Reloading Sinatra app on every request on Windows - ruby

I've set up Rack::Reload according to this thread
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
set :environment, :development
require 'app'
run Sinatra::Application
# app.rb
class Sinatra::Reloader < Rack::Reloader
def safe_load(file, mtime, stderr = $stderr)
if file == Sinatra::Application.app_file
stderr.puts "#{self.class}: reseting routes"
configure(:development) { use Sinatra::Reloader }
get '/' do
Running with thin via thin start -R, but it only reloads newly added routes. When I change already existing route, it still runs the old code.
When I add new route, it correctly reloads it, so it is accessible, but it doesn't reload anything else.
For example, if I changed routes to
get '/' do
get '/foo' do
Than / would still serve foo, even though it has changed, but /foo would correctly reload and serve baz.
Is this normal behavior, or am I missing something? I'd expect whole source file to be reloaded. The only way around I can think of right now is restarting whole webserver when filesystem changes.
I'm running on Windows Vista x64, so I can't use shotgun because of fork().

You could try sinatra-reloader, which is known to work well on Windows (also, it's faster than shotgun).

This works:
require 'rubygems'
require 'app'
set :environment, :development
run Sinatra::Application
# app.rb
require 'sinatra'
class Sinatra::Reloader < Rack::Reloader
def safe_load(file, mtime, stderr = $stderr)
if file == File.expand_path(Sinatra::Application.app_file)
stderr.puts "#{self.class}: reseting routes"
configure(:development) { use Sinatra::Reloader }
get '/' do
It matters from where you have the require statement. But I find the following solution more elegant and robust:
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'rack/reloader'
require 'app'
set :environment, :development
use Rack::Reloader, 0 if development?
run Sinatra::Application
# app.rb
get '/' do

Does Shotgun not work on Windows?
From the README:
This is an automatic reloading version of the rackup command that's shipped with
Rack. It can be used as an alternative to the complex reloading logic provided
by web frameworks or in environments that don't support application reloading.
The shotgun command starts one of Rack's supported servers (e.g., mongrel, thin,
webrick) and listens for requests but does not load any part of the actual
application. Each time a request is received, it forks, loads the application in
the child process, processes the request, and exits the child process. The
result is clean, application-wide reloading of all source files and templates on
each request.

You can also try using Trinidad a JRuby Rack container based on Tomcat. In my experience it does change reloading by default without having to modify your source files. Bloody fast too. Obviously no good if you are using native libraries, but if you are deploying on Windows you are probably used to adopting a pure-ruby approach.
Its syntax is just as simple as the thin approach:
jruby -S trinidad -r
There is no Java specific yak shaving (i.e. creating web.xml or WARing up your Ruby app) and the gem is simple to install.


Sinatra Routing - Separate Files

I'm going through a recently released book on Sinatra that demonstrates this way of setting up routes in different files:
# app.rb
require "sinatra"
require "slim"
class Todo < Sinatra::Base
# ...
Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "lib", "*.rb")].each { |lib| require lib }
# lib/routes.rb
get "/test" do
"The application is running"
require "sinatra"
require "bundler/setup"
ENV["RACK_ENV"] = "development"
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "app.rb")
However, it fails to find the route at http://localhost:4567/test. It would make sense to me that this should work when I run ruby or bundle exec rackup -p 4567. But coming from Rails development where all this configuration is built-in, I don't have a complete understanding of how everything gets wired together. The server is running on that port and I get the Sinatra doesn't know this ditty 404 page. If I reopen the class as suggested by this SO answer, the /test route is found.
# lib/routes.rb
class Todo < Sinatra::Base
get "/test" do
"The application is running"
Is there something I'm missing about this suggested way to include routes without reopening the class?
Try ruby app.rb, it should work.
You'll need to restart the webserver to load routes that were added while it was running. Routes are loaded into memory when app.rb is invoked and Sinatra is launched. The route itself looks fine and it appears routes.rb is being imported successfully via Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "lib", "*.rb")].each { |lib| require lib }.
If you're running the server directly through terminal Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C should shut it down, then restart it via rackup* or ruby app.rb. You may confirm the route is recognized by making a get request through your browser to:
For the rackup command to work, you can change to something like:
require './app'
run Sinatra::Application
This is just a deployment convenience.
Edit: #shaun, because Todo extends Sinatra::Base it's fine to use run Todo in your case.
The book suggested Todo.start! to run the application from the file, but the Sinatra documentation example uses run Sinatra::Application. So I just changed the line from Todo.start! to
run Todo
That seems to work, but I'll have to look into the consequences.

