Mixing logic and graphics in a class with MVC pattern - model-view-controller

I am currently developing a charting application (for the iPhone, although that is largely irrelevant) using their MVC pattern.
One aspect of the application is that you can overlay a number of statistics on the charts. I am a little unsure how I am going to structure these classes.
For each statistic there will be two aspects.
1. The calculation. The function which will take the data and calculate the relevant statistical figures.
2. The display. The statistics then need to be drawn over the top of the graph.
Obviously I want the code to comply with the MVC pattern as closely as possible, but I am planning to develop possibly hundreds of these statistics.
I could create three classes. One for the graphics, one for the logic and a factory class to tie the two together. This would then fit with the pattern, but this seems to be a huge extra overhead in terms of the number of classes in the system and additional complexity which I dont feel is necessary.
So, I am very tempted to create a single class for each statistic. But that would mean each class would have logic and graphics mixed in together, which is heavily frowned upon.
Are there any other suggestions as to how I can lay these out in a structured reuseable way without adding uneccessary complexity?
Thanks for the answers. Most useful, but has raised more questions!
MVC does fit the rest of the application perfectly. Also as its for the iPhone, I seem to be pushed along this path anyway. This is the only reason I am considering MVC for these statistics.
However, for these statistics, the user will not interact with them, they are purely for display. The statistics are painting various lines and symbols directly onto the view canvas. Each statistic paints their information in its own way. There is very little that can be shared between each one, also each piece of data can only be useful represented in one way. I can think of no other useful way that I would want to represent the information.
So it seems MVC is out for these, but I am unsure now what pattern would fit other than my newly invented "Mix logic and graphics" pattern which just feels wrong due to the Single Responsibility Principle (thanks for that link).

First of all, will the user interact with the statistics? If not, then you don't need MVC. (The Controller in MVC deals with user interaction).
You want to keep the number of classes to a minimum, which is good. Let's consider both the calculation and display separately.
How will you be displaying the statistics? Will they typically be text labels, or will there be other graph elements (error bars or things like that)? Try to figure out the different ways you will want to display your statistics.
How many different calculations will you have? Does each calculation map directly to a single graph element, or might it be drawn in a number of different ways? Try to figure out how the calculations relate to the graph elements.
As a concrete example, suppose you have a set of data points that you have plotted. You want to display the mean, the median, and the mode. You could display each of these as separate horizontal lines that cut through the chart at the appropriate Y value. The calculations are all independent, but the display logic can be shared. Or, perhaps you want to display the mean as both a line and as a text label. Here, there is only one calculation, but two different display methods.
MVC design is about separating the underlying data from its presentation. By doing this, you can re-use bits of presentation logic for many different pieces of data. Also, you can display a single piece of data in multiple ways, and they will all stay in sync.

It depends on what you call complex. Most people consider methods or classes that are responsible for multiple things complex and classes or methods that are responsible for one thing simple. This is also known as the SRP
When you use MVC, the view contains the display logic, the model contains the business logic (the calculation in your case), and the controller ties them together. You can use different ways to implement MVC. Complex applications need to seperate domain model and map to a viewmodel, but most simple applications can use one model.
If you define complexity on a different way, MVC might not be what you like, and you should try a different approach.


Documenting the aggregates & relations between microservices

In my organization we're trying to design our microservices based on the Bounded Context (BC) pattern (part of Domain-driven design). While we're doing this we also try to use another DDD pattern called the Context Mapping, to better identify the various contexts in the application, their boundaries and the relations between them.
All of this can be done on a whiteboard or in some online drawing tool. However, I'm looking for a way to generate a complete picture of the various services, what aggregates they contain and potentially the relations between such aggregates (as the same User in one BC might be a Customer in another). A good example is figure 4-10 in here. The generation should ideally be based on some DSL or script which we would maintain, as this kind of work is fairly high-level and context boundaries don't change very often. For example, a team adds a new aggregate or starts keeping a copy of an aggregate from another service, they update the script/DSL and regenerate the diagram.
Solutions I've looked at so far:
Context mapper - it doesn't visualise the aggregates in each BC/service, nor does it show relations
C4 model, Level 2 - we already use it, so it could be fairly easy to add a textual list of aggregates per container, but it's not what it's intended for (and the visualisation is not optimal)
ddd bounded context/microservice canvas - it's too detailed and can't really be used to look at the big picture
I'm wondering how and if this is done in other organization, and looking for suggestions for some tooling that would be of help.
I think the format used for event storming sessions might be worth to have look at in your case. Once done it covers all domain events, commands, actors, read models, policies, external systems. Also it illustrates the bounded contexts in which the aggregates, events, etc. live in. An example can be found here:
I know the format is mainly used for domain exploration but from my experience, if done nicely (e.g. using some tool like Miro, Lucid, or the like) it also provides good documentation and overview of what's going on in your system.

