vertically aligning text in NSTableView row - cocoa

I have a small problem with NSTableView. When I am increasing height of a row in table, the text in it is aligned at top of row but I want to align it vertically centered!
Can anyone suggest me any way to do it ??

This is a simple code solution that shows a subclass you can use to middle align a TextFieldCell.
the header
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface MiddleAlignedTextFieldCell : NSTextFieldCell {
the code
#implementation MiddleAlignedTextFieldCell
- (NSRect)titleRectForBounds:(NSRect)theRect {
NSRect titleFrame = [super titleRectForBounds:theRect];
NSSize titleSize = [[self attributedStringValue] size];
titleFrame.origin.y = theRect.origin.y - .5 + (theRect.size.height - titleSize.height) / 2.0;
return titleFrame;
- (void)drawInteriorWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView {
NSRect titleRect = [self titleRectForBounds:cellFrame];
[[self attributedStringValue] drawInRect:titleRect];
This blog entry shows an alternative solution that also works well.

Here is the Swift version of the code building on the answer above:
import Foundation
import Cocoa
class VerticallyCenteredTextField : NSTextFieldCell
override func titleRectForBounds(theRect: NSRect) -> NSRect
var titleFrame = super.titleRectForBounds(theRect)
var titleSize = self.attributedStringValue.size
titleFrame.origin.y = theRect.origin.y - 1.0 + (theRect.size.height - titleSize.height) / 2.0
return titleFrame
override func drawInteriorWithFrame(cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView)
var titleRect = self.titleRectForBounds(cellFrame)
Then I set the height of the tableView heightOfRow in the NSTableView:
func tableView(tableView: NSTableView, heightOfRow row: Int) -> CGFloat
return 30
Set the class of the NSTextFieldCell to be VerticallyCenteredTextField:
and the height of the TableViewCell
Thanks Bryan for your help.

Even if this is a very old question with an accepted answer, here's an alternate solution:
Go into the IB, select your NSTextField sitting in a NSTableCellView and add a new "Center Vertically in Container" constraint. You should also add horizontal constraints (which should probably be leading/trailing space set to 0 or whatever suits your needs).
Used this in an NSOutlineView and worked like a charm. Performance wasn't an issue in my case, as I didn't have many cells, but I would expect it's not worse than manually calculating sizes.

#iphaaw's answer updated for Swift 4 (note I also added "Cell" on the end of the class name for clarity, which also needs to match the class name in Interface Builder):
import Foundation
import Cocoa
class VerticallyCenteredTextFieldCell : NSTextFieldCell {
override func titleRect(forBounds theRect: NSRect) -> NSRect {
var titleFrame = super.titleRect(forBounds: theRect)
let titleSize = self.attributedStringValue.size
titleFrame.origin.y = theRect.origin.y - 1.0 + (theRect.size.height - titleSize().height) / 2.0
return titleFrame
override func drawInterior(withFrame cellFrame: NSRect, in controlView: NSView) {
let titleRect = self.titleRect(forBounds: cellFrame)
self.attributedStringValue.draw(in: titleRect)

Just drawing the attributed string can yield strange results for some attributed strings (with superscript for example).
I’d suggest calling super in drawInterior…
override func drawInterior(withFrame cellFrame: NSRect, in controlView: NSView) {
super.drawInterior(withFrame: self.titleRect(forBounds: cellFrame), in: controlView)


NSSearchField with left aligned placeholder

After setting centersPlaceholder = false, the placeholder aligns correctly at the left, but the search button doesn't show its image. The same is true for the cancel button when entering some text. Is that the correct behavior or am I missing something?
This related question sheds some light on how the strange behavior could be (ab)used to force a left-align in the field. Simply subclass NSSearchFieldCell and override draw method:
import Cocoa
class FilterFieldCell: NSSearchFieldCell {
override func draw(withFrame cellFrame: NSRect, in controlView: NSView) {
super.draw(withFrame: cellFrame, in: controlView)
And then set your search field cell to this class.
#define kSearchButtonWidth 22.f
#import "AMSearchField.h"
#implementation AMSearchField
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect {
[super drawRect:dirtyRect];
// Drawing code here.
- (NSRect)rectForSearchButtonWhenCentered:(BOOL)isCentered
CGRect rect = [super rectForSearchButtonWhenCentered:isCentered];
if (rect.size.width < kSearchButtonWidth) {
rect.size.width = kSearchButtonWidth;
return rect;
- (NSRect)rectForSearchTextWhenCentered:(BOOL)isCentered
CGRect rect = [super rectForSearchTextWhenCentered:isCentered];
if (rect.origin.x < kSearchButtonWidth) {
CGFloat delta = kSearchButtonWidth - rect.origin.x;
rect.origin.x = kSearchButtonWidth;
rect.size.width = rect.size.width - delta;
return rect;
in xib file, set search class to AMSearchField

