Why Cucumber hook methods aren't lowercase? - ruby

Cucumber has a few different hook methods like Before, After or AfterStep.
I was wondering - why doesn't these method names follow Ruby's naming conventions to write method names all lowercase?

The Before, After, AfterStep, World etc. Ruby hooks are uppercase because the Given, When, Then Ruby hooks are uppercase.
The Given, When, Then Ruby hooks are uppercase because the Given, When, Then Gherkin keywords are uppercase.
The Given, When, Then Gherkin keywords are uppercase because the Gherkin language is intended to match the standard template for BDD User Stories.

This is merely speculation on my part but I guess the hook methods' names are camel-cased to match Then, When, and Given methods which are used to define steps:
Then "I should be served coffee" do
#machine.dispensed_drink.should == "coffee"
Step definition methods' names are in turn camel-cased to match the way scenarios look:
Scenario: Buy last coffee
Given there are 1 coffees left in the machine
And I have deposited 1$
When I press the coffee button
Then I should be served a coffee


Why does the Rubocop default guidelines recommend parentheses in method definitions?

Why does Rubocop / the community-driven Ruby style guide recommend parentheses in method definitions?
def my_method(param1, param2)
# instead of
def my_method param1, param2
Method calls are allowed with or without parentheses depending on the situation. However, my first impression is that lack of parentheses in method calls are much more potentially ambiguous than lack of parentheses in method definitions. Was there a reason behind it, e.g. to make code more fool-proof, or did it happen because of "historical reasons" or "because it was the most widespread style"?
I am not asking for opinions about which style is easier to read.
The lint Lint/AmbiguousOperator is based on the idea that do_something *some_array is ambiguous and a source for bugs (Link). I wondered if this is the same case for Style/MethodDefParentheses (Link).
After going back to find the actual names of those Cops, my best guess right now is that there is no "technical" reason, but rather one is a proper "lint" and the other a "style" matter.
The rationale is omitted in the initial commit, of which this rule was part, indicating that there was no particular technical reason for it.
The fact that the corresponding cop is placed in the Style department, rather than Lint, serves as further proof that this is a matter of just that, style.
Method definitions have a very simple syntax. The def keyword is (optionally) followed by arguments, which must be followed by a terminator (newline or ;).
The possible variations are:
single line method definitions,
inline modifiers, e.g. private,
default- and keyword arguments,
splat- and block arguments.
All of these work fine both with and without parentheses. Furthermore, running a file with an unparenthesized method definition using the -w flag raises no warnings.
These factors together rule out the possibility that the parentheses are recommended to avoid ambiguity.

Did Ruby deprecate the wrong File exists method?

The docs of File.exist? says:
Return true if the named file exists.
Note that last word used; "exists". This is correct. "File exist" without the ending s is not correct.
The method File.exists? exists, but they deprecated this method. I am thinking it should have been the other way around. What am I missing?
Also, it's noteworthy that other languages/libraries use exists, for example Java and .NET.
Similarly, "this equals that" - but Ruby uses equal, again dropping the ending s. I am getting a feeling that Ruby is actively walking in another direction than mainstream. But then there has to be a reason?
This is largely a subjective call. Do you read the call as "Does this file exist?" or "File exists"? Both readings have their merits.
Historically Ruby has had a lot of aliased methods like size vs. length, but lately it seems like the core team is trying to focus on singular, consistent conventions that apply more broadly.
You'd have to look closely at the conversations on the internal mailing list surrounding the decisions here. I can't find them easily, only people dealing with the changes as deprecation warnings pop up.
The Ruby core team is a mix of people who speak different languages but the native language is Japanese, so perhaps that's guiding some of these decisions. It could be a preference to avoid odd inflections on verbs.
I agree that if File.exists?('x.txt') reads much more natural than the plural form, which was probably Matz's intention for the alias. As far as I'm concerned, this particular deprecation was misguided.
However the general preference of a plural form may well be routed in handling enumarables/collections, where plural makes a sense when used with idioms like this:
exist? matches the convention used elsewhere throughout the stdlib, and goes back to the early days of ruby. For example array.include? (not includes?), string.match? (not matches?), object.respond_to? (not responds_to?). So in this light, File.exists? was always a blemish.
Some recommend that you read the dot as "does". So "if file does exist," "if array does include," "if string does match," etc.

