.
If you have higher levels of concurrency an alternative strategy would be to keep the short iterations and to set objectives for each iteration that include aspects of each project that requires attention. Multiple, concurrent burndown charts could be maintained to track the work for each project, but I would suggest these are a little academic if you aren't going to have effort expended on each project at a consistent rate. Using this approach would be unorthodox but would give you quick feedback, regular delivery of working software and progress on all the projects that need it so shouldn't rile the agile evangelists.
If you're stuck with this setup, the other responses give some reasonable ideas for dealing with it.
But this is a bad setup, and I'd advocate trying to change the situation. You have too many simultaneous projects, and a work process that doesn't allow teamwork.
If multiple projects have the same stakeholders, try to get the business to merge the projects. If this can't be done, or if it still results in multiple simultaneous projects, try to get the projects to be prioritized by business value so that you can put the whole team on the most important project, finish and deliver it and then move on to the next most important.
This will almost certainly involve getting people outside your team to make some difficult choices, and may be politically difficult, but there are gains for the business, which might help you with selling the change.
Getting a project out the door and in production more quickly will improve the cash-flow/throughput of your company. See throughput accounting.
Putting the whole team on this one project will reduce the impact of a developer absence (see bus number) and will mean your team is actually working as a team rather than as a bunch of individuals who happen to have the same manager.
If you can't get the business to prioritize down to one project at a time, by all means try for two, but with a team of only four developers, you should be doing one.

Protection of code from its own developers [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Perhaps the most obvious way of protecting a company's intellectual property from its own developers seems to be an NDA - Non Disclosure Agreement. Effectiveness of this approach may vary, depending on many factors, and sometimes or somewhere it may not work as expected.
What other approaches, apart from this purely legal one, exist for protecting software code from the people who develop it? Do they exist at all? Does it make sense in practice?
Maybe, for example, Team Edition of Visual Studio already contains some features related to this problem (for example, levels of access to parts of code, depending of role inside a development team or something like that)?
Reference on the topic:
As statistics says, on average, programmers tend to change their job every three - four years.
Try to build a team you can trust.
The first approach is to force programmers to only know interfaces of other components, so that each one can only steal a small part of the whole software. This approach can be borrowed from footwear production. One transnational corporation, to prevent stealing by employees, arranged its factories so that each factory produced only left or only right shoes. You could do the same with your code: some programmers only write lines with odd numbers, and the others--those with even numbers; provided that they can't see the work of each other! That's sometimes referred to as "pair programming".
Some organizations force employees to sign a non-compete agreement. That's the kind of agreement that prevents programmers to work for competitors. This technique is best combined with job postings like "Looking for senior programmer with 5 years of experience in the similar field".
To prevent your programmers from stealing, you can do harm to them as soon as they finish the software. The method proved itself as the most efficient, and has been used for centuries. For example, Russian Tzar Ivan The Terrible burned eyes of the architect that designed a beautiful church at the Red Square, so the one designed remains the most beautiful ever. You can do something like this to your architect. I heard, latest Visual Studio contains some features...
Nowadays, however, it's more humanistic to hire already blind and already dumb people that lost their hands, so that they can't look at your code to memorize it, can't tell anyone about your code and can't type it again. The advantage is that this will help you dealing with labor agency in your country, which watches for balance that your employees are not discriminated.
And yes, this post is a sarcastic joke, which criticizes the idea of any code-stealing-prevention measures. Sorry, couldn't help posting it.
How do you protect a power plant from sabotage by an employee? How do you prevent a boxer from throwing the fight? How do you prevent a brothel from distributing the clap?
Your concern, while valid, is one that can only be properly addressed by personal responsibility and accountability within your team. Any options you employ to secure the code against theft is likely do more harm than good. If you feel a team member is not trustworthy, get rid of them.
If really necessary you can split the application in subapplications.
Each team works in a single application and sees all others as "black boxes". Maybe SOA helps here.
It's highly unlikely that your code is the real intellectual property - that is your company's business knowledge and process.
SVN has the ability to limit different users to different folders, so you could split your code up into seperate libraries, and allow only certain people Read / Write access.
The file for this is under conf\authz
Here is a sample
# joe = /C=XZ/ST=Dessert/L=Snake City/O=Snake Oil, Ltd./OU=Research Institute/CN=Joe Average
# harry_and_sally = harry,sally
# harry_sally_and_joe = harry,sally,&joe
# [/foo/bar]
# harry = rw
# &joe = r
# * =
# [repository:/baz/fuz]
# #harry_and_sally = rw
# * = r
Some documentation can be found here
Under 'Per-directory access control'
Either build a team of developers that you can trust, or entirely lock their system down so they can't access the USB ports, the CD drive, or web mail clients. The only thing they could do is work on the code and possibly browse the web. Also only give them access to the code that they are in charge of.