Set the placeholder string for NSTextView

Is there any way to set the placeholder string for NSTextView like that in NSTextField? I have checked the property but couldn't find it. I have searched some questions but there isn't a proper explanation.
Swift 4
As it turns out, there already seems to be a placeholderAttributedString property in NSTextView that isn't exposed publicly. Thus, you can simply implement it in your own subclass and get the default placeholder behaviour (similar to NSTextField).
class PlaceholderTextView: NSTextView {
#objc var placeholderAttributedString: NSAttributedString?
And if this property will be made available in the future, you only need to use NSTextView instead of this subclass.
I found this answer online. Philippe Mougin made this.
static NSAttributedString *placeHolderString;
#implementation TextViewWithPlaceHolder
static BOOL initialized = NO;
if (!initialized)
NSColor *txtColor = [NSColor grayColor];
NSDictionary *txtDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:txtColor, NSForegroundColorAttributeName, nil];
placeHolderString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:#"This is my placeholder text" attributes:txtDict];
- (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
return [super becomeFirstResponder];
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect
[super drawRect:rect];
if ([[self string] isEqualToString:#""] && self != [[self window] firstResponder])
[placeHolderString drawAtPoint:NSMakePoint(0,0)];
- (BOOL)resignFirstResponder
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
return [super resignFirstResponder];
Swift 2.0
var placeHolderTitleString: NSAttributedString = NSAttributedString(string: "Place Holder Value", attributes: [NSForegroundColorAttributeName : NSColor.grayColor()])
override func becomeFirstResponder() -> Bool {
self.needsDisplay = true
return super.becomeFirstResponder()
override func drawRect(rect: NSRect) {
if (self.string! == "") {
placeHolderString.drawAtPoint(NSMakePoint(0, 0))
Look for this. It's may be a better approach!
final class CustomTextView: NSTextView {
private var placeholderAttributedString: NSAttributedString? = NSAttributedString(string: "Your placeholder string here")
private var placeholderInsets = NSEdgeInsets(top: 0.0, left: 4.0, bottom: 0.0, right: 4.0)
override func becomeFirstResponder() -> Bool {
self.needsDisplay = true
return super.becomeFirstResponder()
override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
guard string.isEmpty else { return }
placeholderAttributedString?.draw(in: dirtyRect.insetBy(placeholderInsets))
extension NSRect {
func insetBy(_ insets: NSEdgeInsets) -> NSRect {
return insetBy(dx: insets.left + insets.right, dy: + insets.bottom)
.applying(CGAffineTransform(translationX: insets.left - insets.right, y: - insets.bottom))
The best way to do it if you are using storyboards is to place an NSTextView and bind its value to a
#objc dynamic var myString: String?
property in your controller. In the binding inspector you then can set a Null Placeholder value and the text view will use that without you having to use any explicitly private API at all.
One of the previous answers suggests subclassing NSTextView so that an #objc var placeholderAttributedString: NSAttributedString? property can be added to it (which normally isn't publicly exposed).
However, this subclass isn't necessary. Instead, because NSTextView conforms to NSObject, you can just use setValue to set this property, without having to subclass:
let attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] =
[.foregroundColor: NSColor.secondaryLabelColor]
textView.setValue(NSAttributedString(string: placeholder, attributes: attributes),
forKey: "placeholderAttributedString")

How to collapse an NSSplitView pane with animation while using Auto Layout?

