Ruby with Qt - ruby

I'm working on a multi form Ruby-Qt program using, and I'm having a problem with controlling secondary windows from the primary one.
How can i disable the primary window when any secondary one is open, also how to take a secondary window output to use it on the primary one, and finally, sorry this is a silly one, what is the appropriate method for closing any window (like this.close in .net) ????

You can make a dialog modal, this disables user interaction with other windows of your application until the user closes the modal window. Use Qt::Dialog.exec instead of to pop up the window as a modal dialog. This method returns Qt::Dialog::Accepted or Qt::Dialog::Rejected depending on how the user closed the dialog.
To use data from a dialog in the main application window, just save the data somewhere in the dialog class where the main program can access it. For example:
class MyDialog < Qt::Dialog
attr_reader :data
def updateData(new)
#data = new
dlg =
if (dlg.exec == Qt::Dialog::Accepted)
#aButton.text =
If you are using a dialog, you need to exit it with accept() or reject(), in most cases these are connected to the OK and Cancel button:
connect(okButton, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self, SLOT('accept()'))
connect(cancelButton, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self, SLOT('reject()'))
Other windows can be closed with the close() method.


OpenEdge ABL UI Freeze window until Popup closes

I'm using OpenEdge ABL to create a window that will run a secondary window on the touch of a button. However I am trying to get the first/parent window to freeze while the child window is running and resume when the child window closes.
I attempted to use WAIT-FOR WINDOW-CLOSE OF CURRENT-WINDOW on the parent window however this returned the error: Invalid widget handle used in WAIT-FOR statement. WAIT-FOR terminated (4122).
To run the child window I use:
RUN D:\adherenceEdit_12875-Win.w(cUserId,cShiftCode,dtDate).
Are you trying to make the child window modal?
I think you can look into using the TOP-ONLY or ALWAYS-ON-TOP attributes on the window, or make the child a dialog box.
I got around this was by adding:
Making the sensitivity of the buttons false meant that they would not be pressed while the child window was running.
RUN D:\adherenceEdit_12875-Win.w(INPUT cUserId,
INPUT cShiftCode,
INPUT dtDate).
After the child was closed the parent window continues running and resets the buttons sensitivity allowing them to be pressed
I'm not sure if this is the most efficient way to do this and #nwahmaet's answer may have provided a more efficient method.
I like to do this by hiding the Main Window while the Popup is opened...
// Replace the C-Win to window's name - Not required to specify the frame
RUN My_Program.w.

How can a dialog become responsive while waiting for a call to DoModal() to return?

A button on a dialog causes a child dialog to be created, and displayed modally.
void ParentDialog::OnButton()
ChildDialog dlg;
int ret = dlg.DoModal();
The parent dialog is initially unresponsive as expected. But, the child dialog also makes COM calls to a server module, which causes the server to make COM calls back to the parent dialog... to update displayed data, etc. In one case, this causes the parent dialog to suddenly become responsive again even though the child dialog is still on screen. Both dialogs can now be interacted with even though the parent dialog is still patiently waiting for OnButton()to return.
How can this happen? I'm trawling the code but is there anything specific I should be looking for?
The dialog has its own message pump/loop and inside the call it has a loop where it keeps receiving and dispatching window messages. This includes COM related messages worker windows receive and convert to COM callbacks you are seeing. Once the dialog is closed, respective windows are destroyed, the function exits from the loop and returns control to your code.
That is, without returning control to your code immediately, window message dispatching still keeps working as usually and UI is responsive.
... The function displays the dialog box, disables the owner window, and starts its own message loop to retrieve and dispatch messages for the dialog box.
When the dialog box procedure calls the EndDialog function, DialogBox destroys the dialog box, ends the message loop, enables the owner window (if previously enabled), and returns the nResult parameter specified by the dialog box procedure when it called EndDialog.
You can create a modeless dialog and use RunModalLoop to wait for the dialog to finish, somewhat similar to DoModal()
void CMyWnd::foo()
static BOOL isOpen = FALSE;
if (isOpen) return;//optional, prevents opening multiple dialogs
CDialog dlg;
dlg.Create(IDD_DIALOG1, this);
isOpen = TRUE;
int result = dlg.RunModalLoop(0);
isOpen = 0;
TRACE("res:%d\n", result);
Problem: Note that in the above example you can close the program but the dialog will still be up. You have to force the dialog close, the above function doesn't deal with that.
Or you can create modeless dialog the usual way:
if (m_Dlg) return;
m_Dlg = new CDialog
m_Dlg.Create(IDD_DIALOG1, this);
However in this example if user clicks OK/Cancel then you don't know about it, you have to override OnOK()/OnCancel then send message to parent Window/Dialog, process message, and then destroy the dialog manually.