But with all these security measures chances are your developers will hate working with you and quit their job
There's no straightforward way to do this if your code is within the same project (i.e. you want to allow access to some parts of the code and not others). However, if you have seperate projects that require different security levels, it's possible to allow developers to only have code access to certain projects, and then pull builds from a common build server.
Keep in mind that decompiling of frameworks that work against IL like .NET is relatively straightforward, so preventing access to the code files is not necessarily a silver bullet to protect IP.
I know you said aside from the purely legal one, but I'd just like to add that in addition to the legal one you mentioned, there is also the Non-Compete. Basically says that once you leave your job, you won't be able to compete in any way against your former employer. Stealing code is not as appealing if you won't be able to put it to use for a year or two.
You could make them develop a module that would be seperate from the rest of the application. If you had a plugin/module type system going this would suit well. You could release APIs for the developers to develop against and have them integrate with your DLLs and not the source code.
People seem to be very critical of this but there are legitimate reasons for doing this i.e. partnering with a potential competitor if you gave them all your source you would be shooting yourself in the foot.
It might be worthwhile to spend some brain cell activity on the business model you want to follow. If the core value is embodied in the code, the core value can be stolen by stealing the code. If, however, the core value of your business is embodied in a group of employees, some of them engineers, others sales people, yet others customer support people, and when the software is only the net that keeps these peoples business going, then there's no easy way of stealing the value of your business. And if the software does get stolen, the thieves won't be able to make much use of it.
So, in addition to what cherouvim said, build a team that you can not just trust, but a team that is the core value of your business.
Develop your software in modules.
Have one common module that contains objects that pass back and forth, and utility classes that act on those objects.
Have each group build modules on top of that, without much need to know about other modules.
Have one trusted team of developers do the planning of what goes in each module, and have that team also do the integration of all of the modules into the whole.
Also have a lot of trust in whoever runs your version control server. While it's stable, no one developer can do all that much harm; they can't delete everything, for example, and you'll know exactly what they did and when if that ever becomes an issue.

Can a team function predictably and deliver (on time) without a project manager? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Or they (team members) need someone to keep pushing?
The above line was supposed to be sarcastically funny. Sorry to throw you guys off.
I am talking more in the lines of distributing that work within the team, and not having one person assume and/or perform project management activities.
You may not need a project manager as an exclusive role (depending on the size of the project in question) but you do need someone to track activity and make sure everyone is reaching their objectives, and assign extra resources to bottlenecks. In a large project, this is a full time job, and you would need someone just for that. In smaller projects, one of the team members can do this in addition to their other contributions. Of course, the project manager is, in fact, a member of the team, but I assume by team members you refer to the computing group.
Its definitely doable, if you have a team that self polices itself. I've worked on projects where the team seemed to be more in tune with the time lines than the manager...
Also, I'm sure that there are plenty of examples small/medium size open source projects that get released without an official project manager.
depends on the team, and how they work together
i've worked with agile teams that self-organize, mutually-motivate, and deliver promptly, all with no project manager
i've also worked with teams that had project managers, business analysts, quality assurance teams, network administrative teams, database administrators, et al, that delivered late and with less than optimal quality - mostly due to the "can't say no when the client is your boss" factor
Can they: Yes certainly. There are particular personality types that will work on time with little or no supervision.
Is this a good idea: Probably not. The type of people who are going to function at a high level in this type of setting are very few and far between. Once you have more than 2-3 people working on a project you will start bringing in people who need supervision. At that time a) one of the programmers will become the defacto project manager, b) the person will not contribute to their full potential or c) you won't ship :)
Yes, at least to some degree, as I explained in my recent Meeting-avoidance for self-managing developers conference presentation.
It's less about pushing and more about planning the way forward. Somebody has to figure out what order things are going to be built, what the dependencies are, what resources are needed, etc. If it's not done by a dedicated project manager then the team will have to do it themselves.
It's possible.
It's just not very likely.
However a bad PM can definitely prevent a team functioning predictably and delivering on time.
I think it's likely the team will arrive at a destination, but with no acting PM or PM, who knows what that destination will be.
The PM keeps people on target, on schedule, and then adjusts when the target moves and the schedule is missed. Relying on a team to group communication is probably destined for trouble in more cases than not.
It depends on who are the members of the team. If the team is filled with newbies or bums there's no future for the project, but if it's got motivated programmer who are focused and respect their goals, they can deliver more than what's expected.
Take Jo Peabody for example, he employed a team of programmers, let them run amok and earned some million dollars (At least that's what he claims in the book he wrote after he became a millionaire from Tripod). The book was 'Lucky or Smart'
So like I said, it depends on the team.

