Qt Python : QTreeWidget Child Problem - user-interface

I have a QTreewidget that works fine if I have just one level on my treelist. If I decide to add child sublevels, it gives me an error. Here is the code, that works nice only without the "childs" lines on it (see after "child 1" and "child 2").
def eqpt_centralwdg(self,MainWindow):
self.centralwidget = QtGui.QWidget(MainWindow)
self.colorTreeWidget = QtGui.QTreeWidget(self.centralwidget)
self.colorTreeWidget.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(60, 60, 191, 141))
# father root 1
item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(self.colorTreeWidget)
#child 1 - from father 1
item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(item)
#child 2 - from father 1
item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(item)
# father root 2
item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(self.colorTreeWidget)
self.connect(self.colorTreeWidget, QtCore.SIGNAL('itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)'), self.eqpt_activateInput)
def eqpt_retranslateUi(self, MainWindow):
MainWindow.setWindowTitle(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "MainWindow", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)
self.colorTreeWidget.headerItem().setText(0, QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "color", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)
__sortingEnabled = self.colorTreeWidget.isSortingEnabled()
# father root 1
self.colorTreeWidget.topLevelItem(0).setText(0, QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Yellow", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)
#child 1 - from father 1
self.colorTreeWidget.topLevelItem(0).child(0).setText(0, QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Yellow Sun", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
#child 2 - from father 1
self.colorTreeWidget.topLevelItem(0).child(1).setText(0, QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Yellow Gold", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
# father root 2
self.colorTreeWidget.topLevelItem(1).setText(0, QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Blue", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)
Here is the output, when it works
def eqpt_activateInput(self,item,col):
print "Qtree ok! pressed"
print item.text(col)
if I exclude the lines related to the "child 1" and "child 2" from the code, it runs. Otherwise, it gives me the error:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'setText'
I used the Qt Designer to generate the code, and added some lines to trigger events.
Any hints or suggestions are highly appreciated.

Your tree nodes look like this:
Node 1
Node 1.1
Node 1.1.1
Node 2
(forgive me for the poor presentation)
In your code you're accessing the first top level node's second child:
#child 2 - from father 1
but it doesn't exist, since you mistakenly (I assume) added the child for the wrong node.
In general I wouldn't build your tree that way, you can see how confusing it gets, while this:
parent = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(self.colorTreeWidget)
firstchild = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(parent)
secondchild = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(parent)
parent = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(self.colorTreeWidget)
with unique names for each node is much more clear.
Or even this:
parent = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(self.colorTreeWidget)

Here is the solution:
parent1 = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(self.colorTreeWidget)
child1_1 = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem()
child1_2 = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem()
Now it works properly.
Thanks again for the suggestions and comments!


Breadth-first algorithm implementation

I am trying to implement a "Breadth-First" Algorithm as a variation of something I've seen in a book.
My issue is that the algorithm is not adding the elements of every node into the queue.
For instance, if I search for "black lab" under the name 'mariela' in the "search()" function, I will get the correct output: "simon is a black lab"
However, I ought to be able to look for "black lab" in "walter", which is connected to "mariela", which is connected to "simon", who is a "black lab'. This is not working.
Have I made a rookie mistake in my implementation of this algorithm, or have I set up my graph wrong?
As always, any/all help is much appreciated!
from collections import deque
# TEST GRAPH -------------
graph = {}
graph['walter'] = ['luci', 'kaiser', 'andrea', 'mariela']
graph['andrea'] = ['echo', 'dante', 'walter', 'mariela']
graph['mariela'] = ['ginger', 'simon', 'walter', 'andrea']
graph['kaiser'] = 'german shepherd'
graph['luci'] = 'black cat'
graph['echo'] = 'pitbull'
graph['dante'] = 'pitbull'
graph['ginger'] = 'orange cat'
graph['simon'] = 'black lab'
def condition_met(name):
if graph[name] == 'black lab':
return name
def search(name):
search_queue = deque()
search_queue += graph[name] # add all elements of "name" to queue
searchedAlready = [] # holding array for people already searched through
while search_queue: # while queue not empty...
person = search_queue.popleft() # pull 1st person from queue
if person not in searchedAlready: # if person hasn't been searched through yet...
if condition_met(person):
print person + ' is a black labrador'
return True
search_queue += graph[person]
return False
You have lots of problems in your implementation - both Python and Algorithm wise.
Rewrite as:
# #param graph graph to search
# #param start the node to start at
# #param value the value to search for
def search(graph, start, value):
explored = []
queue = [start]
while len(queue) > 0:
# next node to explore
node = queue.pop()
# only explore if not already explored
if node not in explored:
# node found, search complete
if node == value:
return True
# add children of node to queue
queue.extend(graph[node]) # extend is faster than concat (+=)
return False
graph = {}
graph['walter'] = ['luci', 'kaiser', 'andrea', 'mariela']
graph['andrea'] = ['echo', 'dante', 'walter', 'mariela']
graph['mariela'] = ['ginger', 'simon', 'walter', 'andrea']
# children should be a list
graph['kaiser'] = ['german shepherd']
graph['luci'] = ['black cat']
graph['echo'] = ['pitbull']
graph['dante'] = ['pitbull']
graph['ginger'] = ['orange cat']
graph['simon'] = ['black lab']
print search(graph, 'mariela', 'walter')
Here is a demo https://repl.it/IkRA/0

