How can I trap errors and interrupts in GNU make? - makefile

I'm wondering if there's a way to implement trap in GNU make, similar to that built into BASH?
If the user presses CTRL-C, or if make itself fails (non-zero exit), I'd like to call a particular target or macro.

At this point in time, GNU make doesn't have native support.
There is a reliable workaround however:
.PHONY: internal-target external-target
bash -c "trap 'trap - SIGINT SIGTERM ERR; <DO CLEANUP HERE>; exit 1' SIGINT SIGTERM ERR; $(MAKE) internal-target"
echo "doing stuff here"
This catches interruptions, terminations AND any non-zero exit codes.
Note the $(MAKE) so cmdline overrides and make options get passed to submake.
On trap:
clear trap handler (with -)
do the cleanup
exit with non-zero exit status, so build automation tools report the failed build.
DELETE_ON_ERROR does NOT work for directories, so this is key for cleaning up after mktemp -d, for example
Replace <DO CLEANUP HERE> with valid CMD.

A simplified version of #kevinf’s answer which seems good enough for basic cases:
bash -c "trap 'docker-compose down' EXIT; docker-compose up --build"
(This example is for a reason: docker-compose up does say
the command exits, all containers are stopped.
but it does not rm the stopped containers like docker run --rm would, so you can still see them with docker ps -a.)

No. GNU make’s signal handling already leaves a lot to be desired. From within its signal handler, it calls functions like printf that are not safe to be called from within a signal handler. I have seen this cause problems, for example .DELETE_ON_ERROR rules don’t always run if stderr is redirected to stdout.
For example, on a CentOS 7.4 box:
Create the following Makefile:
touch $#
sleep 10
Open it in vim and run :make,
While it is sleeping, hit Ctrl-C
Vim/make prints
Press ENTER or type command to continue
touch foo
sleep 10
shell returned 130
Interrupt: Press ENTER or type command to continue
Make was sent an interrupt signal, but foo still exists.

Make does not support it, but using BASH tricks you can accomplish something similar.
default: complete
complete: do_mount
echo "Do something here..."
mkdir -p "$(MOUNTPOINT)"
( while ps -p $$PPID >/dev/null ; do \
sleep 1 ; \
done ; \
unmount "$(MOUNTPOINT)" \
) &
mount "$(MOUNTSOURCE)" "$(MOUNTPOINT)" -o bind
The "unmount" will run after the "make" completes. This is usually a satisfactory solution if you are attempting to cleanup operations that may occur during the build but are not cleaned up normally on "make" exit.

No. As far as I know there is no such functionality.

make produces return codes. As far as I can remember right now, it returns 0 for success, 2 for failure (please check the documentation). Therefore, would it be enough for you to wrap make inside a shell script for example?


Makefile: how to run bash script and ignore its exit status?

Minimized test case for the problem:
I have following Makefile:
bash || true
echo OK
and the contains
while read -p "Enter some text or press Ctrl+C to exit > " input
echo "Your input was: $input"
When I run make test and press Ctrl+C to exit the bash read the make will emit
Makefile:2: recipe for target 'test' failed
make: *** [test] Interrupt
How can I tell make to ignore the exit status of the script? I already have || true after the script which usually is enough to get make to keep going but for some reason, the SIGINT interrupting the read will cause make to behave different for this case.
I'm looking for a generic answer that works for processes other than while read loop in bash, too.
This has nothing to do with the exit status of the script. When you press ^C you're sending an interrupt signal to the make program, not just to your script. That causes the make program to stop, just like ^C always does.
There's no way to have make ignore ^C operations; whenever you press ^C at the terminal, make will stop.
ctrl+c sends a signal to the program to tell it to stop. What you want is ctrl+d which sends the signal EOT (end of transmission). You will need to send ctrl+d twice unless you are at the beginning of a line.
some text<c-d><c-d>
some text<return>
I found a way to make this work. It's a bit tricky so I'll explain the solution first. The important thing to understand that Ctrl+C is handled by your terminal and not by the currently running process in the terminal as I previously thought. When the terminal catches your Ctrl+C it will check the foreground process group and then send SIGINT to all processes in that group immediately. When you run something via Makefile and press Ctrl+C the SIGINT be immediately sent to Makefile and all processes that it started because those all belong in the foreground process group. And GNU Make handles SIGINT by waiting for any currently executed child process to stop and then exit with a message
Makefile:<line number>: recipe for target '<target>' failed
make: *** [<target>] Interrupt
if the child exited with non-zero exit status. If child handled the SIGINT by itself and exited with status 0, GNU Make will exit silently. Many programs exit via status code 130 on SIGINT but this is not required. In addition, kernel and wait() C API interface can differentiate with status code 130 and status code 130 + child received SIGINT so if Make wanted to behave different for these cases, it would be possible regardless of exit code. bash doesn't support testing for child process SIGINT status but only supports exit status codes.
The solution is to setup processes so that your foreground process group does not include GNU Make while you want to handle Ctrl+C specially. However, as POSIX doesn't define a tool to create any process groups, we have to use bash specific trick: use bash job control to trigger bash to create a new process group. Be warned that this causes some side-effects (e.g. stdin and stdout behaves slightly different) but at least for my case it was good enough.
Here's how to do it:
I have following Makefile (as usual, nested lines must have TAB instead of spaces):
bash -c 'set -m; bash ./'
echo OK
and the contains
printf "\nReceived SIGINT, quitting...\n" 1>&2
exit 0
trap int_handler INT
while read -p "Enter some text or press Ctrl+C to exit > " input
echo "Your input was: $input"
The set -m triggers creating a new foreground process group and the int_handler takes care of returning successful exit code on exit. Of course, if you want to have some other exit code but zero on Ctrl+C, feel free to any any value suitable. If you want to have something shorter, the child script only needs trap 'exit 0' INT instead of separate function and setup for it.
For additional information:

How to immediately trap a signal to an interactive Bash shell?

I try to send a signal from one terminal A to another terminal B. Both run an interactive shell.
In terminal B, I trap signal SIGUSR1 like so :
$ trap 'source ~/mycommand' SIGUSR1
Now in terminal A I send a signal like so :
$ kill -SIGUSR1 pidOfB
Unfortunately, nothing happens in B. If I want to have my command executed, I need to switch to B and either input a new command or press enter.
How can I avoid this drawback and immediately execute my command instead ?
It's important to note that I want to interact directly with the interactive shell in terminal B from terminal A.
For this reason, every solution where the trap command would be executed in a subshell would not work for me...
Also, terminal B must stay interactive.
The shell may simply be stuck in a blocking read, waiting for command-line input. Hitting enter causes the handler to execute before the entered command. Running a non-blocking command like wait:
$ sleep 60 & wait
then sending the signal causes wait to terminate immediately, followed by the output of the handler.
Based on the answers and my numerous attempt to solve this, I don't think it's possible to catch a trap signal immediately in an interactive bash terminal.
For it to trigger, there must be an interaction from the user.
This is due to the readline program blocks until a newline is entered. And there is no way to stop this read.
My solution is to use dtach, a small program that emulate the detach feature of screen.
This program can run a fully interactive shell and features in its last version a way to communicate via a custom socket to this shell (or whatever program you launch)
To start a new dtach session running an interactive bash, in terminal B :
$ dtach -a /tmp/MySocket bash -i
Now from terminal A, we can send a message to the bash session in terminal B like so :
$ echo 'echo hello' | dtach -p /tmp/MySocket
In terminal B, we now see :
$ echo hello
To expand on that if I now do in terminal A :
$ trap 'echo "cd $(pwd)" | dtach -p /tmp/MySocket' DEBUG
I'll have the directory of the two terminals synced
PS :I'd still like to know if there is a way to do this in pure bash
I use a similar trap so that periodically I can (from a separate cron job) force all idle bash processes to do a 'history -a'. I found that if I trap SIGALRM instead of SIGUSR1, then the bash blocking read seems not to be a problem: the trap runs now, rather than next time one hits return. I tried SIGINT, but that caused an annoying "^C", followed by a new prompt line, to be displayed. I haven't yet found any drawbacks of using SIGALRM, but perhaps they will arise.
It may be buffering.
As a test, try installing a loop trigger. In window A:
{ trap 'ls' USR1; while sleep 1; do echo>/dev/null;done } &
[1] 7316
in window B:
kill -usr1 7316
back in window A the ls is firing when the loop does an echo.
Don't know if that will help, but it's something.

Tcl and Cygwin and a Background Process which should hangup

I have a bash script which is maintained by an external source and ideally should not be modified. This script writes to stdout and stderr.
In fact, this itself is doing an exec tclsh immediately:
# \
exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$#"}
so in fact, it is just a wrapper around a Tcl script. I just mention this in case you think that this matters.
I need a Tcl script setup.tcl which is supposed to do some preparatory work, then invoke (in the background), then do some cleanup work (and display the PID of the background process), and terminate. is supposed to continue running until explicitly killed.
setup.tcl is usually invoked manually, either from a Cygwin bash shell or from a Windows cmd shell. In the latter case, it is ensured that Cygwin's bash.exe is in the PATH.
The environment is Windows 7 and Cygwin. The Tcl is either Cygwin's (8.5) or ActiveState 8.4.
The first version (omitting error handling) went like this:
# setup.tcl:
# .... preparatory work goes here
set childpid [exec bash.exe &]
# .... clean up work goes here
puts $childpid
exit 0
While this works when started as ActiveState Tcl from a Windows CMD shell, it does not work in a pure Cygwin setup. The reason is that as soon as setup.tcl ends, a signal is sent to the child process and this is killed too.
Using nohup would not help here, because I want to see the output of as soon as it occurs.
My next idea would be to created an intermediate bash script,, which uses disown -h to detach the child process and keep it from being killed:
# &
disown -h $child
and invoke from setup.tcl. But aside from the fact that I don't see an easy way to pass the child PID up to setup.tcl, the main problem is that it doesn't work either: While indeed keeps the child alive when called from the Cygwin command line directly, we have the same behaviour again ( being killed when setup.tcl exits), when I call it via setup.tcl.
Anybody knowing a solution for this?
You'll want to set a trap handler in your server script so you can handle/ignore certain signals.
For example, to ignore HUP signals, you can do something like the following:
handle_signal() {
echo "Ignoring HUP signal"
trap handle_signal SIGHUP
# Rest of code goes here
In the example case, if the script receives a HUP signal it will print a message and continue as normal. It will still die to Ctrl-C as that's the INT signal which is unhandled.

