XAMPP on Vista not executing my own PHP files - xampp

I installed xampp on a machine with vista business SP1 version. The default page (with the "You have successfully installed XAMPP on this system" message) opens up fine.
But when I put a php page in the htdocs folder and try to access it using, I get the "Object not found" error.. The apache service is running as indicated by XAMPP Control Panel. I clicked the "Port-Check" button on the xampp control panel and this what it says:
Apache(HTTP) 80 System
I checked with a XP machine and it says:
Apache(HTTP) 80 C:\xampp\apache\bin\httpd.exe
How do I resolve this issue? I have disabled windows firewall and UAC.

First of all, I don't think there are some problems with your PHP interpreter, as XAMPP Welcome Screen works fine and it uses PHP.
Form the fact, that you put PHP file into htdocs and can't access it via browser plus the fact that your "port-check" shows some strange entries, I assume that you have another installation of Apache on your system or that you have a web server component enabled in your system. Information dumped from port-check clearly says that you have some system service listening on port 80, which seems to be capturing all the request before Apache on-board your XAMPP can handle it. But, on the other hand, how then you would be able to run XAMPP Welcome Screen? Really strange situation.
As first step, I would recommend doing extensive research through all your active services (run "services.msc"), installed programs and enabled system components (both in Control Panel section responsible for handling program and sys comps). Disable or uninstall everything that seems to be related to web server.
If this brings no effect, then you should address your question to a StackExchange sister project called "ServerFault", because this seems to purely server or system related question, not belonging to XAMPP discussed on StackOverflow.


PgAdmin runs in desktop mode and I want to change it to server mode

I installed PgAdmin 5.5 version on my Windows 10 computer. Before PgAdmin was opening in default browser and there was an icon in the system tray. Now it runs as a native desktop app. I want to run it as before. Is it changed recently? Did i miss something?
Thank you.
A bit late to the party, but I had the same question (but for v6.x) and can't find much info about it either.
According to this thread in the pgAdmin_support mailing list the option to run just the server seems to be removed which is just flabbergasting.
The way to go probably is to use the Docker although I wonder how much overhead that will bring. That said, you can kind-of work around the lack of default web server by
adapting C:\Program Files\pgAdmin 4\v6\web\config.py so the built-in webserver listens on all network addresses and you can access it from the LAN like this:
when starting up pgAdmin in the 'application', in the menu go to File \ Runtime \ View log and scroll all the way down, it will have a line that reads something like Application Server URL:
replacing '' with the name of your server should allow you to use that url to connect from any machine on your LAN to the pgAdmin service.
Note, you can minimize the pgAdmin 'application' but don't close it because doing so will also close the web-server.

Are Apache and MySQL servers needed in addition to MAMP?

This might be a silly question, but I'm new to web-dev, so here it is:
I recently installed MAMP on my windows system [yes, MAMP works on windows too] and it shows Apache and MySQL server to be active, but neither I have installed any of these servers, nor I can find them in "Services" of my system.
So I wanted to ask whether I'll need to explicitly install both of these servers or not.
Also, If there's no need of explicit installation, how does MAMP work ? like, giving access to both these servers without actually installing them ? [A brief explanation would be enough]
They come with MAMP. You can access phpMyAdmin under the Tools menu in the page that automatically opens up when you start MAMP, for me it is http://localhost/MAMP/?language=English

How to install Coldfusion on Mac OS X 10.15 Catalina using external virtual host

I've been here before and even wrote an article on how I was able to connect Coldfusion 2018 with Mac OS X Mojave, but since the upgrade to Mac OS X 10.15 Catalina, I haven't been able to get Coldfusion to work correctly on virtual hosts (ie. http://local.mylocalsite.com).
Goal: install Apache connector for Coldfusion so that I can run my dev site from within the /Sites folder like I would any other site.
Problem: Apache is working and I can access websites from the /Sites folder using the virtual host (ie. local.mydevsite.com), but although Coldfusion is running (I can access the Coldfusion Administrator), my computer does not seem to recognize that Coldfusion is supposed to run. I don't know if this is Apache or Coldfusion's responsibility.
What I've tried: I've tried using the GUI connector, as well as trying to confirm the settings via command line. I have XAMPP installed, which I believe that DesktopServer (an application by ServerPress) is relying on, but that's probably not relevant; but what I'm getting at is that I believe XAMPP relies on Mac's default installation of Apache.
I've also tried to go into every file that is referenced in any instruction document to determine if there is anything out of place. Part of my confusion is that there are many instances of some of these files and I'm not sure which one is active. Here are some of the files I've looked into:
From what I can tell, the main settings for Apache are stored in the /private/etc/apache2 folder, but I want the XAMPP version of https-vhosts.conf because that's where DesktopServer is pulling their virtual hosts from. Regardless, I don't think it matters which vhosts file is being used because Coldfusion won't run on any of the local sites from my /Sites folder that are loading correctly when I visit local.anylocaldevsite.com.
Thoughts? This is either a really dumb question because no one else is asking it, or there aren't many Mac users who also use Coldfusion. Would love assistance if anyone has a clue. Thanks!
Update: This isn't an exact answer, but the recommendation to try CommandBox was a win. I installed CommandBox and then ran the "ColdBox" application in the root of my project and the site opened up in my browser like a gem. Wonderful. Thank you! I can call that the "answer" if no one objects, but I know that it's more of a workaround than an exact fix.

