Space above inline element in Firefox - firefox

If I use an inline element in Firefox and put a background color on it, the element appears to have a 1px margin across the top. This doesn't happen in IE8, Safari 4 or Chrome 2. They show the element flush with whatever is above it. I've tried Firefox 3 and 3.5 with the same results. Using display:inline-block; will fix the problem but I don't think that's what it's made for. Any idea what is going on?

Have a look at the Layout tab in Firebug. Does it have a margin?
Here's an example screenshot I just took:


Don't understand why Firefox is displaying white background behind my text

A Firefox change broke some of my background/border images. See this issue for more details: CSS - New Firefox-release doesn't show Border-Image anymore. When I fixed this issue by adding border-style: solid my text now displays a white/gray background behind it. Any idea why this might be happening. See my image on Chrome (how it is supposed to look) and then on Firefox.
Here is the jsfiddle link:
You need to draw a background too.
From pseudo or from element itself :2 examples to tune to your needs.
background:url( center / 300% 150%;

overflow: hidden not working when positioned absolutely in webkit browsers( please help)

If you look at this example in a webkit browser, chrome, safari
the overflow: hidden set on the span element doesn't seem to work when positioned absolutely.
The general idea is that the span element will hide the image within a circle using border radius.
i've read that it is a bug within webkit, however i'm wondering if there is a work around to solve the issue?
i've played with ideas, but nothing has worked yet.
hope some of you can help.
If I understand you correctly, you're basically trying to "frame" the image within a circle by using a span with border-radius and overflow:hidden... why not try applying the border-radius to the image element itself?

Safari v5 hides div when google maps loaded

I am having a problem with Safari v5 on mac. When my Google Map Api is loaded into the page it hides some of my other divs (which are absolutely positioned). The page renders correctly until the map loads. If i have a page without a map the problem does not happen.
it also seems to interfere with the loading of jquery ui. Is there a better way to lazy load google maps or a solution. i have tried document ready and window.onload methods but it still persists with the problem.
I have tested in firefox, ie, chrome and safari v4 and this problem is not replicated only seems to happen in safari v5.
Any advice would be greeatly apreciated, Thanks.
The z-index has nothing to do with this bug.
After I read through the following article:
I was able to fix my issue by doing two things. The first was modifying every entry in my CSS that had "text-indent" to have a value of 9999px or under. I use text-indent for all my icon buttons, whether it comes from jQuery UI css or from my css. Having it set over 9999px created issues for me.
The second problem, after the text-indent was fixed, was having blurry fonts. The following helped solve this issue:
* {
-webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased !important;
-webkit-transform: none !important;
Both of these are mentioned in the article, but I found that the text indent needed to be smaller than what was suggested.
this work for me :
* {
-webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased !important;
-webkit-transform: none !important;
The bug posted at Google ( mentions changing "text-indent: -999999px;" to "text-indent: -99999px;" on elements. Dropping one 9 fixed the problem for me.
The z-index fixes made no noticeable changes. The webkit-transform fixes rendered the page correctly but left the map unusable. It wasn't possible to drag.
yeah looks like the same problem. i have also posted the question on google. hopefully will get to the bottom of it.
A clue: it seems to be caused by the stacking of elements with -webkit-transform: translateZ(0px); Once you disable/remove them, backgrounds reappear.

Why doesn't my webpage scroll in Internet Explorer 8?

So I've spent a significant amount of time coding and designing this webpage, and it works perfectly in every browser I've tested it in: IE7, IE9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari. But when I view the webpage in IE8 (and only IE8), the vertical scroll is disabled. The scroll bar is there all right, but it's turned off and I can't use it or the mouse scroll wheel.
I'll post the code for the webpage if I absolutely have to, but first I wanted to see if anyone had ever heard of this happening before or had any initial thoughts.
Okay, I figured this out. If you put height: "100%"; in the html tag of your page's CSS stylesheet, it will break scrolling in IE8, but other browsers will still work. Go figure.
Here is a hack way of getting the scrollbar to work with a height of 100%. Not the best solution but it now scrolls in IE8.
html {
overflow-y: hidden\9;
html, body {
height: 100%\9;
body {
overflow-y: scroll\9;
mainly three things you should see
If you have given style as overflow:hidden
If you have given hight in page percentage.
if you have given float:static.
Fix this issue your IE 8 problem will be solved.
Reason : IE 8 is different than nything else for CBC check IE frist! To the topic, IE 8 hides (only scrolling bar) of scroll bar if you have overflow as hidden, secoundly if you have places hight as 100% IE 8 takes overflow as hidden (can say takes by its own!) n float is element who can go beyond page size if you have it as inherit or relative but static dose not increase dynamicly.
You tried on other IE8 (not your local ie8)? Maybe the problem is in your ie8.
Run with no-addon mode or try to disable all addons (including bars)
Restore advanced settings. Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced -> Restore Advanced options.
I have also faced this type of problem many times.Scroll bar with IE8 , should not visible in a plain HTML page. So, please check the content inside your <body></body> tag . There may be is some margin or padding tag.
I am using IE8 currently , but there is no such scroll bar is showing. No need to fix the height:100% for HTML or BODY. Please check your page deeply.
If you are using CSS, it may come in handy that you need a reset CSS value so that the page renders properly in IE8. I have provided the link as well as the snippet from . This may help you. If anything this is a nice site to read if you are starting development.
A reset to where it all started…
The concept of CSS Reset was first discussed formally way back when dinosaurs still roamed the internet (2004 to be exact) by Andrew Krespanis. In his article, he suggests using the universal selector (*) at the beginning of your CSS file to select all elements and give them 0 values for margin and padding, like so:
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
The universal selector acts like a wildcard search, similar to regular expression matching in programming. Since in this case, the * isn’t preceded by another selector, all elements (in theory – some browsers don’t fully support it) is a match and therefore all margins and paddings of all elements are removed (so we avoid the spacing differences shown in Example 1).
Applying the universal selector margin/padding reset to our earlier example, we now remove all inconsistent spacing between all browsers (in other words, we don’t make the browsers think for us, we show them who’s boss).
Example 2: Applying the universal selector margin/padding reset
But now we don’t have any spacing in between paragraphs, so somewhere below our universal selector reset, we’ll declare the way we want our paragraphs to look like. You can do it a number of ways – you can put margins (or padding) at the beginning or top of your paragraphs, or both. You can use ems as your units or pixels or percentages.
What’s important is that we choose the way the browser will render it. For our example, I chose to add margins (instead of padding) both at the top of the paragraphs and at the bottom – but that’s my choice, you may want to do it differently.
Here’s what I used:
* { margin:0; padding:0; }
p { margin:5px 0 10px 0; }
Example 3: Declaring a style rule after the universal selector.
Note: The example I used for discussion is a simplified example. If you only used paragraphs for your web pages and no other elements, you wouldn’t want to reset your margins to 0 using the universal selector only to declare a style rule right after it for your paragraph. We’ll discuss this more fully along with other best practices later on down the page.
Shortly thereafter – CSS guru Eric Meyer further built on the concept of resetting margins and paddings. In Eric Meyer’s exploration, he discusses Tanek’s work undoing default HTML styles (which he called undohtml.css) which not only resets margins and padding, but also other attributes like line-heights, font styles, and list styles (some browsers use different bullets for unordered list items).
After many iterations and refinements, we come to a wonderful solution called CSS Reset Reloaded CSS Reset, which not only makes this CSS reset method more accurate than the universal selector method by using higher specificity by naming all possible HTML tags (because the universal selector fails to apply the reset to all HTML tags), but also sets default values for troublesome elements like tables (in which the border-collapse attribute isn’t rendered consistently across browsers).
Of course, there are other methods of resetting your CSS (such as Yahoo!’s YUI Reset CSS which I currently use on Six Revisions), and you can roll your own based on your preference and project needs.
NOTE: I am kind of new at this, so please bear with me.

Scroll Lag with CSS3 box-shadow property?

I added a box-shadow to a section of a page recently to give it the same shadow border effect that is seen on Mac OS X apps. It looked great, but I noticed that scrolling up and down on the page made it lag. I usually only see this on pages that have annoying background images and tons of images and embedded videos plastered all over (cough MySpace cough). I originally decided to use box-shadow since I figured that it would remove the need to use an image, which would remove any possibility of scroll lag.
I know that CSS3 is still new, but is this the reason for the lag? Is the shadow being software rendered or something? When I apply the box shadow to smaller elements, it doesn't lag at all. I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.
I just tried it on the Stack Overflow front page, on the #content div using Firebug with a setting of:
-moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 10px;
And I did notice some scroll lag afterwards. I am using Firefox 3.5.
My question is, what are some alternatives to using this attribute if I want to add a Mac OS X style border to a section of my page?
On a side note, does anyone know if it is possible to apply the box shadow only to the top, left, and right sides of the element and not the bottom? I tried 1px -1px 10px but it still shows the shadow on the bottom. If I keep decreasing the second offset, it eventually removes the shadow from the bottom but then the top shadow is now way darker and bigger.
And yes, I have seen the articles on box-shadow at:
CSS3 Info
fredericiana's blog
Your best bet would be to use -moz-border-image instead. That should solve both your issues.
E.g. you could use an image like this,
, combined with CSS like this
-moz-border-image: url(shadow.png) 10 / 10px;
to create your shadow. And since you're using an image, you can leave out the bottom shadow as well, if you want.
You're not going to be able to remove the shadow from the bottom using -moz-box-shadow; it's not called "box shadow" for nothing. It applies a shadow to the entire box. You can't specify a shadow for each side separately like with border, say. The best you could do is fiddle around with the placement, blur and spread of the shadow. But that inevitably leads to a darker shadow on the opposite side.
I get the box shadow lag as well when I try it on Stackoverflow. It affects performance on Safari as well when I try -webkit-box-shadow, though it isn't as noticeable as in Firefox. The performance will hopefully improve in the future, but I presume the shadow will always have some impact since as far as I know it is software rendered.
This has been fixed in webkit as of two days ago. :)
You can pick up a chromium nightly to try it out.
I looked in FF3.6 and FF4 and don't see terrible scroll performance there, so it might be addressed there as well.
The issue still persists in Chrome for Android as of the current date. Some box-shadow combos result in a poor scrolling performance. In my case stacking two inset box-shadows (e.g. top / bottom) lead to the described problem. The only solution I can provide is to make the box-shadows less complex and try again...that worked for me. That's unsatisfactory but yeah instead u can also use the border-image solution or remove the affected box-shadow completely. Hope this gets fixed soon, finally. Btw the Android Version of Firefox does not have the problems anymore (for my css3). Moreover the desktop versions of both browsers are not affected in my case.
#shadow {
-moz-border-image: url(img.png) 10 / 10px; #Firefox under v15.0#
-webkit-border-image: url(img.png) 10 / 10px; #Safari, Chrome under v15.0, Android & iOS#
-o-border-image: url(img.png) 10 / 10px; #Opera under v15.0#
border-image: url(img.png) 10 / 10px; #IE v11+, other new Browser#
Cross browser version for old and new browser.
Simple img:
style :fixed for images too overload perfomance browser
