Why does Ruby require .call for Proc invocation? - ruby

I just wondered whether there is any good reason for or even an advantage in having to invoke Procs using proc.call(args) in Ruby, which makes higher-order function syntax much more verbose and less intuitive.
Why not just proc(args)? Why draw a distinction between functions, lambdas and blocks? Basically, it's all the same thing so why this confusing syntax? Or is there any point for it I don't realize?

You need some way to distinguish between calling the Proc and passing it around.
In Python and ECMAScript, it's simple: with parentheses it's a call, without it's not. In Ruby, leaving off the parentheses is also a call, therefore, there must be some other way to distinguish.
In Ruby 1.8, Proc#call and its alias Proc#[] serve that distinction. As of Ruby 1.9, obj.(arg) is syntactic sugar for obj.call(arg) and Proc#() is also an alias for Proc#call.
So, you can call a Proc like this:
foo.call(1, 2, 3)
foo[1, 2, 3]
foo.(1, 2, 3)
And you can even also define () for your own classes.
BTW: the same problem is also why you have to use the method method to get a hold of a method object.

In ruby you can have a local variable and a method that are both named foo. Assuming the method is private, the only way to call it would be foo(args) (self.foo(args) would not work for private methods which can't have an explicit receiver). If ruby would allow to overload the () operator, so that the foo in foo(bar) can be a variable, there would be no way to call the private method foo, when there is also a local variable named foo.
Note that with features like define_method and method_missing, it is not always possible to avoid situations where you have methods and local variables of the same name.

You want to be able to pass it around without calling it, right? Requiring that it be explicitly called allows that. Otherwise, every time you tried to use the proc as a parameter, you would end up calling it.


Ruby anonymous classes as first-class functions

Ruby does not have first class functions; although it has procs and lambdas, these notoriously require significant overhead. (Python has first class functions, apparently without the overhead.)
It occurred me to that first class functions can be simulated with a little more work by using anonymous classes, as follows:
f = Class.new { def self.f; puts 'hi'; end }
def g(fun); fun; end
# => "hi"
Does anyone know a better way?
In fact, Ruby doesn't have functions at all, only methods. So if you want pass a method to another method, you can
def g(f)
This is less concise than Python, but it's the price that Ruby has to pay for the ability to omit parentheses in method calls. I think omitting parentheses is one of the things that makes Ruby shine, because this makes implementing DSL in pure Ruby a lot easier.
Ruby has procs and lambdas (both instances of the Proc class), and Methods, all of which approximate first-class functions. Lambdas are the closest to a true first-class function: they check the number of arguments when called and create a new call context such that return just returns from the lambda. In contrast, procs are just reified blocks of code; they don't check their number of arguments, and a return causes the enclosing method to return, not just the proc.
Method objects allow you to store an uncalled method in a variable, complete with implied invocant. There's no syntax for creating an anonymous Method, but you said first-class functions, not anonymous ones. Other than the invocant, they are basically lambdas whose body is that of the referenced method.
I'm not sure what an anonymous class gets you that is better than the above solutions, but it is certainly further away from a true first-class function. It's more like the way we had to approximate them in Java before closures were added to the language.

In Ruby, how do sub, gsub (and other text methods) in shell one-liners work without referring to an object?

I saw this piece of code somewhere on the web:
ruby -pe 'gsub /^\s*|\s*$/, ""'
Evidently this piece of code removes leading and trailing whitespace from each line from STDIN.
I understand the regex and replacement, no problem, but what I don't get is how the method gsub is receiving an object to act upon. I understand that the -p flag wraps this whole thing in a while gets; print; ... ; end block, but how does gsub receive the string to act upon? At the very least, shouldn't it be a $_.gsub(..) instead? How does the current input line get "magically" passed to gsub?
Does the code in these Perl-like one-liners get interpreted in a somewhat different manner? I'm looking for a general idea of the differences from traditional, script-based Ruby code. Haven't found a comprehensive set of resources on this, I'm afraid.
It turns out that this is an instance method defined on Kernel, which magically gets turned on only when you use the -p or -n flag.
ruby -pe 'puts method(:gsub);'
#<Method: Object(Kernel)#gsub>
See the documentation here.
Other magical methods I found are chop, print, and sub.
The magical methods are all sent to $_ implicitly.
class Object
def gsub(*args, &block)
$_.gsub(*args, &block)
Since every object is an instance of Object (well, almost every object), every object has a gsub method now. So, you can call
some_object.gsub('foo', 'bar')
on any object, and it will just work. And since it doesn't matter what object you call it on, because it doesn't actually do anything with that object, you might just as well call it on self:
self.gsub('foo', 'bar')
Of course, since self is the implicit receiver, this is the same as
gsub('foo', 'bar')
For methods such as this, which don't actually depend on the receiver, and are only added to the Object class for convenience reasons, it is a common convention to make them private so that you cannot accidentally call them with an explicit receiver and then somehow get confused into thinking that this method does something to the receiver.
Also, it is common to put such methods (which are actually intended to be used more like procedures than methods, i.e. completely independent of their receiver) into the Kernel mixin, which is mixed into Object instead of directly into the Object class to distinguish them from methods that are available to every object but actually do depend on its internal state, such as Object#class, Object#to_s etc.
module Kernel
def gsub(*args, &block)
$_.gsub(*args, &block)
Other methods that are defined in this way, which you may have come across already are require, load, puts, print, p, gets, loop, raise, rand, throw, catch, lambda, proc, eval, Array, Integer, Float etc.

