PostThreadMessage fails - winapi

I have created a UI thread. I m posting message to the UI thread which will write data in a file.
I am using PostThreadMessage API to post the message to User thread. My Problem is it's not writing all the data that I have posted. For Instance, if i post 100 data, it writes randomly 3 or 98 varies for every execution. The handler for Postdata is not getting called for every message.
CWriteToFile *m_pThread = (CWriteToFile *)AfxBeginThread(RUNTIME_CLASS (CWriteToFile));
PostThreadMessage(m_pThread->m_nThreadID , WM_WRITE_TO_FILE, (WPARAM)pData,NULL);
WaitForSingleObject(m_pThread, INFINITE);
The Return value of PostThreadMessage is success.

The PostMessage family of functions can fail if the message queue is full. You should check whether or not the function call succeeds.


Why are threads created with message queues?

This is windows specific question.
According to microsoft docs,
The system maintains a single system message queue and one thread-specific message queue for each GUI thread. To avoid the overhead of creating a message queue for non–GUI threads, all threads are created initially without a message queue. The system creates a thread-specific message queue only when the thread makes its first call to one of the specific user functions; no GUI function calls result in the creation of a message queue.
So far I believed on that all threads are created initially without a message queue. Today, I tested this with PostThreadMessageW because it is stated that
The function fails if the specified thread does not have a message queue.
However, PostThreadMessageW always returns 1 (TRUE) for all threads right after creation.
DWORD dwThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId();
BOOL bResult = PostThreadMessageW(dwThreadID, WM_QUIT, 123, 456);
Why is this happening?

Trigger/Handle events between programs in different ABAP sessions

I have two programs running in separated sessions. I want to send a event from program A and catch this event in program B.
How can I do that ?
Using class-based events is not really an option, as these cannot be used to communicate between user sessions.
There is a mechanism that you can use to send messages between sessions: ABAP Messaging Channels. You can send anything that is either a text string, a byte string or can be serialised in any of the above.
You will need to create such a message channel using the repository browser SE80 (Create > Connectivity > ABAP Messaging Channel) or with the Eclipse ADT (New > ABAP Messaging Channel Application).
In there, you will have to define:
The message type (text vs binary)
The ABAP programs that are authorised to access the message channel.
The scope of the messages (i.e. do you want to send messages between users? or just for the same user? what about between application servers?)
The message channels work through a publish - subscribe mechanism. You will have to use specialised classes to publish to the channel (inside report A) and to read from the channel (inside report B). In order to wait for a message to arrive once you have subscribed, you can use the statement WAIT FOR MESSAGE CHANNELS.
Example code:
" publishing a message
CAST if_amc_message_producer_text(
i_application_id = 'DEMO_AMC'
i_channel_id = '/demo_text'
i_suppress_echo = abap_true )
)->send( i_message = text_message ).
" subscribing to a channel
DATA(lo_receiver) = NEW message_receiver( ).
i_application_id = 'DEMO_AMC'
i_channel_id = '/demo_text'
)->start_message_delivery( i_receiver = lo_receiver )
" waiting for a message
UNTIL lo_receiver->text_message IS NOT INITIAL
If you want to avoid waiting inside your subscriber report B and to do something else in the meanwhile, then you can wrap the WAIT FOR... statement inside a RFC and call this RFC using the aRFC variant. This would allow you to continue doing stuff inside report B while waiting for an event to happen. When this event happens, the aRFC callback method that you defined inside your report when calling the RFC would be executed.
Inside the RFC, you would simply have the subscription part and the WAIT statement plus an assignment of the message itself to an EXPORTING parameter. In your report, you could have something like:
CALLING lo_listener->my_method ON END OF TASK.
" inside your 'listener' class implementation
METHOD my_method.
DATA lv_message TYPE my_message_type.
IMPORTING ev_message = lv_message.
" do something with the lv_message
You could emulate it by checking in program B if a parameter in SAP memory has changed. program A will set this parameter to send the event. (ie SET/ GET PARAMETER ...). In effect you're polling event in B.
There a a lot of unknown in your desription. For example is the event a one-shot operation or can A send several event ? if so B will have to clear the parameter when done treating the event so that A know it's OK to send a new one (and A will have to wait for the parameter to clear after having set it)...
edited : removed the part about having no messaging in ABAP, since Seban shown i was wrong

