Optimal Regular Expression: match sets of lines starting with - ruby

Alright, this one's interesting. I have a solution, but I don't like it.
The goal is to be able to find a set of lines that start with 3 periods - not an individual line, mind you, but a collection of all the lines in a row that match. For example, here's some matches (each match is separated by a blank line):
My solution is as follows:
It matches all those, so it's what I'm using for now - however, it looks kinda silly to repeat the \.\.\..* pattern. Is there a simpler way?
Please test your regex before submitting it, rather than submit what "should work." For example, I tried the following first:
which only returned individual lines, even though in my mind it looks like it would do the trick - I guess I just don't understand regex internals. (And no, I didn't need to set any flags to get ^ and $ to match line boundaries, since I'm implementing this in Ruby.)
So I'm not totally sure there's a good answer, but one would be much appreciated - thanks in advance!

In most regex implementations you can shorten \.\.\. using \.{3} so your solution would turn into \.{3}.*(\n\.{3}.*)*.

What you already have is already simple and understandable. Keep in mind that more "clever" RegExps may very well be slower and undoubtedly less readable.
Assuming lines are terminated by a \n:
I am not familiar with Ruby, so depending on how it returns matches you might need to "nonmatch" groups:

This doesn't really need $ in there.

You are pretty close to a solution with (^\.\.\..*$)+, but because the + modifier is on the outside of the group, it is getting overwritten each time and you are only left with the last line. Try wrapping it in an outer group: ((^\.\.\..*$)+) and looking at the first submatch and ignoring the inner one.
Combined with the other suggestion: ((^\.{3}.*$)+)


Submatching repeating pattern

I am trying to put together a regexp in VBA, but even in ruby I can't get it right.
the string:
<thead class="thead"><tr><th>FECHA</th><th>ITLUPVALOR</th><th>ITLUPPLAZO</th><th>ITLUP30DIAS</th><th>ITLUP60DIAS</th><th>ITLUP90DIAS</th><th>ITLUP180DIAS</th><th>ITLUP270DIAS</th><th>ITLUP360DIAS</th><th>ITLUP720DIAS</th><th>ITLUP1080DIAS</th><th>ITLUP1440DIAS</th><th>ITLUP1800DIAS</th></tr></thead>
what i have tried:
/(?:<thead class=\"thead\"><tr>)(<th>[^<]+?<\/th>)+(?:<\/tr><\/thead>)/m
The idea here (http://rubular.com/r/BpbPszctTw) was to have 9 submatches instead of one.
What am I missing?
Sorry, but a regex repeating group will only capture the last match in a group. See http://www.regular-expressions.info/captureall.html for more info.
Update: True, but if you let the regex match do the repeating for you, as in the other answer, you can get multiple matches, per http://rubular.com/r/BclU13qWYm ! In other words, accept the other answer, not this one. :-)
With this pattern you can obtain what you want:
/<thead class="thead"><tr>|\G<th>([^<]+)<\/th>/
Just remove the first result.

Content Inside Parenthesis Regular Expression Ruby

I'm trying to take out the the content inside the parenthesis. For example, if the string is "(blah blah) This is stack(over)flow", I want to just take out "(blah blah)" but leave "(over)" alone. I'm trying
but returns "(blah blah) This is stack(over)", and I'm sure why it's returning that.
Easiest fix:
Normally, * will try to match as much as it possibly can, so it'll match all the way to the last ) in the line. This is called "greedy" matching. Putting ? after +/*/? makes them non-greedy, and they'll match the shortest possible string.
But note that this won't work for nested parentheses. That's rather more complicated. Given your example, I assume this is for a pretty simple ad-hoc format where nesting isn't a concern.

