Run a windows xp bat script remotely from a ubuntu machine - windows

Is it possible to run a windows xp bat script remotely from a ubuntu machine via command line?

This is possible if you have an ssh server running on the WinXP machine. It is trivial to set up such a server if you have installed Cygwin. This is well described here.
Then from an Ubuntu command line (or cron job) you run
ssh user#winxp command
Make sure your .bat has executable permissions.

I think that the technology you are after is WMI. I see that there is an ubuntu package called wmi-client, which you can sudo apt-get install and attempt to you. Some quick searches and I'm unable to find details, but maybe that will get you somewhere....

You would probably use something like remote desktop, and if you did it that way, it would work, but your question isn't very specific


What is the easiest way to run bash dependent dockerfiles on windows?

I need to setup docker on my windows 10 OS. I've previously been a linux guy where everything just works so this is a pain for me. It works as expected but within the dockerfile there are calls that uses /bin/bash which makes the build fail.
I've tried to setup a VM with hyper-v but then i stopped because i figured there must be an easier way. I found the bash.exe in windows. i can't run as sudo but i guess that doesn't matter here as long as i run bash as administrator. wget works here but the docker program cant be found when i run docker --version.
Is the easiest way to run bash scripts on win10 with the bash.exe? And why can't docker run in the bash terminal (there is no .bashrc)?
I would use Linux on the Windows box. The two systems can access each other's file systems (\\wsl$, /mnt/c). I use Ubuntu, and it's as if I was using a "normal" Ubuntu box in all aspects, so far. I'd be surprised if your process didn't work here.
Alternatively, there's Cygwin. When running Cygwin, you're kinda in a VM, kinda not. It's a bit blurry. As such, it's not as robust as WSL. But it might do the trick, and it's a lot less "heavy" than installing a full Linux distro.

Silent/Automated Homebrew Install

I am trying to get homebrew installed remotely on a machine without a terminal open and without ssh access to the machine. Our company uses a Directory-as-a-Service which allows us to remotely push shell scripts to our computers which is great, but it requires the scripts to have no interactivity.
Is there a way to automate the installer and remove the “Press enter to continue” prompt in the install process?
Zach S
The env variable CI seems to silence this prompt:
export CI=1

Specifying JupyterHub Path Variable

I am in the process of installing jupyterhub. I successfully install jupyterhub using:
python3 -m pip install jupyterhub
npm install -g configurable-http-proxy
However, when I run jupyterhub -h in the Windows command prompt it gives:
"jupyterhub" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable
program or batch file.
I added C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\jupyterhub\ to my user environment variable, however still receive the message. What path should I be using?
Please note that according to this, Jupyterhub is not officially supported for Windows yet.
That aside, you could dockerize it to make your life easier. For this error, please check if you can see the executable in C:\Program Files\Continuum Analytics\Anaconda3\scripts. The lib directory you're specifying contains python source files and not the executables.
I had this same issue, and I saw this occurred because jupyterhub is a python script rather than an executable. So to run this on Windows I needed to execute it like python C:\Program Files\Continuum Analytics\Anaconda3\scripts\jupyterhub.
However, I still was unable to run jupyterhub on Windows because it depends on the pwd module, which is a Unix/Linux only module.
As others have said, Windows is not a supported platform. JupyterHub is best used on Linux-like platforms where you have Docker or something similar to conatainerize each user's session.
A good alternative is to install Oracle VirtualBox and run a local VM. I run a 64-bit Ubuntu and it's quite good performance. It makes things much easier to run JupyterHub on. Asides depending on pwd, there are also assumptions around user-creation and other activities that Windows isn't going to handle well.
In short, if you want to run on native Windows, you're going to become the first JupyterHub Windows contributor. I looked at doing it but it looked like too much effort.
The upside of running a VM is that behaviour in the VM is going to more closely resemble what you have running on the server anyway. If you don't plan running on a server, then just "jupyter notebook", as this is all JupyterHub ends up running...

