opengl dependencies - windows

I am new to opengl and using C#,opentk for development. My Application is very light weight (just 2d graphics) and i am planning to use software rendering when hardware rendering is not available.
How do i make sure software rendering works on all computers ? (when hardware rendering is not available.)
Should i distribute Software rendering libraries like Mesa, myself. or it will already available on all (Windows) OS ?
in other words, opengl32.dll is always available on all modern windows OS ( > XP SP2 ) or should i distribute that also ?
( My Application is very simple (simple 2d graphics) as of now. I selected opengl instead of GDI+/WPF because, i may extend it to 3D in future. )

OpenGL is a system library. You should not distribute it with your application. Especially on Unix/Linux systems, where it should be installed using the distribution's package manager.
Since opengl32.dll is included in Windows, it falls back to Software Rendering automatically if the pixel format you chose in your application isn't hardware accelerated by the graphics driver.

I tried leveraging OpenTk as well, but in itself creates a dependency and - particularly as a newbie - doesn't really do anything but confuse learning OpenGL versus learning someone else's interpretation of the framework.
OpenGL is - as the other answerer suggested - a system library. With this, it's a functions contained in a C DLL which you import through the API.
OpenTK imports these functions for you, that's the only real benefit it adds, but in doing so, many of the types are reinterpreted as are the function calls as per the author of OpenTK.
This creates an additional learning curve - as most of the internet references you're going to find are going to be OpenGL - so not only will you be struggling with understanding OpenGL - which isn't easy - but you're also going to be dealing with OpenTK interpretations of the OpenGL standards.
Now keep in mind that MANY open source projects such as OpenTK start as open source until they get sufficient enough user base, when they convert over to a for profit model. So let's say you learn and become dependent on OpenTK, well if/when they switch to a for profit model and you're tapped on cash, you are SOL (Shit outta luck). Or you have to pay their price.
What I did was - I took the source for API mapping for OpenTK's OpenGL mapping and renamed everything as per my tastes. it's a bit of work, but it's worth the labor and it helped me get to understand OpenGL.
As for distribution. I have absolutely no external dependencies I rely on other than the OpenGL DLL which should already be on the system.
ALL the DLLs you need for OpenGl will ALREADY be preinstalled on any windows OS you're dealing with. I can't speak for other OS flavors, but I suspect this may be the case.
On a final note: OpenGL handles 'toggling between software and hardware rendering' innately. So libraries like MESA and OpenTK add VERY little value at HIGH potential costs.
What are those costs?
1) Redistributable packaging and licensing. They still come with a license and most license are subject to change at any time.
2) Conversion from open source or free distribution to a for profit model.
Invest in yourself. OpenGL documentation is vast and at times confusing, and my advice is to avoid the knee jerk temptation to 'take the easy' path versus the leverage other's models - for one simple reason.
I know you're using this for a 2d application. And even if you're using Orthogonal view, the fact of the matter is you're learning OpenGL with is a patterned with 3d in mind. So give yourself the gift up front of teaching yourself because there really is no 'easy path' to understanding 3d - and thus no real value add to the external dependencies you're leaning towards using.
One thing to keep in mind: Modeling. IF/when you switch to 3d modeling, doing vertex creation through hand coding in opengl is a bitch. I use Blender to create my obj models in and read those into my own c# application which reads in the 3d models and lets me manipulate them from there.
I HAD been using C++, which sure is faster, but once I converted the APIs to c# code and started managing my own memory leveraging the garbage collection model, it became SO much easier than having to learn someone else's library.
Dont use redistributeables. And leverage the code from OpenTK, with modification, but don't include OpenTK as a redistributeable.
That's my advice.


Signal Processing/FFT On Live Input Audio

I was told this belongs in programming, not in the Signal Processing sub-exchange.
Is there a way to implement spectrum analysis (specifically FFT) on live audio in Windows?
I want to be able to read in audio from a microphone, and have a display on the screen that shows the resultant Fourier Transform.
It would also be useful if I could execute a program if a certain set of FFT characteristics occurred.
