How often are process handles reused - windows

I note an applications handle when I use the shell function to open it.
I then use that handle to close the application later.
However the user can also close that other application himself.
Can that handle then be reused by windows so that when I use that handle I close a different process.
If it is possible is it likely?

No, you don't have to worry about it. The handle returned by, say, OpenProcess, ShellExecuteEx() or CreateProcess keeps the process object alive. That's how it is possible to call GetExitCodeProcess() to retrieve the exit code after the process is terminated.
The object doesn't get released until the last handle on it is closed. Opposite of earlier advice given in this thread, it is very important that you call CloseHandle() or you'll have a leak.

You can wait on a process handle to figure out when it is exited.
WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, INFINITE);
Once this returns, you know the process has exited and you don't need to close it.


Non blocking SHFileOperation

SHFileOperation needs a valid window handle in which it performs all window messages.
I would like to use SHFileOperation independently from the current calling process, so I can close the process right after SHFileOperation has been called (and returned?!) which means I would like to "pass" it to another process or window.
I have tried the GetDesktopWindow handle in order to "pass" it to the explorer.
So my question is, how is it possible to call SHFileOperation, close the process right after the call and it's still doing the job?
So my question is, how is it possible to call SHFileOperation, close the process right after the call and it's still doing the job?
It is not possible. If you kill the process then SHFileOperation will be stopped before completion. The only way to achieve this is to hand of the task of calling SHFileOperation to a different process.
Of course, you could just as well let your process remain alive until SHFileOperation returns. You can close any other visible UI from your process, and wait until SHFileOperation completes. Then exit the process.

Closehandle() not terminating the process

The process is not getting terminated after closing its handle in CloseHandle().
Well I have a process created by CreateProcess() api. Even after closing Its handle it is still running.
From the msdn, they say that CloseHandle() closes the handle and doesn't terminate process. Have to call terminate thread for that. Then why CloseHandle()?
But when I checked CloseHandle()'s return value, it succeeded. If so I want know what is actually done in this CloseHandle() and why it returns successfully. And I want to know what all operation can be done on the process using its handle. I felt misleading, as CloseHandle() succeeds but the process still runs on!
Would also be great what actually contains in the handle of a process and is there any differences with other type of handles? (file,I/O etc)
Why does closing the handle not terminate the process? Have to call TerminateProcess for that.
Closing the handle does not terminate the process because it would be absurd. Processes generally run independently of each other. If closing the process handle terminated the corresponding process, this wouldn't be the case since when a program exits, all open handles it holds are closed. Which would for example mean that if Explorer crashed, every program you started would be instantly terminated. That would be a desaster, and thus closing the process handle does, by design, not terminate the program.
Terminating a process is almost always a very bad idea. The same goes for terminating a thread. Never do that if you can avoid it. If you want a thread/process to exit, send it a message and wait until it has exited (on its own behalf). This guarantees that data is properly saved and in a consistent state, no resources are leaked, and that no serious conflicts can occur (such as a thread being terminated while it holds a lock).
Terminating threads is often troublesome, and sometimes catastrophic. The same goes for terminating processes. It is only "allowable" to terminate a process or a thread when it is caught in an infinite loop and non-responsive.
Then why do you have to close the handle anyway, and why are you getting one at all if you must close it?
You can do certain things with a handle, among these are for example ReadProcessMemory, WriteProcessMemory, CancelIoEx, running a debugger, use PSAPI, and a few others. Also you can wait on the handle, it will be signalled when the process exits. That is a very simple way of inter-process synchronization.
On the other hand, the operating system cannot release resources as long as you hold the handle open and thus have a "legitimate right" to access these. How can you for example wait for a process, if the process (or at least its structures) does not exist at all any more?
This (and the fact that the handle itself is a resource) is why you should close the handle as soon as possible if you don't need it. Holding it indefinitely requires the OS to keep resources around that are not needed but cannot be freed.
Closing the handle tells the operating system that you don't need it any more, so whenever the OS wants to release all resources associated with the process, it can do so.
What is contained in the process handle?
Like all handles, the process handle is merely an opaque integer that doesn't contain anything. It is an index in a kernel-owned table, technically a void*, but that is only an implementation detail. The actual kernel structure that it refers to is not something you can directly access, not in an easy way anyway.
A handle is a reference to some kernel-managed, reference-counted object. Normally, closing the last handle to an object will result in the destruction of such an object.
But: processes and threads are not killed when closing the last handle, you can think that they "start living on their own" after being started. Without this exception, you couldn't have a process outlive its parent, since each process' handles is closed automatically at process termination (and having a thread outlive its parent would require needless complications).
Anyway, all of this is documented: if you read the documentation of CloseHandle you would have found:
Closing a thread handle does not terminate the associated thread or
remove the thread object. Closing a process handle does not terminate
the associated process or remove the process object. To remove a
thread object, you must terminate the thread, then close all handles
to the thread. For more information, see Terminating a Thread. To
remove a process object, you must terminate the process, then close
all handles to the process. For more information, see Terminating a
What you described is behavior by design. A process runs on its own, it might have zero or more handles opened, which let their holders control the process in certain ways. Once you hold a handle, you are responsible for closing it.
Termination of the process is a different thing, and you basically are not expected to terminate externally: you never know where exactly you stop the process. You are expected to somehow signal that you want the process termination, so that the process could figure it out and terminate its activity internally, and gracefully.

I/O completion ports closing a handle cause reads to complete

I have iocp running and working (mostly) -- but should calling CloseHandle() on a handle cause it to complete?
e.g., I've called ReadFile() and it's now waiting for input to read. At another point I'm calling CloseHandle() from another thread in the pool used to service iocp completion packets. I expect for there to be a completion on the previous ReadFile() call with an ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, but I'm not seeing that. Instead, it never seems to return. Could this be a sign that something else is holding a reference to the handle? If so, how would you suggest figuring that out/debugging it?
Any suggestions?

Windows: Child Process with Redirected Input and Output

I'm trying to create a Child Process with Redirected Input and Output (as described here -
For the people that don't want to bother reading the source code on that page, the author is using anonymous pipes to redirect the child's input and output. The parent process writes to the child process's input and reads from the child process's output.
In that code however, the program is closing the pipes after reading and writing (in WriteToPipe and ReadFromPipe), so actually the program just reads a file, dumps it on the child process input stream and then reads the child process response.
Now, what I'm looking for is a code where we will not close the pipes, but we will continuously post requests and read the child process response (in contrast to making just 1 request).
I've tried several modifications to the source code given on the link posted above, but no matter what I try, the program always hangs when calling ReadFile() in the ReadFromPipe() function (it probably waits for the child to quit - but as I said I like to get the child response, and then send other requests to it).
Any ideas on how I can get over this?
Can anyone at least tell me whether using the .NET Process class with RedirectStandardInput and RedirectStandardOutput is a good option?
Had exactly the same problem, and solved it by using PeekNamedPipe (which according to MSDN is also fine for anonymous read pipes) to check for available data before each call to ReadFile. That removed the blocking issues I was getting, and allowed my GetExitCodeProcess() to see that the process had exited and cleanup the pipes.
Yes - the .Net Process class redirects the standard input / output of the child process with anonymous pipes in a very similar way to the linked sample if you use RedirectStandardInput and RedirectStandardOutput, so this is probably a fairly good option.
As for why ReadFile is hanging - it sounds like this function is waiting for the child process to either send some data back, or to close the pipe. If you want to continuously post requests to the child process then you need to either:
Know exactly when it is appropriate to read so that you are not left waiting / blocked for the child process (so for example you only read immediately after a request has been sent). This strategy is very risky as there is always a chance that the child process doesn't behave as expected and you are left waiting on the child process indefinitely.
Have a dedicated thread for reading - if you have a dedicated thread for reading then it doesn't matter that the thread may wait indefinitely for the child process as your other threads are still able to send requests and operate as normal. This method is more complex than the first option, however when done properly is far more robust. The only other drawback to this approach is that it requires you have an additional read thread for each child process, meaning that it doesn't scale very well if you need to communicate with a large number of child processes.
Use asynchronous IO - It is possible to call the ReadFile function in a way such that it always immediately returns, however notifies you when a read has completed (I'm a little fuzzy on the exact details on how this works as I'm more used to C#). This is know as Asynchronous IO and is the most versatile of these 3 methods as it allows you to communicate with many child processes without needing a dedicated thread for each one. The tradeoff however is that it is also the most complex to do correctly (at least in my opinion).

Check if handle belongs to the current process?

Is there any Win32 API to check if a given handle belongs to the current process?
From a window handle you can use GetWindowThreadProcessId Function to get process id.
From a process handle you get the id with GetProcessId Function.
I don't know how easy is to get a process handle from some other handle. But I believe it'll have to do with kernel objects enumeration.
A handle can "belong" to more than one process (Inherited handles in child process etc)