SwitchTo method for Coded UI

I am working on a, hand coded, Coded UI test for an application.
The application has a certain function that operates in 2 windows. When a button is clicked, a new window appears and then the user makes a selection upon which that window closes, and then the user continues taking actions on the main window.
With Selenium, I would handle that by iterating through all the window handles and switching by using passing it the URL of the page I wanted using the "driver.SwitchTo().Window(handle)" method. However, with Coded UI, I have not found a similar solution. Using the Process class I can do something similar that could work:
Process[] myList = Process.GetProcessesByName("iexplore");
foreach (Process item in myList)
if (item.MainWindowTitle.Contains("Window Title"))
The problem is that the application that I am testing is poorly designed and all windows throughout the application have the same name, thus it will not work.
Is there a method which can be used to switch to a different window on Coded UI? Or what would be the best approach?
Take a look at this question, it might help: Interacting with multiple instances of an application in Coded UI
You don't do "switching" in CUIT, every window and control is accessed via a UITestControl object. If you want to do stuff on an other window you create a new object for it. If you can't differentiate the two windows with search properties you can use the Instance property or FindMatchingControls method.
To catch a window creation event you can use a winhook. It gives you the window handle of every window created. Using that you can find out if the window created is the window you are waiting for and then use the UITestControlFactory.FromWindowHandle to create a UITestControl for CUIT to interact with. If you have a generated class for that window you can create an instance of that class and call its CopyFrom method to pass to it the control you created from the window handle.
I am using:
public static HtmlDocument WaitForPopup(string popupName, string text)
BrowserWindow browser = new BrowserWindow();
browser.SearchProperties.Add(BrowserWindow.PropertyNames.Name, popupName,
HtmlDocument html = new HtmlDocument(browser);
html.SearchProperties.Add(HtmlDocument.PropertyNames.InnerText, text,
return html;
Just call WaitForPopup("your window name", "some constant text in window") and continue with tests there.
Note that this method will return html of the new window and you can use it further on.

How to open a Glade-created window and wait for it to close, in Ruby?

I want to make my own window, using Glade (3.14.2).
At a certain point in my program, I want to
1) Put up the window and let the user do stuff
2) Wait for it to close
3) Get values from the window object
4) Continue on in my code
So basically, I want to treat the window like a modal dialog - but one that I write and control.
I've tried for a few hours. The window appears just fine, as designed in Glade. The user can interact with it.
When the window closes, code that's been connected with signal_connect('destroy') executes.
But the code that invoked the window's show() method... does not continue executing after the window closes.
class GrammarNodeEditor
#this makes the class visual:
include GladeGUI
def initialize(raw_node = nil, &close_block)
#raw_node = raw_node || {type: :Sequence, data: []}
#original_data = #raw_node[:data]
#close_block = close_block
def show
puts "GNE Window Opening"
#builder["window1"].title = "Edit/Create Grammar Node"
#builder["window1"].signal_connect('destroy') {|*args|
puts "Done showing window"
Here is how I invoke it:
rhs_editor = {|obj|
puts "In closeblck, obj is #{obj.inspect}"
#rhs = obj.raw_node
puts "About to call show in GR:Init"
puts "Back from calling show in GR:Init"
Here is the output:
About to call show in GR:Init
GNE Window Opening
In closeblck, obj is #<GrammarNodeEditor:0x7b82a88 #raw_node={:type=>:Sequence, :data=>[]}, [more junk here]>
The first two lines of output appear after I open the window. The 3rd and 4th appear when I close the window.
Note that "Done showing window" and "Back from calling show in GR:Init" are not printed at all.
Just to make this a little more interesting, I want to be able to do this from within code that puts up another window. My top-level window has a button to create a new Rule. The Rule must be initialized with a Node, and then the Rule must be edited. So first I need to put up a Node-definition window (as shown above) and then, when I have a Node defined, I want to put up a Rule window that uses that Node.
So I think I need to call this code within either the initialize() or the show() method of the GrammarRuleWindow class (another Glade-defined window).
Can someone explain why my puts's aren't being printed, and how to make the control flow go on through them?
...So it turned out the problem was that I had created the window's .glade file directly in Glade, rather than using the VisualRuby IDE.
Creating the .glade in VR adds some stuff to the file that VR needs. Specifically, the file needs to contain the line
<signal name="destroy" handler="destroy_window" swapped="no"/>
before the first <child...> tag.