Thanks guys!
To do this you have a couple of options depending on your most preferred language/framework basically. I'm not sure how new you are to signal processing so I'll suggest a few options.
Visual Programming
These are all visual programming environments which don't actually require any writing of code, however Simulink and Pure Data both require a runtime for the user to run the program.
Simulink (Paid)
MathWorks/Matlab's visual programming tool that works really well in real-time (in my opinion). Using the Audio System Toolbox, you can easily capture microphone input from your system in realtime and carry out the FFT processing, plot the spectrum and, like you said, if certain FFT conditions are met then to carry out some further processing.
This isn't free software and requires having the Matlab/Simulink run-time installed to be used. You can also script your processing in Matlab's .m language as desired (a cross between Java, JS and C).
Max MSP (Paid)
A similar version to Simulink but developed as a standalone visual programming tool. This will allow you similar freedom to Simulink but I think it will be easier for re-distribution.
You can compile MAX MSP into executables to give to someone straight away. Here is a reference to get you started on using the FFT in MAX. Again, this isn't free but if you wanted to learn more about it then I think it's worth the money (if I recall it's not too expensive).
If you need some more custom processing than the built in modules, I believe you can design custom MAX modules using C or JavaScript. Max is designed to easily get system audio input / outputs and here's a link to get you started.
Bonus: You can design your own Ableton Live plugins with the Max4Live addon which just lets your MAX MSP projects get compiled into .VST format. So you can build custom FX if you are into music production.
Pure Data (PD) (Free)
A very bland open source version of MAX MSP but completely free. It may look dull at first but a lot of researches I know use it to build fairly complex systems that can do some serious data processing. There are also lots of community built extras for PD if you ever needed a custom module. Here is a link to get you started on the FFT in PD. You cannot compile applications with PD, but since it's completely free to install anyone can run your program after installing PD. Another link for troubleshooting audio I/O in PD (if it isn't working right out of the box).
Programming Languages
Now the visual stuff is a really good way to get started if you aren't already introduced to DSP or audio programming. Otherwise here a just a few options and links to get started and where I would recommend.
Matlab & Octave
Like before, the Audio Systems Toolbox supports realtime audio I/O within a Matlab script. This combined with Matlab's built in FFT function can have you setup programming realtime FFTs and plotting the response in no time at all (less than 10 lines of code or something).
Octave has it's own version of the FFT function and different backends for rendering plot responses, but no Audio Systems Toolbox. However, Playrec is also an opensource alternative for audio I/O in Matlab/Octave that supports realtime audio input and output.
(Octave is an open source equivalent to Matlab (Matlab needs a paid license to develop a program), but does not support all Matlab supported features).
Due to the PyAudio module, realtime audio I/O and DSP is more possible using Python! I would recommend Python if you are just starting out for sure since it's a nice introduction into any programming language and can help with teaching the fundamentals of DSP before attempting lower level languages.
Here's where you can get started with real-time non-blocking audio I/O in Python with PyAudio. To plot your data you can use a library such as matplotlib (designed similar to Matlab's easy plotting functionality).
For your FFT there are multiple libraries out there but I'd start with the Scipy / Numpy one.
One of the classic (and sometimes) most daunting programming language. With no objects (unless you want to make them yourself) or other high level abstractions, C is one of the few languages that still feels like you're building a lot from the ground up (which personally I like).
To get started with audio, I'd look at, in my opinion, the most widely used cross-platform audio I/O library; portaudio. This will let you access the soundcard data inputs and outputs in realtime on Mac, Linux & Windows.
Once you get this up and running an FFT I would use to get started would be the KissFFT just because of it's pure simplicity to use. If you want to plot the data, I would maybe look at gnuplot, but this is'nt a very pretty route in terms of development.
If you are very new to programming I would not recommend this unless you really want to get stuck in.
Both KissFFT and portaudio will also compile with C++ code, but here are a couple of higher level alternatives.
