In the ReadDirectoryChangesW Function what does the Overlap parameter mean? - winapi

I understand the the ReadDirectoryChangesW Function uses a buffer to store the notifications, but what does overlap mean?
I presume there is protection to stop the notification you're reading from being over-written?

It is for asynchronous operations.
A call to ReadDirectoryChangesW can be completed synchronously or asynchronously. To specify asynchronous completion, open the directory with CreateFile as shown above, but additionally specify the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED attribute in the dwFlagsAndAttributes parameter. Then specify an OVERLAPPED structure when you call ReadDirectoryChangesW.
See ReadDirectoryChangesW Function remarks sections.

this argument is for asynchronous operation.
on Windows, this is called "overlapped i/o". you can find this kind of parameter, with the same way of working, on a lot of function calls related to input/output (ReadFile, WriteFile, ...). more information about overlapped i/o can be found in the MSDN.


ebpf: intercepting function calls

I am reading about kprobes BPF program type, and am wondering if it is possible to not just intercept a function call for tracing purposes or collect some low-level information (registers, stack etc.), but substitute a call and execute instead of the actual function?
Does kprobe provide this capability or I'm looking at the wrong tool?
No, kprobes BPF programs have only read access to the syscall parameters and return value, they cannot modify registers and therefore cannot intercept function calls. This is a limitation imposed by the BPF verifier.
Kernel modules, however, can intercept function calls using kprobes.

Does asynchronous file appending in Windows preserve order?

I call CreateFile with FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING | FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED and then call many WriteFile with OVERLAPPED structures with both Offset and OffsetHigh members set to 0xFFFFFFFF to append new data to file.
Is it guaranteed that operations will be completed in same order as requested?
It seem logical for me but I see no explicit and non-ambiguous proofs of that.
Quote from tells that operation is going to be synchronous:
On Windows NT, any write operation to a file that extends its length will be synchronous.
Great. Synchronous operation preserves order. But then:
The FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING flag has the most effect on the behavior of the file system for asynchronous operation. This is the best way to guarantee that I/O requests are actually asynchronous.
Latter raised doubts in me. Could someone clarify this please?

implementing blocking syscalls in Linux

I would like to understand how implementing blocking I/O syscalls is different from non-blocking? Googling it didn't help much, any links or references would be greatly appreciated.
Blocking syscall will put the task (calling thread) to sleep (block it from running on CPU), and syscall will return only after event (or timeout). Non-blocking syscall will not block thread, it just checks in-kernel states and immediately returns.
More detailed description:
one important issue: how does a driver respond if it cannot immediately satisfy the request? A call to read may come when no data is available, but more is expected in the future. Or a process could attempt to write, but your device is not ready to accept the data, because your output buffer is full. The calling process usually does not care about such issues; the programmer simply expects to call read or write and have the call return after the necessary work has been done. So, in such cases, your driver should (by default) block the process, putting it to sleep until the request can proceed. ....
There are several forms of wait_event kernel functions to block the caller thread, check include/linux/wait.h; thread can be waked up by different ways, for example with wake_up/wake_up_interruptible.

Who read/write my application's memory

Each Application has its memory space. In Windows, all process can use "OpenProcess" and "ReadProcessMemory/WriteProcessMemory(NtReadVirtualMemory/NtWriteVirtualMemory)" to read or write memory of application.
In System kernel, we can hook SSDT function "NtReadVirtualMemory/NtWriteVirtualMemory" to check who read and write memory of Application.
I have a question: Is there a way to check who read and write memory of Application in this application's process?
No. Not without hooking other processes/kernel (by hooking SSDT, as you've mentioned in your question). You can check which process has a handle to your application, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they've actually read/written anything.
To see which process has a handle to your process,
Call NtQuerySystemInformation with SystemHandleInformation(undocumented) for SystemInformationClass parameter, to enumerate all handles that are open on the system.
Duplicate all handles by calling DuplicateHandle with PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION access (if I recall correctly, this will filter out all non-process handles)
For each duplicated handle, call GetProcessId to get the process-id.
If the process-id matches with your application's process-id, then we can get the owner of the original handle by looking up the ProcessId field of the original SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION structure returned from NtQuerySystemInformation.

Why CompletionKey in I/O completion port?

Remark from MSDN about CompletionKey in CreateIoCompletionPort function:
Use the CompletionKey parameter to help your application track which
I/O operations have completed. This value is not used by
CreateIoCompletionPort for functional control; rather, it is attached
to the file handle specified in the FileHandle parameter at the time
of association with an I/O completion port. This completion key should
be unique for each file handle, and it accompanies the file handle
throughout the internal completion queuing process. It is returned in
the GetQueuedCompletionStatus function call when a completion packet
arrives. The CompletionKey parameter is also used by the
PostQueuedCompletionStatus function to queue your own special-purpose
completion packets.
The above remarks leave me a question. Why use the CompletionKey given that we can associate user context with the file handle in an extended overlapped structure like this:
typedef struct s_overlappedplus
int op_code;
/*we can alternatively put user context over here instead of CompletionKey*/
LPVOID user_context;
} t_overlappedplus;
and retreive through CONTAINING_RECORD macro after completion?
Cool, I'm only convinced that CompletionKey is per-handle context while the extended overlapped structure is per-I/O one. But what's the philosophy behind such design and in what circumstance can it be necessary to use CompletionKey instead of an extended overlapped structure in term of user context?
