SQL Server Management Studio solution vs Visual Studio Projects - visual-studio

Almost all of our projects involve a web application or winforms application and a data access layer (class library) and stored procedures/database scripts.
We are looking for a good way to organize the solutions, and found a few ways:
1)We could have a sql server management studio solution for all the db related things, then have a visual studio solution for the application and data access layer projects.
2)We could do it all in visual studio with 3 projects, a sql server project, a web app/winforms app project, and a data access layer project.
3)We could do it all in visual studio with 2 projects, a web app/winforms app project and a data access layer project, and just put the sql scripts in a directory in the data access layer project.
I'm sure there's other ways, but I'm just curious to see how others go about doing it.

I have done this successfully using Visual Studio Team System Database Edition - multiple types dot net projects with a database project in a single solution.
Keep in mind that deploying a database project takes much longer because you usually need test data and most inserts thereto are RBAR insert statements. We used to turn off deploying the database project until absolutely necessary (usually once or twice a week).
Of course, all of this was in TFS for source code control

SQL Server Management Studio solution
allow use GUI designer for creating and editing some objects.
Visual Studio Projects
allows use TFS as version control and more integrate work of all developers working with a database;
better implements IntelliSence

I use Management Studio and some batch files to export/import/store the sql in the solution (under source control too).
So each time there's a change in the db it's exported to the solution and a custom tool is run to update the ORM proxy classes.


Visual Studio Project that execute an SQL script

I have this question... probably is similar to Executing scripts from a database project in visual studio
but i didn't understand the solution given.
So i made a Database Server 2008 project inside visual studio.
Just one table. When i press DEPLOY the database is created inside SQLServer2008 and the table is created.
Now what if i would like to give the project to someone who has SQLServer and he needs to recreate the database and the table in his computer?..
Apart form executing the query from Visual Studio is there any way to create an executable that automatically "deploy" from outside Visual Studio?..
There are different types of Database projects in Visual Studio. The old ones, which were not so feature rich. The 'Data Dude' ones that came with Visual Studio 2010 Team Database Edition and the most recent iteration that comes with the SQL Server Data Tools. All of these can be installed on top of the standard Visual Studio Professional and don't require additional licenses.
SQL Server Data Tools is the latest, and also the best integrated and most powerful variant of the bunch. It can also be used to compare existing schema's and generate upgrade scripts or automatically upgrade the schema in an existing database for you.
During build, a package will be created that holds all the schema information for your database. You can then use the command line tools provided by the SQL Server data tools or MSDeploy to deploy your compressed schema file to a new or an existing database.
This deployment mechanism can also upgrade existing schema if needed.

How can I manage SQL Server jobs using a Database project

Does Visual Studio 2010 support managing SQL Server jobs in the Database Project?
I am working with a database project in Visual Studio 2010. I would like to manage my database scheduler job in my database project. It seems that I could not create any server object in the database project.
What we do at my company is:
Script out your jobs to be re-runnable (either drop/create or skip if exists)
Place the scripts in your Post-Deployment folder (and include the reference in your Script.PostDeployment.sql file as necessary)
No, you won't be able to do that. If you want to use Visual Studio to manage database projects you can use the database and server projects (what used to be called Data Dude).
You might also want to take a look at Red Gate SQL Connect. It works with databases and source control through Visual Studio.

How Do I Attach a SQL Server Express Database to a Visual Studio 2010 project?

How do I do this?
Attach an SQL Server Express Database to a Visual Studio project so that...
my source control contains the most resent schema for the database including stored procedures (can'
t use SQL Compact Ed. because need to be able write stored procedures against the database),
can be version controlled using TFS without using tools like Red Gate Source Control,
can be automatically set up/updated when a developer gets the latest version of a project (using MS Build or similar build script api),
(would be nice) can be published after entire project passes unit tests.
Is any of this possible and if so how do I do it?
Sounds like you want a migration framework, more than you want to store the actual database. Look into migration libraries for .Net like FluentMigrator.
This sounds like continuous Database Integration:

Visual Studio 2010 - Database Projects (where are the project template for just script files?)

VS.NET 2010 removed the database project template that could be used for just script files
(that you right click on and execute on desired database).
I want to add a database project similar to the ones in VS.NET 2008? Can i do this?
I tried to use one of the new vs.net 2010 database projects however, in our environment we have multiple applications within the same database. We also have a lot of legacy stuff. In addition we have a lot of queries that cross databases (i.e. in the case of accessing data wharehouse tables). It sure seems that this scenario is hard to use with the new database projects. It seems this adds a lot of complexity to using the new db projects.
What sort of database project is best to be used for this scenario??

Visual Studio 2005: File->New->Project vs File->New->Web Site?

Say I want to create vb.net application in Visual studio 2005.
What is the difference between File->New->Project vs File->New->Web Site?
I am aware that when using New->Project there are many more options available but if one wants to create just .net web application, would it make a any difference what option you choose?
Here's a good link about WAPs (web application projects) and the differences between WAPs and website projects.
In 2003, your only option (if I recall correctly) was the WAP. 2005 introduced the concept of website projects, where all your code is uploaded to the server and compiled into DLLs on first access. This allows you to easily change your code without having to compile and publish the dlls.
Not a lot of people liked this new way of doing it, so MS created an update to allow for 2003 style WAPs in 2005. 2008 retains both options.
The File->New->Web site option is the only way to create a website application (or, at least it is in 2k8). The only way to create a WAP is to do File->New Project->Web->...
If you create a project, all cs files in your project will be compiled into one DLL. Instead, if you choose to create a website, all your app_code will be compiled and cached on the fly.