One of my favourites is the JUCE framework / development environment. It has built in cross-platform audio I/O and already has a custom FFT function as part of the framework. You can build custom VSTs for your music DAW if you want to as well. It also comes with 'easy' (if you know C++) access to graphics windows with higher level access to openGL, so you could get fancy when plotting your data in real-time. If i remember correctly, one of the Demo projects on first installation is a real-time FFT plot you can compile and see the input from your laptop mic. JUCE is free for personal use, but comes with a small license fee as an indie developer.
Otherwise another one that comes to mind is the QT C++ library/framework for UI design (mainly). This is a cross platform easy to use GUI designer, that also has high level classes for obtaining audio input from a Mac/Win/Linux mic. Here is just one example I came across using QT's multimedia classes and FFTReal to plot a realtime FFT spectrum.
I've suggested a lot of options, but also missed out a few other people may recommend like languages such as R, C#, Java, Rust etc... and there are so many suggestions it's impossible to cover them all but I think this should be enough to get started. If it were me in terms of experience:
Complete Beginner to Programming: Max MSP
Novice / Knows their way around a little bit: Python (with PyAudio)
Programmed in other languages maybe looking to gain more programming skills : C++ with JUCE
Any of these languages you pick will be good in future reference for software positions and many companies / researchers use them to prototype / develop realtime audio processing software.
This is just my opinion but hopefully this gets you well along your way!

Crystal native GUI

Does Crystal possess any native GUI libraries ?
There is already a few shards that implement known libraries such as QT or SFML ( anything related to C in fact ) but i need a native library as I do not wish to have any extra downloads and keep the project light.
No, there aren't any GUI libraries written in Crystal.
And I doubt we will see one anytime soon - or ever. These are incredibly huge and complex pieces of software. There exist only a handfull of modern general-purpose GUI libraries at all. Because it requires so much effort to create a halfway decent GUI framework, the few ones available have a broad target audience. Most of them are written in C to make them available for many languages and platforms.
Crystal is great at interfacing C libraries and thus existing libraries can be integrated relatively easily. That still requires lots of work because of their size, but it's only a fraction of writing a new one just to have it in Crystal.
Besides, there is no gain in reinventing the wheel.
If you want to cut down runtime dependencies, you can try static compiling. There are still some glitches IIRC but it will work eventually.
Allthough, since there exist only a few GUI libraries, they are usually available on most platforms and can be easily installed through package managers.

OpenGL ES cross platform development

I need to develop a small 3D game running on both Android and IOS mobile devices.
1- Should I implement EGL using within 3D logic or left it been implemented in Object-C or Java? which way should I go and why?
2- Should I use C or C++ for game logic? it is said C has better run time performance but harder to design due to it is not OOP C++ and vice versa. I have some experience with Java so I prefer OOP more.
Have you already considered to use a multiplatform library? For example:
Especially if you are targeting for both platforms, such a library might be helpful.
I can only speak for Android a bit:
It actually makes no real difference, the Android API just provides calls for the same OpenGL C-functions, but still more comfortable, better supported and the recommended approach. Anyway there is Android NDK which allows to load original C/C++ code given the case you want to port some code from another platform (or develop for several platforms).
In my opinion the performance is mostly limited by the graphics (number of objects, size of textures etc.), usually not much by game logic, so Java would be more convenient.

Prototyping and simulating embedded software on Windows

I am looking for tools and techniques for prototyping (virtual prototyping), simulation, and testing of deeply embedded C code on desktop Windows, including building realistic embedded front panels consisting of buttons, LEDs, and LCD displays (both segmented and graphic).
I'm specifically interested in a possibly low-level approach, using pure C code and raw Win32 API rather than MFC, .NET/C#, vxWidgets or Qt. I'd also like to use free development tools, such as Visual C++ Express with Platform SDK and ResEdit for editing resources.
I'm looking for code examples to render graphic LCDs (from monochrome to 24-bit color) with efficient pixel-level interface, multi-segment LCDs, and owner-drawn buttons that respond both to "depressed" and "released" events.