GTK how to create 3 different filter for 1 Liststore

In GTK/Python, I'm trying to build an interface with nodes.
This is photo of my interface
I create one liststore and I want to filter different things. The user has to do two actions, first, he has to choose in the combobox the type of filter that he wants to use, if he wants to filter by node's type, node's beginning name or others.
Then in the text entry, he decides what information that he wants to see. Take the exemple of nodes type. There are like 3 different types of nodes, node type 1, node type 2 and node type 3. As an user I want to see only node type 1, so I write 1 in the node entry. Actually I have a problem, it is my filter does not work.
I first create 2 liststores:
def create_liststore(self):
if len(self.FdessinCarto.pos) != 0:
for i,node in enumerate(self.FdessinCarto.pos):
self.edgelist = self.controller.get_edge_list()
if len(self.edgelist) !=0:
for i in self.edgelist:
#creating the treeview for Node, making it use the filter as a model, and adding the columns
self.treeviewNode = Gtk.TreeView.new_with_model(self.node_liststore)
for i, column_title in enumerate(["Name", "Beginning date", "End date", "Type of node", "Description of node","files"]):
self.Noderenderer = Gtk.CellRendererText()
self.Noderenderer.set_property("editable", True)
column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(column_title, self.Noderenderer, text=i)
#creating the treeview for edge
self.treeviewEdge = Gtk.TreeView.new_with_model(self.edge_liststore)
for i, column_title in enumerate(["Name", "Node 1", "Node 2", "Description of edge","file"]):
self.Edgerenderer = Gtk.CellRendererText()
self.Edgerenderer.set_property("editable", True)
column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(column_title, self.Edgerenderer, text=i)
There are my 3 different filters:
#creating the filtre
self.node_beginning_date_filter = self.node_liststore.filter_new()
self.node_end_date_filter = self.node_liststore.filter_new()
self.node_type_filter = self.node_liststore.filter_new()
#setting the filter function, note that we're not using the
Once I change my combo-box, it would activate my function, it took the type of combofilter then also the text of combobox :
def on_entryComboBox_changed(self,widget):
textComboFilter = self.View.combo_filter.get_active_text()
print("textComboFilter %s" %textComboFilter)
if textComboFilter == "Filter by node's beginning date":
#print("%s language selected!" % textComboFilter)
self.View.current_filter = textComboFilter
if textComboFilter == "Filter by node's end date":
#print("%s language selected!" % textComboFilter)
self.View.current_filter = textComboFilter
if textComboFilter == "Filter by type of node":
#print("%s language selected!" % textComboFilter)
self.View.current_filter = textComboFilter
And it does not work.
I manage to answer it on my own.
You should build one filter rather than three. For people who have the same problem, this is a very good example which helps me to solve my problem.
import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gtk
#list of tuples for each software, containing the software name, initial release, and main programming languages used
software_list = [("Firefox", 2002, "C++"),
("Eclipse", 2004, "Java" ),
("Pitivi", 2004, "Python"),
("Netbeans", 1996, "Java"),
("Chrome", 2008, "C++"),
("Filezilla", 2001, "C++"),
("Bazaar", 2005, "Python"),
("Git", 2005, "C"),
("Linux Kernel", 1991, "C"),
("GCC", 1987, "C"),
("Frostwire", 2004, "Java")]
class TreeViewFilterWindow(Gtk.Window):
def __init__(self):
Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title="Treeview Filter Demo")
#Setting up the self.grid in which the elements are to be positionned
self.grid = Gtk.Grid()
#Creating the ListStore model
self.software_liststore = Gtk.ListStore(str, int, str)
for software_ref in software_list:
self.current_filter_language = None
#Creating the filter, feeding it with the liststore model
self.language_filter = self.software_liststore.filter_new()
#setting the filter function, note that we're not using the
#creating the treeview, making it use the filter as a model, and adding the columns
self.treeview = Gtk.TreeView.new_with_model(self.language_filter)
for i, column_title in enumerate(["Software", "Release Year", "Programming Language"]):
renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText()
column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(column_title, renderer, text=i)
#creating buttons to filter by programming language, and setting up their events
self.buttons = list()
for prog_language in ["Java", "C", "C++", "Python", "None"]:
button = Gtk.Button(prog_language)
button.connect("clicked", self.on_selection_button_clicked)
#setting up the layout, putting the treeview in a scrollwindow, and the buttons in a row
self.scrollable_treelist = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()
self.grid.attach(self.scrollable_treelist, 0, 0, 8, 10)
self.grid.attach_next_to(self.buttons[0], self.scrollable_treelist, Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM, 1, 1)
for i, button in enumerate(self.buttons[1:]):
self.grid.attach_next_to(button, self.buttons[i], Gtk.PositionType.RIGHT, 1, 1)
def language_filter_func(self, model, iter, data):
"""Tests if the language in the row is the one in the filter"""
if self.current_filter_language is None or self.current_filter_language == "None":
return True
return model[iter][2] == self.current_filter_language
def on_selection_button_clicked(self, widget):
"""Called on any of the button clicks"""
#we set the current language filter to the button's label
self.current_filter_language = widget.get_label()
print("%s language selected!" % self.current_filter_language)
#we update the filter, which updates in turn the view
win = TreeViewFilterWindow()
win.connect("delete-event", Gtk.main_quit)

