How can I remove files from a QtCreator project - qt-creator

Might be a very newbie question, but I can't find a way to remove files from my projects in QtCreator. Thanks!

If your project is generated from CMake, the file list is determined by the CMakeLists.txt file, and you cannot add or remove files manually from the source tree in QtCreator. Especially if your CMakeLists file specifies the glob operator for a project's file list, you must manually remove the files from disk and re-run CMake from within QtCreator by going to Build->Run CMake (QtCreator 3.3.0). This will update the file list but also regenerate the project (cbp) file - re-running CMake outside of QtCreator will not update the project file and you will have ghost entries of deleted files showing up in the source tree if you deleted them from disk.

Right-click the file you want to remove, and choose "Remove File..."
Checking the "Delete file permanently" check box will delete the file, otherwise it will just be removed from the project.

Find your project file .pro in qt creator or other text editor
Find the file/folder name you want to remove in the .pro file
Delete all the files you want to remove
save and close the project
Reload the project

Could not find one-touch action as in Eclipse to delete a class:
1) Press right click on the file/class, and then choose "remove file..."; (u can tick "permanently" to remove from HDD if you like).
2) Do it to .CPP and .H files.
3) Then check in your .pro file the class are not there anymore.
Note: Some compilers will keep searching for this file/class in compilation. Just delete the compilation directory and compile again.

If you mess up like me and accidentally add a lot of files to the qml.qrc, it might help to know that these are listed in the actual qml.qrc file which you can edit to remove these files.

I also run into this problem.
I wanted to remove a header file.
But remove action in context menu was disabled I didn't know why.
The file name was qtextdocument.h.
I wanted to change the name to textdocument.h.
I tried to do various ways, but the filename was strictly fixed.
My removal procedure was as follows:
I dare to add an empty file to the file directory (in header file directory).
Anyway, I set the file name as textdocument.h when Qt Creator asked me to set the filename.
A confirmation warning popped up.
(Qt Creator cannot add the file automatically, we must add the file name to CMakeTextLists.txt)
I changed the filename in CMakeTextLists.txt from 'qtextdocument.h' to 'textdocument.h' in the row of set(PROJECT_SOURCES).
Finally, the update was confirmed. 'qtextdocument.h' was removed and the name is changed to 'textdocument.h'.
If you only want to remove a file, only you have to do is to delete the filename when you are in step 3.
After updating the project tree, the actual file is in your computer.
If you want to delete the file completely, you select file system and remove the file, not from project.
I don't know why, but in the case of filesystem mode, remove action is enabled.
So I might & should have told you that you select "filesystem mode" and remove the file at the first time...
(Sorry I have found out this fact later.)
Both of the two ways, I think we must rewrite the contents of CMakeTextLists.txt.
I also run into the case , the update removed the filename as soon as I deleted the filename from CMakeTextLists.txt.
I believe this case I directly make a file in the actual directory. On the contrary, above case is the files are added from Project menus.

go directly delete the project folder from your hdd.

For Linux, edit ~/.config/QtProject/QtCreator.ini
Under [ProjectExplorer], delete the project name and its corresponding configuration file from the following two lists:
e.g., given the following
RecentProjects\DisplayNames=proj1, proj2, proj3
RecentProjects\FileNames=<proj1_dir>/CMakeLists.txt, <proj2_dir>/, <proj3_dir>/
to delete proj1 from the qtcreator startup page, edit the above two lists as
RecentProjects\DisplayNames=proj2, proj3
RecentProjects\FileNames=<proj2_dir>/, <proj3_dir>/


Visual studio wrong file path for Form1.cs file

I am trying to open a project which was created on one computer but has since been moved to another one due to the computer going caput. Now when I open the project and try opening the Form1.cs file, or any of the designer files, I get the error message saying "Cannot find the file 'C:...\Form1.cs'. It may have been moved or deleted". I have omitted the full path which is a reference to the old computer.
How do I change the file path so that my project can find it?
I have found another thread on this issue: Visual Studio retrieving an incorrect path to a project from somewhere
Have tried all of the suggestions (deleting .suo files, moving the project to a new folder, etc.) Nothing has worked so far. There is however in the accepted solution a reference to "Manage Workspaces" and "Source Control Explorer", which I literally can't even find in my Visual Studio window.
Help please!
First: Open your sln file and see where it says your csproj file is located. It should read something like: "WindowsFormsApp1\WindowsFormsApp1.csproj"
Note: Everything in the parenthesis will be from the same directory as the sln file, so the true directory in this instance will be "sln_file_path\WindowsFormsApp1\WindowsFormsApp1.csproj"
As long as this is correct, then navigate to the csproj file and open it with notepad, but if this path is wrong, correct it before proceeding.
Second: Search the csproj file for the missing file, which in your case is Form1.cs
You should find something like: Compile Include="....\Erroneous_Directory\Form1.cs"
Typically all cs files will be in the same directory as the csproj file, so the line should simply read as follows: Compile Include="Form1.cs"
If the file is legitimately located in a separate directory, then provide the path, but if it is in the same directory, delete the path. Sometimes, when linking to a file in a different project, you will see this: (Link)Form1.cs(/Link), but if the file is in the same project and directory, this link line will need to be deleted.
Note: Chances are that this procedure will need to be repeated for two other files: Form1.Designer.cs and Form1.resx as well, so make sure the "Compile Include" lines for these two files are also correct before opening the solution

