Validation errors not rendered in the view - validation

I'm having a hard time figuring this validation problem. I have one parent domain class defined as follows:
class Person {
String fullName
List telephones = []
static hasMany = [telephones : Telephone]
static constraints = {
fullName(size:3..50, blank:false, nullable:false)
Then a sublcass:
class SalesAdvisor extends Person{
Float comission //In percentage
Portfolio customerPortfolio
Inventory inventory
static constraints = {
comission(range:0..100, scale:2, nullable:false)
In the SalesAdvisorController I save SalesAdvisor instances:
def save = {
def portfolio = new Portfolio()
def inventory = new Inventory(name:'${params.fullName}Inventory', description:"${params.fullName}'s Inventory")
params.customerPortfolio = portfolio
params.inventory = inventory
def salesAdvisor = new SalesAdvisor(params)
if(!salesAdvisor.hasErrors() &&{"New instance of SalesAdvisor saved.")
log.error("There was an error saving the sales advisor.")
println it.code
render(view:'create', model:[salesAdvisor:SalesAdvisor])
In order to display any errors, in the 'create' view I have:
<g:hasErrors bean="${salesAdvisor}">
<div class="errors">
<g:renderErrors bean="${salesAdvisor}" as="list" />
Validation seems to be working fine. However if I submit a string instead of a float for the comission field, in logs I can see "typeMismatch" but the view renders nothing! The file has a default entry for typeMismatch. Same thing for the fullName field, in logs I can see "nullable" and "blank" errors, but the view renders nothing.
I'm guessing it's more the view's fault than the controller or the domain, since unit tests behave like they should.

I'd say the problem is a simple typo in your model-passing code:
render(view:'create', model:[salesAdvisor:SalesAdvisor])
(note the uppercase SalesAdvisor value). Try
render(view:'create', model:[salesAdvisor:salesAdvisor])
As a side note, there is a bug in your Inventory constructing code:
You should use double-quotes here (GString).