wxpython grid: multiple cell edit (ala Excel)

I'm looking for a way for a user to edit data in bulk in a wxPython grid, a little like in Excel when you select a range, type data and press shift-Enter. This is a simplified version of my grid:
class MyGrid(gridlib.Grid):
def __init__(self, panel):
gridlib.Grid.__init__(self, panel)
self.Bind(gridlib.EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE, self.onEditCell)
self.Bind(gridlib.EVT_GRID_RANGE_SELECT, self.onSelection)
def onSelection(self, event):
if self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft() == []:
self.selected_row_number = 0
self.selected_col_number = 0
self.selected_row_number = self.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()[0][0] - self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][0] + 1
self.selected_col_number = self.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()[0][1] - self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][1] + 1
print self.selected_row_number, self.selected_col_number
def onEditCell(self,event):
print self.selected_row_number, self.selected_col_number
The issue seems to be that the onEditCell event overwrites the previous selection. So I can select e.g. a four by four block in the grid, and onSelection will print 4 4. But when I start typing and press Enter, onEditCell will print 0,0 as if only the cell I'm editing was selected. How can I keep a "memory" of how many cells are selected? Thank you,
Answering my own question: I can get it to work with an ugly hack that doesn't seem like the right way to do things:
def onSelection(self, event):
self.previous_selected_row_number = self.selected_row_number
self.previous_selected_col_number = self.selected_col_number
if self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft() == []:
self.selected_row_number = 0
self.selected_col_number = 0
self.selected_row_number = self.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()[0][0] - self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][0] + 1
self.selected_col_number = self.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()[0][1] - self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][1] + 1
print self.selected_row_number, self.selected_col_number
print self.previous_selected_row_number, self.previous_selected_col_number
def onEditCell(self,event):
print self.previous_selected_row_number, self.previous_selected_col_number
If anyone can think of a better way...

