Can I change the size of the Xcode IDE fonts? - xcode

I'd like to change the font size of the "Groups & Files" panel of the Xcode IDE. I know how to change the "Fonts & Colors" in the preferences, but those (seem to) only affect the code window, not the rest of the IDE. Any ideas? Thanks!

I believe you can change the size of the Groups & Files pane by setting the PBXTableFontSize parameter in ~Library/Preferences/ This needs PBXTableFont to be set first to take effect.
1) Run defaults write PBXTableFontSize 20 in Terminal, substituting 20 for whatever value you wish to use.
2) Run defaults write PBXTableFont Helvetica in Terminal, substituting Helvetica for the font you wish to use. I'm not sure what OS X's default Sans Serif font is, but Helvetica is pretty generic.

I also wanted to do so. It's ridiculously small!

No, I don't believe this is possible - unless you want to start hacking away at XCode's internal structure. I'd file an enhancement request on this.


Current line text font size gets increased while typing in Xcode

While I am typing on a specific line in workspace, the text present in the particular line's font is getting increased ! And it gets to regular size as soon as I stop typing.
I also upgraded to XCode 8.2 still the same issue occurs.
I have also tried the following code to reset the XCode default settings, but still no use.
defaults delete
This happens when you change font size for one particular element but the other editor's elements are using the previous/default font size.
If you want to change the font size either press cmd + or in preferences -> Fonts and Colors choose your theme and in the right pane select all the elements (press cmd a) and then change the font size.
See this SO answer
I had a similar problem but I am not sure is exactly the same.
Did you try to change this settings?
Xcode preferences > Fonts & Colors Your chosen theme will have a
"current line" option just under the font. Can't remember exactly but
I think you can find something there.

Windows10: _gvimrc guifont settings not taking effect

I'm using windows 10. I've been trying to change my font and font size to be easier on the eyes for gvim, and all my settings (syntax, ruler, numbers) work normally from my _vimrc file. I currently have
set guifont=Consolas:h12:cANSI
set guifont=Consolas\ 12
in both my _vimrc and _gvimrc files (both in $HOME). When I load :scriptnames, it shows that ~/_vimrc is loaded first and ~/_gvimrc loaded last. I have also tried
set guifont=Consolas:h12
instead of
set guifont=Consolas:h12:cANSI
Still, everytime I open vim or gvim everything is displayed in that horrid size 7 Fixedsys font. Only when I manually go to Edit->Select Font... can I actually effect a change on the font, but the next time I open vim/gvim the changes are not saved. The funny thing is when I enter :set guifont? it tells me that
guifont=Consolas 12
but the font is definitely still at Fixedsys 7. What is going on?
What worked for me is embedded in #nperson325681's answer but not made explicit. In W10 the correct font setting turns out to be your first instruction
set guifont=Consolas:h12:cANSI
but not
set guifont=Consolas\ 12
(although the latter works for me in Linux, and is what I've seen in Vim documentation and help files). So, as #nperson325681 implicitly suggests, take out the second set guifont in your _vimrc. What your set guifont? shows does correctly reflect what your _vimrc has instructed; it simply isn't what works in W10. What I ended up doing is:
if has('win32') || has('win64')
set guifont=Consolas:h10:cANSI:qDRAFT
set guifont=Consolas\ 10
Hope that helps.
If you have two set guifont lines in your rc, the last will win. Try with the first line only.
After you have selected a font using the dialog, you can copy-paste the exact and correct line to your gvimrc by typing in insert-mode <C-r>=&guifont<CR>

How can I set the default font size in aquamacs emacs?

I am having difficulty setting the default size in aquamacs emacs, under Lion. If I add something like
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :height 180)
To my .emacs file, the default size of the minibuffer will be 18pt, but the other buffers will still open at the old default size.
Options | Appearance | Font for Fundamental Mode (make sure you choose save options when quitting Aquamacs)
In aquamacs, it is not intuitive (understatement).
Options> customise Aquaemacs>SPecific Face...
then type, "default", just as it said above. This gets you to the screen where you can look really hard to find the "Height in 1/10 point" value.
Good luck!
Probably the same way you do it for vanilla Emacs.
When you say "default" size, what do you mean? If you mean the default for future Emacs sessions also, then customize face default. Function set-face-attribute does not set the face persistently.
If you mean set it only for the current Emacs session, and set it for all existing and all future frames, then your code looks correct to me. In that case, consider filing a bug: M-x report-emacs-bug.

Line height in Xcode

How do I increase the distance between the lines in Xcode?
I mean in the actual code.
Even when I change the font and font sizes in the Xcode preferences, the code lines are still too close together and it is very annoying.
Also check out the Meslo font; an open source customized version of Menlo that comes with much nicer line-spacing.
Prior to Xcode 9, there was no way to change line height. However, now in Xcode 9 the option is available under Xcode>Preferences...>Fonts & Colors at the bottom there is a popup that has the options of "Tight Spacing", "Normal Spacing", and "Relaxed Spacing".
Since Xcode 9 you can open your theme file and specify the desired line spacing through the property DVTLineSpacing. Example for 1.5 line spacing:
Try using the free, open source Droid Mono font.
It has more line spacing build into the font itself.
The tight line spacing in XCode 4 was driving me crazy too!
Create a custom font with whitespace on the top and bottom of the glyphs, install it and set is as the editing font in Xcode.
Read this:
and download your favorite font and decompress it. After that, open Mac's TextEdit and Format-->Font-->Show Fonts-->click the setting in the left corner beside "+-" -->Manage Fonts-->Click "+" to add the font you just downloaded.
Now you've successfully added a font in your Mac, and you can choose this font in your Xcode preference. The line height of the new font is changed.
Edit the DVTLineSpacing property in the .xccolortheme file to change the line height.
Open any .xcolortheme file from ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes
Edit the DVTLineSpacing key. If there isn't one, add this to the file, replacing 1.8 with the line spacing you want:
Close and re-open Xcode
By default Xcode uses 1 for tight spacing, no key for regular spacing, and 1.2 for relaxed spacing.
Tested with Xcode 12.2 and Mac OS 10.15.

Changing the font in Aquamacs?

I've recently had a need to do a bit of lisp editing and I found the nifty Ready Lisp package for OS X, which is great, except Aquamacs automatically uses a proportional font (which is idiotic, IMHO) and I want to change it to a monospace font. However, I'm not really much of an EMACS user, and the preferences menu in Aquamacs is less than clear on where and how one might make such a change.
In Aquamacs 2.1, you can set the font through Options->Appearance->Font for Text Mode... That brings up the standard font chooser window, choose the font you like. Then, when you exit out of emacs (C-x C-c) you'll be prompted to save options, hit "y".
This is what I have in my .emacs for OS X:
(set-default-font "-apple-bitstream vera sans mono-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-m-0-mac-roman")
Now, I'm not sure Bitstream Vera comes standard on OS X, so you may have to either download it or choose a different font. You can search the X font names by running (x-list-fonts "searchterm") in an ELisp buffer (e.g. *scratch* - to run it, type it in and then type C-j on the same line).
From the EmacsWiki Aquamacs FAQ:
To change the font used to display the
current frame, go to the font panel.
You can do this with the keystroke
Apple-t, or via the menu: Options →
Show/Hide → Font Panel. Once there,
select the font you want.
To make the current frame’s font the
default, go to Options → Frame
Appearance Styles. Select “use current
style for foo mode”, where foo is the
mode of the current frame (e.g.,
foo=text for text mode), to use the
current style (including the font, but
also any other changes you’ve made to
the frame’s style) for all files of
this type. Select “use current style
as default” to use the current style
for all files for whose major mode no
special style has been defined.
There are also recommendations for monospaced fonts - Monaco or "Vera Sans Mono".
this is the one I use:
You can set it in .emacs file like:
(set-default-font "-apple-DejaVu_Sans_Mono-medium-normal-normal-*-12-*-*-*-m-0-iso10646-1")
You can download it from
Fast forward a decade, for recent Aquamacs like ver 3.3 please see the nice solution for setting a fixed-width by default at
Here's the relevant bit for those who are REALLY impatient but please go upvote that answer, user #nega deserves credit here
(when window-system
(setq initial-frame-alist nil) ;; Undo Aquamacs forced defaults
(setq default-frame-alist nil) ;; Undo Aquamacs forced defaults
(aquamacs-autoface-mode -1) ;; Use one face (font) everywhere
(set-frame-font "Menlo-12") ;; Set the default font to Menlo size 12
;;(set-default-font "Menlo-12") ;; This would do the same.