I am surprised that my original question triggered so many misunderstandings and adverse comments. The strategy of developing deeply embedded C code on one machine (e.g., a PC) and running it on another (the embedded microcontroller) is called "dual targeting" and is really quite common. For example, developing and testing deeply embedded code on the PC is the cornerstone of the recent book "Test-Driven Development for Embedded C" by James Grenning.
Avoiding Target Hardware Bottleneck with Dual Targeting
Please note that dual targeting does not mean that the embedded device has anything to do with the PC. Neither it means that the simulation must be cycle-exact with the embedded target CPU.
Dual targeting simply means that from day one, your embedded code (typically in C) is designed to run on at least two platforms: the final target hardware and your PC. All you really need for this is two C compilers: one for the PC and another for the embedded device.
However, the dual targeting strategy does require a specific way of designing the embedded software such that any target hardware dependencies are handled through a well-defined interface often called the Board Support Package (BSP). This interface has at least two implementations: one for the actual target and one for the PC, for example running Windows. With such interface in place, the bulk of the embedded code can remain completely unaware which BSP implementation it is linked to and so it can be developed quickly on the PC, but can also run on the target hardware without any changes.
While some embedded programmers can view dual targeting as a self-inflicted burden, the more experienced developers generally agree that paying attention to the boundaries between software and hardware is actually beneficial, because it results in more modular, more portable, and more maintainable software with much longer useful lifetime. The investment in dual targeting has also an immediate payback in the vastly accelerated compile-run-debug cycle, which is much faster and more productive on the powerful PC compared to much slower, recourse-constrained deeply embedded target with limited visibility into the running code.
Front Panel Win32 GUI Toolkit
When developing embedded code for devices with non-trivial user interfaces, one often runs into the problem of representing the embedded front panels as GUI elements on the PC. The problem is so common, that I'm really surprised that nobody here could recommend an existing library or an open source project, which would provide a simple C-only interface to the basic elements, such as LCDs, buttons, and LEDs. This is really not that complicated, yet it seems that every embedded developer has to re-invent this wheel over and over again.
So, to help embedded developers interested in prototyping embedded devices on Windows, I have created a "Front Panel Win32 GUI Toolkit" and have posted it online under the GPL open source license (see This toolkit relies only on the raw Win32 API in C and currently provides the following elements:
Dot-matrix display for an efficient, pixel-addressable displays such as graphical LCDs, OLEDs, etc. with up to 24-bit color
Segment display for segmented display such as segment LCDs, and segment LEDs with generic, custom bitmaps for the segments.
Owner-drawn buttons with custom “depressed” and “released” bitmaps and capable of generating separate events when depressed and when released.
The toolkit comes with an example and an App Note (see, showing how to handle input from the owner-drawn buttons, regular buttons, keyboard, and the mouse. You can also view an animated demo at
Regarding the size and complexity of the "Front Panel Win32 GUI Toolkit", the implementation of the aforementioned GUI elements takes only about 250 lines of C. The example with all sources of input and a lot of comments amounts to some 300 lines of C. The toolkit has been tested with the free Visual C++ Express 2010 (with the Express Edition Platform SDK) and the free ResEdit resource editor.
The appliances you mention in your comment clarification to the question will never be using a windows PC, so low level windows programming is not a requirement in that case. In fact, I'd say its undesirable. Prototyping is about speed. It's about how fast you can put something together to show potential investors or upper management or some other decision maker.
You wouldn't want to spend the extra time with low level C and Win32 api until the project requirements were flushed out enough that you knew that was an absolute requirement for the final project deliverables (perhaps a server/PC monitoring tool?). Until then you want speed of development. Lucky for you the industry has tools for rapid prototyping and development of hardware like you describe.
My Preference for Prototyping with Embedded Development
As for my opinion as a developer, I like the .net microframework (.netmf) simply because I'm already a Microsoft .Net developer and can transfer a lot of my existing skills. Therefor I prototype with a FEZ microcontroller using C# under Visual C# Express 2010 (free as you required). Its fast, easy and you are working on the core of your project in minutes.
If your experience as a developer is different, you may look for a micro controller which is programmed using BASIC, Java or some other language to help with the speed of development by reusing your core skill set.