Enumerable::each_with_index now optionally takes a arguments in Ruby 1.9. What significance and/or what is a use case for that?

In Ruby 1.8.7 and prior, Enumerable::each_with_index did not accept any arguments. In Ruby 1.9, it will accept an arbitrary number of arguments. Documentation/code shows that it simply passes those arguments along to ::each. With the built in and standard library Enumerables, I believe passing an argument will yield an error, since the Enumerable's ::each method isn't expecting parameters.
So I would guess this is only useful in creating your own Enumerable in which you do create an ::each method that accepts arguments. What is an example where this would be useful?
Are there any other non-obvious consequences of this change?
I went through some gems code and found almost no uses of that feature. One that it does, spreadsheet:
def each skip=dimensions[0], &block
skip.upto(dimensions[1] - 1) do |idx|
block.call row(idx)
I don't really see that as an important change: #each is the base method for classes that mix-in module Enumerable, and methods added (map, select, ...) do not accept arguments.

Access local variables from a different binding in Ruby

In Ruby, you can easily access local variables programmatically by using local_variables and eval. I would really like to have meta-programming access to these variables using a single method call such as
# define a variable in this scope, such as
x = 5
Foo.explore_locals # inside the Foo#explore_locals method, access x
where Foo is some external module. The idea is to display and export local variables in a nice way.
What should be inside the explore_locals method? Is there any way to make this possible? If absolutely necessary, I guess it could be
Foo.explore_locals binding
but this is much less elegant for the application I have in mind.
It's a shame there isn't a built-in way to get the caller's binding. The block trick seems to be the usual answer to this question.
However there is another 'trick' which existed for older 1.8 Ruby versions called binding_of_caller. Looks like quix ported it to 1.9. You might want to check that out:
Here is an example (but it requires extra braces {} which I would rather avoid if possible):
module Foo
def self.explore_locals &block
p block.binding.eval 'local_variables'
local_1 = 3
Foo.explore_locals{} # shows [:local_1, :_]

Ruby method, Proc, and block confusion

I have a couple questions about Ruby's methods, procedures, and blocks that strike me as rather odd. They're not so much about syntax or function as the logic behind the decisions made.
Question 1:
Why is it that blocks can be passed to methods (e.g. each) but they cannot be assigned to a variable?
I know you can pass them around in procedures, i.e. p = Proc.new {...} (accessed with &p), but it doesn't make much sense to make the programmer go through these means.
Question 2:
Why is there a differentiation between methods and procedures?
For instance, I can accomplish the task of defining a function and calling that function in the following two ways:
def square(x)
=> 9
square = lambda {|x| x**2}
=> 9
Why the differentiation? In Python for example both defining a function in the standard way and by square = lambda x: x**2 accomplish the same task of creating the function and assigning it to square.
Question 1: Blocks are not objects, they are syntactic structures; this is why they cannot be assigned to a variable. This is a privilege reserved for objects.
Question 2: Methods are not objects, so they cannot receive messages. Inversely, procs and lambdas are objects, so they cannot be invoked like methods, but must receive a message that tells them to return a value on the basis of the parameters passed with the message.
Procs and Lambdas are objects, so they can receive the call message and be assigned to names. To summarize, it is being an object that makes procs and lambdas behave in ways you find odd. Methods and blocks are not objects and don't share that behavior.
To some extent at least, methods are objects:
class ABC
def some_method
ABC.instance_method(:some_method) #=> #<UnboundMethod: ABC#some_method>
Further to that, there is a built-in class: Method, as documented here.
See also this: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Ruby_Programming/Syntax/Method_Calls
Haphazardly <bseg>, it does rather seem to bear out the everything-is-an-object thing. In this particular case, it just appears to take a little more digging to see.
(I really must make an effort to understand this better: I'm starting to think it's fundamental to getting a deeper understanding.)
Methods are methods — that is, they're actions that an object can take in response to messages. They are not functions.
Blocks are closures — they're functions that close over the enclosing scope. They don't conceptually "belong to" a given object.
In some languages, methods are merely functions that are members of an object, but Ruby does not view them this way. Separating a method from its owning object is more akin to surgery than simple assignment. Ruby takes its object-orientation model from Smalltalk, the granddaddy of modern OO.