Bash script that will survive disconnection, but not user break

I want to write a bash script that will continue to run if the user is disconnected, but can be aborted if the user presses Ctrl+C.
I can solve the first part of it like this:
#commands here, avoiding single quotes...
nohup bash -c "$cmd" &
tail -f nohup.out
But pressing Ctrl+C obviously just kills the tail process, not the main body. Can I have both? Maybe using Screen?
I want to write a bash script that will continue to run if the user is disconnected, but can be aborted if the user presses Ctrl+C.
I think this is exactly the answer on the question you formulated, this one without screen:
cmd=`cat <<EOF
# commands here
nohup bash -c "$cmd" &
# store the process id of the nohup process in a variable
# whenever ctrl-c is pressed, kill the nohup process before exiting
trap "kill -9 $CHPID" INT
tail -f nohup.out
Note however that nohup is not reliable. When the invoking user logs out, chances are that nohup also quits immediately. In that case disown works better.
bash -c "$cmd" &
This is probably the simplest form using screen:
screen -S SOMENAME
Then, if you get disconnected, on reconnection simply run:
screen -r SOMENAME
Ctrl+C should continue to work as expected
Fact 1: When a terminal (xterm for example) gets closed, the shell is supposed to send a SIGHUP ("hangup") to any processes running in it. This harkens back to the days of analog modems, when a program needed to clean up after itself if mom happened to pick up the phone while you were online. The signal could be trapped, so that a special function could do the cleanup (close files, remove temporary junk, etc). The concept of "losing your connection" still exists even though we use sockets and SSH tunnels instead of analog modems. (Concepts don't change; all that changes is the technology we use to implement them.)
Fact 2: The effect of Ctrl-C depends on your terminal settings. Normally, it will send a SIGINT, but you can check by running stty -a in your shell and looking for "intr".
You can use these facts to your advantage, using bash's trap command. For example try running this in a window, then press Ctrl-C and check the contents of /tmp/trapped. Then run it again, close the window, and again check the contents of /tmp/trapped:
trap "echo 'one' > /tmp/trapped" 1
trap "echo 'two' > /tmp/trapped" 2
echo "Waiting..."
sleep 300000
For information on signals, you should be able to man signal (FreeBSD or OSX) or man 7 signal (Linux).
(For bonus points: See how I numbered my facts? Do you understand why?)
So ... to your question. To "survive" disconnection, you want to specify behaviour that will be run when your script traps SIGHUP.
(Bonus question #2: Now do you understand where nohup gets its name?)

Listen to background process's exit code in MakeFile

I need to spawn background processes in MakeFile and also consider their exit codes.
several processes are spawned in background.
MakeFile continue evaluation (and do not want to check spawned processes PIDs in some loop an so forth)
Some process exits with non zero exit code
make utility exits with non zero exit code
Naturally, I am consider to use command & to spawn a process in background.
Problem: If command is specified like command & then make process does not track it's exit code.
Sample 1
#false & \
echo "all is normal"
%make -f
all is normal
Sample 2
#false && \
echo "all is normal"
%make -f
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/home/scher/tmp/lock_testing.
Sample 1 shows that make utility does not consider exit code of the background process.
P.S. Please do not advice to store spawned processes PIDs and to check them in a loop with some sleep delay and so forth. A need to continue evaluation of MakeFile and exit with non zero code automatically.
#(echo "background command" ; (echo "[HANDLER] Prev command exits with $$?")) & \
echo "doing something"
So we can create a sequence of commands to handle exit status of background process.
This seems like an ill-conceived attempt to create a Makefile that can run multiple jobs in parallel, when in fact make can generally do this for you.
All you need to do is give each job a separate command in make:
target: job1 job2
If you use something like this in your Makefile and then run make -j2 target, then both some_command and some_other_command will be run in parallel.
See if you can find a way to get make to run your work in parallel like this.