XLIB Decoration questions

I'm writing a small window manager, that add a basic decoration around a window, but actually i have several question about adding/remove decoration of a window.
First Question
Actually the decoration is added during MapNotify event, but it seems to be not a good idea, because it add decoration also to a menu opened by an application everytime the mapnotify is fired with a new window, but i want only to add decoration to main window. Maybe i have to check if the current window is a child of another window ? Actually my code just create the decoration window with a specific name, so at every MapNotify request i give the decoration window a dummy name (Parent) to distinguish it from all other windows in that way if the MapNotify event is launched on a decoration window, at least it doesn't add another decoration.
But i don't understand if MapNotify is launched not only for parent window but also for childrend probably the risk is that i add more than one decoration window.
The actual code is the following:
void map_notify_handler(XEvent local_event, Display* display, ScreenInfos infos){
printf("Map Notify\n");
XWindowAttributes win_attr;
char *child_name;
XGetWindowAttributes(display, local_event.xmap.window, &win_attr);
XFetchName(display, local_event.xmap.window, &child_name);
printf("Attributes: W: %d - H: %d - Name: %s\n", win_attr.width, win_attr.height, child_name);
if(strcmp(child_name, "Parent")){
Window new_win = draw_window_with_name(display, RootWindow(display, infos.screen_num), "Parent", infos.screen_num,
win_attr.x, win_attr.y, win_attr.width, win_attr.height+DECORATION_HEIGHT, 0,
BlackPixel(display, infos.screen_num));
XMapWindow(display, new_win);
XReparentWindow(display,local_event.xmap.window, new_win,0, DECORATION_HEIGHT);
XSelectInput(display, local_event.xmap.window, SubstructureNotifyMask);
put_text(display, new_win, child_name, "9x15", 10, 10, BlackPixel(display,infos.screen_num), WhitePixel(display, infos.screen_num));
So how to avoid adding of decoration on every window except the main application window (or the popup windows, there is a way to distinguish the type of window? How can i figure it out?)
Second Question
WHen i exit a program the window that is destroyed is just the application window not the parent decoration, how to destroy the current window and also the decoration?
I tried with the following:
void destroy_notify_handler(XEvent local_event, Display *display){
Window window = local_event.xdestroywindow.event;
XDestroyWindow(display, window);
But i receive the following error:
Error occurred: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
I use event instead of window because it seems that it contains the parent window (i read it from there:
But even if i use window i have the same problem.
Or maybe i have to destroy the parent window earlier? Maybe during UnMapNotify? But how to understand if the event is launched just because the window is going to be closed or for some other reasons?
Thanks for the help :)
Read EWMH spec and you'll find answers to all questions.
Check "override redirect" window flag
You are trying
to destroy window which is already destroyed. Instead of using
event.xdestroywindow.event window id just delete your decoration
Don't forget to add client window to save set if you are
writing reparenting WM. That way if you kill wm application windows
are not destroyed but reparented back to root window