Addressing your Question Bounty Comments
Astonishingly large portions of the embedded software can be developed
on the desktop computer as opposed on the deeply embedded target. This
avoidance of the "target system bottleneck" can potentially improve
productivity by an order of magnitude, if done right. However, to
develop embedded software on the desktop, one needs to simulate the UI
components, such as displays (both segmented and increasingly
graphical), LEDs, knobs, and buttons. I'm looking for such UI
components written in plain Win32 API in C for easy integration with
embedded code to be developed and tested on the desktop Windows.
I did embedded development full time professionally for well over 4 years as well as many years surrounding that part time. While what you said above is somewhat true, it will not save you time or money which is why everyone is confused about the motivation for this strategy. We spent years trying to put out a windows emulator for this company's hardware devices that would theoretically save time for prototyping. It was always a pain and we spent many more hours of work trying to emulate the experience than if we just went straight from sketched UI drawing specs to real development. The emulator lagged behind hardware development and often wouldn't support the latest features until 6 months or more after the hardware was released. It was a lot of extra work for very little value.
You will spend more of your time developing non-reusable win32 platform code and hardware emulation components than actually writing the code for the core project itself. This only ever makes sense for hardware vendors who provide this emulator as a 'value add' tool to potential 3rd party developers, but it does not make sense for prototyping new hardware designs.
Modern development environments like Visual C# Express 2010 with a FEZ microcontroller can compile, push the project output to the microcontroller, and then begin debugging just as fast or faster than you could compile and run a low level windows app in C emulating LCDs or LEDs or switches, etc... So your comment, "improve productivity by an order of magnitude", is simply no longer true with modern tools. (It may have been prior to the last 10 years or so.)
If you really, truly just want to simulate the embedded hardware visually on a PC use something like adobe flash to mock up a UI. But don't duplicate code by coding for windows when the final device you are prototyping won't be running windows (maybe it will be, but you didn't say that). Use the fastest most reliable prototyping tools available today, which is unequivocally not low level C and win32 api!
Maybe use StackExchange for Electronics?
Because this is a development oriented site, discussion about the merits of specific embedded hardware isn't really relevant. If you decide to refocus on using microcontroller electronics for prototyping (Arduino, FEZ, Propeller, Basic Stamp, Pololu, etc) you might ask for electronics hardware advice on stackexchange for electronics. I will say that most of those platforms are designed to facilitate the prototyping of LCDs, LEDs, buttons and interfaces as you outlined. You can usually assemble a few pre-built modules in a matter of minutes and be ready to start coding your project. Huge time savings can be had here.
You are asking for too much you need to take a look # proteus.
As Mahmoud said, you may find your code solution with prototyping example in proteus professional. It is one of popular software for prototyping, simulation and coding, you can download proteus professional for free and check their manual.
Best of luck

Are GDI, GDI+ and OpenGL really obsolete/deprecated? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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If you open the page "Graphics and Gaming (Windows)" on
the last category is described as
Legacy Graphics: Technologies that are obsolete and should not be used in new
This category includes (among others) the following APIs:
What's your opinion? If i want to roll out a new software today it must support Windows XP (still about 50% of all installed systems). Direct2D requires Windows 7/Vista. What else should be used?
I suspect that Microsoft's definition of "legacy" has little to do with what any sensible developer should do, and is instead based on some Grand Rewrite of the Windows API.
Starting at around Windows Vista, Microsoft has been redesigning many of their API's. We now have MMDevAPI as the One True Sound API, WIC is the One True Image File API, etc. From what I've seen/heard, these new API's are much better than the old ones, and the "legacy" systems all work based on the new ones. In Windows Vista and later, DirectSound is entirely based on MMDevAPI, and components that need to read image files do it via WIC.
Windows 8 will have an ARM version, which it appears will support only a subset of the current Windows API. We won't know for sure until Windows on ARM is released, but, based on the libraries included for the ARM platform in Visual Studio 11 (ref:, it's looking like GDI+ and OpenGL will not be available. GDI is available for linking, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's intact.
