I just downloaded Firefox 3.6 today and I noticed in the list of new features they have an Orientation API that can detect the direction that your laptop/computer is tilted. This is clearly a hardware feature of some sort; So if you don't have the hardware to do so is there any way of simulating it so that you can test it out on your projects?
You should be able to simulate the MozTransform with the following code (code borrowed from Mozilla Orientation Demo 2):
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
// This will rotate / zoom your document based on the x and y values:
document.body.style.MozTransform = 'rotate(' + (-y * 30) + 'deg) ' +
'scale(' + (x + 1) + "," + (x + 1) + ')';
If you are building an application based on the Orientation API, you could implement your event listener as follows:
function onChangeOrientation(e)
var x = e.x;
var y = e.y;
var z = e.z;
// Here you may need to standardize the values of x, y and z
// For example: (-1 * y) on MacBookPro > 5.1.
processOrientationLogic(x, y, z);
// Add the Event Listener for the Accelerometer
window.addEventListener("MozOrientation", onChangeOrientation, true);
Then to simulate the orientation event, simply launch processOrientationLogic() with your x, y and z values. You could do this from Firebug, or you can also create some sort of three-slider-control on your page that calls this function on every change.
Matrix operations performed on the GPU can be pretty hard to debug because GPU operations don't really allow for console logs.
I've written one designed for a real time 2D rendering engine based on a very simple form of I guess what could be called ray casting and am having trouble figuring out what's wrong with it (it's outputting [0,0,0,255,0,0,0,255,...] instead of populating colors).
this.thread.x is the index of the current unit (color channel) in the matrix being operated on.
scene is a buffer made up of 6-unit clumps, each value containing, in order:
The type of entity, always 1 for "sprite" in this case.
The sprite ID, corresponding the the index in this.constants.textures containing the buffer for the entity's sprite.
X offset, the left edge of the sprite
Y offset, the top edge of the sprite
width of the sprite
height of the sprite
bufferWidth is the width of the render area multiplied by 4 channels.
this.constants.textures is an array containing buffers of each sprite which the sprite IDs from the scene refer to.
Note: For those curious, this is being done with GPU.js, a JavaScript lib that converts a JS func into GLSL code to be run via WebGL.
function(scene, sceneLength, bufferWidth) {
var channel = this.thread.x % 4;
if (channel === 3) {
return 255;
var x = this.thread.x % bufferWidth;
var y = Math.floor(this.thread.x / bufferWidth);
for (let i1 = 0; i1 < sceneLength; i1 += 6) {
var id = scene[i1 + 1];
var x1 = scene[i1 + 2];
var y1 = scene[i1 + 3];
var w1 = scene[i1 + 4];
var h1 = scene[i1 + 5];
var r1 = scene[i1 + 6];
var offsetX1 = x1 - x;
if (offsetX1 > 0 && offsetX1 < w1) {
var offsetY1 = y1 - y;
if (offsetY1 > 0 && offsetY1 < h1) {
var c1 = offsetY1 * w1 * 4 + offsetX1 * 4;
var c1R = c1 - (c1 % 4);
var c1A = c1R + 3;
if (this.constants.textures[id][c1A] != 0) {
return this.constants.textures[id][c1];
return 0;
Explanation for the concept I'm trying to implement:
With a matrix operation, when you want to draw a sprite if you were to perform a pass on the entire render area, you'd be doing far more work than necessary. If you break the rendering area down into chunks and only update the sections involved in the sprite being drawn, that would be a fairly decent way to do it. It would certainly be good enough for real time game rendering. This would be a multi-pass approach, where sprites are rendered one at a time.
Alternatively, for what seems to me to be the most optimal approach possible, instead of that, we can use a single-pass approach that performs a single matrix operation for the entire rendering area, evaluating for each color channel what should be there based on doing a very basic form of collision detection with each sprite in the scene and the relevant pixel in that sprite.
You're calculating your sprite offsets backwards, the calculations should be:
var offsetX1 = x - x1;
var offsetY1 = y - y1;
The offsets should increase as x and y increase (assuming the sprite co-ordinates have the same co-ordinate system as the screen co-ordinates), so you shouldn't be subtracting x and y.
I´d like to get the tilt of the device, so i can use this to mesure the tilt os some surface, laying down the device over the surface.
