Visual Studio 2010 Compilation Error - visual-studio

I’ve been trialing the current version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Beta and have come across a strange problem. When I try to compile any project, I get the error message “The operation could not be completed”, with no further information.
This happens both with C#, C++ and VB.NET projects and regardless of whether the project is an existing solution or I’m creating a new one.
Has anyone else experienced this and are there any solutions?

Have you changed your font settings in Visual Studio by any chance?
There seems to be some issues with fonts in VS2010 beta at the moment. I have found reverting to the default fonts may fix this issue. Potentially the windows system font could cause this issue also if it is non-standard.
Sound bizzare i know!


Visual studio for mac shows a small unwanted window

Recently i have been experiencing a weird issue with Visual studio for mac.
While doing any development a small window appears out of no where on Visual studio and stays there. And i can't do any code writing until i kill the Visual studio. Or may be i don't know the solution to this problem. I tried searching the internet but could not find any solution to this. I have attached a screenshot of the window below.
If any one has encountered and resolved this issue please help. Because this has become irritating.
This is a known issue and has been fixed.
You can check this link:
This issue is fixed with the Visual Studio 2022 for Mac Preview 1 release.

Visual Studio 2019 Intellisense complains that it can not open many of the system headers

So I got a new PC yesterday and moved my Projects to it by simply copying the Project folders. Now if I open the Projects with Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise like before. Visual Studio shows it can open source files like algorithm, locale and so on. But if I compile the project it works as it should. I am out of ideas at this point. I already checked the SDK versions and so on. They are all correct. I googled for 1 hour now and could not anything or anyone that has the same problem and found a fix.
Edit: All errors are IntelliSense errors

Visual Studio 2017 15.7 Preview 2 Hangs While Opening Solution

I've been using Visual Studio 2017 15.7 Preview 2 since it was released -- and Preview 1 prior to that. My experience has been pretty good with it.
All of a sudden today, I just can't get into my project any more. When I click the solution open, I get the "Preparing Solution" message and it just hangs there.
If I try clicking anything in Visual Studio, I get the following message but it doesn't really solve anything.
Anyone else is having this issue? Any idea how to fix it? I just can't work on my project because of this issue.
P.S. I've been using the preview version because I wanted to work in ASP.NET Core 2.1 which requires the preview version of Visual Studio 2017.
Found the answer here. In my case, deleting the .vs folder fixed the issue.

Unity breaks Visual Studio options

I have installed Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition via Unity's installer and some of the options windows look like this:
Nothing fixes it; uninstalling-installing, formatting or installing on different machines. Apparently no one complains about this issue because there seems to be nothing on search results, but I'm 100% sure that everyone is experiencing this issue. When you open Visual Studio on its own, problem goes away, it works like it should. However, making Unity open Visual Studio causes it. I assume that this is caused by Unity forcing Visual Studio to load a plugin (probably Visual Studio Tools for Unity) which is actually incompatible with almost everything in Visual Studio.
Is there a solution to this problem? It drives me crazy and I don't want to use MonoDevelop.

Will Visual Studio 2010 still be able to use all the plugins for Visual Studio 2008?

I use Visual Studio 2k8 Pro Edition at home and I have loaded it with a lot of important addins customised for my development.
If I get VS2010 Pro Edition, would all of these plugins fail to work? Is this a plugin-related matter or down to Visual Studio itself? E.g. Visual Studio 2010 may just be based on the 2008 version but with enhancements (is it?).
You can always download the beta and try them out.
Impossible to say without seeing it in practice. Seriously. We don't know which plug-ins you're using so we've no idea how they're going to react to a new VS version...
But even you had told us, you'd save yourself a lot of time just installing VS 2010 in a VM and trying your plug-ins out.
Nope at least Resharper 4.5 is not working in VS2010
No. Unmanaged addins are COM objects that are tied to the version of the IDE environment. For the most part, the addins just need to be rebuilt with only minor changes though.
EDIT: Addins that go beyond using the standard addin interfaces though will probably require retooling for the VS2010 environment.
EDIT 2: Managed addins are typically deployed using .addin files which are sometimes located in "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\MSEnvShared\Addins". The .addin file is an xml file that can be edited by hand. You can try adding a new HostApplication element to the file for a particular managed addin - and specify version 10.0.
Here is the info on the resharper compatibility:
(Basically they will have a preview release in June)