GtkTreeView filtering and selecting

I have a simple GtkTreeView and a GtkEntry used to filter the model.
When I type somehing into the entry, software_list is filtered by language.
software_list = [("Firefox", 2002, "C++"),
("Eclipse", 2004, "Java" ),
("Netbeans", 1996, "Java"),
("Chrome", 2008, "C++"),
("GCC", 1987, "C"),
("Frostwire", 2004, "Java")]
class TreeViewFilterWindow(Gtk.Window):
def __init__(self):
self.curr_filter = ''
self.entry = Gtk.Entry()
self.entry.connect('changed', self.on_text_change)
self.software_liststore = Gtk.ListStore(str, int, str)
for software_ref in software_list:
self.filter = self.software_liststore.filter_new()
self.treeview = Gtk.TreeView.new_with_model(self.filter)
for i, column_title in enumerate(["Software", "Release Year", "Programming Language"]):
renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText()
column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(column_title, renderer, text=i)
self.treeview.get_selection().connect('changed', self.on_row_select)
# packing into boxes, showing components, starting main loop goes here
def on_text_change(self, entry):
self.curr_filter = entry.get_text()
def filter_func(self, model, iter, data):
if self.curr_filter:
return re.search(re.escape(self.curr_filter), model[iter][2])
return True
The problem is, when I select i.e. "Chrome" from the list and then type "Java" into the entry, then, obviously, "Chrome" gets hidden but selection changes to some other, random row. I'd prefer TreeView unselected hidden elements instead of changing the selection. How can I do this?
This just works as expected in Gtk2, but in Gtk3 you need to deselect the row if it disappears. The appropriate code is
class TreeViewFilterWindow(Gtk.Window):
def __init__(...):
self.selection = self.treeview.get_selection()
self.filter.connect('row-deleted', self.on_row_deleted)
def on_row_deleted(self, model, path):
if self.selection.path_is_selected(path):
GObject.idle_add(self.selection.unselect_path, path)
I found that calling self.selection.unselect_path(path) directly didn't seem to work for some reason, but deferring it with idle_add sorted it out.

Positional Argument Undefined

I am working on a larger project to write a code so the user can play Connect 4 against the computer. Right now, the user can choose whether or not to go first and the board is drawn. While truing to make sure that the user can only enter legal moves, I have run into a problem where my function legal_moves() takes 1 positional argument, and 0 are given, but I do not understand what I need to do to male everything agree.
#connect 4
#using my own formating
import random
#define global variables
X = "X"
O = "O"
EMPTY = "_"
def display_instruct():
"""Display game instructions."""
Welcome to the second greatest intellectual challenge of all time: Connect4.
This will be a showdown between your human brain and my silicon processor.
You will make your move known by entering a column number, 1 - 7. Your move
(if that column isn't already filled) will move to the lowest available position.
Prepare yourself, human. May the Schwartz be with you! \n
def ask_yes_no(question):
"""Ask a yes or no question."""
response = None
while response not in ("y", "n"):
response = input(question).lower()
return response
def ask_number(question,low,high):
"""Ask for a number within range."""
#using range in Python sense-i.e., to ask for
#a number between 1 and 7, call ask_number with low=1, high=8
response = None
while response not in range (low,high):
return response
def pieces():
"""Determine if player or computer goes first."""
go_first = ask_yes_no("Do you require the first move? (y/n): ")
if go_first == "y":
print("\nThen take the first move. You will need it.")
human = X
computer = O
print("\nYour bravery will be your undoing... I will go first.")
computer = X
human = O
return computer, human
def new_board():
board = []
for x in range (NUM_COLS):
board.append([" "]*NUM_ROWS)
return board
def display_board(board):
"""Display game board on screen."""
for r in range(NUM_ROWS):
def print_row(board, num):
"""Print specified row from current board"""
this_row = board[num]
print("\n\t| ", this_row[num], "|", this_row[num], "|", this_row[num], "|", this_row[num], "|", this_row[num], "|", this_row[num], "|", this_row[num],"|")
print("\t", "|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|")
# everything works up to here!
def legal_moves(board):
"""Create list of column numbers where a player can drop piece"""
legals = []
if move < NUM_COLS: # make sure this is a legal column
for r in range(NUM_ROWS):
return legals #returns a list of legal columns
#in human_move function, move input must be in legal_moves list
print (legals)
def human_move(board,human):
"""Get human move"""
legals = legal_moves(board)
print("LEGALS:", legals)
move = None
while move not in legals:
move = ask_number("Which column will you move to? (1-7):", 1, NUM_COLS)
if move not in legals:
print("\nThat column is already full, nerdling. Choose another.\n")
print("Human moving to column", move)
return move #return the column number chosen by user
def get_move_row(turn,move):
move=ask_number("Which column would you like to drop a piece?")
for m in range (NUM_COLS):
def place_piece(turn,move):
if this_row[m[move]]==" ":
move= int(input("Move?"))
print ("Human:", human, "\nComputer:", computer)
Right down the bottom of the script, you call:
move= int(input("Move?"))
# ^ no arguments
This does not supply the necessary board argument, hence the error message.
