Find if windows installer succeeds or fails - installation

I want to send my users a package of 3 applications (each of them are an exe file that can be installed) for them to download and install.
These packages are depended to each other so for example to install the second package the first installation file should get installed properly. Is there a way to find out if the windows installer fails during the installation? (By Failure i mean: User cancels the installation - error in installation - driver installation problem or anything that leads to failure of the installation)

You can start the install packages with msiexec and creating a log file:
msiexec /i InstallPackage.msi /log log.txt
In Windows-Installer packages you can use Conditions to check if a package could be installed.


Memurai Developer Setup Wizard ended prematurely

I'm trying to install Redis through MEMURAI but when I run the setup I get the following error:
I've Windows 10 - BUILD: 1909
The latest .NET version, how can I fix this?
Here are some steps that will help investigate this issue:
From an Administrator command prompt, navigate to the folder where the Memurai Developer installer is located (typically it's under %userprofile%\downloads). EG: cd /d %userprofile%\downloads
msiexec /i Memurai-Developer-2.0.0.msi /l*v "install.log".
Proceed through the installer steps as you did before, until you hit the error.
The install.log file should provide some clue as to why the installation failed. If the solution is not obvious, please email the log file to Please let us know how it goes, either way!
Note: After the install logs were investigated the installer was changed to make it more robust and not fail in this spot.

iisnode msi file doesn't install in preferred location

I have msi file for iisnode, my machine is winx64. I want to install iisnode in preferred location. When I run the msi file it is installed, by default at C:\programFiles
I want to install in different location, because, TFS server will be deploying and replacing artifact inside the iisnode\www. It is not good idea to have replacing contents inside C:programFiles.
I tried msiexec.exe /a yarn-1.10.1.msi TARGETDIR=C:\cygwin64\home but didn't succeed,I have in the pic below (installation package cannot be opened)
If anyone have suceeded in installing msi file in different location when customization doesn't exist will be great, thank you
Firstly, I'm not sure why your screenshot specifies an /a switch for an administrative installation? You want to use /i instead for a normal installation.
Use this command line (/qb for a 'basic' user interface, or change to /qn for a silent installation):
msiexec /i yarn-1.10.1.msi INSTALLDIR=c:\cygwin64\home /qb
Not sure if you are trying to install the app or creating administrative installation?
but the above mentioned error suggests that the yarn-1.10.1.msi is not available in C:\iisnode1 folder. Could you please check that once.

Is it possible to install multiple programs via script?

I need to re-create the development environment on my machine, and put exact applications on co-workers machine ( not in same office ).
What We Need Installed
So basically we need a NativeScript development environment created.
This will include programs like, NativeScript CLI, Android Studio, Node, etc.
Ideal Solution
Ideally I would like to write a script that would install the necessary programs without any ( or minimal ) attendance .
Can someone show me how I would create such a script?
Thank you
You can install NodeJS silently by downloading the most recent MSI installer and running msiexec /qn /l* node-log.txt /i node-vX.X.XX-x64.msi. This will install Node and NPM.
Once you've installed NPM, you can install Nativescript with npm install -g nativescript
You can install the Android studio IDE silently with the /S switch, and the SDK silently using /S /Allusers.
You can set the Android_Home environment variable inside HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment
You can use autoit to create script, code what and in what order need to be installed. Than you can either put all programs version on one usb with your script - in this way you can also controll version of software installed or call to download and install from internet.
You can also include GUI with the script as well as you can create .exe file and end user need just to execute it.
Another option would be to create .bat file and code step by step what need to be installed. Look at batch file command list to see what commands are available.
Those are just two options, possibilities are endless, depend on what you feel most comfortable.

understanding failure of chocolatey install of MSVC 2013 Express

From an admin prompt, I'm trying to install MSVC 2013 Express (Desktop):
cinst VisualStudioExpress2013WindowsDesktop
but its failing. Digging through the failure, I see that the installer returned exit code 3010. I'm not sure what this means, or why the Chocolatey script isn't handling it properly.
The full error output is in a gist here.
This is a standard error code that most Windows installation packages can issue (mode details can be found here).
Basically, this means that in order to install this package, you need to first reboot your machine. This is the same error message that you would get if you were to run the MSI/EXE yourself.
I suspect that what you did was to first install Chocolatey, and then immediately start installing packages. Due to the dependency of Chocolatey on the .Net Framework 4.0, immediately installing packages is not really advisable, as depending on the state of your machine, you are likely going to immediately need a reboot.
You should really install Chocolatey, reboot, and then start installing packages.
One thing that you have to remember is that Chocolatey is a Package Manager, it works with individual packages. It doesn't understand, and nor should it, the interaction of multiple packages. As a result, it doesn't know about the requirements of reboots, it simply installs the package.
There are other tools, like Boxstarter, that provide functionality to detect whether a reboot is required, and this handles that requirement.

Run exe after msi installation - App doesn`t run?

I read this thread
Run exe after msi installation?
I followed the instructions and I have weird problem.
When I install the MSI from VS (right-click on installer project and select install), the script works perfectly but when I run the installation from the MSI file
I see the checkbox but it does nothing – the application doesn't run.
Anyone know what can be the cause for this?
Eventually I created console application that run install and after it run my application.
I succseeded in runing app after install but it runs under system user and it`s not good for me
