Building an international site focusing on interface and layout - user-interface

I've been asked to research what the best practices are when building the international version of your site.
The main question being asked of me is how we handle Chinese and Arabic.
For example, when the user selects Arabic as a language, should only text be right aligned or should our nav, logo and general layout also switch around?
When comparing to other large corporations, Apple and IBM don't change their layout but Microsoft switches almost everything around.
My good friend Google hasn't been much help so I was hoping someone here could help me out. Does anybody have answers? Some tips and/or resources?

This is a very broad topic, but you did mention that Microsoft "switches everything around," so I'll talk a little about that.
There are a few components to supporting many cultures with your application. Some of the considerations might be:
According to the W3C, internationalization refers to preparing your application for other cultures by removing hard-coded strings and making other kinds of resources, like images, localizable. This should be part of your software design/build/test process from the beginning.
Localization can be broken down into two specific areas:
Language localization is the focus of most international software. Strings and images are converted to another language and loaded dynamically using the current culture.
Cultural localization (something for which Microsoft is famous) is the practice of changing UI elements to better-fit other cultures. For example, in the US, red implies an error or unfavorable message. In other countries, this is not always the case.
For software to genuinely be cross-cultural, you need to address both types of localization. For your web site, though, it's probably sufficient to localize the language strings and images as appropriate; you probably don't have the resources to have user interaction designers working on laying out your application for different cultures.

As ever in UI design, "it depends."
In this case the things you want to check include:
What kind of users are you expecting? What technical level?
What Web experience are they used to?
What resources do you have for the localisation?
Technical users (e.g. developers) will most likely prefer the same layout on the site as other content.
For Arabic, while Web-savvy users are reasonably familar with left-to-right usage, it feels "wrong" and so your site will need to be quite compelling to make sure people stay. If you can change your layout then do.
For both Arabic and Chinese there are many customs and idioms that are quite different, especially when it comes to graphic design. Popular sites in particular look much "noisier" than is usual in the West: a site like would be very minimalist in these cultures.
Similarly be careful with things like lucky and unlucky numbers, colours with traditional associations, and suchlike. (This naturally goes everywhere: I could mention the comments we had from Northern Ireland about a very orange-branded theme that was once chosen for a site I worked on...)
What I'd recommend is that you allocate some of your translation budget to a local native-speaking UI consultant. They'd be able to give you proper advice on what bits of your site need to be localised as well as translated.

This guy has a raft of information. Beyond that, my problem is that I'm used to helping people do this via a multi-day consultation, and I'm not sure how to summarize into a post that fits here. That really isn't our business any more, so, honestly, I'm not shilling for work.


ExpressionEngine: how user friendly is it for client admins?

Wordpress kind of sets the standard for great interfaces for end-users. Drupal is a little more mixed: it is a great experience if the developer updates the UX when they update the site functionality. Concrete5 and other CMSs basically exist soley on the merit of their end-user experience.
Where does ExpressionEngine fall into the mix? How much control does a non-developer admin have with EE, and how pleasant is that interaction for them?
That's really up to you. The backend of EE is completely customizable. It's a blank canvas by default, so you get to build your own backend that is fully customized to fit the exact needs of the client. You can give them more or less control as needed, and you can create different user groups that see different things (including different modules, different menu items, different channels, even different fields within a channel, etc.)
If I'm working with a client that needs a fairly straightforward site (read: brochure site/portfolio site with or w/o blog) and they're not terribly computer savvy, I almost always go with EE because I know I can make it dead simple for them to update their content. For users with a little more knowledge, I tend to give a little more flexibility. It's really up to you how you set it up for them.
I've never had a client complain that EE was difficult to use, and most are actually really surprised at how easy (and some use the word "fun") it actually is.. great confidence boost for people who have always had difficulty updating their site in the past or had to rely on others to do it for them.
Hope that helps :)

How important is it to have a validated site?