Regular expression syntax

I have a similar problem, to a previously asked question. But similar practices apparently do not produce similar results.
Previous Question
New question - I want to match the lines beginning in T as the first match, and the following lines beginning with X as the second match (as a whole string, to be later matched by another regex)
What I have so far is (^T(\d+)\n(.*?)(?:the_problem)/m) I don't know what to replace "the_problem" with, or even if that is the issue. I assumed some rendition (?:\n|\z), but apparently not. Everything I tried, would not count the next occurrence of ^T(\d+) as the start of a new group, and continue to capture all of the lines between each occurrence, at the same time.
Sample text;
I only want to capture the shorter version of T01, T02,...T0n, not the longer version at the top, then the entire collection of ^X(-?\d+)Y(-?\d+) that follows it, as another match.
Result 1.
Match 1. T01
Match 2. X011200Y004700
Result 2.
Match 1. T02
Match 2. X034800Y017800
Result 3.
Match 1. T03
Match 2. X036730Y003000
Thanks in advance for any help ;-) Note: I prefer to use raw Ruby, without extensions or plugins. My version of ruby is 1.8.6.
Try this instead:
It makes the groups for the X lines into non-capturing groups, then puts all the repetitions of the final pattern into a single group. All the X lines will be in a single capture.
You can test this using Rubular (an indispensable tool for developing regular expressions) http://rubular.com/r/PRnurKy64Q
this seems to work...
I'm not totally sure I understand your problem, but I'll give this a shot. It looks like you want:
This will have to be run under multiline mode so that ^ and $ match after and before newlines. Word of caution: I don't have much practice with mulitline regex, so you might want to do a sanity check on the use of ^ and $.
Also, I notice you didn't include the lines similar to T01C0.025 in your sample results, so I made the T\d+ assumption based on that.

how to use regex negation string

can any body tell me how to use regex for negation of string?
I wanna find all line that start with public class and then any thing except first,second and finally any thing else.
for example in the result i expect to see public class base but not public class myfirst:base
can any body help me please??
Use a negative lookahead:
If Peter is correct and you're using Visual Studio's Find feature, this should work:
:b matches a space or tab
~(...) is how VS does a negative lookahead
:i matches a C/C++ identifier
The rest is standard regex syntax:
^ for beginning of line
$ for end of line
. for any character
* for zero or more
+ for one or more
| for alternation
Both the other two answers come close, but probably fail for different reasons.
Note how there is a (non-capturing) group around the negative lookahead, to ensure it applies to more than just the first position.
And that group is less restrictive - since . excludes newline, it's using that instead of \S, and the $ is not necessary - this will exclude the specified words and match others.
No slashes wrapping the expression since those aren't required in everything and may confuse people that have only encountered string-based regex use.
If this still fails, post the exact content that is wrongly matched or missed, and what language/ide you are using.
Turns out you're using Visual Studio, which has it's own special regex implementation, for some unfathomable reason. So, you'll be wanting to try this instead:
I have no way of testing that - if it doesn't work, try dropping the $, but otherwise you'll have to find a VS user. Or better still, the VS engineer(s) responsible for this stupid non-standard regex.
Here is something that should work for you
The second look a head could be changed to a $(end of line) or another anchor that works for your particular use case, like maybe a '{'
Edit: Try changing the last part to:

Inserting characters before whatever is on a line, for many lines

I have been looking at regular expressions to try and do this, but the most I can do is find the start of a line with ^, but not replace it.
I can then find the first characters on a line to replace, but can not do it in such a way with keeping it intact.
Unfortunately I donĀ“t have access to a tool like cut since I am on a windows machine...so is there any way to do what I want with just regexp?
Use notepad++. It offers a way to record an sequence of actions which then can be repeated for all lines in the file.
Did you try replacing the regular expression ^ with the text you want to put at the start of each line? Also you should use the multiline option (also called m in some regex dialects) if you want ^ to match the start of every line in your input rather than just the first.
string s = "test test\ntest2 test2";
s = Regex.Replace(s, "^", "foo", RegexOptions.Multiline);
footest test
footest2 test2
I used to program on the mainframe and got used to SPF panels. I was thrilled to find a Windows version of the same editor at Command Technology. Makes problems like this drop-dead simple. You can use expressions to exclude or include lines, then apply transforms on just the excluded or included lines and do so inside of column boundaries. You can even take the contents of one set of lines and overlay the contents of another set of lines entirely or within column boundaries which makes it very easy to generate mass assignments of values to variables and similar tasks. I use Notepad++ for most stuff but keep a copy of SPFSE around for special-purpose editing like this. It's not cheap but once you figure out how to use it, it pays for itself in time saved.
