How to trace a program from its very beginning without running it as root - macos

I'm writing a tool that calls through to DTrace to trace the program that the user specifies.
If my tool uses dtrace -c to run the program as a subprocess of DTrace, not only can I not pass any arguments to the program, but the program runs with all the privileges of DTrace—that is, as root (I'm on Mac OS X). This makes certain things that should work break, and obviously makes a great many things that shouldn't work possible.
The other solution I know of is to start the program myself, pause it by sending it SIGSTOP, pass its PID to dtrace -p, then continue it by sending it SIGCONT. The problem is that either the program runs for a few seconds without being traced while DTrace gathers the symbol information or, if I sleep for a few seconds before continuing the process, DTrace complains that objc<pid>:<class>:<method>:entry matches no probes.
Is there a way that I can run the program under the user's account, not as root, but still have DTrace able to trace it from the beginning?

Something like sudo dtruss -f sudo -u <original username> <command> has worked for me, but I felt bad about it afterwards.
I filed a Radar bug about it and had it closed as a duplicate of #5108629.

Well, this is a bit old, but why not :-)..
I don't think there is a way to do this simply from command line, but as suggested, a simple launcher application, such as the following, would do it. The manual attaching could of course also be replaced with a few calls to libdtrace.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
pid_t pid = fork();
if(pid == 0) {
ptrace(PT_TRACE_ME, 0, NULL, 0);
execl("/bin/ls", "/bin/ls", NULL);
} else if(pid > 0) {
int status;
printf("Process %d started. Attach now, and click enter.\n", pid);
ptrace(PT_CONTINUE, pid, (caddr_t) 1, 0);
return 0;

This script takes the name of the executable (for an app this is the info.plist's CFBundleExecutable) you want to monitor to DTrace as a parameter (you can then launch the target app after this script is running):
string gTarget; /* the name of the target executable */
gTarget = $$1; /* get the target execname from 1st DTrace parameter */
* Note: DTrace's execname is limited to 15 characters so if $$1 has more
* than 15 characters the simple string comparison "($$1 == execname)"
* will fail. We work around this by copying the parameter passed in $$1
* to gTarget and truncating that to 15 characters.
gTarget[15] = 0; /* truncate to 15 bytes */
gTargetPID = -1; /* invalidate target pid */
* capture target launch (success)
gTarget == execname
gTargetPID = pid;
* detect when our target exits
pid == gTargetPID
gTargetPID = -1; /* invalidate target pid */
* capture open arguments
((pid == gTargetPID) || progenyof(gTargetPID))
self->arg0 = arg0;
self->arg1 = arg1;
* track opens
((pid == gTargetPID) || progenyof(gTargetPID))
this->op_kind = ((self->arg1 & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDONLY) ? "READ" : "WRITE";
this->path0 = self->arg0 ? copyinstr(self->arg0) : "<nil>";
printf("open for %s: <%s> #%d",

If the other answer doesn't work for you, can you run the program in gdb, break in main (or even earlier), get the pid, and start the script? I've tried that in the past and it seemed to work.

Create a launcher program that will wait for a signal of some sort (not necessarily a literal signal, just an indication that it's ready), then exec() your target. Now dtrace -p the launcher program, and once dtrace is up, let the launcher go.

dtruss has the -n option where you can specify name of process you want to trace, without starting it (Credit to latter part of #kenorb's answer at So something like the following should do it:
sudo dtruss -n "$program"

There exists a tool darwin-debug that ships in Apple's CLT LLDB.framework which will spawn your program and pause it before it does anything. You then read the pid out of the unix socket you pass as an argument, and after attaching the debugger/dtrace you continue the process.
darwin-debug will exec itself into a child process <PROGRAM> that is
halted for debugging. It does this by using posix_spawn() along with
darwin specific posix_spawn flags that allows exec only (no fork), and
stop at the program entry point. Any program arguments <PROGRAM-ARG> are
passed on to the exec as the arguments for the new process. The current
environment will be passed to the new process unless the "--no-env"
option is used. A unix socket must be supplied using the
--unix-socket=<SOCKET> option so the calling program can handshake with
this process and get its process id.

