making graphs with xCode [closed] - cocoa

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Hi I need to graph some arrays to analyse signals, I have a cocoa project going. Can anyone tell me where I can find tools to simplify this task?
Basically i want to display my arrays like on a graphing calculator.

Even though it's a young library, I'd suggest looking at the open source Core Plot framework. It works on Mac and iPhone and can currently plot line and bar charts. As I said, it's young and a lot of the core functionality is still being written, but it might work right now for your case.

Take a look at this post to the Apple mailing lists.
It mentions 3 potential graphing packages that you can try. I have not had personal experience with them, so buyer beware, but it will at least give you a start on where to look.

XCode allows you to create data formatters to present object data in the debugger, but it doesn't provide any way to graphically represent the data using charts or graphs. (At least, not that I know of!) I think that's beyond the scope of XCode. You might consider dumping the data from your array to a file using a bit of code or the console, and then loading it into Excel or MATLAB. Then you can create a graph of your signal with no problem.
Just out of curiosity, are you familiar with another IDE that provides graphs of array data? I know tools like MATLAB and Mathematica do it pretty nicely, but I've never seen it in an IDE.


Image processing to identify number of dark lines in image [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm currently working on a project to automate the reading of a type of sensor (very similar to a pregnancy test stick, see figure below). The stick is dipped in a sample and either 1 or 2 lines appear.
The sensor is then photographed and it is this image that needs to be processed. My question is: what is the best way of going about this? From what I've read about the subject the MatLab image processing toolbox is very good, but that's a little beyond my budget. Are there any free/ cheapish alternatives that would be suitable?
The ImageJ toolbox might suit you.
This would be possible using OpenCV using Java, Python or C/C++.
OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open source
computer vision and machine learning software library. OpenCV was
built to provide a common infrastructure for computer vision
applications and to accelerate the use of machine perception in the
commercial products. Being a BSD-licensed product, OpenCV makes it
easy for businesses to utilize and modify the code.
A line detector is not that difficult to write code by yourself. Search for canny edge detector and hough transform for more details. And there are also some codes written by others that are shared in mathwork exchange pages, such as :
If you have the jpeg or other images rather than the raw data, imageJ is also a good choice for various image processing approaches: (though imageJ can also import binary data format file)

Facial Recognition in R [duplicate]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Are there any face recognition algorithms written in the R statistical language? If not, please provide guidance on where I might start translating other algorithms to R.
Be sure to check out the update made on May 8, 2013. See below.
Here are a few links/thoughts to get you started:
Does it have to be in R? (There are other languages/packages that are inherently more suitable for image processing.
If R is mandatory, look into the EBImage (it has a pdf vignette) and raster packages. (
Where's Waldo? type exercises are always a good place to start if you are new to image processing. Here are is one R question in SO
Here's an actual R example that you will find really useful: "Finding a bright object" exercise in in.R()
Even though it is not in R per se read the responses to image-processing using mathematica question in SO. Some of the ideas there are language-agnostic.
R's ReadImages package is another good way to get started with "Image Processing with R."
Install the ReadImages package from cran. Documentation
Try out a couple of the functions, with some image on your machine. That's only way to learn.
img <- read.jpeg("abc.jpg) Try out the rgb2grey(img)
Also try the clipping() function.
Update 2: May 08, 2013
Kaggle has just published an excellent tutorial for Face Recognition in R (by James Petterson). It has many things going for it: A sample dataset, it doesn't use many esoteric libraries -- just reshape2 and doMC (optional unless you have a multi-core machine).
The Kaggle tutorial covers the idea of facepoints (left_eyebrow, nose tip etc), the idea of a 'mean' location for features and the concept of using image patches to improve recognition.
I cannot think of a better link for this question. Be sure to check it out.
Hope these help you get started.

Open source libraries to design directed graphs [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm going to need to write a program that takes a list of persons and connects them together in a directed-graph-like manner. The GUI aspect of the whole project is very important. The graph must allow a lot of interaction. Such as selecting several people and hiding the others, moving them around.
Additionally, the software will need to be able to provide other kind of GUI-features such as several tabs, text boxes etc.
The application must be quite efficient. As in, it must be able to handle hundreds if not thousands of widgets.
Hence, I would like to know which open source libraries (at this point the programming language they are written in does not matter - I just want an overview of everything good that is out there) would allow me to develop such piece of software? What would you recommend?
Edit: Could you please also link to tutorials explaining how I could program a GUI that can interact with the generated graph? For example mouse events.
How about JGraphT in combination with JGraph.
Check here for a simple demo with basic interaction
Take a look at Graphviz, especially its lefty component. It should satisfy your needs.
Depending on your actual goal and needs, you might consider taking a look at The site has many demos and like many other libraries, it is free. Using Processing does not require you to learn much. It is similar to Java and written in Java, but allows you to ignore much of the Java structure and code and just do what you want.
Since you mentioned that you would want to use x or y to code in, it sounds like you have not made a language decision, so this might be worth your time. Spend 15 minutes there and look at the demos to see if it provides what you are looking for. If speed to a single solution is one of your criteria, this might do it.
You might want to have a look to Dynagraph.
EDIT: An article presenting Graphviz and Dynagraph is available here.
My first thought was ILOG Views (for Java, .Net, C++), now owned by IBM, but their pricing is rather steep. My second thought would be yFiles (for Java or .NET), perhaps in conjunction with yEd (Java only).
If that still doesn't cut it, have a look at the alternatives on this list (rather unsorted, some tools are not open source, others won't suit you for other reasons).

Function Plotter [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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There is a nice function plotter built into OSX. Has anyone found something free that runs on windows (with out having to go through Cygwin)?
How about MathGV - Function Plotting Software?
Also, DME Calculator is a calculator that can plot functions.
The DME calculator is an advanced
calculator for Windows. It is a part
of the program package for controlling
our instruments. However, in its basic
version it can be of use for anyone
who wishes to make calculations with a
PC or wishes to solve somewhat more
complex problems without having to use
a large spreadsheet program package.
The DME calculator fits on a diskette
and starts without any notable waiting
If by functions, you mean mathematical functions, there is a nice list here which has plenty of suggestions.
excellent for many branches of academia. it also plots.

What is a good Graph Editor for MacOS? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need some sort of node-graph editor, that hopefully works on both Mac and other platforms, to generate user created node collections with properties. The graph data will then be used in a data-driven application I'm working on, so kudos if the application can save the graphs in some easy to process format. So far I was using XML with a tree editor, but since the graphs can be cyclic according to the requirements, the tree editor no longer cuts it.
Plugins for other applications would also be ok!
GraphViz' graph drawing software is pretty much the best there is, cross-platform, with a very simple file format and lots of output formats. It is especially good in automatically calculating a layout for graphs. A GUI for OS X is available.
Have a look at Yed (, free to use but places a logo on all output.
It comes with Mac OS binaries .. and you might be able to include ($$ required) the graphing engine it is based on into your project.
I've used it (with limited success) to document enterprise data-flows..
You might want to do something with JHotdraw (at sourceforge). It is one of the design patterns demo projects converted from Smalltalk. It is (or was before it was put on sf) very well documented and easy to extend. A similar (but less well-documented) framework is GEF in Eclipse.
You can take a look at OmniGraffle:
