Drupal image upload issues - image

When uploading images in Drupal I have continuously encounter an issue with the physical size of the image - not the size of the file.
Let me explain further. An image could be a small file size (under the restrictions) but be larger than average on the screen. These images fail to upload in Drupal across all sites that I have built using the CMS.
Has this happened for anyone else? Any ideas how I could get around this?

I tend to use filefield and imagefield rather than the image module, because I think they give better flexibility.
You could also try imagecache, which gives you a lot of control over the uploaded images


How to make a "lock" on image that when downloaded will corrupt it?

With intellectual property becoming a harder and harder area to protect with copyright, one particular area I have been thinking a lot about is images like .jps and .png
I was wondering if there is any way to make a mini "bomb" per se that when an image is uploaded to a website, nothing happens, it's perfectly fine and stays there but when downloaded by someone other than the original uploader, the .jpg or .png corrupts itself and cannot be viewed.
I have tried to research the topic but all I am able to find is how to's on how to fix corrupted images or files.
When an image file is downloaded from the host website the image corrupts itself from being viewed.

Error for small image (<111kb) upload in CKEditor for Redmine

I can upload big images above 111kb without any problem, but small images below 111kb cannot be uploaded via the "browse and upload image" function. I receive the following error:
Could not upload your file:
I tested around 80 different images: all screenshots, all manipulated in the same software. I also tried a big image and then resized it to a small size. The big image was no problem, but again the small image gets the error.
I am using CKEditor in Redmine (Bitnami stack installation 2.6.0-3).
Let me know what information you need.
I am trying to solve the issue for a few weeks now and I have no working solution for it.

Multiple Corrupted Instagram Images from multiple users from API

We have encountered multiple corrupted Instagram Standard Images (612px).
This happens the last 3-4 days. And across multiple Instagram users.
Strangely this issue is only evident when the images are opened using Adobe Photoshop.
When viewed using Mac's finder or Preview this image corrupt problem is not visible.
It affects about 50% of our customers. And mostly about 10-20% of their choosen images. And some can affect around 50-100% of their images.
Example of corrupted images:
Again, this issue is only evident when the photos are being prepared to print.
Or when it is opened using Adobe Photoshop/Acrobat/Illustrator/Indesign.
Please help.
I managed to solve my issue with the same description. What I first did was download the images to my webserver exactly to what is was online, so I didn't change anything of the file contents, just get en then put in the file.
How I solved my problem? I use PHP to generate the image now after I donwloaded it the same way. This is the simplified version of my script:
// Create an image instance
$im = imagecreatefromjpeg('instagram_image.jpeg');
// Disable interlacing
imageinterlace($im, false); // did not use this but will do the same
// Save the image
imagejpeg($im, 'instagram_image.jpeg');
When I started using this simple create and save script it all worked again. It looks like it does nothing but it did a lot for me! Hope it helps someone saving a lot of time, took me 1,5 day to figure out the exact problem.

Drupal images issue after enabling cache

As much as 75% of images are not loading on my Drupal 7 website. The images in the public folder are being overwritten/renamed with number extensions (Original was: myimage.jpg but is replaced with myimage_0.jpg or myimage_1.jpg, etc). This breaks the image links. Both the original image and the styled version have this same issue.
When editing the node or the view, all the images are visible. But after saving, the majority of images are not visible and link to a non-existent renamed image file.
I thought it might be permissions-related. The images folders are 755. Maybe cache-based problem? Although the problem is not corrected when flushing all cache. I do not have imagecache but do have all performance cache enabled, then installed Boost to increase site performance due to slow loading time.
Is there a way to prevent Drupal from continually renaming/overwriting the original image files or other solution?
What action are you doing to cause this? As I understand it Drupal will created the image-0.jpg file if image.jpg already exist. That's a normal behavior.

How to render uploaded photos with NodeJS and Express?

I generally post examples of my best shot at what I'm asking about, but in this case, I have no idea where to start (haven't uploaded photos before in other languages).
So how does one go about rendering uploaded photos. I'm using Node v0.4.2, Express 1.0.8, and Mongoose 1.0.16 and have uploading of images working (they end up in ~/tmp right now).
If you just want to render thumbnail versions of your uploaded images for display, try using the imagemagick wrapper node-imagemagick.
For example, you could store your hires-images in a data-folder on your server (lets say /data/images) and render thumbnail images into a web-accessible folder (on upload).
I do not recommend generating the thumbnails on the fly, as it can massively increase your server's load when a large image (especially vector formats like eps or pdf) is being rendered.
For imagemagick examples, consider reading up the docs for the convert command.