Safe await on function in another process

How to safely await on function execution (takes str and int as arguments and doesn't require any other context) in a separate process?
Long story
I have aiohtto.web web API that uses Boost.Python wrapper for C++ extension, run under gunicorn (and I plan to deploy it on Heroku), tested by locust.
About extension: it have just one function that does non-blocking operation - takes one string (and one integer for timeout management), does some calculations with it and returns a new string. And for every input string, it is only one possible output (except timeout, but in that case, C++ exception must be raised and translated by Boost.Python to a Python-compatible one).
In short, a handler for specific URL executes the code below:
res = await loop.run_in_executor(executor, func, *args)
where executor is the ProcessPoolExecutor instance, and func -function from C++ extension module. (in the real project, this code is in the coroutine method of the class, and func - it's classmethod that only executes C++ function and returns the result)
Error catching
When a new request arrives, I extract it's POST data by and then storing it's data to the instance of the custom class named Call (because I have no idea how to name it in another way). So that call object contains all input data (string), request receiving time and unique id that comes with the request.
Then it proceeds to class named Handler (not the aiohttp request handler), that passes it's input to another class' method with loop.run_in_executor inside. But Handler has a logging system that works like a middleware - reads id and receiving time of every incoming call object and logging it with a message that tells you either it just starting to execute, successfully executed or get in trouble. Also, Handler have try/except and stores all errors inside the call object, so that logging middleware knows what error occurred, or what output extension had returned
I have the unit test that just creates 256 coroutines with this code inside and executor that have 256 workers and it works well.
But when testing with Locust here comes a problem. I use 4 Gunicorn workers and 4 executor workers for this kind of testing. At some time application just starts to return wrong output.
My Locust's TaskSet is configured to log every fault response with all available information: output string, error string, input string (that was returned by the application too), id. All simulated requests are the same, but id is unique for every.
The situation is better when setting Gunicorn's max_requests option to 100 requests, but failures still come.
Interesting thing is, that sometimes I can trigger "wrong output" period by simply stopping and starting Locust's test.
I need a 100% guarantee that my web API works as I expect.
UPDATE & solution
Just asked my teammate to review the C++ code - the problem was in global variables. In some way, it wasn't a problem for 256 parallel coroutines, but for Gunicorn was.

Implementing bulk-messaging from Salesforce to/from Twilio, hitting Salesforce API limits