This new API's from Vista and later roughly correspond to the libraries in the VS11 ARM target. I'm guessing that anything on that list is there because it's either the latest and greatest way to do what it does, or it's too technically important to discard (for now). Thus, "legacy" is anything that's not the latest and greatest way to do at least one thing.
I'm not sure what is the One True Graphics API. Already we have Direct2D, Direct3D, DirectComposition (which, by the way, is not available until Windows 8), DirectWrite, and DXGI. DXGI seems the closest, but I don't have a deep enough understanding of the graphics API's to say. I suspect gdi32 is technically very difficult to get rid of. How are non-legacy applications meant to find out when part of a window has been revealed and therefore must be painted, without using WM_PAINT, which involves an HDC, and how could a library do that on an application's behalf without replacing its window procedure? How are we meant to make semi-transparent windows without using UpdateLayeredWindow, which takes an HDC? How much does user32 depend on gdi32, and can they really be separated?
From a technical standpoint, Windows can easily get rid of GDI+ and OpenGL, but I'm not convinced that getting rid of OpenGL will work out, even on a new platform that doesn't promise any backward compatibility. It seems too valuable to developers. GDI+ isn't so important, but it's very easy for a third party to provide a replacement.
I would say use any of the API's you listed, and the worst that's likely to happen is that you have to rewrite your UI if you want to port your app to metro or Windows on ARM. GDI is a fine choice if your needs are simple and you'll be coding directly for the Windows API. There aren't many situations where I'd recommend GDI+ over OpenGL as a drawing API. GDI+ is slow, limited, and only available on Windows. The GDI+ API is simpler because it's 2D, so maybe it's worthwhile if you need to do something very simple but with anti-aliasing.
OpenGL isn't deprecated, Microsoft's implementation of it is. Microsoft's implementation is stuck at version 1.1, which is old. The current version of the standard is past version 4. If you want to use OpenGL, it is fully supported by NVidia, ATI, and Intel graphics cards on the Windows desktop, but not in Metro Windows Modern UI apps, is an industry standard, and also works on Mac and Linux. If you need a software fallback implementation, Mesa has got you covered, and it even works on DOS. (Since Mesa can render into memory buffers, there's no reason it won't work in Modern UI apps, but you probably don't want to do this because it can be slow.) One thing of note is that WGL, the API for accessing OpenGL functionality on the Windows desktop, depends on GDI (which is deprecated) so you probably want to use something like FreeGLUT or SDL instead if you want to future-proof your application, which also nets you platform independence.
OpenGL ES is a variant of OpenGL which works on Android and Apple iOS. It is also accessible in JavaScript via WebGL, which Internet Explorer 11 will support (and pretty much every other browser already does.) ANGLE provides a hardware-accelerated implementation of GLES for Windows which piggybacks off of DirectX (version 9 or 11) and thus should work in Modern UI apps as well. Once again, Mesa's got the software implementation covered.
TL;DR: OpenGL is not only not deprecated, it is cross-platform, standard, and has tremendous momentum in the industry. GDI and GDI+, well, not so much.
If you want to support Windows XP, then you're supporting a "legacy" operating system, and as such, using a "legacy" graphics framework is the logical choice.
Even if that weren't true, let's just say that I disagree with the advice given by the linked MSDN article. The "legacy" status here has more to do with which technology the Windows team thinks is cool this week. The status designation of "obsolete" just means that the group responsible is no longer accepting or fulfilling bug reports (except for critical security issues). Not too big of a deal—these technologies have been around long enough that they're fairly feature-complete and stable.
GDI isn't going anywhere, so if you need something rock-solid that is guaranteed to be supported anywhere and everywhere, that's what I would go with.
If you need a bit more 2D capabilities than GDI offers (e.g., alpha channel transparency), then you could consider using GDI+. It's nearly an order of magnitude slower than GDI, but that's not too big of an issue on modern machines with more power than you could ever want. This, too, is going to be supported for a very long time to come.