Many big website (,, are never validated. When the big shots don't do it, is there a reason why others should? provide a page dedicated to people asking just that question, it's here.
Of course places like Google and Microsoft are there to appeal and should all be consistent across browsers. The w3 does have some good points
Using standard, interoperable markup and stylesheets, on the other hand, offers a much greater chance of having one's page handled consistently across platforms and user-agents. Indeed, most developers creating rich Web applications know that reliable scripting needs the document to be parsed by User-Agents without any unexpected error, and will make sure that their markup and CSS is validated before creating a rich interactive layer.
When surveyed, a large majority of Web professionals will state that validation errors is the first thing they will check whenever they run into a Web styling or scripting bug.
Another very important point is maintenance. A strictly valid XHTML document as much easier to maintain than a bowl full of HTML tag soup. Trust me.
We must remember that the markup is there as a data format. The way a browser renders this markup is what's generally important to a user.
Do remember: household-name companies expect people to visit because of the name and in spite of dreadful websites. Can you afford that luxury?
They are probably validated, but need to support older browsers (like IE6), so comptability-code is added.
Just because someone else doesn't, doesn't mean it's not a good thing. When you validate, you not only find out if your pages are well-formed, but you also track down bugs in your code, make the web pages easier to maintain and your code is more likely to work cross browser as well with future browsers. In addition to this, it shows that you take your job serious and that you have a good habit of trying to generate quality code.
Staying strictly within a known range of syntax (or technologies, in general) is good for optimizing maintenance costs, because all technologies you depend on (browsers in this case) are very well tested for the standard-conforming cases (subset of HTML/CSS/JS) only and are only randomly tested beyond.

How to make and apply standards for UI development?

I work in a small and young team of developers and we have problems that we are not sure how to solve.
On previous projects every developer have been working on tasks that were based on use cases. So, upon setting the system architecture, each team member worked on user interface and business logic of tasks assigned to him.
This kind of organization gave us the problems with UI. Each developer had his own logic about how UI should look like, where buttons should be, etc etc... and even if we've had one css designer a lot of refactoring had to be done in order to make web site to look compactly.
How do you deal with this issue?
Do you split tasks based on layer, not on whole use case?
Do you use some technical solution to achieve this or is it just written standard that every developer need to follow?
Everyone has their own style and it would be difficult and a waste of time to define a standard that would get everyone to draw the UI in a consistent manner. Instead, elect your best UI designer to do what he does best and design the UI for the whole system. Funneling all UI changes through the designer would be difficult so just let your developers "mess it up" as they implement new use cases and just have your designer clean it up before the release. It shouldn't be hard for him/her to rearrange the existing forms and bring some consistency back to the UI.
I've found this 12 Standard Screen Patterns article very useful.
A solution might be to create sketches of all screens of your application, have them reviewed by an ergonomy-expert to correct the biggest mistakes, and, only then, give them to your developpers.
This way, they would know how the screens they are developping should look like -- there will still be a couple of differences in the end, but those should not be "big differences", and should be eaiser to fix.
And this would mean not each developper has to imagine what the perfect screen would look like : each one of those would be coherent with the others.
Adopt the tried and tested MVC system, let the view be decoupled from the business logic. Then ask a UI designer to produce sketches and work to that. UI's are something best done top-down from my experience. The user gets an overall view before being presented with all the details, defining and capturing this hierarchy makes good UI's. Coding of business logic is done as you mentioned on a use-case basis, mostly bottom-up and this is where the code falls out of sync with the UI.
Designate one person (preferably someone with graphic design experience, even if they're not really a programmer) and give them the authority to make cosmetic changes to all forms, pages and controls at any time, and have them be responsible for the overall look and feel of the application.
As far as metrics go, keep track of how much time this one person has to spend "fixing" each programmer's work, and make sure the programmers are aware of these numbers. The idea is to encourage them to make their stuff look like it should from the beginning, but also not to do weird things based on what they think stuff should look like. I've had to spend more time undoing my coworkers' bizarre design choices than anything else.
Don't be afraid to have outside sources review the design work of each programmer. It's very common for programmers to 1) produce horrible-looking UIs, and 2) believe the UIs look fantastic. You should do what the Army does with boot camp: break them down completely right from the start, so that you can build them back up again the right way.
Part of the problem with creating your own written standard is that while well meaning, there could be mistakes or better ways to do things than what's been standardized. For example, where I work, the standardized cancel button does nothing when you click on it (it's been wired to Reset).
Instead, I recommend choosing existing standards, such as The Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines or Windows User Experience Interaction Guidelines. Even if the standard is wrong, it's rarely profitable to deviate from widely established conventions.
Then pick up some good books for the developers, such as "Designing Interfaces: Patterns for Effective Interaction Design". Good user interface design is partially a matter of good taste, and while not every developer will be interested in the subject, it's in your best interest to help them improve.
Next, empower your QA team to file bugs when the interface for one product is inconsistent with another. The developer can then either standardize or justify the deviation if he has a reason. We do this; it works pretty well.
Lastly, go over your existing products and get a consensus on how their interfaces should be unified. Bring in (and keep) a usability expert if you can. I've seen good ones do amazing work.
There really is no clear solution for how to deal with UI problems. There are however several approaches one can take to combat the problem of having things become too complicated:
Use cases are usually cross disciplinary in nature, thus the responsibility to get a use case done should be split between the people who can implement it properly. Programmer and designer type of people need to cooperate.
Everyone in the team needs to keep in mind seperation of concerns, i.e. things that can be seperated must be kept that way preferably as early as possible. There are so many ways to do this: e.g. apply MVC pattern in your project (which is a very wide way to put it). Presentation and logic should be seperate so that changes in one layer should not affect the other.
Someone needs to be responsible for the overall UI design so it is consistent throughout the application. Preferably someone who is both a graphic designer and has some insight in usability. UI design is something that needs to be planned along with the use cases and revised constantly as development goes on. Consistent UI is very important and developers need to be on board on it.