To create a session explicitly for first the first time page loads in Grails

As soon as a page loads, it renders a lot of data and shows on the view which sort of slows down the performance. I want to restrict this and load the data only when a filter is applied .
I need a way in which a session variable can store the value on the 1st login and no data should be loaded in that 1st session i.e. when any user loads it for the very first time using his login. something like the below in the controller class:
if(session.dtstartDate && session.dtstartDate != '')
SimpleDateFormat nsdf = new SimpleDateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd')
Date startDateValue = nsdf.parse(session.dtstartDate.substring(0, session.dtstartDate.lastIndexOf("T")))
eq("startDate", startDateValue)//if any filter is applied
if this is the 1st session the startdate should be null --> need a piece of code to be replaced here
I am unsure maybe I still have not got what you have tried to ask properly, I thought I should try to answer your question to how I understood your problem to be.
If we take this basic filter and add some stuff to it we may be able to get to what you wish to do using a better method ? I am unsure what startDate is actually representing but if we base it on if a user has hit a controller for the first time or not the answer would be something like this, you could replace the logic to startDate if it has other significance:
so adding some hashmap arrayset to your filter that gets called before the action is called when user clicks the controller/action:
in your conf/MyFiters.groovy
class MyFilters {
static final Set<HashMap<String[],String[]>> userControl =
([:] as Set).asSynchronized()
//where controller is controllerName and action is actionName
def filters = {
MyLogger() {
before = {
if (verifyClientMaster( as String ,controllerName)==false) {
clientMaster.add( as String:controllerName)
// now here you have a new user so set
// some session value for gsp or load something
// user has hit it before do something else or set something else
Boolean verifyClientMaster(String sessionId,String controller) {
// iterate
boolean found = false
userControl.each { k,v -> if (k == sessionId && v == controller) {
found = true
something like this and you know if the user has hit the controller or not.. remember the session is per user. so a new user has a new session entity.
Hope it is of help and not off track..
Thinking about it you do go down this route then you would need to keep track of when session expires and to remove the user from clientMaster.. take a look at this project if you did go down this route.. personally I would even do it simpler than this... on a rethink...
class MyFilters {
def filters = {
MyLogger() {
before = {
if (!sessions."${controllerName}") {
// now here you have a new user so set
// some session value for gsp or load something
// user has hit it before do something else or set something else
and even simple than any of this would be to use the intelligence built into a gsp if what you load can be based on it... (not tested any of it ha)
<g:if test="${!session."${controllerName}"}">
<g:set var="${controllerName}" value="${controllerName}" scope="session" />
<g:render template="firstTimeHitter"/>
<g:render template="secondTimeHitter"/>
or just your controller that checks and sets that and either renders something different or sets something gsp picks up on..
def myController {
def doSomething() {
boolean firstTime = false
if (!session."${controllerName}") {
// first time either render or set firsTime
firstTime = true
session."${controllerName}" = controllerName // or startDate
// render view: 'firstTime, model: [firstTime:firstTime, params:params]
} else{
// render view: 'firstTime, model: [firstTime:firstTime, params:params]
// if no render above:
render view: 'doSomething, model: [firstTime:firstTime, params:params]
// now in doSomething gsp you look for firstTime:
do someThing:
<g:if test="${firstTime.toString().equals('true')}">
<g:render template="firstTimeHitter"/>
<g:render template="secondTimeHitter"/>
The possibilities are endless, the differences being with a filter its a one fits all, i.e. it is checking every controller as it is hit by each user. In controller and gsp solution you have to declare it where needed. You could have an abstract controller that other controllers extend to repeat that check as a higher class that gets called to verify, regardless their all a lot more repetitive than a simple one off filter...
Final Edit to give other other alternatives would be:
final Set<Session> jsessions = ([] as Set).asSynchronized()
println "=== ${jsessions}"
if (jsessions.contains(controllerName)) {
println "--- We have ${controllerName} defined in our session set.... jsessions"
ArrayList jsessions2 = []
session.jsessions2 = jsessions2
//repeat this on every call
ArrayList jsessionsret = session.jsessions2
session.jsessions2 = jsessionsret
if (jsessions2.contains(controllerName)) {
println "--- We have ${controllerName} defined in our session set.... jsessionsret"
println "222 --- ${jsessions2}"
This segment above are two different implementations of using first a session set that is global and could be used if you do not care if the controller is hit by usera userb etc so if usera hits it userb would also be considered as hitting it.. This is jsessions.
The bottom jsessions2 is an attempt to turn a single session key into an ArrayList. So rather than storing lots of single object i.e. session."${controllerName}" per call of a controller per user session. You could have 1 single session key per user that you append each controller they hit to.. and you then check to see if they have that controller

isolated storage in windows phone developement

Im using VS to develop a windows phone app. Im doing it wp8 but it doesnt matter because it the code works for 7 too. Anyway, I have a text box and a button. When the text from the text box is entered, and the button is clicked it adds that to isolated storage.
On my other page, I have a textblock. Which should display what I wrote in the text box. It does work, but first let me sho you my code.
if (appsettings.Contains("name"))
appsettings.Add("name", TitleTextBox.Text); //rename if already exists
and then the second page that collects the info is below.
if (appsettings.Contains("name"))
string content = appsettings["name"].ToString(); //converts to string
titleTextBlock.Text = content; //shows title in text block
The problem is, the "name" works. However, if I call it ANYTHING else it does not. I want to add a different name because i want to be able to input two lots. For example two text box's and then when you press the button and go to the other page, it has two textblocks displaying each string in each one. I can't seem to do this because only "name" works. Ive changed it to other names and it doesnt work. Does anyone know why?
IsolatedStorageSettings works as a Dictionary. If you want to acces a specific key it should exist in the Dictionary.
If you try to change the value that already exists you can do like this:
if (appSettings.Contains("key")) appSettings["key"] = "new value";
else appSettings.Add("key", "new value");
Don't also forget to save your appSettings:
And also according to your code - in ISS you can put not only string - it can be any object, if you want to get it, you should make a cast or use as:
string content = (string)appsettings["name"]; //converts to string
string content = appsettings["name"] as string;
EDIT - after comments, rebuild once more
If you want to have a to-do-list and you know that every task has its specific title, description and time then I would advise to create a special class for this, for example:
public class myTodo
public string TaskTitle { get; set; }
public string TaskDescription { get; set; }
public TimeSpan ElapsedTime { get; set; }
I used TimeSpan because I think it's easier to manage Time with it. Then if you want to Save/Load your myTodo you can do like this:
// create an example of your task
myTodo newTask = new myTodo() { TaskTitle = "Clean", TaskDescription = "Clean room", ElapsedTime = new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0) };
// add it to ISS and save
if (appSettings.Contains("firatTask")) appSettings["firatTask"] = newTask;
else appSettings.Add("firatTask", newTask);
// try to load
myTodo read = appSettings["firatTask"] as myTodo;
You can access your item like this:
read.Title = TitleTextBox.Text; // and so on
Consider also making a List<myToDo> and be aware that ISS shoul also handle this:
List<myTodo> listJob = new List<myTodo>();
listJob.Add(firstTask); // firstTask is myToDo
listJob.Add(secondTask); // secondTask is myToDo
if (appSettings.Contains("listTask")) appSettings["listTask"] = listJob;
else appSettings.Add("listTask", listJob);
List<myTodo> readList = appSettings["listTask"] as List<myTodo>;