That said, if I were writing a new app today, I probably wouldn't bother with OpenGL. There's very little that it offers in benefits over Direct2D and DirectWrite, which are both what Microsoft is pushing as the replacements for GDI/GDI+. There might be some benefit to using OpenGL if you absolutely must target Windows XP because as far as I can tell, Direct2D/DirectWrite are only supported on Vista and later, but that's because (as I mentioned originally), Windows XP falls squarely into the "legacy" or "obsolete" camp itself. Alternatively, if you already know OpenGL well and don't have time or the desire to learn Direct2D/DirectWrite, then it might make sense to continue using it in a new application.
Don't let the verbiage of the MSDN article scare you. Choose whatever technology makes the most sense for your specific use case given all of the available information. By the time any of these technologies go away completely, you'll have to re-write the app completely for a dozen other reasons.
Edit: Hmm, it looks like DirectWrite has also been declared (by some people at least) "obsolete" as well, having been replaced by Direct2D. That's funny, it hasn't even been around long enough for me to bother learning it. I guess that only goes to support my earlier argument that "obsolete" simply designates that a particular technology is not what is currently considered to be in vogue by the Microsoft devs.
I'm personally waiting until all the bugs get worked out of this stuff (and we decide on a semi-permanent standard) before I make the switch for any of my applications. Everything I've seen written in DirectDraw or Direct2D has had serious rendering bugs and is a performance nightmare, even on reasonably competent machines. Sure, they only show up sometimes, under the right conditions, but that's too much for me. And I swear, the blurry text shows up all the time. Not being able to read what's on screen is a deal-killer for me and my users. GDI doesn't have this problem, and it's not going anywhere.
Are GDI, GDI+ and OpenGL really obsolete/deprecated?
This is not true for OpenGL. OpenGL 4 allows you to use geometry shaders on winxp. Which isn't possible with DirectX (DirectX 10 and up isn't supported on WInXP). It is also one of the only cross-platform 3D APIs out there.
From a business point of view MS is interested in promoting DirectX since it is their technology that lock Developer into windows platform (they're also interested in making DirectX more attractive for developer, but that's another story). So it makes sense that they aren't keen on promoting OpenGL.
What else should be used?
I'd advise to stop using platform-specific tecnologies when possible. Grab cross-platform framework and use it for your application. There's Qt, GTK, wxWidgets and other toolkits for GUI apps, and SDL(and alternatives) for games. This way when platform developer decide to make ridiculous decision (like not supporting DX10 on WinXP) you dislike, you'll be able to move elsewhere with minimum development cost. Qt is also ridiculously powerful and at the moment I have no reason to use something else for GUI development. Still, situation can change in the future.
In short, while developing for certain platform you should keep in mind that platform developer might have their goals that are not compatible with your wishes. Discovering that your source has become locked into single platform isn't very pleasant experience. Your own goals should be the first priority, and if os developer tries to make you use certain technology you don't like, then you shouldn't support that technology.
Because OpenGL is a standard, it should be considered equally deprecated as C or C++ so it is a matter of time before the entire Windows API -- which today has become a compile once run on every x86 machine API thanks to Wine -- is considered deprecated in favour of .NET and C#.
I use GDI for simple graphics and OpenGL, when I need accelerated 3d.
Another aspect is that Microsoft's build-in implementation of OpenGL is definitely to be considered as deprecated since it is just version 1.1 or something, but that has been for a long time.
Yeah, about OpenGL, it actually outperforms DirectX in many ways both resource and display wise. It will never be promoted by Microsoft because it can't own OpenGL, not to mention most people don't do their research and Microsoft can claim it is old. Truth is opengl is opensource standard and evolves at a much faster rate than closed does because it is more than 1 room of developers paid to work on it. Also Microsoft has contracts with many companies to release using only Microsoft's software, this causes more business for Microsoft and less to use the more advanced OpenGL standard. It is a interesting lock up if you will, Microsoft creates these contracts so that many programs are written in DirectX to keep business for Microsoft, and no company will refuse it because Microsoft has about 80%+ home user market.