Unable to create vagrant file (homestead.yaml) on windows

I'm gonna to use vagrant on my windows desktop to develop Laravel project. I have followed all the steps to do that. But it has been failed to create homestead.yaml using bash command.
Below is the error :
Fakhreddin#Lenovo-PC3 /cygdrive/d/laravel-vagrant/homestead
$ bash
cp: unwritable ‘/home/Fakhreddin/.homestead/Homestead.yaml’ (mode 0500, r-x------); try anyway?
I'm using Cygwin for simulating Unix terminal in the Windows.
(Copy of the comment I wrote above)
Never used Cygwin in my life, but what I would try is to run it as Administrator and re-try.
Otherwise, you may want to consider changing console client. For example, if you install Git, you should be able to use Unix commands via standard Windows console.
I would seriously point the fault at Cygwin, or its settings. I am a member of a team in which all of us run Homestead on Windows 7, with no problems at all. The difference is, we use native Windows command line.

Why Rethinkdb don't have binary for windows?

I am interested in Rethinkdb and would like to develop/test on it, but main problem is: it don't have package for windows operating system. I tried to compile from source code, that was also not possible as there was no any instruction.
What makes it so difficult to make executable for windows? Is there any alternative way to install Rethinkdb in windows OS? even very small and not that famous application has windows binary but not Rethinkdb. It is quite surprise for me. Another surprising is there are many community executable for other OS but not windows.
Thank you for understanding and waiting for good answer.
Rethinkdb just announced that it started development for Windows. Please follow
RethinkDB announced in Windows :
Cross-platform development isn't that easy. RethinkDB uses some features under the covers which makes porting it to Windows a difficult job, f.e. a Unix toolchain for the builds and Unix syscalls. For more information on that have a look at this GitHub issue. It states that Windows support is planned, but with low priority.
As a quick fix, you could RethinkDB run in a virtual machine or in Microsoft Azure. For the second one, I wrote a blog post a few weeks ago.
RethinkDB has already started development for Windows. While it's not released yet, this is how you can run it through Vagrant. See:
I'm using Chocolatey, feel free to skip steps if they don't apply.
Installing Chocolatey
Open Powershell as an administrator and run this command:
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
... now you should have Chocolatey installed. We're gonna use to install the others.
Installing Vagrant
Run this as an administrator:
choco install vagrant -y
Installing VirtualBox
Vagrant relies on a virtualization application that it calls a "provider". The default one is VirtualBox so let's install it. Run cmd as administrator and run this:
choco install virtualbox -y
Now you should be able to run the vboxmanage command. If it doesn't work, make sure C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox is in your PATH.
Installing Cygwin
We're gonna log on a virtual machine using SSH, so we need a SSH enabled terminal. For that, let's use Cygwin.
choco install cyg-get -y
Installing Cygwin packages
There'are two Cygwin packages we need to install, openssh, because Cygwin doesn't have SSH support by default, and rsync so Vagrant can use it to synchronize files between the host and the guest machines.
On PowerShell, running as an administrator, let's run these commands:
cyg-get openssh
cyg-get rsync
Cloning rethinkdb-vagrant
Open the Cygwin64 Terminal. You should now be in your Cygwin home folder, which should look like C:\tools\cygwin\home\[YOUR_USER].
Make sure you have git installed. If you don't just choco install git -y. Now, clone rethyinkdb-vagrant:
git clone
Now you should have a directory like this: C:\tools\cygwin\home\[YOUR_USER]\rethinkdb-vagrant.
Starting Vagrant and useful commands
From inside the Cygwin64 Terminal home directory (described in the last step), type cd rethinkdb-vagrant, now, any Vagrant commands will target cd rethinkdb-vagrant.
To setup and boot the machine: vagrant up (After this, RethinkDB is available, see next step).
To access the machine's terminal: vagrant ssh.
To destroy the machine (every RethinkDB data will be lost): vagrant destroy.
To suspend the machine: vagrant suspend.
To resume a suspended machine: vagrant resume.
Accessing RethinkDB.
Make sure you have vagrant up from the last step. Now:
For accessing the web administration tool: http://localhost:8080.
For accessing RethinkDB from a client app, the port is 28015.