See my answer on related question "How can get dtrace to run the traced command with non-root priviledges?" [sic].
Essentially, you can start a (non-root) background process which waits 1sec for DTrace to start up (sorry for race condition), and snoops the PID of that process.
sudo true && \
(sleep 1; cat /etc/hosts) &; \
sudo dtrace -n 'syscall:::entry /pid == $1/ {#[probefunc] = count();}' $! \
&& kill $!
Full explanation in linked answer.


pid provider matching processes that come and go in dtrace

I would like to trace all function calls for a given library in a process, but the process is going to exit and re-open regularly, and I want to keep tracing.
I am doing this now:
printf("%s\n", probefunc);
However, this only lets me provide one pid at a time. Can I keep this going?
I want something like:
/execname == "foo"/
but that * doesn't work there.
I don't think you can do this with just a single dtrace script. You'd need two (at least...). And you need to have the ability to run the destructive system() action, which most likely means root access.
Assume you want to run this script on any new ls process:
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
printf( "func: %s\n", probefunc );
Assuming the path to that script is /root/dtrace/tracelibc.d, the following script will start dtrace on any new ls process that gets started. Note that you need #pragma D option destructive to be able to start dtrace on the new process:
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option destructive
#pragma D option quiet
/ "ls" == basename( execname ) /
printf( "tracing process %d\n", pid );
system( "/root/dtrace/tracelibc.d %d", pid );
That should work, but in this case ls is such a short-lived process that something like this happens quite often:
dtrace: failed to compile script /root/dtrace/tracelibc.d: line 10:
failed to grab process 12289
The process is gone by the time dtrace gets going. If you're tracing long-lived processes and don't care that you might miss the first few probes because dtrace takes a while to attach, you're done.
But, if you want to trace short-lived processes, you need to stop the process right when it starts, then restart it after dtrace attaches:
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option destructive
#pragma D option quiet
/ "ls" == basename( execname ) /
printf( "stopping process %d\n", pid );
system( "/root/dtrace/tracelibc.d %d", pid );
and start it back up in tracelibc.d:
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option destructive
system( "prun %d", $1 );
printf( "func: %s\n", probefunc );
Note that I'm using Solaris prun to restart the stopped process. You'd have to look at the Mac dtrace documentation for the stop() call to get the Mac equivalent of Solaris prun.
But... ooops. The two scripts above combine to produce:
stopping process 12274
dtrace: failed to compile script /root/dtrace/tracelibc.d: line 10:
probe description pid12274:libc::entry does not match any probes
Why does this say pid12274:libc::entry doesn't match any probes? Oh, yeah - when exec returns, the shared object hasn't been loaded into memory yet. We need a probe that's guaranteed to exist in the target process, and that gets called after is loaded, but before any processing gets done. main should suffice. So the main script to start it all becomes:
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option destructive
#pragma D option quiet
/ "ls" == basename( execname ) /
printf( "stopping process %d\n", pid );
system( "/root/dtrace/tracemain.d %d", pid );
That starts the tracemain.d script, that restarts the process, loads the tracelibc.d script, and stops the process again:
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option destructive
#pragma D option quiet
system( "prun %d", $1 );
system( "/root/dtrace/tracelibc.d %d", $1 );
/* this instance of dtrace is now done */
exit( 0 );
And tracelibc.d adds its own system( "prun %d", $1 ); in the BEGIN probe, and it looks like:
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option destructive
system( "prun %d", $1 );
printf( "func: %s\n", probefunc );
Those three really slow up the ls process, but they do produce the expected output - and there's a lot of it, as expected.

