Joomla Frozen Menu Items - joomla

On this site: the main navigation has suddenly stopped changing, i am sure i didn't change the core files.
The same code works fine on the local machine, but please tell me if it's just my computer and you can't see what my problem is.

That sounds suspiciously like the cache under Global Settings...try that...I have experienced that problem before, under the Admin back-end, the menus wouldn't work..then again, I got best results under Opera, in Chrome it doesn't work properly...weird...

I think the cache is the most likely culprit as tommieb says.
Alternatively, it could be a CSS issue, since you're using sprites. You don't say what you're changing in the menu, but for example if you change a menu item title from "Sports" to something else, it will still say "Sports" because the text is part of the image.


Problem with Web Live Preview with Kendo controls

We have a website that heavily uses Kendo controls, which makes it hard to know how the page will look after rendering. I want to use the "web live preview" extension to visual studio, however i have an issue. When the page opens, says in the bottom right corner "building tree" or something along those lines and never actually finishes. Is there a trick to get it to work with Kendo? I tried it because i got an email from them suggesting we do it.
Any ideas?
I'm guessing the message you're seeing is "Generating Logical Tree...". The extension is still in Preview, so there's several things that could be the cause of that, but we would like to work with you to try to address them. If you could file an issue on Developer Community, and include any errors messages you see from your browser's console (make sure to include Verbose messages), we can try to dig in. Also keep a look out for updated versions of the extension (it should automatically update) as we're steadily fixing bugs.

Magento Extension not work properly on backend

I have an issue with Ves Contentslider of VenusTheme as it dose not load properly on backend. It still works fine on front end but we cannot do any configuration as it's control panel does not load the content. This is pretty weird as we have not changed any thing in our site recently. Please have a look at the screen shot below to have better understanding. Thank you in advance.
Screen shot
I just fixed this issue and thanks to the Venus Theme team for the quick and accurate suggestion. I did compress the js&css files and it stop the website rendering the js&css codes properly. That is why the configaration panel did not load on the admin site. So, I just need to go to the back end and navigate to Configuration/Advanced/Developers/JavaScript Settings(CSS Settings) and chose No option for the Merge JavaScript Files(Merge CSS Files). Then everything work perfectly again. This is good to know when we consider compress our CSS and JavaScript files. Cheers

Joomla articles and modules not showing on small screens

I'm really quite new to Joomla and I've encountered a problem. On my homepage the article is showing just fine, but all the other modules (except for the menu bar) disappear when I switch to a smaller screen size. On my other pages the article doesn't even show anymore, just the menu bar. I'm using the purity III template. I have no idea what's going on since the settings in the layout of the template indicate that all modules that are showing on a desktop should also be displayed on a mobile device, and I've found no difference in settings in the articles itself. My site.
Thanks for your help!
It sounds like the responsive design hides them on purpose.
Just from a quick peek at your code using inspect element I can see that the class "slideshow hidden-xs" gets a display:none on smaller screen sizes and all of your main content is wrapped in that element. If all of your content is not supposed to be wrapped in that element (which I'm guessing it's not) you're most likely missing a closing tag on a div or something.
Find the missing closing tag (ie: /div, /a, etc) and it will probably solve your problem.
You can update the latest version of Joomla and check again that some problem is coming or not. I yes then download new theme for your website which is compatible with your theme.

WYSIWYG buttons don't show in IE for CKEditor

I have a fresh installation of Liferay on Tomcat and in IE7 it doesn't show the buttons for visual editing in the editor when I try to edit content.
It works on in Firefox or Chrome.
Does anyone have an idea why would that happen? I am not sure where to dig, I don't see javascript exceptions and it doesn't look like the buttons are even populated in IE. It is hard to debug IE problems since I don't have a tool like Firebug there.
I downloaded the 6.1 and still have the same problem, adding the URLs of what I see. Looks like IE only has the text box and in the DOM I don't see the same things that I see in FF.
Update on this:
I checked with some people in our organization and they have the buttons on their browser.
I checked the version of the IE browser and it's the same down to the last digit. Properties are the same as well. The only difference is that I have some plugins installed that the other browser doesn't. I tried disabling all the plugins but it didn't help.
The suspect plugin is Google Chrome Frame (ChromeFrame BHO). Can someone please try to add this plugin and see if it messes things up? The disabling it doesn't help.
Liferay CE 6.0 contains few bugs within the WYSIWYG editor integration.
One issue with IE is LPS-16004 (solution included). This might be the same problem as you are experiencing.
I remember we had also problem with javascript race condition in editor initialization, which sometimes loads the editor incorrectly.
But I strongly suggest you to move to Liferay CE 6.1 as it is much more stable.
Ok, I finally figured it out, so if someone has the same problem, here is the reason - we have Google Chrome Frame plugin installed in our organization, but it only works on white-listed domain names. In this case the domain the site was on wasn't whitelisted, but the portal looked at the agent string and saw chromeframe there and assumed it can use it as chrome browser, which broke things.
Right now I will try to white-list the domain and see if it works. Another solution would be to try and find a place where we look for the agent string and fix it there, not sure where this place is.

Firefox wont load this page but other browsers will, why?

This is driving me crazy. This website and its pages work perfectly in IE, and Chrome but in Firefox 5.0 it frequently won't load the belts and bags page and the only way to get it to load is clear my cache/history.
If you click around four times on the Bags link, then the belts link, then the Bags, then the accessories link it usually won't load. Another testing process is when you click Belts or Bags twice each then hit refresh it gets stuck and never loads or eventually after a long wait does. It seems to do this on either Belts or Bags but its
not always the same page that has problems.
Can anyone give me a clue what the problem is?
I figured the problem out. Its more specific to my individual situation i guess. I thought maybe my problem was the word press include header file but I was wrong. It appears to be permalinks. I changed my perma links to default and it worked. Next I did a restart with Firefox in Safe Mode using pretty permalinks (not default) and it worked fine. So ultimately the problem in Firefox is an add-ons in combination with the permalink somehow. I found the culprit add-on is HTML Validator I'm not sure why this is the problem but appears it is.
