Installing VS2008 on a machine with VS2005 and VS2003 already installed - visual-studio

Like the title says is there any issues I should be aware of please?

I've done this without problems before. Just make sure you install them in chronological order - installing 2008 then 2005 can cause problems.
Just for reference, VS2010 installs side-by-side as well. I think MS realises that this is a pretty common thing to want to do :)

No, that's completely all right and safe.
You may be interested in "Mixing Visual Studio versions OK" :
Mixing Visual Studio versions OK?

I've got it installed on 2 machines, and I haven't encountered any issues.

I had no problems with this. I installed 2003, then 2008, then 2005.

I have 2005 and 2008 operating side by side. There are no issues from a usability standpoint of Visual Studio itself. The issues tend to be more subtle. For instance, I recently had a problem related the the ASP.NET AJAX extensions 1.0 and compatability after .NET 3.5 was installed as reported here.


Using Vs2012 on a team that uses 2010

If I am the only person on my team that uses vs2012, can I assume that as long as I target version 4 of the framework that other colleagues that are using 2010 will have no issues?
Yes, it should work fine. Just make sure that your colleagues have SP1 (VS2010) installed.
I'm building sharepoint apps, and constantly switching from vs 2010 and VS 2012 with no issue, even on the same computer.
Microsoft had the good idea to maintain the project and solution compatible in the two ways.
You should be careful thought, that the projects kind are compatible.

Can I run VS 2008 and VS 2010 on the same computer?

I want to install VS 2010 RC but do not want to get rid of VS 2008 until the 2010 final release.
The two can be installed side by side. Follow instructions here.
Have a look at Will installing Visual Studio 2010 Beta side by side with VS2008 cause problems?
As others have said, the short answer is definitely yes. In general, though, there are some issues with some of the out-of-band installed components that aren't fully side by side compatible. I'm thinking specifically of the Silverlight 4 Beta, which I believe conflicts with the Silverlight 3 tools if they are already on your machine. Also, if you are doing any ASP.NET MVC 2 development, this is something to be aware of.
Yes. Even with VS2005 and VS2008 and VS2010

Does Visual Studio 2010 RC play nice with Visual Studio 2008?

Does Visual Studio 2010 RC play nicely with Visual Studio 2008?
I am wondering if I need to setup a Virtual Machine to play with VS 2010 or if I can just install it on my Dev machine.
If it messes up VS 2010 then that is sad but ok. If it messed up VS 2008 then I would be in trouble.
Has anyone tried this out? Does it work well? Poorly?
Thanks for any answers.
I've had no problems. Microsoft has designed the last several versions of Visual Studio to be able to co-exist side-by-side.
That said, VS 2010 is an RC, so it is still a pre-release. And even after it goes RTM, it's still a complex product and like any complex software install there can be bugs. I wouldn't expect serious problems, but there's always the fraction of a percent that do run into issues. So I'd still plan to install it on a day when you'd have cycles to deal with potential issues (if nothing else, installing it on my machine that hadn't had OS updates installed in a while required at least 2 reboots).
Yes this works and is a supported scenario. My advice is to install 2008 first then 2010. This is the setup i have on multiple computers.
has worked for me without any issues so far. I would follow JaredPar's advice though, install 2008 first, then 2010.
I never trust the "plays nice with others" claims because I've been bit by it before. They supposedly co-exist, but I still put it in a VM.
See this blog post.
Visual Studio 2010 / .NET Framework 4 RC Ready for General Download
I haven't installed it on my machine but my manager has and after we looked at it we decided it's best not to go there yet for two reasons:
1) We have to go through the whole conversion process again, which after our experience with 1.1 -> 2.0 wasn't very enticing.
2) We caused an error within the first couple minutes of playing around that worked fine on VS2008 leading us to believe it's not quite ready for primetime yet anyways. (It was adding a method in the class diagram that caused VS to crash for some reason).
Just my two cents though.
edit: I just found another great example, fifth one down:
I've had no problems either. And I didn't with VS2010 beta 2 and VS2008 either.
I have both of them on my machine, so far no problems
I havent go into too much testing with my VS 2008 projects in 2010, but it does look like it works fine with VS 2010 RC.
Also, both versions seem to run fine on my machine. (I have also VS 2003 on my local as well)
Bearing in mind its the Release Candidate version, is should be very reliable in this area.
I've run into an error with IIS and VS2010 -- it's solved by re-running the .NET 3.5 version of aspnet_regiis.
I installed 2010 with 2008 already installed. I had tons of hangs, crashes and general malfunctions. Reinstalling 2008 didn't help until I removed every trace of 2010 from registry.
I've installed 2010 with 2008 on this machine for silverlight development.. I haven't noticed any problems except for file associations all goto the 2010 version rather than what I'd prefer opened in 2008 by default. (2010 to me is much slower than 2008)

I have just installed VS.NET 2003 which left my newer versions (2005/2008) crippled

I had Visual Studio 2008 and 2005 installed on my machine , unfartunately i have to install VS.NET 2003 on it to work on an old project. However after the installation now my VS2008 projects are not compiling as they are unable to resolve the .NET core namespaces. I trying reinstalling .NET 3.5 and VS2008 but it still giving me the same errors while building the solution.
anybody had such experience and any tip to solve it?
strangelly VS 2005 is working fine and it means its working fine with .NET 2.0 deployments however its causing issue with ASP.NET MVC project in VS 2008 which is certainly using .NET 3.5 and yes i have given a try to reinstallation as well
rifferte is correct in that it's safest to install in the other they are released.
Probably the best thing to do at this point is to repair your Visual Studio 2008 installation. You can do this through the Control Panel -> Add Remove Programs menu. This should fix the issues you are seeing.
I think you should try the advice here:
Basically - you actually have to reinstall the framework outside of VS. That being said - the best advice is to always install VS editions in the order they were released.

What versions of Visual Studio can be installed concurrently?

Are there any conflicts with having any combination of Visual Studio 2003, 2005 and/or 2008 installed? I noticed a related question here but wanted a more general answer.
6, 2000/2001 (I can't remember which is .net 1.0), 2003, 2005, 2008... of course within .NET you may have issues with getting the right solution with the right version. I haven't really seen any conflicts in particular.
Just make sure you only have RTM versions and not Beta or RC versions installed. You'll have no end of pain if you don't cleanly remove the beta or RC versions before installing the RTM versions.
I have all 3 installed and have had no adverse problems...knocking on wood
6/2002/2003/2005/2008, I believe, can all coexist.
Though just this weekend I purged 'em all except 2008 as it went totally mad and stopped showing the build output. Plus my splash screen wasn't right. Now it is.
I've got 2005 and 2008 installed concurrently.
2008 is a superset of 2005, so I have no reason whatsoever to have them both, I just haven't gotten around to un-installing it yet
The only minor problem I had was that I installed 03 after 08, and all my solutions then became assigned to 03. Assigning them to the version selector instead was all I needed to do.
Yes no problems, and I typically have 2-3 versions installed at the same time. 2003 is the one I haven't used much, but my production code is currently split between 2005, 2008, and 2010. over the next year all the 2005 code will be moved to 2010 and .NET 4, so it will be installed.
I would have VS6 installed for legacy support but I have to run at it in a VM because Win7 doesn't like it.
