Single script to fully manage .net SQL membership provider data -

3 Years ago I came across a really nice script. It was just an aspx and aspx.cs script, nothing more. It allowed me to see all the roles and users on site.
I could easily add/remove roles and add users to roles.
It used ajax for nice ui too.
Does anyone know where I can find this script?
I would like to use it again because setting it up was so simple. All I did was point it to the correct membershipProviderId and I was set.

Can you use the ASP.Net Web Site Administration Tool?


Multi domains for one project or multi domains for multi projects

I'm planning to make the graduate project about the e-commerce site using ASP.Net Core 2 MVC and SQL Server, but currently, I have some troubles:
Suppose I have two domain and sub-domain: and The will like the normal e-commerce site which allows customer go to browse, search, and buy the products. The will only for staff to log in and do their stuff like manage staff, order, etc.
My questions are:
Is there possible to manage two domains on one MVC project or I have to split them up? If it is possible, then how can I manage it just in one MVC project?
If I have to split them up to two projects: one for e-commerce, one for staff, then should I create the WebAPI to connect as a data layer to communicate the projects with the same database as the suggestion of Sagar Shirke?
Are there any other approaches to my problems? Any comments and idea will be very very appreciated.
Thanks for reading my problems!
After thinking about this some more I think you are taking the wrong approach.
Why don't you look at using a premade framework with an admin template page to manage typical admin task (users, passwords, custom data, etc.) ?
Instead of using a subdomain like sub-domain:, you could use
Here is an link to ASP.NET Boilerplate templates. I would recommend you look at the simple todo task examples and see if this is concept is what you want. Using the free Module Zero admin page templates to develop quickly. I would make sure you do the tutorials and read the documentation.
This is a great tutorial on how to use subdomains.

Create a Plugin-Based System Like Wordpress With Laravel / PHP

This question has been bugging me for quite some time now, I want to create a cms, a School Mnagement System to be more specific, and what matters to me the most, is making this system plugin based, in a way that administrators can download and install plugins right through their admin panel, just like wordpress.
Now I've read about wordpress Hooks, Actions and Filters, and in all honesty i can say i'm just a little familiar with their functionality, but to apply same functionality to a Laravel App... , It's a bit hard to figure out, at least for me.
I've also searched about this question and found out that almost everyone is suggesting packages, But while packages can work great for other developers wanting to get use of the package's functionality, they can't be easily installed by a user not familiar with any programming language, And that's exactly what i want in my application.
Now what i have in my mind so far, as in Wordpress Actions and Filters, almost everything one would want to use in Wordpress theme files ( to make that piece of code flexible for adding plugin functionality ) should be called as functions, and calling that function by Wordpress do_action() is kind of a must-take path, which of course makes sense.
This way plugin developers can just call add_action() / add_filter() in their files and put their plugins into the flow of the application.
Basically what I'm asking here is:
How to apply such functionality to a laravel app?
Is there an easier way than calling everything by a function like do_action()?
Should i write some kind of a file management module for downloading and updating plugins?
Again I must say that I am not very familiar with wordpress ways to achieve this kind of functionality, So I may be wrong about some of the description I mentioned above, But please, I appreciate any clarification around this subject if you can.
Thanks in advance for any insight.
*P.S. I've tried to be as clear as I possibly can about the problem, And I'm not looking for any specific method for the system I`m developing.
What i want is to know Common / Best methods ( If there is a best method ) for achieving such functionality, preferably in Laravel, but a general algorithm would still be very appreciated.
I know lots of people have the same question and are tackling with the same issue, so if you even only provide a link to a useful article it would be great.*
I have been working as a Wordpress Developer for a very long time and I also have sufficient experience in Laravel... and to be honest, making this kind of functionality is not that difficult at all.
First of all, you must understand that the web app that you will be making will have all the functionalities, but they can only be enabled/disabled from the front-end (Admin Panel/Dashboard). In other words, your School Management System app is actually having all the features/functionalities pre-installed, but you are just allowing the users to enable/disable it. This is much simpler.
So, if for eg. you want to provide someone attendance management functionality, you will have to give the admin of the site, the access to enable/disable it.
Wordpress has a built-in UI for adding/updating plugins. But in Laravel, everything is code based and therefore this I believe is the simplest way to go (especially for making things in your app pluggable).
Make a site with UI etc...
Create a config and migration file which will have the names of all the plugins you are going to allow the user to enable/disable.
Make a sync command that will sync all the plugins in your app.
Use it render a page from the front-end and manage their status from the back-end (is_active etc etc...)
Now once, these plugins are active, make sure the user (say moderator, editor) has access to manage them, for which you will obviously have to create roles/permissions and use Laravel Policies for such stuff.
Lastly, only the admin will have the enabling/disabling writes and no one else.
For the other part where you want the people to perform their own functions with filters/actions. I'd say this is completely contradictory to the part where you say Installing Laravel Packages isn't easy. Well, if you would really want a developer a way into this, why not straight away ask them to make a package for your app alone? Hmmmm.... Think about it :)
But, even then, if you would like to create such a functionality, create a simple class which the user can call and user its functions to call their own functions... Something like -> SMSPlugin::do_action(). But then again, making things like updating/deleting the plugin will require you to build your own Plugin Store and ask users to upload to it. Then you'll have to make an API to constantly check for updates for all the installed plugins and blah blah.... It's a really long procedure... And I don't believe that feasible too!
Hope I answered everything. Let me know in the comments if you have any doubts :)
I know it was 2 years ago, but for now you can achieve this with laravel with some packages:
So i think the steps will be:
Create new Laravel App and add some packages for BASIC admin UI and things you will need like:
Authentication (
Roles and Permissions (
Users managment
Modules (
At this point you must configure and write a UI for manage every thing from every package mentioned.
So i think this is the way or at least some try to do it in 2019 :D
Happy new year to all!
There's a package for this, it supports version 5, didn't test yet with 6:

Application to display information from database

I understand that this is a very broad question and could get flagged but I need inputs from experienced programmers and will ask it anyway. If there is another forum where I can post this question, please let me know.
Currently we manage all our application information in an Excel spreadsheet. At a high level it contains an app id, the server names that it is hosted on and the name of the environment. The Excel spreadsheet has become too large and I am looking to build a simple application for it.
Ideally, I would like to write this app on Windows as everyone uses Windows but dont know how to go about it in Windows. I then thought of using MySQL and PHP or Perl (CGI) to build this but thought of exploring something new. I read about Joomla and a few other CMS products which make it very easy to build websites but am not sure whether these allows me to pull information from a database.
I am seeking inputs on what would be a good way to way to build this application.
Use Joomla! CMS is a good choice and to pull data from database you may use webservice calls. So, you will able to create a CMS website using joomla and will able to pull data easily from database with the help of webservice.
You can get webservice support in joomla by installing component redCORE in joomla.
Other videos:
Joomla dev group discussion
You can also post questions in Joomla forum
I think Joomla is a great option to handle big loads of information. If you already know PHP and don't need to reinvent the wheel, it's cool. The way of handling data in Joomla is using Components.
If you want to try, it would be as easy as installing a local copy of Joomla, building the field structure on installing it and importing the data inside the component using phpmyadmin.

Getting own EF 4.1 Code First classes to work with .NET Membership

I am working on a simple web application that is built with EF 4.1 Code First and MVC3. My Domain Model sits in a project outside the MVC3 project.
I have gotten to the stage where my web application is more or less complete. However right now, my application doesn't have any form of authorization or authentication. So a regular user can get to Actions and Controllers that only an Admin is suppose to have access to.
My question is, how do I get my web application to work with the .NET Membership ? Because I am aware that the .NET Membership has many database tables of its own !
My knowledge is fairly limited, thus any clear, easy to follow responses would be greatly appreciated.
After the Membership is set up, I know my way around applying Authentication and Authorization to Actions and Controllers.
Thank You.
Go into your C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.xx or v4.xx\ and execute aspnet_regsql, this will launch a wizard that allows you to choose your database and it will add the stored procs and tables to allow membership to function.
Then you run the ASP.NET configuration wizard (the little toolbox icon at the top of your solution explorer) and then configure your roles and accounts. See this page and skip to the Configuring the website for membership and roles section.
ASP.Net membership is actually kinda interesting and frustrating to an extent. To you run a tool called aspnet_regsql.exe found in your Windows\\Framework folder which generates all of the necessary tables to get it running. Next move onto your Web.config file. If you started with your basic ASP.NET MVC 3 template then you should have a <connectionStrings> entry under the name "ApplicationServices". Change that to your database connection string. This is what the membership provider uses to hook everything up. If you look through the rest of the config file there should be sections for <authentication>, <membership>, <profile>, and <roleManager>. These deal with the various sections and settings that the ASP.Net user management is broken into.
At this point everything should be hooked up. If you select your project in the solution explorer, a little red hammer icon should appear. This is the ASP.NET configuration manager. You can use this to set up different profiles and manage different users.
Now this stuff won't be connected to your EF4.1 code first stuff at all. Instead, you can interact with your membership provider through static classes Membership and Roles. If you take a look at the AccountController on a default ASP.Net MVC 3 Internet application template it will give you a good idea how it works.
After working with this stuff for several months, I found it much easier to basically write your own. Tying things together eventually becomes a huge pain and there is a whole lot of extras that the membership provider gives you that is unnecessary for small applications.

One website for support tickets, documentation, user management, file transfer, etc

Does anyone know of a web app that can do all of the above in one place? We are currently working with Vtiger (support), Confluence (documentation), Joomla (website, user management & custom file transfer area).
We've tried using various Joomla components, but we've found nothing as good as the individual web apps listed above... We need something really robust & easy to use. And something that can be controlled with varying group permissions.
Cheers :)
I personally use Redmine for all of the mentioned needs.