Ruby require multiple files without knowing their class names

Let's say I have an Application that requires different files. Each file contains a single purpose "thing". I call it "thing" because I'm unsure if it will be a class or a module.
The First Thing
# things/one.rb
class One
def self.do_it
"I'm the one"
And the second
# things/two.rb
class Two
def self.do_it
"I'm not the only one!"
Now I wanna require all files in the thingsdirectory and execute the do_it method. But I wanna do this dynamically - for every thing in things folder without even knowing their Classname.
# app.rb
Dir["things/*.rb"].each {|file| require file }
Keep in Mind: I simply wanna execute the code in the things files - it's not necessary that they are Classes or Modules
You can't reliably do this for a number of reasons, but the most important is that you're under no obligations to declare a single class in any given file, or a class at all. You've got the right idea with loading in all files in a particular directory, but if you need to operate on those there's two ways to crack that nut.
The easiest way is to declare these classes as a subclass of some already known parent. ActiveSupport has the descendents method to reflect on a particular class, that's part of Rails, but you can also do it the hard way if you have to.
The second easiest way is to correlate the names with the classes in them, and then convert filenames to class-names algorithmically. This is how the Rails autoloader works. cat.rb contains Cat, bad_dog.rb contains BadDog and so on.
If you look more closely at how things like Test::Unit work they take the first approach, any declared test subclasses are executed before the Ruby process terminates. It's a fairly simple system that puts no constraints on what the files are called or where and how the classes are declared.
Rails leans towards the second approach where the path communicates intent. This makes finding files more predictable but requires more discipline on the part of the developer to conform to that standard.
They both have merit. Pick the one that works for your use case.

What is "translate" keyword do in Ruby

Short question:
What is 'translate' word doing and why it's colored as special in my IDE?
Long question:
I am doing the Odin Project, and code in 04_pig_latin Ruby and RSpec exercise should look like this:
def translate(string)
# some code
Per the spec which I need to pass:
describe "#translate" do
it "translates a word beginning with a vowel" do
s = translate("apple")
expect(s).to eq("appleay")
In my Cloud9 IDE the word translate is colored blue (like require or render), so I assume that I can't use it as a method name and will need to change the given RSpec test to pass it. However, I saw that others doing this task are naming this method translate without any issues.
I haven't found anything about this "keyword" what could make it unique, I don't know what it's really doing, and don't know whether it's uniqueness comes from Ruby or Cloud9.
Link to exercises repo
Each Ruby syntax highlighting library often includes common phrases that are used in things like Rails. For example, belongs_to, while not a special keyword in a Ruby sense, is very common in Rails applications so it's often highlighted.
translate might be a special phrase as well as it's used by a lot of I18N libraries.
The only way to find out for sure is to look at the rules for syntax highlighting your editor uses. Usually there's a list of special method names in there.

Naming convention for syntactic sugar methods

I'm build a library for generic reporting, Excel(using Spreadsheet), and most of the time I'll be writing things out on the last created worksheet (or active as I mostly refer to it).
So I'm wondering if there's a naming convention for methods that are mostly sugar to the normal/unsugared method.
For instance I saw a blog post, scroll down to Composite, a while ago where the author used the #method for the sugared, and #method! when unsugared/manual.
Could this be said to be a normal way of doing things, or just an odd implementation?
What I'm thinking of doing now is:
add_row!(sheet, data)
This feels like a good fit to me, but is there a consensus on how these kinds of methods should be named?
I'm aware that the ! is used for "dangerous" methods and ? for query/boolean responses. Which is why I got curious whether the usage in Prawn (the blog post) could be said to be normal.
I think it's fair to say that your definitions:
add_row!(sheet, data)
are going to confuse Ruby users. There is a good number of naming conventions is the Ruby community that are considered like a de-facto standard for naming. For example, the bang methods are meant to modify the receiver, see map and map!. Another convention is add the ? as a suffix to methods that returns a boolean. See all? or any? for a reference.
I used to see bang-methods as more dangerous version of a regular named method:
Array#reverse! that modifies array itself instead of returning new array with reversed order of elements.
ActiveRecord::Base#save! (from Rails) validates model and save it if it's valid. But unlike regular version that return true or false depending on whether the model was saved or not raises an exception if model is invalid.
I don't remember seeing bang-methods as sugared alternatives for regular methods. May be I'd give such methods their own distinct name other then just adding a bang to regular version name.
Why have two separate methods? You could for example make the sheet an optional parameter, for example
def add_row(sheet = active_sheet, data)
default values don't have to just be static values - in this case it's calling the active_sheet method. If my memory is correct prior to ruby 1.9 you'd have to swap the parameters as optional parameters couldn't be followed by non optional ones.
I'd agree with other answers that ! has rather different connotations to me.
