Unix permissions from Windows - windows

I have a D-Link DNS-323 NAS, running some sort of Linux as its OS.
I map a volume as a share in Windows Vista (Ultimate SP2). There are some directories and files on that share that I cannot change/delete - no matter what I try. Trying all of Windows security/permissions dialogs don't work, as the files owner is "Unix/root" and all other Windows users have read-only permissions.
I managed to ssh into the OS and verified that these files belong to 'root' - the user under which I log in, and all the other files (the ones I can change) belong to 'nobody'.
All fine and well, while I'm in ssh, I can always "chmod +w" the files, or "chown nobody". But my question is this: how can I make my Windows user (let's call him 'admin') impersonate 'root' on the Linux, so I can simply manipulate files from Windows, without resorting to ssh?
In other words, and to make the whole question plainer: how do you tell your OS that a certain user on Windows is a certain user on linux? (that way, I can have 'admin' be 'root').
Thanks in advance,

Samba can do something like you've said. it basically emulates windows compatible permissions on a linux box..

Assuming the NAS is running samba (almost certainly), there should be a samba config file somewhere in /etc. But I don't know if it would be editable.
The remapping between windows/Linux and permissions is all done on the server (samba) side.
There are a lot of Samba faqs about this.

Cygwin can do that.
The cacls command in Windows looks like it does what you want.


Windows file share under Cygwin?

I have an issue with mounting Windows file share in Cygwin.
We have Windows file share which is using NFS to share content. I was assigned to install Cygwin on it so some application can connect over SFTP to that server.
Now they need to access the shared folder from that application and the app would pull data from that folder.The thing is that the folder is Windows shared folder (exmple; \server\photos). the current Windows users need to be able to connect to that share (it is mapped to their M drive) and the app need to connect to SFTP and pull the data from there.
My idea was to mount that NFS share in Cygwin and set it as /home directory so when the app connects, it automatically goes there.
My questions are: is this possible, and does anyone know any better solutions?
I am open for all suggestions.
Thank you.
Cygwin views the top of its directory tree / to be within the Windows directory C:\cygwin64 (or whatever its installation directory was). As a result, you are unable to move above that point in the filesystem from a Cygwin shell. The solution is to go through Cygwin's directory /cygdrive, which is automatically set up as the access point where all Windows disk drives are mounted. If your shared folder is mounted in Windows as M:, you should be able to access it in Cygwin as /cygdrive/m without any additional work.
As far as setting it up as /home, you might be able to create a symbolic link from /home to /cygdrive/m if that is what you need.

rsync-style solution on Windows that can be deployed silently?

I'm building a (for now pretty minimal) network sync system for some of our users, involving a samba server on one end and an rsync cron job which is "installed" for OSX or Linux clients by running a simple bash script linked from our intranet.
I need to do the same thing for Windows clients. I know there are several rsync implementations on Windows (I used cwRsync ages ago), but are there any (off the top of your head) that I can silently pass a config to during install? As it is, I guess I'm going to have to write a crappy old batchfile to interface with Windows Task Scheduler, but I'd at least like for clients installing this to not have to input any more than their username and password.
I've had success with
Cygwin rsync.exe
All using scheduled tasks.
RichCopy (and maybe robocopy) have options to save config files from the GUI. All worked well for me from a batch file.
All three have restartable/incremental modes. Most are highly aware of specific features think
NTFS encryption
NTFS compression
permissions (ACLs)
alternate NTFS streams
junctions/reparse points

automatic Samba share script

I have an Ubuntu 10.04 server running Samba.
I want to write a script (for Linux or Windows computer) that, given the IP of this server and the path of the shared Samba folder, can automatically create a "network drive" icon on the desktop. Both machines are on a local network.
I realize this will be different for linux/windows.
Any suggestions? I'm just not sure where to start. Thanks!
For Windows machines, you want to look at net use. For instance, to map the share "Data" on to Z:, you'd write net use Z: \\\Data. There is a lot of options, so check net help use for a complete list. For instance, you might want to look at /persistent, which would automatically recreate the share every time you log in.
Or you could put this in a .BAT file which is executed when logging in.
On linux, I think you'd generally have to be root to do this, as it'd require a mount command. I know some desktop environments (such as GNOME) get around this, but to acually mount it you need root. The command to mount the same share at the mountpoint /mnt/Data would simply be mount // /mnt/Data, if you allow anyone access. If you require a logon, you need to add -o User=YOURUSER. You will then be prompted for a password.
(Note that this requires the CIFS/SMB drivers to work)

Setting Permissions on files shared between Linux and Windows on EMC Celerra

I have an EMC Celerra filesystem shared between Windows and Linux Clients. User A on a Windows client creates a directory and set of files and User B on a Linux client is to modify and/or delete these files; however the files and directory to not have write permission for anyone other than the original owner. If this was on a Linux NFS share, I could use umask to set the permissions to allow group write permissions. Is there a way for the Windows client to set the correct permissions on the files when created? Or is there a way to do this on the EMC Celerra? I can write a script to perform a chmod on the Linux side but wanted to avoid this if possible.
Thank you,
Old question, but if you are managing the Celerra share via Windows you can set permissions there and you can set it so that any user has wright permissions pretty easily from the share creation wizard. Try recreating the share and coming at the permissions that way (obviously OP is no longer looking for an answer, but just in case anyone googles it).

How do you set directory permissions in NSIS?

I'm trying to build a Windows installer using Nullsoft Install System that requires installation by an Administrator. The installer makes a "logs" directory. Since regular users can run this application, that directory needs to be writable by regular users. How do I specify that all users should have permission to have write access to that directory in the NSIS script language?
I admit that this sounds a like a sort of bad idea, but the application is just an internal app used by only a few people on a private network. I just need the log files saved so that I can see why the app is broken if something bad happens. The users can't be made administrator.
Use the AccessControl plugin and then add this to the script, where the "logs" directory is in the install directory.
AccessControl::GrantOnFile "$INSTDIR\logs" "(BU)" "FullAccess"
That gives full access to the folder for all users.
AccessControl::GrantOnFile "<folder>" "(BU)" "FullAccess" didn't work for me on a Windows Server 2008 machine. Instead I had to use this one:
AccessControl::GrantOnFile "<folder>" "(S-1-5-32-545)" "FullAccess"
S-1-5-32-545 is equivalent to "Users" according to Microsoft Support: Well-known security identifiers in Windows operating systems.
Instead of changing the permissions on directories under Program Files, why not put the logs in a location that is writeable by all users.
See the SetShellVarContext section in your NSIS documentation. You can use it with $APPDATA to get the application data folder that is writeable for all users.
It's an old issue now but as suggested by Sören APPDATA directory is a nice way to do what you want, the thing is :
Don't take user's personnal APPDATA but the "All Users" APPDATA dir!
This way anyone will be able to access the log file ;-)
Also, I read somewhere that using (BU) on the GrantOnFile is not working well with some systems (Win 7 x64 if I remember well), maybe you should use the SID "(S-1-5-32-545)" instead (it's the All Users' SID, this value is a constant on each Windows OS)
One way: call the shell, and use cacls or xcacls.
Why not create a log-directory in the user's %APPDATA% directory? Do you really need to put all the logs in the install directory? Why?