Sinatra exits without error

I'm very new to Sinatra, and I'm trying to get asset management & compiling working according to this article. Here is my main file so far:
require 'sinatra/base'
require 'sinatra/assetpack'
require 'sass'
class App < Sinatra::Base
register Sinatra::AssetPack
assets do
css :application, [
css_compression :sass
get '/hi' do
erb "Hello World!"
but, for some reason, when I run ruby main.rb, it just exits without failure or anything. Is there a special keyword to get the application to serve files?
Using the modular style of Sinatra application, as you are doing, running ruby main.rb is going to exit without error because it is being treated as a standard ruby application and no webserver is ever created.
You have two options.
1 Add run! if app_file == $0 just before the final end statement in your example.
This will allow you to run the app with ruby main.rb
2 (This is the preferred method) Create a rackup file with the following contents.
require './main.rb'
run App
Now you can serve the application with the command rackup -p 4567 where 4567 is whatever port number you want to use.
You need to start the application
require 'sinatra/base'
require 'sinatra/assetpack'
require 'sass'
class App < Sinatra::Base
register Sinatra::AssetPack
assets do
css :application, [
css_compression :sass
get '/hi' do
erb "Hello World!"
run! if app_file == $0
one observation, erb should point to a template, example:
get '/hi' do
erb :home
should look for a file in ../views/home.erb
Also Assuming you already did gem install sinatra. I would also use the rerun gem while developing in sinatra, gem install rerun then rerun ruby app.rb. Rerun will reload your project when you make changes to your code so you won't have to restart the app when ever you make a change.

Using a rackup file to custom configure an application instance

tl;dr How can I get a single Sinatra app to start up very differently on different servers via customizations to
I have a single web application written using Sinatra that's run on different servers. Currently the codebase for these servers is forked because there are some non-trivial differences in the way (discrete) parts of them work. For example:
one server authenticates users via an intranet LDAP server, while another server uses a simpler local database table lookup.
one server uses an external cron job to periodically update some statistics, while another (Windows-based) server uses an internal sleepy Thread.
one server stores certain metadata in a local table, while another server pulls the metadata from an external Wiki via screen scraping (!).
…and so on.
I'd like to get these code bases completely shared (single Git repo). I envision that each server would have one slightly-differing configuration file that causes the app to be started up differently.
Abandoned Solutions
I could change the behavior of the app based on environment variables. As there are a not-tiny number of variations in behavior, I'd rather not hide the settings in environment variables.
I could create my own "server-settings.rb" file that is unique to each machine, require it in my app.rb, and then change the configuration there. However, this seems to possibly be re-inventing the wheel. I already have a file named for each server. Shouldn't I be using this?
The Current Code
My for the app currently is simply:
require ::File.join( ::File.dirname(__FILE__), 'app' )
And the app.rb that it requires is, in essence:
require 'sinatra'
require_relative 'helpers/login' # customized for LDAP lookup on this server
class MyApp < Sinatra::Application
use Rack::Session::Cookie, key:'', path:'/', secret:'ohnoes'
set :protection, except: [:path_traversal, :session_hijacking]
configure :production do
# run various code that depends on server settings, e.g.
Snapshotter.start # there is no cron on this machine, so we do it ourselves
configure :development do
# run various code that depends on server settings
The Question
I'd like to make live up to its name, and have it look something like this:
require ::File.join( ::File.dirname(__FILE__), 'app' )
run auth: :ldap, snapshot:false, metadata: :remote_wiki, … )
How can I modify my application to change its configuration behavior based on settings supplied via Or is this an abuse of, trying to use it for totally the wrong thing?
As soon as I started reading the question the first answer to pop into my head was "environment variable" but you scotched that straight away :)
I'll go with a mixture of one of your coulds and the desired outcome code, as it's how I structure things…
Because I want to be able to test my applications more easily, I take most of the Ruby out of the and into a separate config.rb file and leave to be a bootstrap file. So my standard skel is:
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler'
root = File.expand_path File.dirname(__FILE__)
require File.join( root , "./app/config.rb" )
# everything was moved into a separate module/file to make it easier to set up tests
map "/" do
# encoding: utf-8
require_relative File.expand_path(File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "../lib/ext/warn.rb")
require_relative "./init.rb" # config
require_relative "./main.rb" # routes and helpers
require 'encrypted_cookie'
# standard cookie settings
:key => 'usr',
:path => "/",
:expire_after => 86400, # In seconds, 1 day
:secret => ENV["LLAVE"],
:httponly => true
module APP_NAME # overall name of the app
require 'rack/ssl' # force SSL
require 'rack/csrf'
if ENV["RACK_ENV"] == "development"
require 'pry'
require 'pry-nav'
# from
$stdout.sync = true
ONE_MONTH = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30
def do
cookie_settings = COOKIE_SETTINGS
# more security if in production
cookie_settings.merge!( :secure => true ) if ENV["RACK_ENV"] == "production"
# AES encryption of cookies
use Rack::Session::EncryptedCookie, cookie_settings
if ENV["RACK_ENV"] == "production"
use Rack::SSL, :hsts => {:expires => ONE_MONTH}
# to stop XSS
use Rack::Csrf, :raise => true unless ENV["RACK_ENV"] == "test"
run App # the main Sinatra app
end #
end # APP_NAME
The initial reason I did this was making it easy to run the app in specs:
shared_context "All routes" do
include Rack::Test::Methods
let(:app){ }
but it makes sense to me to keep this code with the rest of the application code, so to speak, as I can bundle things together, run other apps etc. I've used this to conditionally load different examples into the specs in a few projects (it helps cut down on duplicated effort and check the examples really work), so I don't see why you couldn't use it to conditionally load configurations.
This way you get to choose to use a conditional in the as to which config.rb file you would use, or use an env var in the config.rb as to which definiton of to use , or pass in an options hash to…
With your set up I'd rename the APP_NAME module to MyApp, and the Sinatra class to App (because quite often I'll have an website that runs a front end and an API, so the Sinatra classes get named by their function (App, API etc) and wrapped in a module named after the site) and end up with:
map "/" do
run auth: :ldap, snapshot:false, metadata: :remote_wiki )
def opts={} )
opts = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge opts
# …
run App
It'll be interesting to see how other people tackle this.

