File Watcher in Cocoa - cocoa

Hai all, I am developing an application in cocoa.I want to constantly check whether the contents of a file in a particular location is changed or not (like FileSystemWatcher in .NET).Please anyone give me a solution.I used FSEvent but it monitors only folder for changes...But I need to know whether a file in that folder is changed or not ..Please anyone help me ......

When you get an FSEvent for the folder containing your file, check your file's mod date to see if it's the one that changed. FSEvent doesn't offer finer granularity than that.


Pathway to directory lost in R studio

I am relatively new to R studio, I am attempting to import a .RNK file to run on GSEA. However, the pathway to my working directory is lost and I keep receiving a file, "rt" warning message.
When comparing my working directory with my usual windows explorer file, the files themselves are absent from the working directory.
I have attempted to change the Default text encoding to UTF-8 but this has had no effect. I would be grateful for any suggestions to help with this problem?
That is a very common problem!
You have four options to select the correct file and path! Hope at least one can work well.
Manually without code, you can go to the top and choose Session->Set Working Directory -> Choose Directory... and then select the file.
You can just use the function file. choose() and look for the file on your computer and select it.
You can look for the file path on your computer and write it in R. Look in the local search engine for your computer and search for the file. For example: setwd("~/Desktop/University/Homework")
You can use getwd() in the console to know where the script is working and saving the files and then look for the files there!
PD: the best way to work in R and R-Studio/Posit for me is by creating a project. Doing so, you will have everything related to the script in one folder (new and old files!). It is similar to setwd()but better!

How to manage files with a batchscript via "Send To"?

I want to improve my file managent and need some help to get started.
For this specific script, my idea is the following:
while in Explorer
rightclick a file -> Send To -> "Apps[.bat]"
Then the script starts and does the following:
moves the whole directory (and subfolders) of the selected file to a specified location (in my case C:\Users\Name\Desktop\Apps\Files)
so sending Name\Downloads\Coolportableapplication\Coolapp.exe to the batch results in Name\Desktop\Apps\Files\Coolportableapplication\Coolapp.exe
creates a shortcut of C:\Users\Name\Desktop\Apps\Files\Coolportableapplication\Coolapp.exe in C:\Users\Name\Desktop\Apps
Is this generally possible with a batchscript?
This isn't my first batch but I've never dealt with unspecified files and English isn't my native language so I couldn't really find anything useful for my cause, though I am sure my little script won't be too much of a problem for you. Based on that batch, I want to create similar scripts but I just have no idea how to begin with that one.
Thanks a lot!
No need for a batch file but anyway.
1: Type shell:sendto into your explorer window and copy the shortcut to your directory "C:\Users\Name\Desktop\Apps\Files". This directory will now show as default in your Send To options.

Changing default program for a file type (workaround)

I would like to specify that images of a certain type (for example, .png) open by default in a program I've written when the file is contained in a certain directory. I've seen by searching (Change Default Program for a specific folder) that this is not possible on Windows 7 or 8.
I am saving these images in this directory myself, so I have some leeway with how I name the files. For example, I could change the filename a bit... perhaps to be example.myprog.png or something similar. Is there a way to set it up so files that match this filename pattern get opened, while other .pngs (in other directories) still open in the default viewer?
I don't really want to name these PNG images example.myprog (i.e., fully change the extension), because when the user is browsing the directory in Windows Explorer, I would like the thumbnail images to still show up. Also, users will be eventually transferring these images to their own machines, where they'll want to use standard image viewers to look at them.
If this is not possible, does anyone have another suggestion for how to tackle this problem?
As you are mentioning that files should be opened in a program that you have written, try to change the code of your program to read files from the specific folder. So, by opening your program from anywhere in your pc, you should be able to open files from specified folder.

Xcode - Can't see files in Documents directory using File Sharing

can somebody please help! I'm creating audio files using Xcode and placing those files in the 'documents' directory of my app, the point being that I can retreive them using iTunes and File Sharing.
I save the audio files as type .caf, I've created a directory list to make sure that all my files are actually there, they are. I NSLog the directory that the files are being stored to, it's the application documents folder. I have 'UIFileSharingEnabled/Application Supports iTunes Sharing' as TRUE in the info.plist. Everything seems to be working fine, EXCEPT... I just can't see the files in iTunes File Sharing. I KNOW they're there... I can even email them successfully from the same directory, but they don't show in iTunes.
Please can somebody help!
Thanks a lot!!!!
What you're saying doesn't really makes sense.
If you've done all the things you've mentioned properly, you should have had access to the application directory through iTunes.
Nevertheless, considering some problem still happens, you can do the following:
If you have SSH access to your phone (for jailbreak iPhone), you can use SSH to list the files on the documents directory.
If you don't have SSH, you have to solve the problem internally - through your application.
I recommend: List iPhone application document files

Where is user specified data being stored on MacOS

I install an app .app file to /Applications folder.
Can you please tell me where does the user specified data being stored? How can I do to clean uninstall my application and its user specific data?
Thank you.
This depends on the application, unfortunately. Sometimes it is in ~/Library/ folder, though.
AppTrap should do the trick.
It runs in the background and simply has a preference pane in the System Preferences. Drop the application onto the trash folder and it will ask you whether you want the associated application files to be deleted too.
Just let the user do that. For instance with AppCleaner.
Otherwise, just give a way in your preferences to reset them. No need to delete the plist file.
AppDelete is a free program for uninstalling and cleaning up.
FSEventer is a free program for seeing where programs install themselves.
Most information is stored within /Library/, however from time to time you may find applications which store their data within the contents of the .app package itself, or within a subfolder in /Applications/.
This should give you an idea of where to look.
Where to Put Application Files