How to write "good" user interface texts?

Many applications are let down by the quality of the 'writing' in their user interfaces: typically, poor spelling, grammar, inconsistent tone, and worse yet, "humour" are the usual offenders.
Are there good resources that can help developers to write UI messages that give a professional and positive impression to your customers, even when your code's going to hell in a handcart?
Thanks, all — Some great resources here, so I will CW this question. I'm accepting Adam Sill's answer because it's the one that (as a developer of desktop apps) I found most pertinent.
Since XP, I've been a fan of the Windows UX Guidelines sections that cover how to properly structure text (how to ask questions, how to make assertions in dialogs, etc).
Read The Elements of Style. Then re-read it.
Also, anytime you are working with a program or website make a conscious effort to notice how they choose to do their writing. Imitate those you like.
The resources found at Writing for the Web might be useful to you.
The best tool for this is called "primary education". Many developers seem to have missed this, and I don't know how to fix that problem.
Also, this may be a British thing, but I think you mean "humor" and "going to Hell in a handbasket". :)
This book has a lot of good advice:
GUI Bloopers 2.0
Short version:
Be consistent throughout your application or app suite. Don't call the same feature two different names, even if they're in different dialogs, etc. Develop a product lexicon that everyone references.
Use the same terms that people who use your software use (i.e. users don't refer to themselves as users).
Don't call two different things by the same name.
Put all of the messages displayed to the user in a central place (i.e. a resources file of some kind). This makes it easy to review all of the messages for spelling, tone, consistency, and whatever else you want to check.
Usability test your software to see if the messages make sense and people can use your software easily. If they can't, change the resources file and test it again.
I would suggest showing your UI to as many people as you can--preferably people who read a lot (Just because reading does wonders for your grammar and vocabulary).
Getting something out that people can examine, however, is awesome--even if it's just a demo of the GUI.
If you work at a company, get to know your QA and Tech Support people. They are usually really wonderful once they understand what you are trying to do--they will review your UI, give you input on text and usability as well as possibly new requirements nobody in engineering would come up with.
If you work on your own, try to find a potential customer or two to review your UI. Ask them to pay attention to the text...
The more eyes, the better. You might even ask your parents, wife or other family. What can it hurt?
Get your application's texts proofread by someone who does just that for a living. Then the UI walked through by someone who does usability for a living. Neither of these two people should have been involved in the development.
It's the only way to make sure.