Grails - Field error disappears from parent class

I have the following problem:
I have a domain class called customer, with a field discount embedded.
class Customer {
String username
Discount discount
static constraints = { ... }
class Discount {
Integer item1
Integer item2
static constraints = { item1 min:1, max:100, nullable:true }
I have a controller, where a customer's data can be modified. The code goes something like this:
def edit() {
Customer c = Customer.findByUsername(params.userName)
if(request.method != 'GET'){
bindData(c, params)
if(c.validate()) {
//save the result
println c.dump()//1
Then in the edit.gsp I put the following code:
Now my problem is, if I have a validation error, for example the user enters 123 for item1, I get the appropriate errors object which says that Customer bean has 1 field error on field discount.item1 when I call println c.dump()//1
In the edit.gsp on the other hand, the customer bean doesn't have any field errors but has the mentioned error. This is a big inconvenience, because I want to render errors next to the fields like so:
<g:renderErrors bean="${customer}" field="discount.item1"/>
But the customer bean doesn't have any errors, just the discount bean (therefore I don't get any errors rendered).
Has this problem occured to any of you ?
It seems that #Validatable classes use functionality of spring framework's AbstractBindingResult, which doesn't support this usage (as far as I can tell).
However I was able to create a workaround, which could be used as a taglib to achieve the same effect:
Given two validateable classes
class TestA {
TestB b
static constraints = {
b validator: {
class TestB {
int c
static constraints = {
c min: 100
One can simply resolve the bean and the attribute and delegate the rendering to the existing taglib.
import test.*
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib.*
ValidationTagLib validationTagLib = ctx.getBean(ValidationTagLib)
renderErrorsWithNestedFields = { attrs, body ->
def modifiedAttrs = attrs
String[] path = attrs?.field?.split('\\.')
if(path?.size() > 1) {
Object resolvedBean
resolvedBean = attrs.bean
path[0..-2].each {
//Some error handling would not hurt, but this is just a proof of concept
resolvedBean = resolvedBean[it]
modifiedAttrs = new HashMap(attrs)
modifiedAttrs.bean = resolvedBean
modifiedAttrs.field = path.last()
validationTagLib.renderErrors (modifiedAttrs, null)
TestA a = new TestA(b:new TestB(c:3))
renderErrorsWithNestedFields([bean:a, field:'b.c'], null)
And this should render an error for violating the min constraint on c.

