Should we check slugs passed in URLS or just use the ID? - mod-rewrite

For example, if you access this url :Hidden features of mod_rewrite and this one Hidden features of mod_rewrite. It goes right to the same page, and it seems Stackoverflow doesn't check for a valid slug (as wordpress calls it).

I'd use just the ID as the slug may change but you'd still want old links to work.
For example, if someone edited the title of their question you'd want to change the slug appropriately, but you wouldn't want old links to the question to stop working.

Should we check slugs passed in URLS or just use the ID? +)
String is only for user-friendlieness.

I don't see any reason to check the slug if you already have the id. Users shouldn't manually change the URL's, but no harm is done if they do.
Some web applications only have a slug (no id), but then extra care has to be taken to ensure it is unique. Just including and checking the id is much simpler, especially in frameworks like rails.

Since the numerical ID is the only information needed to identify the resource, the slug has only descriptive characteristics. But this description should be appropriate to the resource. So, yes, you should check if the slug is the proper one and correct it if not.


Laravel unique user profile url like facebook

Assume I have a site with a unique URL for users, e.g.
I want users to be able to create their own user urls like to
The problem here is that my site has static pages such as: about, help, contact, download.
On the profile page, when users change their url, i apply this validator to their new profile url:
'username' => 'required|alpha_dash|max:20|min:3|unique:users'
In this situation, if the user chooses their new profile url to the same as a Route of my app (help, about, download...), their URL looks like:, this is troublesome.
Of course, the Validator will return true because that name is valid: min=3, max=20 and unique in "users" table ( "users" table not contains any control, of course).
To solve this, I add name of some Route to "users" table (about,contact,download...), so they cannot make their profile URL like,
But this is not good idea, because I might add more Routes in future.
PS: I dont like URL like, must be
Please help me to solve this.
You can use Route::getRoutes() to get all registered routes in your application
$routes = Route::getRoutes();
foreach($routes as $route){
echo $route->getUri(); // getUri will return the url pattern it matches
Now you can use this to check if the username doesn't appear in your routes.
But be careful! If you want to add routes in when the application is running you will have to check everytime that there's no user that has taken the name you want to chose.
Here are some possibilities
1. Call static page routes first
You can either call the static routes first and then at the end you do a catchall like lukasgeiter suggested, or you might even do a check in the controller and go through your static pages first. The problem here is that the user can create the user (e.g. "about") but then when they call that page, they would see the about page, even though they've correctly created the username, this might create a confusion.
2. Blacklist
Another way would be to create a blacklist for these usernames, so that people can't even register these types of usernames (this would be similar to your solution of pre-creating those usernames, but this way would be a bit cleaner and more easily expandable). Using this you will always have the trouble that someone will have used the username, once you want to use it as a static page. E.g. when you want to expand into another country.
3. Static pages on one level lower
E.g. you can create the static pages one level lower, such as, so there would be no clash.
4. Prepend character before username
This is the way I went, because the other ways were technically a bit too risky for me. So I chose the '#' sign for my users. So is my current solution. It works in different languages (as opposed to would only work in languages, where profile is the correct term)
I think Flickr went from to Google+ doesn't really let you decide, but makes suggestions (AND adds the +). Twitter and Facebook let users choose their own, I would assume they have a blacklist. LinkedIn uses /in/.

custom routing in magento

I have multi store views in website,
The current URL for a category for the dutch store view would be;
http://www.domain.ext/de/category.html etc
Now I want to add country code with store code. I mean to say, I am getting country code from Users Ip and want to extend it with store code. It will be look like
If the country is set to NL the URL should now be;
If the storeview is Dutch (NL) but the country is Belgium (BE), the URL should become;
I want this only in category page. I am trying to change in match function of standard.php, but I think its role starts from controller name, please help me how can I achieve it. Any help is highly appreciated.
Are you sure you want to incorporate it into the URL like that?
I think you are going to fight a lot of Magento code to achieve it (product url, catalog url, indexing, getUrl functions and collections, rewrites).
I'm sure you have considered this and the many ways to do what you want but I think you are making work for yourself. Perhaps adding the country code as a URL query string ?c=bel or keeping it all internal to Magento by storing it in a session variable or a general function that you can call at any time eg getCustomCountryCode(). Using a cookie might be a possibility too.
If the URL is purely cosmetic then perhaps an .htaccess rewrite would suffice combined with some rel='canonical' href="http://www.domain.ext/nl_bel/category.html" on the category pages.
If you are determined to proceed then study the class Mage_Catalog_Model_Url

Custom profile URL for own site, been though various posts..!