Xampp close when user log off

I installed Xampp on Windows Server 2012. It works great, however when I log off the computer (not shut down) the Xampp shuts down and the domain becomes unaccessible from Internet
How can I solve this problem, I want the Apache and MySQL service to keep running even when I log off
For those looking for a solution
try to register Apache and MySQL as Windows service (red cross in the XAMPP control panel)
Stop Apache and MySQL first, then click on the Red Cross to install the services. Done,

ASP.NET websites under IIS 7.5 (Windows 7) running extremely slow

I've just installed Windows 7 x64 Ultimate on my desktop PC. I installed IIS, Visual Studio 2008, registered ASP.NET, etc.
I have this ASP.NET 3.5 website I'm working on running EXTREMELY slow on this new IIS. On STA and PROD servers (Windows 2003 Server) and on my old XP/IIS 5.1 everything runs smoothly.
A page which usually takes 1-2 seconds to load is taking 8 seconds!!!
I saw this post on IIS forum. It says something about Vista/7 not pooling connections (just to let you know, the website is running locally but it's connecting to a SQL Server 2005 hosted on a remote server).
It seems that it takes a while to "start loading" the page... I mean, I click refresh and it stays for several seconds "Waiting for localhost"... Then when it gets response it loads the whole page normally...
I don't have a clue how to force Win7/IIS7.5 to pool database connections.
EDIT: I've created a new empty ASP.NET web application to see if the problems happens too. The answer is no, it responds fast as it should with an empty default page. Maybe is something related to the DB connection. I will do a further test. It should be a way to fix it...
EDIT 2: Debugging the app I noticed that the delay occurs AFTER the execution of .NET code (Page_Load, etc)... so the delay seems to be somewhere when IIS serves the page to the browser.
For those having the same problem, here's two possible solution.
1) Disabling IPv6 support in Firefox (only for Firefox)
Most of the authors that I found out about suggest this approach as quickest and cleanest solution. What you need to do is basically to open configuration settings in Firefox (about:config) and to change network.dns.disableIPv6 setting to true.
2) Change localhost settings in your hosts file (all browsers)
This came to me as an idea to check where and how can I interfere in IPv6 settings on my machine. I saw one of the comments on above mentioned sources saying that one can get rid of the problem by simply replacing localhost with machine name in the url.
It didn’t take me long to check and see that disabling my IPv6 localhost lookup does the same thing as disabling IPv6 directly in Firefox.
What you need to do is basically to comment / delete this particular line in your hosts file:
#::1 localhost
Note: ::1 notation is IPv6 equivalent of the IPv4 lookup address.
I believe the second solution might be more suitable for users who do not want to disable IPv6 in general, and the first one for all others that still do not use IPv6 in their regular work.
I was having the same issue: extremely dead slow site performance using IIS 7.5 on Windows 7 64-bit with a Core 2 Duo with 4GB RAM and 3 Application Pool Processes running only 1 website. Here's what I did to get the speed back to IIS, problem solved...
The trick for me was to run IIS using 32-bit workers, as instructed by Microsoft on IIS.net, which you can read here:
Simple solution provided (I don't want to rewrite it here)... Either you can run a 1-line command from the Windows Command Prompt or a 1-line command from Windows PowerShell. I just ran it from the command line (make sure you open Command Line or PowerShell as Administrator -- right-click > Run as Administrator).
Marty McGee
You can try running multiple processes as application pools:
Open IIS
Click Application Pools
Right click the app pool for your app
and click Advanced Settings
Find the
"Maximum Worker Processes" and update
it to 3 (or the number of processes
you want to allow to run).
I know the op was running IIS 7.5 and this may not apply to him, but I'm posting this as it might help others running IIS Express 8.0. I had the same problem and none of the IPv6 or hosts file changes worked for me. My asp.net MVC4 project was really slow after hitting F5 to refresh js changes on localhost. It was happening across all browsers - Chrome, FF, and IE. Eventually I discovered that IIS Express 8.0 is extremely slow when serving up js files and seems to be a bug. If I ran iisexpress on the command line and hit F5 I could see each js file took 4 or 5 seconds to load.
I ended up uninstalling IIS 8.0 and installing IIS express 7.5 and straight away the problem was fixed. Here are the steps I followed:
Uninstall IIS express 8.0
Delete the IISExpress folder (on Win 7 it's in My Documents\IISExpress)
Install IIS express 7.5 (Link to IIS Express 7.5 download)
IIS Express 8.0 seems to be installed with VS 2012 so if you had a new install or possibly a service pack update this might upgrade the previous IIS Express version.