I am building an integration between Salesforce and Twilio that sends/receives SMS using TwilioForce REST API. The main issue is getting around the 10-call API limit from Salesforce, as well as the prohibition on HTTP call outs from a trigger.
I am basing the design on Dan Appleman's Asynchronous Request processes, but in either Batch mode or RequestAsync(), ASync(), Sync(), repeat... I'm still hitting the limits.
I'd like to know how other developers have done this successfully; the integrations have been there for a while, but the examples are few and far between.
Are you sending unique messages for each record that has been updated? If not, then why not send one message to multiple recipients to save on your API limits?
Unfortunately, if you do actually need to send more than 10 unique messages there is no way to send messages in bulk with the Twilio API, you could instead write a simple application that runs on Heroku or some other application platform that you can call out to that will handle the SMS functionality for you.
I have it working now using the following structure (I apologize for the formatting - it's mostly pseudocode):
ASyncRequest object:
AsyncType (picklist: 'SMS to Twilio' is it for now),
Params (long text area: comma-separated list of Ids)
Message object:
To (phone), From (phone), Message (text), Sent (boolean), smsId (string), Error (text)
Message trigger: passes trigger details to CreateAsyncRequests() method.
CreateAsyncRequests: evaluate each new/updated Message__c; if Sent == false for any messages, we create an AsyncRequest, type=SMS to Twilio, Params += ',' + message.Id.
// Create a list to be inserted after all the Messages have been processed
List requests = new List();
Once we reach 5 message.Ids in a single AsyncRequest.Params list, add it to requests.
If all the messages have been processed and there's a request with < 5 Ids in Params, add it to requests as well.
If requests.size() > 0 {
insert requests;
AsyncProcessor implements .Batchable and .AllowsCallouts, and queries ASyncRequest__c for any requests that need to be processed, which in this case will be our Messages list.
The execute() method takes the list of ASyncRequests, splits each Params value into its component Message Ids, and then queries the Message object for those particular Messages.
StartBatch() calls execute() with 1 record at a time, so that each execute() process will still contain fewer than the maximum 10 callouts.
Each Message is processed in a try/catch block that calls SendMessage(), sets Message.smsId = Twilio.smsId and sets Message.Sent = true.
If no smsId is returned, then the message was not sent, and I set a boolean bSidIsNull = true indicating that (at least) one message was not sent.
** If any message failed, no smsIds are returned EVEN FOR MESSAGES THAT WERE SUCCESSFUL **
After each batch of messages is processed, I check bSidIsNull; if true, then I go back over the list of messages and put any that do not have an smsId into a map indexed by the Twilio number I'm trying to send them From.
Since I limited each ASyncRequest to 5 messages, I still have the use of a callout to retrieve all of the messages sent from that Twilio.From number for the current date, using
client.getAccount().getMessages('From' => fromNumber, 'DateSent' => currentDate)
Then I can update the Message.smsIds for all of the messages that were successful, and add an error message to Message.Error_on_Send__c for any that failed.

XSync - what does the discard parameter mean?

According to the man page, calling XSync(dpy, 1) discards the events in the queue, but what does this really mean? If they are not discarded, are they sent twice (once by the XSync() call and a second time when the queue is emptied normally)? Or is it just like a garbage collector (the events get discarded anyway just a later time)?
XSync waits until the request output buffer is emptied (sent to the server). If the discard parameter is True, this function will throw away all queued events. These events are received from the X server.
Consider the following protocol exchange:
C -> S QueryKeymap request
C <- S ConfigureNotify event
C <- S QueryKeymap reply
You called XQueryKeymap in your client application which sents a QueryKeymap protocol message to the server. While doing so, you resized the window, hence the ConfigureNotify event.
If you run XSync(display, False) after your XQueryKeymap, then the client will wait until the reply is received. A next XPending(display) call will return the number of queued events which is 1 for the ConfigureNotify event above.
When XSync(display, True) was used instead, then XPending(display) returns 0 for the above case.
If your code is to be used by others, please save their time by not using True. For an example of what can go wrong when using True, see
It's seems that you misconcept two things: X requests with X events, it's not the same. In short:
X requets:
... A client application sends requests to the X server over this connection. These requests are made by the Xlib functions that are called in the client application. ...
X events:
... Many Xlib functions cause the X server to generate events, and the user's typing or moving the pointer can generate events asynchronously. The X server returns events to the client ...
For more info check this - it's very helpful.
XSync called that way: XSync(dpy, False) does two things (according to manul that you pointed):
The XSync function flushes the output buffer and then waits until all requests have been received and processed by the X server.
XSync called that way: XSync(dpy, True) does those two things above plus additional one: discards (processes) all events in the queue.
If you passed True, XSync() discards all events in the queue, including those events that were on the queue before XSync() was called.
For example (pseudocode):
sendEvent2Xserver() //for example by pressing the key
endEvent2Xserver() //for example by mouse button press
XSendEvent() //sending chosen event to X server
XSync(dpy, True) // after this call, it's guaranteed that all the previous events were processed by the server