Finding hidden images in xcode?

I am trying to change image name , and i get :
The file could not be renamed because a file with that name already exists
I CANT find that image in there,(project assets) it was deleted.
How can i be sure that its not in there ?
Xcode shows what's in the project, not what's in the project's folder.
Open the folder of the file you want to rename (right click on the file in Xcode -> Show in Finder), and you'll probably see another file with the name you were trying to rename to. Remove that other file (if you're sure you don't need it).
What I would do move forward is get out of the IDE:
Remove the file from Xcode, but not the filesystem, by "Deleting" the file and selecting "Delete Reference Only"
Rename the file in the filesystem(finder or terminal)
Re-add it to the project file.
Caveat: Confirm you aren't renaming the file with the same name, but with only a case change, that gets a little weird, mostly with SCM tools, but also OSX filesystems are case-insensitve by default, so File.m and file.m are the same file.

The file is not under version control

I'm using a Git. When I add a file and check "Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed)" this error occurs:
Try adding it to your project folder and then drag-and-drop to the project in Xcode.
If it still doesn't work you can just create a new file in the project itself, call it the same as the file you are trying to copy and then copy-paste all the code.
Hope it helps
Just delete the file reference from the XCode. Make sure not move file to trash. Then add the file again by drag and drop or by Add file to project option. Now the file will be under source control.

How to unconditionally copy headers in Xcode?

I have set a header file's role in Xcode to private so that it will get copied to the desired location by the Copy Headers build phase. It works as expected if there is not already a header file of that name in the target location. But if there is an existing file, it does not overwrite it. Even if the header file has changed in the project it doesn't seem to update the copy in the target location. The Build Results windows shows a line "Copying MyFile.h" but the file is the old one.
This doesn't seem right and is definitely not what I want. How can I force Xcode to unconditionally copy (and overwrite if necessary) header files in the Copy Headers build phase?
Are you sure that you have actually changed the header file in the project? If Xcode says "Copying MyFile.h", then it's copying it. But if you accidentally changed the copy, instead of the original, then Xcode is simply doing what it thinks is right: copying the authentic version from the project over the altered version in the build product.
It would help if you'd paste the entire "pbxcp" line for that header, then it would be easy to see exactly what's going on.
I took this question over to the Xcode mailing list and had some back and forth there. It turns out that Copy Headers copies the file to a subfolder of the build folder, not to the absolute address I specified. Maybe it is not intended for what I am doing.
I've reverted to using Run Script to do the file copying.

XCode 3.1.2, header file not found

I have been trying to build a code that has dependencies with other header files that are not in the project directory. I added the paths to these header files in both HEADER_PATH and USER_PATH. However, I still see error while building. It says that the file is not found. I verified that the file exist in the path added to the header search path in project settings.
How do I make sure that all my header files referenced in the project is included and the paths are being picked by Xcode during compilation?
I tried copying all the files to the project with no luck. This is the first time iam using Xcode, so its kind of frustrating. Iam a linux guy and comfortable with make files. Is there a Make file for xcode which i can modify to include the header file directories.
You might want to check the order of your source files in your target's build phases to ensure that your dependencies are compiled before your source files that reference them.
Select your project in the Project Navigator.
Select your target.
Click on the Build Phases tab.
Click on Compile Sources to expand the section.
Drag the dependencies to the top of the list.
Are you sure you spelled the header file name correctly ? Is the case correct ? Did you use user quotes "" rather than system quotes <> ?
Assuming you've checked all the obvious things such as the above then one other thing to try is to quit Xcode, delete the "build" folder in your project directory, and try again - sometimes the build folder gets in a pickle internally.
