Change Default Starting Domain For .NET Website Project - visual-studio-2005

I have a Website project that I'm trying to debug using Fiddler. Fiddler doesn't track traffic from localhost, so I created another alias in my hosts file to use instead of localhost. Now I would like to have my project use the instead of localhost when I run my project. Is there a way to do this?
i.e. vs. http://localhost:1100/photoTest/default.aspx


Fiddler will track traffic from localhost, just use http://localhost./yoursite/default.aspx
Other than that, you right click on the website project in your solution, then select properties. The properties page will then appear, so select the web tab on the left hand side. There you will see an option to use IIS when debugging, which, when selected will enable you to set the url to use.


How to make url like

I searched a lot about this topics. Maybe I wasn't in the right way or proper way.
So my question is: how I can change url from to
Can I do this using Laravel?
Basically you have to create a subdomain first -
Now to point to you have two options -
configure virtual host (can be done at web server - see this for apache server)
Some DNS servers give you an iframe. Basically this means that for any domain name (like they will give you an iframe, and you can configure the iframe to point to This configuration will have to be done at DNS server's portal.
Use only one of the above mentioned options, I would recommend option 1 over
option 2.
Also see the following related question -
Show other domain using DNS instead of iframe

Can't reach Node JS api behind Cloud9

I am creating a simple rest api with hapi and using Cloud9 IDE. I can access the API endpoint within the same browser as the IDE uses but can't reach the api with code. Instead of JSON output I get the Cloud9 sign in page source.
Any ideas to set this up correctly?
Your workspace is probably private. You can choose to make your server public by performing the following steps:
Sign into and open the workspace in question
Click on the 'Share' menu on the top left of the IDE
When the Share dialog opens, check 'Public' next to the 'Application' row
Close the sharing dialog and test accessing your server from the api again.
Hope this helps!

open ssrs report in an iframe

I have developed a website which runs at SSL (https). I want to open some SSRS reports at the website in an iframe. But it is not opened since browsers say that "Blocked loading mixed active content" in the browser's console.If I hit report's URL in another tab or another browsers window then it opens.Also if I run my website at http only then browser opens the report in the iframe perfectly at the website.I think this problem is arises since website runs on https and report url is http only.
What can I do to resolve this issue without change in any of the URL.
Thanks in advance.
What version of SSRS are you using? It is possible to install multiple instances of SSRS on the same machine. They may not have access to the same sets of reports, but I'm not sure if that would even be an issue for you. The configuration you are attempting seems a bit messy. Personally I would try to get all of the sites on SSL to be consistent, but that sounds like you may not be able to achieve that, politically.
Anyway, here's a link to get you started with the multiple SSRS instance approach, if you'd like to try it.

How to open a test page with a url with a certain domain in path without deploying it to a server?

This seems like a simple question, but I just can't seem to wrap my head around it...
I have a simple html page. All that html page does is looks to see whether a browser cookie is present, and if it is, it will write a message that says "Found the cookie".
In order for this html page to work, it needs to be opened in a browser using a url that uses a specific domain "" in the path in order to work. So I want to be able to open that page in a browser using a url like "". Easy enough...
When I use this test page locally, I just deploy it to a local JBoss server, then make a mapping in my "hosts" file (I'm on Windows XP), that maps my local IP to "". This tricks the browser into thinking that it is actually getting the page from "", when it is actually being served by my local JBoss server.
I want to give this html file to another person who is going to use it on their pc. However, they don't have any sort of http server installed, so the little host mapping trick won't work. I don't want to make them go through the trouble of installing a server just to get this test page to work. Additionally, I can't physically put this file on "".
Any thoughts on how I could open this page through a "" url through a browser, without actually having it deployed to a server?
Is your test machine with JBoss installed accessible from the Internet? If so, you may ask the other person to add a mapping to their hosts file, that maps to the public IP of your test machine.

How do you get the File:// protocol to work in IE8?

I am running a website on my local machine ("http://localhost/asdf") and trying to get some file:// protocol links to work. In reality I'm trying to open a folder, not a specific file, but I can't get either to work.
I've put localhost in my "trusted zone", I've tried every combo of "file" ,":", some number of "/" and then a whole bunch of different paths, but encoded and not encoded.
Nothing I do causes anything to open when I click on the link. If I copy the link destination, and paste that in the browser address window, then it works as expected.
Anyone know the secret?
Add your intranet site in the Intranet Zone in Security Tab.
Generally file:/// URLs shouldn't work on pages downloaded via HTTP, that they sometimes work in IE7 and earlier is a security issue.
We found that method using the file protocol in the URL causes the method to fail. Under I.E. the behavior is erratic. In some instances, the object mentioned in the URL is opened but the window object instance is not created. In others, the URL failes to open. In some instances we noted that under Windows 7, the URL opens, under XP it does not. Under Safari,Chrome and Firefox, the URL never opened.
Local server is something different than just file://, that should work in IE as it is. However, if you probably want to check out apache alias and link that folder to your server. Btw, you should not use file protocol anyway, it will not work on production.
