test if a PDF file is finished in Ruby (on Solaris/Unix)? - ruby

i have a server, that generates or copies PDF-Files to a specific folder.
i wrote a ruby script (my first ever), that regularily checks for own PDF-files and displayes them with acrobat. So simple so nice.
But now I have the Problem: how to detect the PDF is complete?
The generated PDF ends with %%EOF\n
but the copied ones are generated with some Apple-Magic (Acrobat Writer I think), that has an %%EOF near the beginning of the File, lots of binary Zeros and another %%EOF near the end with a carriage return (or line feed) and a binary zero at the end.
while true
dir = readpfad
Dir.foreach(dir) do |f|
datei = File.join(dir, f)
if File.file?(datei)
if File.stat(datei).owned?
if datei[-9..-1].upcase == "__PDF.PDF"
if File.stat(datei).size > 5
test = File.new(datei)
dummy = test.readlines
if dummy[-1][0..4] == "%%EOF"
#move the file, so it will not be shown again
cmd = "mv " + datei + " " + movepfad
acro = ACROREAD + " " + File.join(movepfad, f) + "&"
puts ">>>" + dummy[-1] + "<<<"
sleep 1
Any help or idea?

All the %%EOF token means is that there should be one within the last 1024 bytes of the physical end of file. The structure of PDF is such that a PDF document may have 1 or more %%EOF tokens within it (the details are in the spec).
As such, "contains %%EOF" is not equivalent to "completely copied". Really, the correct answer is that the server should signal when it's done and your code should be a client of that signal. In general, polling -- especially IO bound polling is the wrong answer to this problem.


vbscript won't read file after 8Mb

I have a file written in vbs that wont read a file after about 8MB. I am currently using "Scripting.FileSystemObject". When I test the code, I notice that it runs fine until line ~79500, thats when the "AtEndOfStream" just results in True. I was looking for documentation, but it seems not to exist.
The code is supposed to show duplicate file information and put it in a separate file, which works well enough till around that line.
This is the section of code giving me the problem (it is the second reading function I have in the code):
Set first = fso.OpenTextFile(filePath + firstFileName)
Set secondFile = fso.OpenTextFile(filePath + secondFileName)
count = 0
countInLine = 0
Do Until secondFile.AtEndOfStream
lineMatches = false
If count > 79440 Then
MsgBox("first line" & first.AtEndOfStream)
End If
Do Until first.AtEndOfStream
lineOfFirst =first.ReadLine
if lineOfSecond = lineOfFirst Then
lineMatches = True
Exit Do
End If
If Not lineMatches Then
writeFl.Write(count & "second" & lineOfSecond & vbCrLf)
End If
count = count + 1

Making a flashing console message with ruby

0.upto(9) do
STDOUT.print "Flash!"
sleep 0.5
STDOUT.print "\b\b\b\b\b\b" # (6 backspaces, the length of "Flash!")
sleep 0.5
This code doesn't work. It prints Flash! to the screen, but it doesn't flash. It just stays there, as though the backspaces aren't taking effect. But I do this:
0.upto(9) do
STDOUT.print "Flash!"
sleep 0.5
STDOUT.print "\b\b\b\b\b" # (5 backspaces, the length of "Flash! - 1")
sleep 0.5
and it almost works. It prints this: FFFFFFFFFFlash!(after 9 loops) Why do the backspaces stop taking effect when their number is equal to the length of the string they're deleting?
How can I overcome this problem and create a flashing message, only using libraries that are part of rails?
I tried a workaround like this:
0.upto(9) do
STDOUT.print " Flash!"
sleep 0.5
STDOUT.print "\b\b\b\b\b\b"
sleep 0.5
(Note the space in " Flash!"), but what happens is the message appears to crawl across the screen! An interesting effect, but not what I want.
I'm using Command Prompt with Ruby and Rails in Windows 7
Typically this would be written something like:
0.upto(9) do
STDOUT.print "\rFlash!"
sleep 0.5
STDOUT.print "\r " # Send return and six spaces
sleep 0.5
Back in the days when we'd talk to TTY and dot-matrix printers, we'd rapidly become used to the carriage-control characters, like "\r", "\n", "\t", etc. Today, people rarely do that to start, because they want to use the web, and browsers; Learning to talk to devices comes a lot later.
"\r" means return the carriage to its home position, which, on a type-writer moved the roller all the way to the right so we could start typing on the left margin again. Printers with moving heads reversed that and would move the print-head all the way to the left, but, in either case, printing started on the left-margin again. With the console/telnet/video-TTY, it moves the cursor to the left margin. It's all the same, just different technology.
A little more usable routine would be:
msg = 'Flash!'
10.times do
print "\r#{ msg }"
sleep 0.5
print "\r#{ ' ' * msg.size }" # Send return and however many spaces are needed.
sleep 0.5
Change msg to what you want, and the code will automatically use the right number of spaces to overwrite the characters.
Anyway, it looks like backspace (at least in windows) just positions the cursor back, you need/want to overwrite the character with a space at that point (or 6 of them) to "blank" the text out.
Or, you can just use this
def text_flasher(text)
puts "\e[5m#{text}\e[0m"
use text_flasher in the console and you'll see the magic :)
Right, based on #rogerdpack 's input I have devised a solution:
def flashing_output(output)
message = output
backspace = "\b"
space = " "
backspace_array = []
space_array = []
length = message.length
length.times do
backspace_array << backspace
space_array << space
0.upto(9) do
print message
sleep 0.5
print backspace_array.join.to_s + space_array.join.to_s + backspace_array.join.to_s + backspace_array.join.to_s
sleep 0.5
flashing_output("Flashing Foobars! (not a euphemism)")