Is this a viable MapReduce use case or even possible to execute?

I am new to Hadoop, MapReduce, Big Data and am trying to evaluate it's viability for a specific use case that is extremely interesting to the project that I am working on. I am not sure however if what I would like to accomplish is A) possible or B) recommended with the MapReduce model.
We essentially have a significant volume of widgets (known structure of data) and pricing models (codified in JAR files) and what we want to be able to do is to execute every combination of widget and pricing model to determine the outcomes of the pricing across the permutations of the models. The pricing models themselves will examine each widget and determine pricing based on the decision tree within the model.
This makes sense from a parallel processing on commodity infrastructure perspective in my mind but from a technical perspective I do not know if it's possible to execute external models within the MR jobs and from a practical perspective whether or not I am trying to force a use case into the technology.
The question therefore becomes is it possible; does it make sense to implement in this fashion; and if not what are other options / patterns more suited to this scenario?
The volume and variety will grow over time. Assume for the sake of discussion here that we have a terabyte of widgets and 10s of pricing models currently. We would then expect to gro into multiple terabytes and 100s of pricing models and that the execution of the permutations would would happen frequently as widgets change and/or are added and as new categories of pricing models are introduced.
You certainly need a scalable, parallel-izable solution and hadoop can be that. You just have to massage your solution a bit so it would fit into the hadoop world.
First, You'll need to make the models and widgets implement common interfaces (speaking very abstractly here) so that you can apply and arbitrary model to an arbitrary widget without having to know anything about the actual implementation or representation.
Second, you'll have to be able to reference both models and widgets by id. That will let you build objects (writables) that hold the id of a model and the id of a widget and would thus represent one "cell" in the cross product of widgets and models. You distribute these instances across multiple servers and in doing so distribute the application of models to widgets across multiple servers. These objects (call it class ModelApply) would hold the results of a specific model-to-widget application and can be processed in the usual way with hadoop to repost on best applications.
Third, and this is the tricky part, you need to compute the actual cross product of models to widgets. You say the number of models (and therefore model id's) will number in at most the hundreds. This means that you could load that list of id's into memory in a mapper and map that list to widget id's. Each call to the mapper's map() method would pass in a widget id and would write out one instance of ModelApply for each model.
I'll leave it at that for now.

Complex view hierarchy in pureMVC Actionscript 3

Consider such situation:
application logic consists of numerous levels, components and relations between them. A level contains groups of components. Two levels or two components can have a special relation between them. All levels, components and relations can have many different parameters.
Here's a quick visualisation: http://i49.tinypic.com/2yv2wsn.jpg
I tried to code it in the pureMVC-way but ended-up having one huge CanvasMediator with CanvasView that manages the complex representation of logic. The problem is that each level and component should be easily copied, deleted, dragged, swapped, repositioned, inserted between to other objects etc. The relations should be created simply draging from one object to another. In other words, there's a lot of interactivity going on inside this CanvasView and I believe the code would be extremely bloated trying to bind each view component to a mediator and executing interactivity code at command level. Yet my approach feels far from right.
A more concrete question: how one would deal with such scenario when a level with lots of components and subcomponents is being repositioned in a pureMVC-way? Keep in mind that while dragging an existing level, it's components should go along too. When hovering in empty space between two other levels, the app should indicate that it's possible to place selected level between the others two (those two should split up a bit and make some room, carrying a long their own componenets in place).