Groovy/Grails validations and hasFieldErrors issue

I have created a custom tag that looks like this:
def textField = { attrs ->
def field ='\\.')[-1]
log.error("--------- Field is ${field}")
if (attrs.bean && attrs.bean.errors.hasFieldErrors(field)) {
def className = attrs.remove('class')
def classStr = 'errors '
if (className) {
classStr += className
attrs.put('class', classStr)
attrs.put('value', attrs.bean[field])
out << g.textField(attrs)
I'm calling it in my GSP like this:
<my:textField bean="${client}" name="client.firstName"/>
<my:textField bean="${client}" name="client.lastName"/>
<my:textField bean="${client}" name="client.workPhone"/>
And here is my domain-class
class Client {
String email
String address
String city
String state
String zip
String firstName
String lastName
String phone
String workPhone
String mobilePhone
String birthCountry
String citizenshipCountry
String emergencyContactName
String emergencyPhone
String disabilities
String experience
static constraints = {
email(email:true, unique:true, blank:false)
workPhone(blank:true, nullable:true)
mobilePhone(blank:true, nullable:true)
birthCountry(blank:true, nullable:true)
citizenshipCountry(blank:true, nullable:true)
disabilities(blank:true, nullable:true)
experience(blank:true, nullable:true)
static mapping = {
disabilities type: 'text'
experience type: 'text'
static hasMany = [courses:ClientCourseMap]
The page loads fine except when I actually have a "client" bean. It loads all the way up to the last tag "client.workPhone". Then I get the following exception:
2010-03-06 18:32:35,329 [http-8080-2] ERROR view.GroovyPageView - Error processing GroovyPageView: Error executing tag : org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.exceptions.GrailsTagException: Error executing tag : groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: client for class: com.personal.Client at /Users/dean/Projects/PersonalGrails/grails-app/views/registration/index.gsp:98 at /Users/dean/Projects/PersonalGrails/grails-app/views/registration/index.gsp:145
The problem is when hasFieldErrors is called on the bean. It passes in "field" which should be "workPhone". Stepping through a debugger shows that field is exactly "workPhone". However, with further inspection into the field variable, it shows that the internal value of field is "client.workPhone" and offset = 7, count = 9, hash = 0. However, if you call toString(), you get back "workPhone" as you'd expect.
I'm wondering of Grails or maybe even Spring is not using this string correctly? It looks like it's trying to use the real value of that string instead of paying attention to the offset/count of that string and getting back what is intended.
Does anyone see something I'm doing wrong? Or do you know of a workaround? I can give whatever info is needed, just ask... This is driving me nuts!
It looks like the intention of your tag is to reduce the amount of boilerplate GSP code needed when rendering a form. Have you considered using the bean-fields plugin instead?

How do I delete records from a child collection in LINQ to SQL?