Usability / UI Design / UX, etc. - documenting for a project

I'm a software developer, and I'm going onto a project now that involves implementing a website using ASP.NET (3.5 / 2008, using the Web Client Software Factory). I've been tasked at creating a UI / UX Design Document for the project, however I don't really know where to start.
I've been on one project in 3 years where there was a formal UI design document, which included layout and style guidelines/rules (e.g. the application has a header, navigation, etc., links must be colour A, buttons for positive actions must be on the right, etc. etc.). It was pretty useful in hindsight, I appreciated that someone went into that much effort too - even defining the CSS classes in the document. However, the doc was based on an existing application and conformed to the business' overall corporate identity.
The current project is a new project, which at the moment doesn't have clearly defined requirements (yes, I know... how do you design when there aren't many requirements... I digress). It is hard to know what functionality exactly will be needed. There are two different user types / personas, but no formal research will be performed on them for this document. Also, I'm not sure of the corporate identity, apart from that the business has some rules regarding use of their logo, which I'll only get further clarification on in a few days time.
So I'm slightly in the dark, throwing paint at a canvas, hoping I get a pretty picture at the end (if only I were Jackson Pollock).
What would you include in this document? It is aimed at the business (the client), as well as the developers. I can think of only the below:
Layout - header, footer, content, navigation
Styles - colour palette and styles of the different expected components
User Interactions - when a user performs an action and must wait they are notified by a modal dialog, validation is done using AJAX, navigation should be contextual, tasks should be performed with a minimum amount of clicking / navigation, etc. etc.
Has anyone got any experience in creating such a document, or any known, tried and tested process for UI design?
There' all sorts of elements that could be included in such a set of documentation:
visual style guidelines (colors, typefaces, sizes, icons, etc)
branding guidelines (corporate logos, colors, messaging, etc.)
copyrighting style guide (terminology, proper messaging, proper voice, etc.)
persona/demographic targetting
page layout guidelines
CSS guidelines/standards
JS guidelines/standards
use cases
accessibility issues
usability issues
example implementations
IA path flows
Wireframe components
I'd pick up this book if you can to give you a start on thinking about this:
Along with all the other obvious components of your planning document, it would be a good idea to sketch portions of the UI along with an accompanying narrative of the specific use cases illustrated.
I've had issues in the past when attempting to communicate UI ideas. It is often useful to make sketches of dialog boxes and sequences of actions. If those sketches look too "real", then there is a tendency for them to become the spec for the final product.
To mitigate this, I've been playing with Balsamiq Mockups. It has the nice property that it is an editable back of a napkin, and deliberately renders all objects and screen layouts with a hand-drawn feel. I like the results I've achieved with it for small, internal projects. I haven't (yet) had the chance to use it for a large project with many external stakeholders.
The Wikipedia article for Human Interface Guidlines has some great links that I was going to suggest. Some of them may have far more information than you require, but they should give you a good idea as to what types of things you should add.
I have always found Apple's guidelines very complete and useful, but they are definitely very complete and require a lot of reading.
UX documentation is a critical part of the UX design procedure. It functions as a connection, providing context to the product’s lifespan from the initial concept to the present iteration.
Good UX documentation is straightforward yet lean. It should be favorably attentive, actionable, and purposeful. UX documentation is a functional document of a product’s journey from the beginning to the current release. This documentation is important for several reasons:
Organizational memory
Onboarding & handovers
Single source of truth
Fosters better communication & collaboration
A valuable R&D and IP