Why do I need to run my sinatra app again when making changes and my environment is not :development?

I just implemented Compass configuration for my Sinatra app but when I change the environment to :test or :production and modify my files like screen.sass or index.haml my changes are not reflected when I reload the page so I need to run my app again?
Is it normal? Is is just me?
This is how my app.rb file looks like:
require 'sinatra'
require 'haml'
require 'sass'
require 'compass'
require './helpers.rb'
configure do
set :environment, :test
Compass.configuration do |config|
settings.environment == :production ?
config.output_style = :compressed :
config.output_style = :nested
settings.environment == :development ?
config.line_comments = true :
config.line_comments = false
set :sass, Compass.sass_engine_options
before do
#js = 'javascript:;'
get '/scripts/jquery.js' do
# Downloads the latest jQuery 1.x version when needed. Requires to reload the page after done.
`curl "" >> public/scripts/jquery.js`
get '/styles/:name.css' do
sass :"styles/#{params[:name]}"
get '/?' do
haml :index
get '/:page/?' do
haml params[:page].to_sym
Any idea?
Generally, if you make a change to a running Sinatra application, you have to restart the application, as the program has already been loaded to memory.
There are options for automatically detecting changes and restarting the application on the Sinatra FAQ.
Since Shotgun fix the issue partially (reloading the files for your at production, maybe try with Sinatra::Reloader which, IMHO, works better than Shotgun.
Maybe something like (not tested)
require "sinatra"
configure(:production) do |c|
require "sinatra/reloader"
c.also_reload "*.sass", "*.haml"
That being said, are you sure you do need this kind of behavior on a production/test environment for updating? Development env. should be (at least, for what I use it for) for this kind of hot testing.
I used to use sinatra::reloader
but I didn't like the huge dependencies incurred (as should we all be mindful how many gems get activated)
pistol ( at a tender age of ver 0.0.2) and I think does the required job nicely
I use shotgum gem for this.
gem install shotgun
shotgun app.rb
from within the app dir
this then reloads the app per request, rather than holding the whole thing in memory. you access the site on localhost:9393

Using Cucumber With Modular Sinatra Apps

I'm building out a medium-sized application using Sinatra and all was well when I had a single app.rb file and I followed Aslak's guidance up on Github:
As the app grew a bit larger and the app.rb file started to bulge, I refactored out a lot of of the bits into "middleware" style modules using Sinatra::Base, mapping things using a rack-up file ( etc.
The app works nicely - but my specs blew up as there was no more app.rb file for webrat to run against (as defined in the link above).
I've tried to find examples on how to work this - and I think I'm just not used to the internal guts of Cuke just yet as I can't find a single way to have it cover all the apps. I tried just pointing to "" instead of app.rb - but that doesn't work.
What I ended up doing - which is completely hackish - is to have a separate app.rb file in my support directory, which has all the requires stuff so I can at least test the model stuff. I can also specify routes in there - but that's not at all what I want to do.
So - the question is: how can I get Cucumber to properly work with the modular app approach?
Update to include dealing with multiple Sinatra apps
Require the file where your app comes together and change
def app
def app do
map '/a' { run MyAppA }
map '/b' { run MyAppB }
and just test the app proper.
eg, if you define middleware in your that you want to test, maybe move loading those into your app's definition.
Thanks to Mr. BaroqueBobcat - the answer now, of course, seems so damn obvious :). Here's the env.rb (/features/support/env.rb):
require 'sinatra'
require 'test/unit'
require 'spec/expectations'
require 'rack/test'
require 'webrat'
require 'app1'
require 'app2'
require 'app3'
Webrat.configure do |config|
config.mode = :rack
class MyWorld
require 'test/unit'
set :environment, :test
include Rack::Test::Methods
include Webrat::Methods
include Webrat::Matchers
Webrat::Methods.delegate_to_session :response_code, :response_body, :response
def app do
map '/' do
run App1 #important - this is the class name
map '/app1' do
run App2
map '/app2' do
run App3
World do
def app
eval " {( " + + '/../') + "\n )}"