I have two tables in my database connected by foreign keys: Page (PageId, other data) and PageTag (PageId, Tag). I've used LINQ to generate classes for these tables, with the page as the parent and the Tag as the child collection (one to many relationship). Is there any way to mark PageTag records for deletion from the database from within the Page class?
Quick Clearification:
I want the child objects to be deleted when the parent DataContext calls SubmitChanges(), not before. I want TagString to behave exactly like any of the other properties of the Page object.
I would like to enable code like the following:
Page page = mDataContext.Pages.Where(page => page.pageId = 1);
page.TagString = "new set of tags";
//Changes have not been written to the database at this point.
//All changes should now be saved to the database.
Here is my situation in detail:
In order to make working with the collection of tags easier, I've added a property to the Page object that treats the Tag collection as a string:
public string TagString {
get {
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
foreach (PageTag tag in PageTags) {
output.Append(tag.Tag + " ");
if (output.Length > 0) {
output.Remove(output.Length - 1, 1);
return output.ToString();
set {
string[] tags = value.Split(' ');
foreach (string tag in tags) {
PageTag pageTag = new PageTag();
pageTag.Tag = tag;
Basically, the idea is that when a string of tags is sent to this property, the current tags of the object are deleted and a new set is generated in their place.
The problem I'm encountering is that this line:
Doesn't actually delete the old tags from the database when changes are submitted.
Looking around, the "proper" way to delete things seems to be to call the DeleteOnSubmit method of the data context class. But I don't appear to have access to the DataContext class from within the Page class.
Does anyone know of a way to mark the child elements for deletion from the database from within the Page class?
After some more research, I believe I've managed to find a solution. Marking an object for deletion when it's removed from a collection is controlled by the DeleteOnNull parameter of the Association attribute.
This parameter is set to true when the relationship between two tables is marked with OnDelete Cascade.
Unfortunately, there is no way to set this attribute from within the designer, and no way to set it from within the partial class in the *DataContext.cs file. The only way to set it without enabling cascading deletes is to manually edit the *DataContext.designer.cs file.
In my case, this meant finding the Page association, and adding the DeleteOnNull property:
[Association(Name="Page_PageTag", Storage="_Page", ThisKey="PageId", OtherKey="iPageId", IsForeignKey=true)]
public Page Page
And adding the DeleteOnNull attribute:
[Association(Name="Page_PageTag", Storage="_Page", ThisKey="PageId", OtherKey="iPageId", IsForeignKey=true, DeleteOnNull = true)]
public Page Page
Note that the attribute needed to be added to the Page property of the PageTag class, not the other way around.
See also:
Beth Massi -- LINQ to SQL and One-To-Many Relationships
Dave Brace -- LINQ to SQL: DeleteOnNull
Sorry, my bad. That won't work.
It really looks like you need to be doing this in your repository, rather than in your Page class. There, you have access to your original data context.
There is a way to "attach" the original data context, but by the time you do that, it has become quite the code smell.
Do you have a relationship, in your Linq to SQL entity diagram, linking the Page and PageTags tables? If you don't, that is why you can't see the PageTags class from the Page class.
If the foreign key in the PageTags database table is set to Allow Nulls, Linq to SQL will not create the link when you drag the tables into the designer, even if you created a relationship on the SQL Server.
This is one of those areas where OR mapping can get kind of hairy. Providing this TagString property makes things a bit more convenient, but in the long run it obfuscates what is really happening when someone utilizes the TagString property. By hiding the fact that your performing data modification, someone can very easily come along and set the TagString without using your Page entity within the scope of a DataContext, which could lead to some difficult to find bugs.
A better solution would be to add a Tags property on the Page class with the L2S model designer, and require that the PageTags be edited directly on the Tags property, within the scope of a DataContext. Make the TagString property read only, so it can be genreated (and still provide some convenience), but eliminate the confusion and difficulty around setting that property. This kind of change clarifies intent, and makes it obvious what is happening and what is required by consumers of the Page object to make it happen.
Since Tags is a property of your Page object, as long as it is attached to a DataContext, any changes to that collection will properly trigger deletions or insertions in the database in response to Remove or Add calls.
Apparently you have to loop thru your PageTag records, calling DeleteOnSubmit for each one. Linq to SQL should create an aggregate query to delete all of the records at once when you call SubmitChanges, so overhead should be minimal.
foreach (PageTag tag in PageTags)
Add a DataContext member to your PageTag partial class.
partial class PageTag
DataClassesDataContext myDataContext = new DataClassesDataContext();
public string TagString {
Larger code sample posted at Robert Harvey's request:
DataContext.cs file:
namespace MyProject.Library.Model
using Tome.Library.Parsing;
using System.Text;
partial class Page
//Part of Robert Harvey's proposed solution.
MyDataContext mDataContext = new TomeDataContext();
public string TagString {
get {
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
foreach (PageTag tag in PageTags) {
output.Append(tag.Tag + " ");
if (output.Length > 0) {
output.Remove(output.Length - 1, 1);
return output.ToString();
set {
string[] tags = value.Split(' ');
//Original code, fails to mark for deletion.
//Robert Harvey's suggestion, thorws exception "Cannot remove an entity that has not been attached."
foreach (PageTag tag in PageTags) {
foreach (string tag in tags) {
PageTag PageTag = new PageTag();
PageTag.Tag = tag;
private bool mIsNew;
public bool IsNew {
get {
return mIsNew;
partial void OnCreated() {
mIsNew = true;
partial void OnLoaded() {
mIsNew = false;
Repository Methods:
public void Save() {
public Page GetPage(string pageName) {
Page page =
(from p in mDataContext.Pages
where p.FileName == pageName
select p).SingleOrDefault();
return page;
public ActionResult Edit(string pageName, FormCollection formValues) {
Page updatedPage = mRepository.GetPage(pageName);
//TagString is a Form value, and is set via UpdateModel.
UpdateModel(updatedPage, formValues.ToValueProvider());
updatedPage.FileName = pageName;
//At this point NO changes should have been written to the database.
//All changes should NOW be saved to the database.
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Pages", new { PageName = pageName });
