Force oracle to use index - oracle

Is there any way to force oracle to use index except Hints?

No. And if the optimizer doesn't use the index, it usually has a good reason for it. Index usage, if the index is poor, can actually slow your queries down.

Oracle doesn't use an index when it thinks the index is
invalid (for example, after a huge data load and the statistics about the index haven't been updated)
won't help (for example, when there are only two different values in 5 million rows)
So the first thing to check is that the index is enabled, then run the correct GATHER command on your index/table/schema. When that doesn't help, Oracle thinks that loading your index will actually take more time than loading the actual row values. In this case, add more columns to the index to make it appear more "diverse".

You might take a look at oracle stored outlines. You can take an existing query and create a stored outline and tweak the query just like hints. It is just very hard to use. Do some research before you decide to implement stored outlines.
You can add hints into the query that will cause it to look more favorably on one index over another index.
In general if you have collected good statistics on all the tables and indexes Oracle usually implements very good execution plans.

If your query doesn't include the indexed field in its conditions, then the DB would be foolish to use the index. Thus, I second Donnie's answer.

Yes, technically, you can force Oracle to use an index (without hints), in one scenario: if the table is an index-organized table, then logically the only way to query the table is via its index because there is no table to query.


force Oracle to use indexes over DB-Link queries

I use stored proceduers on DB instance "A" to store data in GTT. To get the original data i have to go over a DB-Link to DB instance "B". That for i put together the whole query and send it to remote DB instance.
This works fine. But sometimes it seems that Oracle is not using the best way or correct indexes for queries. Is there a way to force Oracle to use specific indexes? I tried to use hints, but honestly I dind't understand the difference between all these options.
Thanks for helping me!
There is a huge temptation to optimize a query one way when you want it to work another way. Adding hints is a temporary solution which can backfire on you when the amount or type of data in the table changes or when you upgrade to a newer version with a newer optimizer.
First, determine that there is a problem. Are all queries taking too long? Just some? Only the first one?
The easiest thing to do is to make sure the indexes on that table are up to date. Then look at optimizing the query by using the explain plan feature to see what indexes are being used.
It's also prudent to examine your data to see if the query is selecting different things or different amounts of records if it is time based.

Check all table columns for a value

Ok, tricky question I am trying to figure out where a database schema is storing a particular pointer. I know the pointer value I just don't what table it is in or what column. I know the pointer is 123123123. How do I check all table columns to see if any of them have that value?
In h2 you can use fulltext search, but then you would need to add all tables in the search scope and indexing.
If you need to index only primary keys, then it might be better but you still need to come up with individual FT_CREATE_INDEX() calls for each table. You can automate this with several languages or with ETLs (like scriptella).
If you've enough disk space, you could dump a SQL from your db and use a viewer for big files like glogg.
The advantage of the first solution is no external tools but you need to work out a specific indexing script for SQL for any existing or new table. The 2nd solution is a 1 time fix.
I use SQL Search from RedGate. It's free and it helps you find any text anywhere in the database.

Can we boost the performance of COUNT, DISTINCT and LIKE queries?

As far as I understand, when we run SQL query with COUNT, DISTINCT or LIKE %query% (wildcards at both sides) keywords the indexes cannot be used and the database have to do the full table scan.
Is there some way to boost the performance of these queries?
Do they really cannot use indexes or we can fix this somehow?
Can we make an index-only scan if we need to return only one column? For example: select count(id) from MY_TABLE: probably in this case we can make index-only scan and avoid hitting the whole table if we have index on 'id'?
My question has a general meaning: could you give me some performance guidelines if we have to use the mentioned operators?
As for me I use PostgreSQL.
with PostgreSQL, you can create GIN pg_trgm indexes for text strings to make LIKE '%foo%' faster, though this requires addons, and PostgreSQL 9.1 or higher.
I doubt distinct by itself will ever use an index. I tried in fact and could not get it to use one. You can sort of force an index to be used by using a recursive CTE to pull individual records out (what can be called a "sparse scan"). We do something like this when pulling individual years out of the accounting record. This requires writing special queries though and so isn't really the general case.
count(*) is never going to be able to use an index due to mvcc rules. You can get approximate results by looking in the appropriate system catalogs however.

Are indexes used when an UPDATE is fired without a WHERE clause

In Oracle are indexes used when an UPDATE is fired without a WHERE clause
By "used", do you mean "referred to" or "modified"?
An UPDATE without a WHERE clause boils down to an iteration over the entire table; I see no good reason why Oracle should refer to an index in this case, as there's no benefit to be had from that. (Although that's little more than a qualified guess.) nonnb is right that the index will be affected depending on what column you touch.
If you update affects indexed columns, then the index pages will need to be replaced as well.
Will Oracle use the index to find the rows being updated? With no where clause, almost certainly not.
Will Oracle have to read one or more indexes, getting blocks in consistent mode to update them? If you're updating any columns that are indexed, have function-based indexes which will result in an updated indexed value, or cause row movement among partitions, then yes, indexes "will be used."

do's and don'ts for writing mysql queries

One thing I always wonder while writing query is that am I writing most optimized query or not? I know certain things like:
1) using SELECT field1, filed2 instead of SELECT *
2) Giving proper indexes to the tables
but I am sure there are more things that should be kept in mind for writing queries, since most of the database can only grow more and optimal query will help in execution time. Can you share some tips and tricks on writing queries?
Testing is the best way to measure performance. Monitor your queries on the live database and make use of things like the slow query log.
I would also recommend enabling the query cache, which will give most typical usage situations a massive boost.
Use proper data types for your fields
Use back-tick character (`) for reserved keywords
When dealing with multiple tables, try using joins
20 SQL Tips
As well as the Do's and Dont's, you may find the Hidden Features of MySQL useful.
As a matter of fact, no "tips" can help you.
Database design require deep knowledge, not tips.
There are always "weight" of these "dont's". Most of such listings fall to list most unimportant things and fail to mention important ones. Your list for example, is if it was culinary forum:
Always use a knife with black handle
To prepare good dish you need to choose proper ingredients.
First one is impressing but never help in the real world.
Second one is right, but must be backed with deep knowledge to make it right.
So, it must be a book, not tips. Ones from Paul Dubios are among recommended.
use below fields necessarily in each table
tablename_id( auto increment , unsigned zerofill)
created_by( timestamp)
tablerow_status( enum ('t','f') by default set 't')
always make an comment when u create a field in mysql( it helps when u search in phpmyadmin))
alwayz take care of Normalization forms
if u r doing some field that would be alwayz positive then select unsigned .
use decimal data type instead of float in somw case( like discount, it should be maximum 99.99% so use decimal( 5,2)
use date, time data type whereve needed, don't use timestamp everywhere
Correlated subqueries are very bad, but often not well understood and end up in production. They can often be fixed by using derived tables and a join instead.
One more thing I found today is regarding the difference between COUNT(*) and COUNT(col)
Using COUNT(*) is faster than COUNT(col)
MYISAM tables cached number of rows in this table, for innoDB doesn't cache row count and may be slower without WHERE clause
It is better to use NOT NULL column for both MYISAM and innoDB than some other column where Null is allowed.
More details here