Implementing my shell using c, Change the directory

Implementing my own shell
I did not post the whole code to save your time,
briefly i used exec() to execute the command lines
my problem is clarified in a comment line below
thanks for any help
int main()
int pid[2];
char inbuf[10];
printf("\n\nSimple Shell using C\n");
char hostname[1024];
hostname[1023] = '\0';
gethostname(hostname, 1023);
char resolved_path[100];
realpath("./", resolved_path);
printf("Maram #%s :<%s>$ ", hostname,resolved_path); //MY PROBLEM: For cd command ex: cd Desktop/Folder.. does not go in this directory and the resolved path does not change
printf("[my shell] :");
pip(inbuf, 0, 1);
return 0;
/// ALSO, how can I print a command not found if an entered command line is not correct?
Nowhere in this program do you call chdir() -- which is the only way to change your current process's directory (barring functional equivalents such as fchdir(); which still retain the fundamental restriction that they impact only the current process and not its parents).
Using an exec-family call to launch an external program which changes its own directory has no effect -- that program's directory is separate from your shell's. The shell must change its own directory without forking if you want to have any effect.

Debugging child processes- GDB/DDD

My project is to implement a simple shell program with background processing by way of ending an arglist with &, as in most UNIX shells. My problem is how to debug the shell in GDB when background processing requires child processes to be created.
My child processing code goes like
int id;
int child=-1;
int running=0;
if ((strcmp(args[0], "&")==0){
if ((id==fork())==-1)
perror("Couldn't start the background process");
else if (id==0){ //start the child process
printf("Job %d started, PID: %d\n", running, getpid());
signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
execvp(args[0], args);
perror("Can't execute command);
else {
int jobNum= running-(running-1);
if ( (waitpid(-1, &child, WNOHANG) == -1)
perror("Child Wait");
printf("[%d] exited with status %d\n", jobNum, child>>8);
When I try to run a command, like ps &, and set the breakpoint to the function parser, the command executes without hitting the breakpoint. This is confusing and renders the debugger useless in this instance. What can I do about it?
I think you want
set follow-fork-mode child
also note that the line
if ((id==fork())==-1)
is comparing an uninitialized value against the return value of fork().
I believe you wanted an assignment.

C - passing an unknown command into execvp()

I'm writing a fake shell, where I create a child process and then call execvp(). In the normal shell, when I enter an unknown command such as 'hello' it returns 'hello: Command not found.' However, when I pass hello into execvp(), it doesn't return any error by default and just continues running the rest of my program like nothing happened. What's the easiest way to find out if nothing was actually run? here's my code:
if(fork() == 0)
execvp(cmd, args);
int status = 0;
int corpse = wait(&status);
printf(Child %d exited with a status of %d\n", corpse, status);
I know that if corpse < 0, then it's an unknown command, but there are other conditions in my code not listed where I don't want to wait (such as if & is entered at the end of a command). Any suggestions?
All of the exec methods can return -1 if there was an error (errno is set appropriately). You aren't checking the result of execvp so if it fails, the rest of your program will continue executing. You could have something like this to prevent the rest of your program from executing:
if (execvp(cmd, args) == -1)
You also want to check the result of fork() for <0.
You have two independent concerns.
1) is the return value of execvp. It shouldn't return. If it does there is a problem. Here's what I get execvp'ing a bad command. You don't want to wait if execvp fails. Always check the return values.
int res = execvp(argv[1], argv);
printf ("res is %i %s\n", res, strerror(errno));
// => res is -1 No such file or directory
2) The other concern is background processes and such. That's the job of a shell and you're going to need to figure out when your program should wait immediately and when you want to save the pid from fork and wait on it later.

Waiting for grandchild processes in windows

Is it possible to wait for all processes launched by a child process in Windows? I can't modify the child or grandchild processes.
Specifically, here's what I want to do. My process launches uninstallA.exe. The process uninistallA.exe launches uninstallB.exe and immediately exits, and uninstallB.exe runs for a while. I'd like to wait for uninstallB.exe to exit so that I can know when the uninstall is finished.
Create a Job Object with CreateJobObject. Use CreateProcess to start UninstallA.exe in a suspended state. Assign that new process to your job object with AssignProcessToJobObject. Start UninstallA.exe running by calling ResumeThread on the handle of the thread you got back from CreateProcess.
Then the hard part: wait for the job object to complete its execution. Unfortunately, this is quite a bit more complex than anybody would reasonably hope for. The basic idea is that you create an I/O completion port, then you create the object object, associate it with the I/O completion port, and finally wait on the I/O completion port (getting its status with GetQueuedCompletionStatus). Raymond Chen has a demonstration (and explanation of how this came about) on his blog.
Here's a technique that, while not infallible, can be useful if for some reason you can't use a job object. The idea is to create an anonymous pipe and let the child process inherit the handle to the write end of the pipe.
Typically, grandchild processes will also inherit the write end of the pipe. In particular, processes launched by cmd.exe (e.g., from a batch file) will inherit handles.
Once the child process has exited, the parent process closes its handle to the write end of the pipe, and then attempts to read from the pipe. Since nobody is writing to the pipe, the read operation will block indefinitely. (Of course you can use threads or asynchronous I/O if you want to keep doing stuff while waiting for the grandchildren.)
When (and only when) the last handle to the write end of the pipe is closed, the write end of the pipe is automatically destroyed. This breaks the pipe and the read operation completes and reports an ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE failure.
I've been using this code (and earlier versions of the same code) in production for a number of years.
// pwatch.c
// Written in 2011 by Harry Johnston, University of Waikato, New Zealand.
// This code has been placed in the public domain. It may be freely
// used, modified, and distributed. However it is provided with no
// warranty, either express or implied.
// Launches a process with an inherited pipe handle,
// and doesn't exit until (a) the process has exited
// and (b) all instances of the pipe handle have been closed.
// This effectively waits for any child processes to exit,
// PROVIDED the child processes were created with handle
// inheritance enabled. This is usually but not always
// true.
// In particular if you launch a command shell (cmd.exe)
// any commands launched from that command shell will be
// waited on.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void error(const wchar_t * message, DWORD err) {
wchar_t msg[512];
swprintf_s(msg, sizeof(msg)/sizeof(*msg), message, err);
printf("pwatch: %ws\n", msg);
MessageBox(NULL, msg, L"Error in pwatch utility", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_SYSTEMMODAL);
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
LPWSTR lpCmdLine = GetCommandLine();
wchar_t ch;
DWORD dw, returncode;
HANDLE piperead, pipewrite;
char buffer[1];
while (ch = *(lpCmdLine++)) {
if (ch == '"') while (ch = *(lpCmdLine++)) if (ch == '"') break;
if (ch == ' ') break;
while (*lpCmdLine == ' ') lpCmdLine++;
sa.nLength = sizeof(sa);
sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
if (!CreatePipe(&piperead, &pipewrite, &sa, 1)) error(L"Unable to create pipes: %u", GetLastError());
if (!CreateProcess(NULL, lpCmdLine, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi))
error(L"Error %u creating process.", GetLastError());
if (WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED) error(L"Error %u waiting for process.", GetLastError());
if (!GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &returncode)) error(L"Error %u getting exit code.", GetLastError());
if (ReadFile(piperead, buffer, 1, &dw, NULL)) {
error(L"Unexpected data received from pipe; bug in application being watched?", ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE);
dw = GetLastError();
if (dw != ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) error(L"Unexpected error %u reading from pipe.", dw);
return returncode;
There is not a generic way to wait for all grandchildren but for your specific case you may be able to hack something together. You know you are looking for a specific process instance. I would first wait for uninstallA.exe to exit (using WaitForSingleObject) because at that point you know that uninstallB.exe has been started. Then use EnumProcesses and GetProcessImageFileName from PSAPI to find the running uninstallB.exe instance. If you don't find it you know it has already finished, otherwise you can wait for it.
An additional complication is that if you need to support versions of Windows older than XP you can't use GetProcessImageFileName, and for Windows NT you can't use PSAPI at all. For Windows 2000 you can use GetModuleFileNameEx but it has some caveats that mean it might fail sometimes (check docs). If you have to support NT then look up Toolhelp32.
Yes this is super ugly.
Use a named mutex.
One possibility is to install Cygwin and then use the ps command to watch for the grandchild to exit