loop autoit script until end of doc

I have an autoit script that basicly copies the first line of text, and then pastes it again in the same line. I would like to do this over and over until the end of the document. Any suggestions?
Run("notepad.exe filename.txt")
WinWaitActive("Untitled - Notepad")
Sleep (1000)
Sleep (1000)
Send(" ")
You can use this code:
$filename = "filename.txt"
Run("notepad.exe " & $filename)
WinWaitActive($filename & " - Notepad")
$lines= StringRegExp(FileRead($filename), #CR, 3)
$count = UBound($lines)
For $i = 0 To $count
Sleep (1000)
Sleep (1000)
Send(" ")
You have to wait for the Window with the filename in it's title. If the filename has spaces inside, you need to put quotes around the parameter after notepad.exe.
Somehow you need to get the count of line numbers. I just read the whole file with AutoIt and search for a "carriage return". The resulting Array has the size of the line numbers. That number is then used in a For-...-To-...-Loop.
You can decrease the sleep-times to 100ms. And it would be much easier to use FileReadLine and probably FileWriteLine to do your task, as FileReadLine can be used until the end of file is reached. It will set #error to -1. See the documentation for more info.

fastest way to create huge files?

I need to create a huge file filled with anything. I'm doing it this way but it takes so long:
exit 1 unless ARGV.length > 0
File.open("file-#{ARGV[0]}M.txt", 'w') do |f|
(ARGV[0].to_i*1048576).times {f.write(1) }
What's the best way of doing that (in platform independent way?)
In *nix, use dd:
system("dd if=/dev/zero of=" + f + " bs=1 count=0 seek=" + ARGV[0] + "M");
If you want some content (instead of zeros) in the file, use
for if instead of /dev/zero
If you want a non-sparse file, use
and omit seek
Universal method:
#Create a 1M fill buffer
fills = '1'*1048576
File.open("file-#{ARGV[0]}M.txt", 'w') do |f|
(ARGV[0].to_i).times {f.write(fills) }
It is similar to the one you have, but it writes 1M at a time. You write 1 byte at a time which creates a lot of overhead for hard disk to search and write. Writing 1M at a time will be much faster. If you have an even faster hard drive (like 16M/s), you can try to increase 1M to 16M.
A pure Ruby option:
n = ARGV[0] or exit 1
File.open("file-#{n}M.txt", 'w') do |f|
contents = "x" * (1024*1024)
n.to_i.times { f.write(contents) }

Get numbers from a list in a file, output to another file in Ruby?

I have a big text file that contains - among others- lines like these:
"X" : "452345230"
I want to find all lines that contain "X" , and take just the number (without the quotation marks), and then output the numbers in another file, in this fashion:
What I did so far is this:
myfile = File.open("myfile.txt")
x = []
myfile.grep(/"X"/) {|line|
x << line.match( /"(\d{9})/ ).values_at( 1 )[0]
puts x
File.open("output.txt", 'w') {|f| f.write(x) }
it works, but the list it produces is of this form:
["23419230", "2349345234" , ... ]
How do I output it like I showed before, just numbers and each number in a line?
Here's a solution that doesn't leave files open:
File.open("output.txt", 'w') do |output|
File.open("myfile.txt").each do |line|
output.puts line[/\d{9}/] if line[/"X"/]
I couldn't reproduce what you saw:
$ cat myfile.txt
"X" : "452345230"
"X" : "452345231"
"X" : "452345232"
"X" : "452345233"
$ ./scanner.rb
$ cat output.txt
However, I did notice that your application is incredibly wasteful and probably not doing what you expect: You open output.txt, write some content to it, then close it again. The next time it is opened in the loop, it is overwritten. If your file is 1000 lines long, this won't be so bad, you're only making 1000 files. If your file is 1,000,000 lines long, this is going to represent a pretty horrible performance penalty as you create a file, write into it, and then delete it again, one million times. Oops.
I re-wrote your tool a little bit:
$ cat scanner.rb
#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
myfile = File.open("myfile.txt")
output = File.open("output.txt", 'w')
myfile.grep(/"X"/) {|line|
x = line.match( /"(\d{9})/ ).values_at( 1 )[0]
puts x
output.write(x + "\n")
This opens each file exactly onces, writes each new line one at a time, and then lets them both be closed when the application quits. Depending upon if this is a small portion of your application or the entire thing, this might be alright. (If this is a small portion of the program, then definitely close the files when you're done with them.)
This might still be wasteful for one million matched lines -- those writes are almost certainly handed straight to the system call write(2), which will involve some overhead.
How many of these will you be running? Millions? Billions? If this needs more refinement feel free to ask...
myfile = File.open("myfile.txt")
File.open("output.txt", 'w') do |output|
content = myfile.lines.map { |line| line.scan(/^"X".*(\d{9})/) }.flatten.join("\n")
Edited: I updated the code reducing it a bit. If the example above seems complicated, you can also grab the data you want with the following statement (could be a little bit clear of what's happening):
content = myfile.lines.select { |line| line =~ /"X"/ }.map { |line| line.scan(/\d{9}/) }.join("\n")