Right now i am using Device Motion Plugin for xamarin forms from here https://github.com/rdelrosario/xamarin-plugins
and the code below:
CrossDeviceMotion.Current.SensorValueChanged += (s, a) =>
switch (a.SensorType)
case MotionSensorType.Accelerometer:
Debug.WriteLine("A: {0},{1},{2}", ((MotionVector)a.Value).X, ((MotionVector)a.Value).Y,
Exposicao.Inclinacao = ((MotionVector)a.Value).Z;
case MotionSensorType.Compass:
// Debug.WriteLine("H: {0}", a.Value);
Exposicao.Bussola = (double)a.Value.Value;
The compass part is ok, the accelerometer part is working but there are some but´s.
If i am not wrong, i get the tilt in Z axis, so z.Value.Value.
This value is diferent for android and ios, lets focus in android.
z values are from 10 when device is laying down on flat surface, to 0 if device is stand up, lets focus only in just one quadrant.
I am doing something wrong to achieve what i explained?
How can i convert those values to a Angle between 0 and 90? It seems not linear, so the 5 does not seem 45 degrees.
I'd probably roll out my own platform implementation for the feature you're looking for. The DeviceMotion library looks a bit simple for your purposes, as can be seen from the answer below. I'm pretty sure you can use it as a good starting point but it needs to be extended a little.
On Android, you should use the Rotation Vector Sensor which uses a Kalman filter (with accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope) to get accurate measurements of the device's rotation:
The rotation vector represents the orientation of the device as a combination of an angle and an axis, in which the device has rotated through an angle θ around an axis (x, y, or z).
Image from the official Android documentation
For iOS, you have to do a bit more work yourself. The key is to make use of CMAttitude, which describes the attitude of the device relative to an initial attitude. I found a snippet I've saved to my collection from an unknown source (can't credit the original author) here:
public void CalculateLeanAngle ()
motionManager = new CMMotionManager ();
motionManager.DeviceMotionUpdateInterval = 0.02;
if (motionManager.DeviceMotionAvailable) {
motionManager.StartDeviceMotionUpdates(CMAttitudeReferenceFrame.XArbitraryZVertical, NSOperationQueue.CurrentQueue, (data, error) => {
CMQuaternion quat = motionManager.DeviceMotion.Attitude.Quaternion;
double x = quat.x;
double y = quat.y;
double w = quat.w;
double z = quat.z;
double degrees = 0.0;
double roll = Math.Atan2 (2 * y * w - 2 * x * z, 1 - 2 * y * y - 2 * z * z);
degrees = Math.Round (-applyKalmanFiltering (roll) * 180.0 / Constants.M_PI);
public double applyKalmanFiltering (double yaw)
if (motionLastYaw == 0)
motionLastYaw = yaw;
float q = 0.1f; // process noise
float r = 0.1f; // sensor noise
float p = 0.1f; // estimated error
float k = 0.5f; // kalman filter gain
double x = motionLastYaw;
p = p + q;
k = p / (p + r);
x = x + k * (yaw - x);
p = (1 - k) * p;
motionLastYaw = x;
return motionLastYaw;
Image from the official Xamarin documentation
I'll try to look for the original source when I have more time but I'm pretty sure this will work out of the box for your purposes.
I would like to catch click event over JFreeChart and show by console the x and y value of the nearest data, not just clicks within the boundary of a ChartEntity.
If it is not possible (y value is not exist for that x value), I would like to get the x value.
Marker shows so far to click. Click handler code:
Point2D po = chartPanel.translateScreenToJava2D(event.getTrigger().getPoint());
Rectangle2D plotArea = chartPanel.getScreenDataArea();
XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot();
chartX = plot.getDomainAxis().java2DToValue(po.getX(), plotArea, plot.getDomainAxisEdge());
chartY = plot.getRangeAxis().java2DToValue(po.getY(), plotArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge());
marker = new ValueMarker(chartX);
System.out.println("X:" + chartX + ", Y:" + chartY);
I'm making a top-down shooter and the player's gun is offset from the coordinates of the object. I'm using GameMaker:Studio, so the x and y coords are the center of the object. The offset of the image is set here:
bullet_offset_x = 30;
bullet_offset_y = 28;
And here is the code for shooting the gun:
var xpos = x + (bullet_offset_x * cos(degtorad(direction))) - (bullet_offset_y * sin(degtorad(direction)));
var ypos = y + (bullet_offset_x * sin(degtorad(direction))) + (bullet_offset_y * cos(degtorad(direction)));
var flash = instance_create(xpos, ypos, obj_flash);
with (flash){
direction = other.direction;
image_angle = other.direction;
I'm using the following formula for placing the muzzle flash:
x' = xcos(angle) - ysin(angle)
y' = xsin(angle) + ycos(angle)
xpos = x + x' and ypos = x + y'
However, when I run the code, the muzzle flash is correctly positioned when the angle is 0/360, but is off otherwise. Am I calculating this wrong?