How to use BDD to code complex data structures / data layers

I'm new to behavior-driven development and I can't find any examples or guidelines that parallel my current problem.
My current project involves a massive 3D grid with an arbitrary number of slots in each of the discrete cells. The entities stored in these slots have their own slots and, thus, an arbitrary nesting of entities can exist. The final implementation of the object(s) used will need be backed by some kind of persistent data store, which complicates the API a bit (i.e. using words like load/store instead of get/set and making sure modifying returned items doesn't modify the corresponding items in the data store itself). Don't worry, my first implementation will simply exist in-memory, but the API is what I'm supposed to be defining behavior against, so the actual implementation doesn't matter right now.
The thing I'm stuck on is the fact that BDD literature focuses on the interactions between objects and how mock objects can help with that. That doesn't seem to apply at all here. My abstract data store's only real "behavior" involves loading and storing data from entities outside those represented by the programming language itself; I can't define or test those behaviors since they're implementation-dependent.
So what can I define/test? The natural alternative is state. Store something. Make sure it loads. Modify the thing I loaded and make sure after I reload it's unmodified. Etc. But I'm under the impression that this is a common pitfall for new BDD developers, so I'm wondering if there's a better way that avoids it.
If I do take the state-testing route, a couple other questions arise. Obviously I can test an empty grid first, then an empty entity at one location, but what next? Two entities in different locations? Two entities in the same location? Nested entities? How deep should I test the nesting? Do I test the Cartesian product of these non-exclusive cases, i.e. two entities in the same location AND with nested entities each? The list goes on forever and I wouldn't know where to stop.
The difference between TDD and BDD is about language. Specifically, BDD focuses on function/object/system behavior to improve design and test readability.
Often when we think about behavior we think in terms of object interaction and collaboration and therefore need mocks to unit test. However, there is nothing wrong with an object whose behavior is to modify the state of a grid, if that is appropriate. State or mock based testing can be used in TDD/BDD alike.
However, for testing complex data structures, you should use a Matchers (e.g. Hamcrest in Java) to test only the part of the state you are interested in. You should also consider whether you can decompose the complex data into objects that collaborate (but only if that makes sense from an algorithmic/design standpoint).

Games: Who is responsible for display?

Should entities know how to draw themselves? I've used this approach: it's simple and it works, but after learning MVC-patterns I feel uneasy about this. It's hard to change the art style when all the display logic is buried in the model.
One could introduce a view class, which takes the level as an argument and draws it, but this would mean it has to identify entity types and introduce a "switch"-statement, which I learned is also bad.
Where should one place code for drawing, in a way that is extensible, easy to change, clean and dry?
This question still comes up frequently in game development as various studios and groups start on new engines.
The short answer is that it depends on how complex your game entities will be. For simple entities, it doesn't really matter.
When you get into much more complicated entities, you have to rethink your approach. In general, you'll want to resist the urge to have the uber loop that iterates over every entity and calls some update/render/whatever function. That doesn't scale at all, unless every update, render, or whatever hierarchy is exactly the same. Which is fine for a game like Geometry Wars, but not for anything more complicated than that.
What you want to do is given the most general entity collection extract a usage specific traversal. For example, if you wanted to render the scene you should have a way of extracting all the renderable entities from the entity collection and then rendering all of them in some arbitrary batchable order. Same goes for physics, collision, AI, etc.
Some helpful links:
I highly recommend both; the first goes into design rationale for building game entities out of components, i.e., render component, physics component, AI component. The second goes into performance characteristics of various game entity approaches.
Theres nothing inherently wrong with having an abstract Draw() style method in your entities that lets them decide how they will be drawn, especially for smaller games that probably won't be extended significantly. I've used this method in a ton of small projects and it works great.
An improvement you can make to that strategy is to use your game resources as a proxy for the actual drawing operations. For example an enemy entity can defer all the rendering through a resource object it owns that represents the mesh; likewise for the texture/skin and effects.
I've recently switched to using my entities as 'dumb' containers for interfaces that define their behaviours. A player entity might contain IMoveable, IControllable, IRenderable, and many more interfaces that simply apply a specialized operation to that entity depending on the data it contains. The entity doesn't know much about this and all the execution happens when the scene graph is traversed for culling/rendering.
MVC isn't necessarily a great fit for games. MVC was designed for traditional GUIs which typically update infrequently based on discrete events, whereas games are more like simulations where there is constant updating going on and the presentation needs to reflect that instantly.
Still, there's no reason why you shouldn't still strive to separate state from presentation. Entities don't need to know how to draw themselves as such - that would mean they know about rendering operations, which is unnecessary - but it should be possible to ask them how they look at this point in time and then to use that information to render the scene. eg. a 2D entity should be able to return its current frame of animation. Or a 3D entity should be able to return its 3d mesh, position, and orientation. No need for the switch statement here, as long as you have generic representations that you can return to the renderer. Entities with wildly differing rendering algorithms might have to return rather different objects at this point.
Typically I solve this issue with inheritance.
For example, on a project I'm working with at the moment I'm using Test-Driven Development to write the game logic, with manual testing for the rendering. This example below in C# shows the rough idea.
class GameObjecet {
// Logic, nicely unit tested.
class DrawableGameObject : GameObject {
// Drawing logic - manual testing
This is generally what I've found to be the best solution. This allows code to be tested, while not cluttering the game logic with presentational code such as drawing, and model loading etc...