I've been through a few similar posts,
Facebook Like Custom Profile URL PHP
Custom URL / Apache URL Rewriting
But its still not clear, the actual method/process is not available..
Guys , little more guidance would do a lot..
I would like to put forward the questions here:
Users should have a chance to decide what is their url, Just like in case of fb, twitter
for example:
I am using the linux, apache, mysql, php environment for this.
Users are identified based on their user id's which get created automatically when they join in
And I fail at the very first step, seriously I don't know get started.
It's going to be impossible to put any details as an answer because you've got to build this system of yours and there's more than one way to do it. Design decisions will need to be made based on the way you want things to work and what you already have (they're going to have to work together in some way).
Say you've already got a system for creating users (and it sounds like you do) and you already have a system for viewing profiles. You'll need to extend this system so that you store an extra "my_vanity_url" field in your user table in your database. This field needs to be unique. When a user edits their profile, they have the option of changing this to whatever they want (limiting it to only letters and numbers and dashes for simplicity).
Next, when you display this profile, say it is via /profile.php, your code needs to check a few things.
First it needs to check how it's called, looking at $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] you can see either /user/some-vanity-name or /profile.php?u=1234.
If it's the latter, you need to redirect the browser, do a database lookup to see who the user with user_id 1234 is.
Pull the "my_vanity_url" column out of the database for this user and redirect the browser to /user/my_vanity_url_value (replacing my_vanity_url_value with the value of that column).
So now, if you go to, your browser gets redirected and the URL address bar will say
Next, you need to be able to take that unique name and turn it back into the old ugly looking profile page. Two things need to happen here:
You need to extend your profile.php once more to take an optional vanity name as opposed to a user_id
You need to use mod_rewrite to internally route vanity names to /profile.php
For the first thing, you simply look for a different $_GET[] parameter instead of whatever it is for a user_id. Say it's called name: so look at $_GET['name'], see if it exists, if it does lookup the user in the user table whose vanity url name is $_GET['name']. Return the profile of that user.
For the second thing, you just need to put this in the appropriate place in your htaccess file in your document root:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/?user/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/?$ /profile.php?name=$1 [L]
This is just an example for how to implement something like this. It may be completely inapplicable for what you have, but it should give you an idea of what you need to do.

Aliasing ID parameter in URL as string in ASP.NET MVC 4

What i'm trying to do is to rewrite URLs to make them more SEO friendly but i still want to pass a parameter as an int ID.
For example, a URL pointing to a news article might look like this:
"" or ""
What i want to do is to rewrite the URL everywhere so that the title of the category and the title of the article are written into the URL so it becomes f.x. "" but i still want to pass the ID of the article as an argument to the controller action. This is less important for the category but it's something i want to do with the article-id since it's unique but the title might not be.
I have checked out Attribute Routing and looked through some Routing guides and questions but haven't found anything that lets me implement this functionality. I've just started using ASP.NET MVC so i haven't been able to look into anything too advanced.
Thanks in advance.
I would advice to make the article title unique and from the controller action you have to get the article based on the title.
I see you are trying to group the articles based on category. When I initially created my blog I thought the same-thing but soon realized it's not a flexible approach because of couple of reasons.
Say you wrote one article with name some-title and dropped it under a category say politics and so the url will be but at a later point of time you thought to move the article to another category say 'international-politics' therefore your url now has to be changed to and you break the old url and whoever has bookmarked that link will now receive 404. A better way would be organize the urls based on the posted date and that's not going to change something like
Sometimes you want to label an article with more than one category and at that time a tag based approach will become a better choice compared to category based approach.
Quick and dirty solutions:
2) (date should help make articleName unique)
Nothing fancy, but those approaches will work.

friendly url in codeigniter with variables in url

I'm making a site using Codeigniter and my URL for a particular product page is like$category_id/$product_id/$offset
$offset is used for limiting the number of pages shown per page when using the Codeigniter's Pagination library.
How I want to make it such that my URL is something more human friendly, like$category_name/$product_name/$offset ie.
Can anyone point me the general approach? I just started learning codeigniter and is working on my first project
You can use what's generally known as a URL slug to achieve this.
Add a new field to your table, called "url_slug" or similar. Now you will need to create a slug for each product, and store it in this field.
CI has a function in the URL helper - url_title($string) which will take a string, and convert it for use in URL's.
For example My product name would become my_product_name.
Now, in your method, you can either - keep the product_id intact, use this as a parameter for your method to show specific products, and use the slug for human friendly links, or you can just use the url_slug to refer to products.
Your URL may look like:$category_name/$product_id/my_cool_product/$offset
or it could look like$category_name/my_cool_product/$offset
with no ID. the choice is yours, but the url_slug may change - the ID won't. Which may have SEO impacts.
Regardless, your method needs to look something like:
function display_product($product_id, $url_slug, $offset) {
// do what you gotta do...
You can then use URL's like the above.
You will need to use URI routing as well, as the example above will attempt to look for a controller called $category_name and a method called my_cool_product, which will of course not exist.
See URI Routing for further info.