Where does "Change Management" end and "Project Failure" begin? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I got into a mini-argument with my boss recently regarding "project failure." After three years, our project to migrate a codebase to a new platform (a project I was on for 1.5 years, but my team lead was on for only a few months) went live. He, along with senior management of both my company and the client (I'm one of those god-awful consultants you hear so much about. My engagement is an "Application Outsourcing") declared the project to be a success. I disagreed, stating that old presentations I had found showed that compared to the original schedule, the delay in deployment was best measured in months and could potentially be measured in years. I explained what I know of project failure, and the studies and statistics behind failure rates. He responded that that was all academia, and that no project he led had failed, thanks to the wonders of change/risk management - what seems to come down to explaining delays and re-evaluating the schedule based on new data.
Maybe consulting like this differs from other projects, but it seems like this is just failure wrapped up in a prettier name to avoid the stigma of having failed to deliver on time, on budget, or with full functionality. The fact that he explained that my company gave away hours of work for free in order to finish the project within the maxed out budget says a lot.
So I ask you this:
What is change management, and how does it apply to a project?
Where does "change management" end, and "project failure" begin?
I wasn't asking about a blame game with the consultants, especially since in this case I represent the consultants. I was looking for views on when a project should be considered "failed" regardless of if the needed functionality was finally implemented.
I'm looking for the difference between "this is actually a little more complex than we thought, and it's going to be another week" which I'd expect is somewhat typical, and "project failure" - however you want to define failure. Is there even a difference? Does this minor level of schedule slippage constitute statistical "project failure?"
I think, most of the time, we developers forget this we all do is, after all, about bussiness.
From that point of view a project is not a failure while the client is willing to pay for it. It all depends on the client, some clients have more patience and understand better the risks of software development, other just won't pay if there's a substantial delay.
Anyway, about your question. Whenever you evolve a project there are risks involved, maybe you schedule the end of the project in a certain date but it will take like six month longer than you expected. In that case you have to balance what you have already spent and what you have to gain against the risks you're taking. There's actually an entire science called "decision making" that studies it at software level, so your boss is not wrong at all.
Let's look at some questions, Is the client willing to wait for the project? Is he willing to assume certain overcosts? Even if he doesn't, Is worth completing the project assuming the extra costs instead of throwing away all the already done work? Can the company assume what's already lost?
The real answer to your problem lies behind that questions. You can't establish a point and say, here, if the project isn't done by this time then it's a failure. As for your specific situation, who knows? Your boss has probably more information that you have so your work is to tell him how is the project going, how much it will take and how much it will cost (in terms hours/man if you wish)
Unless the goals were clearly stated in the beginning of the project, there are no clear lines between "success" and "failure." Often, a project would have varying degree of success/failure.
For some, just getting some concepts in code would be a success, while other may measure success as recovering all investments and making profit.
Two well-known modes of failures are schedule slip and quality deterioration, but in real-world, people do not seem to care much about them.
Simple ways to slip the schedule are to let the managers make request whenever they want (features creep) and let the programmers code whatever they feel is right (cowboy coding). Change management process such as sprint planning of scrum and planning game of XP are some of the examples. Theses are some of the attempts for the management and the developers to ship reliable products on time. If either party is not interested in reliable or on-time, then change management would not be useful.
I suppose how successful the project is depends on who the client is. If the client were the company directors and they are happy, then the project was successful regardless of the failures along the way.
Andy Rutledge has written a pretty interesting article on success. Though the title is Pre-bid Discussions, the article defines having a successful project, which for Andy entails:
Will I or my team be allowed to bring our best work to the final result?
Is the client prepared to engage in the project appropriately?
Is the client prepared to begin this project?
Is the client prepared to invest trust in my or my team’s ideas?
Am I or is my team prepared to fulfill or exceed the project requirements?
This article was pointed out by Obie Fernandez, a successful consultant, in his Do the Hustle conference about consulting.
What is change management, and how does it apply to a project?
Change management is about approving and communicating changes to a project before they happen. If someone on your project (user, sponsor, team member.. whoever) wants to add a feature, the change needs to be documented and analysed for the effect. Any resulting changes to scope, budget and schedule must then be approved before the change is undertaken. These changes are typically approved by your sponsor, your steering committee or your client.
Once the changes have been approved and accepted that is your new plan. It doesn't matter what the original budget or schedule was.
Change Management on projects is all about the principle of "No Surprises". The right people (your Change Control Board) need to approve any changes to Scope, Schedule and Budget before they are acted upon.
One thing to remember is that there may be certain explicit or implicit constraints and tolerances for change. You may be have to deliver your project by a certain date to meet government regulatory requirements. Or your organisation may have a threshold that once a project budget is 30% over the original budget it must go to a "C" level or the project is killed. Investigating and explicitly stating these thresholds and tolerances up front are a good way of having better successful projects.
Where does "change management" end, and "project failure" begin?
If a project delivers on the approved scope, schedule and budget then it is successful.
However it may be still viewed as a failure. Post Implementation Reviews are a good tool to qualify this with your stakeholders (not just your boss). Also Benefit Realisation would be worthwhile looking into to see outside the blackbox of the project and the impact on the business as a whole.