You need to use lengthdir_x and lengthdir_y functions, like:
var xpos = x + lengthdir_x(offset_distance, offset_angle + image_angle); // or direction
var ypos = y + lengthdir_y(offset_distance, offset_angle + image_angle);
var flash = instance_create(xpos, ypos, obj_flash);
flash.direction = direction;
flash.image_angle = direction;
little example here
To calculate the values to be substituted into the formula, you can use this program.
Originally it was made in Russian, but I have translated it into English. My English is terrible, but I hope you will be able to understand it.
upd: Example with offsets:
var delta_x = 60;
var delta_y = -70;
var angle = point_direction(0, 0, delta_x, delta_y);
var distance = point_distance(0, 0, delta_x, delta_y);
var xpos = x + lengthdir_x(distance, image_angle + angle);
var ypos = y + lengthdir_y(distance, image_angle + angle);
var obj = instance_create(xpos, ypos, obj_flash);
obj.image_angle = image_angle;
When your sprite has an angle of 0, your muzzle flash still at an angle of invtan(28/30) in relation to the sprite. Therefore, the angle that the flash must be placed at in relation to the rotation of the sprite can be given by
flashRotation = spriteRotationDegrees - invtan(28/30) \\you can change this to radians
Once that is found, the positions can be found by:
var x_pos = sprite_x_pos + Math.Sqrt(28^2 + 30^2)cos(flashRotation);
var y_pos = sprite_y_pos + Math.Sqrt(28^2 + 30^2)sin(flashRotation);
The actual angle of rotation of the flash (which way it points) will be the same angle as the sprite.
You may need to play with the flashRotaion equation depending upon which way is counted as a positive rotation.
I am working on a tool which distorts images, the purpose of the distortion is to project images to a sphere screen. The desired output is as the following image.
The code I use is as follow - for every Point(x, y) in the destination area, I calculate the corresponding pixel (sourceX, sourceY) in the original image to retrieve from.
But this approach is awkwardly slow, in my test, processing the sunset.jpg (800*600) requires more than 1500ms, if I remove the Mathematical/Trigonometrical calculations, calling cvGet2D and cvSet2D alone require more than 1200ms.
Is there a better way to do this? I am using Emgu CV (a .NET wrapper library for OpenCV) but examples in other language is also OK.
private static void DistortSingleImage()
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
using (Image<Bgr, Byte> origImage = new Image<Bgr, Byte>("sunset.jpg"))
int frameH = origImage.Height;
using (Image<Bgr, Byte> distortImage = new Image<Bgr, Byte>(2 * frameH, 2 * frameH))
MCvScalar pixel;
for (int x = 0; x < 2 * frameH; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < 2 * frameH; y++)
if (x == frameH && y == frameH) continue;
int x1 = x - frameH;
int y1 = y - frameH;
if (x1 * x1 + y1 * y1 < frameH * frameH)
double radius = Math.Sqrt(x1 * x1 + y1 * y1);
double theta = Math.Acos(x1 / radius);
int sourceX = (int)(theta * (origImage.Width - 1) / Math.PI);
int sourceY = (int)radius;
pixel = CvInvoke.cvGet2D(origImage.Ptr, sourceY, sourceX);
CvInvoke.cvSet2D(distortImage, y, x, pixel);
From my personal experience, I was doing some stereoscopic vision stuff, the best way to talk to openCV is through own wrapper, you could put your method in c++ and call it from c#, that would give you 1 call to native, faster code, and because under the hood Emgu's keeping OpenCV data, it's also possible to create an image with emgu, process it natively and enjoy processed image in c# again.
The get/set methods looks like Gdi's GetPixel / SetPixel ones, and, according to documentation they are "slow but safe way".
For staying with Emgu only, documentation tells that if you want to iterate over pixels, you should access .Data property:
The safe (slow) way
Suppose you are working on an Image. You can obtain the pixel on the y-th row and x-th column by calling
Bgr color = img[y, x];
Setting the pixel on the y-th row and x-th column is also simple
img[y,x] = color;
The fast way
The Image pixels values are stored in the Data property, a 3D array. Use this property if you need to iterate through the pixel values of the image.