I've tried everything I can think of, including all the suggestions I've found here on SO and on other mailing lists, but I cannot figure out how to programmatically collapse an NSSplitView pane with an animation while Auto Layout is on.
Here's what I have right now (written in Swift for fun), but it falls down in multiple ways:
#IBAction func toggleSourceList(sender: AnyObject?) {
let isOpen = !splitView.isSubviewCollapsed(sourceList.view.superview!)
let position = (isOpen ? 0 : self.lastWidth)
if isOpen {
self.lastWidth = sourceList.view.frame.size.width
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ context in
context.allowsImplicitAnimation = true
context.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseIn)
context.duration = self.duration
self.splitView.setPosition(position, ofDividerAtIndex: 0)
}, completionHandler: { () -> Void in
The desired behavior and appearance is that of, which animates really nicely.
I have a full example app available at
[[splitViewItem animator] setCollapse:YES]
splitViewItem.animator().collapsed = true
From Apple’s help:
Whether or not the child ViewController corresponding to the
SplitViewItem is collapsed in the SplitViewController. The default is
NO. This can be set with the animator proxy to animate the collapse or
uncollapse. The exact animation used can be customized by setting it
in the -animations dictionary with a key of "collapsed". If this is
set to YES before it is added to the SplitViewController, it will be
initially collapsed and the SplitViewController will not cause the
view to be loaded until it is uncollapsed. This is KVC/KVO compliant
and will be updated if the value changes from user interaction.
I was eventually able to figure this out with some help. I've transformed my test project into a reusable NSSplitView subclass:
For some reason none of the methods of animating frames worked for my scrollview. I didn't try animating the constraints though.
I ended up creating a custom animation to animate the divider position. If anyone is interested, here is my solution:
Animation .h:
#interface MySplitViewAnimation : NSAnimation <NSAnimationDelegate>
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSSplitView* splitView;
#property (nonatomic) NSInteger dividerIndex;
#property (nonatomic) float startPosition;
#property (nonatomic) float endPosition;
#property (nonatomic, strong) void (^completionBlock)();
- (instancetype)initWithSplitView:(NSSplitView*)splitView
completionBlock:(void (^)())completionBlock;
Animation .m
#implementation MySplitViewAnimation
- (instancetype)initWithSplitView:(NSSplitView*)splitView
completionBlock:(void (^)())completionBlock;
if (self = [super init]) {
self.splitView = splitView;
self.dividerIndex = dividerIndex;
self.startPosition = startPosition;
self.endPosition = endPosition;
self.completionBlock = completionBlock;
[self setDuration:0.333333];
[self setAnimationBlockingMode:NSAnimationNonblocking];
[self setAnimationCurve:NSAnimationEaseIn];
[self setFrameRate:30.0];
[self setDelegate:self];
return self;
- (void)setCurrentProgress:(NSAnimationProgress)progress
[super setCurrentProgress:progress];
float newPosition = self.startPosition + ((self.endPosition - self.startPosition) * progress);
[self.splitView setPosition:newPosition
if (progress == 1.0) {
I'm using it like this - I have a 3 pane splitter view, and am moving the right pane in/out by a fixed amount (235).
- (IBAction)togglePropertiesPane:(id)sender
if (self.rightPane.isHidden) {
self.rightPane.hidden = NO;
[[[MySplitViewAnimation alloc] initWithSplitView:_splitView
to:_splitView.frame.size.width - 235
}] startAnimation];
else {
[[[MySplitViewAnimation alloc] initWithSplitView:_splitView
from:_splitView.frame.size.width - 235
self.rightPane.hidden = YES;
}] startAnimation];
/// Collapse the sidebar
func collapsePanel(_ number: Int = 0){
guard number < self.splitViewItems.count else {
let panel = self.splitViewItems[number]
if panel.isCollapsed {
panel.animator().isCollapsed = false
} else {
panel.animator().isCollapsed = true
I will also add, because it took me quite a while to figure this out, that setting collapseBehavior = .useConstraints on your NSSplitViewItem (or items) may help immensely if you have lots of constraints defining the layouts of your subviews. My split view animations didn't look right until I did this. YMMV.
If you're using Auto-Layout and you want to animate some aspect of the view's dimensions/position, you might have more luck animating the constraints themselves. I've had a quick go with an NSSplitView but have so far only met with limited success. I can get a split to expand and collapse following a button push, but I've ended up having to try to hack my way around loads of other problems caused by interfering with the constraints. In case your unfamiliar with it, here's a simple constraint animation:
- (IBAction)animate:(NSButton *)sender {
/* Shrink view to invisible */
NSLayoutConstraint *constraint = self.viewWidthConstraint;
[NSAnimationContext runAnimationGroup:^(NSAnimationContext *context) {
[[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setDuration:0.33];
[[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setTimingFunction:[CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionDefault]];
[[constraint animator] setConstant:0];
} completionHandler:^{
/* Do Some clean-up, if required */
Bear in mind you can only animate a constraints constant, you can't animate its priority.
NSSplitViewItem (i.e. arranged subview of NSSplitView) can be fully collapsed, if it can reach Zero dimension (width or height). So, we just need to deactivate appropriate constrains before animation and allow view to reach Zero dimension. After animation we can activate needed constraints again.
See my comment for SO question How to expand and collapse NSSplitView subviews with animation?.
This is a solution that doesn't require any subclasses or categories, works without NSSplitViewController (which requires macOS 10.10+), supports auto layout, animates the views, and works on macOS 10.8+.
As others have suggested, the solution is to use an NSAnimationContext, but the trick is to set context.allowsImplicitAnimation = YES (Apple docs). Then just set the divider position as one would normally.
#import <Quartz/Quartz.h>
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
- (IBAction)toggleLeftPane:(id)sender
[NSAnimationContext runAnimationGroup:^(NSAnimationContext * _Nonnull context) {
context.allowsImplicitAnimation = YES;
context.duration = 0.25; // seconds
context.timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseOut];
if ([self.splitView isSubviewCollapsed:self.leftPane]) {
// -> expand
[self.splitView setPosition:self.leftPane.frame.size.width ofDividerAtIndex:0];
} else {
// <- collapse
_lastLeftPaneWidth = self.leftPane.frame.size.width;
// optional: remember current width to restore to same size
[self.splitView setPosition:0 ofDividerAtIndex:0];
[self.splitView layoutSubtreeIfNeeded];
Use auto layout to constrain the subviews (width, min/max sizes, etc.). Make sure to check "Core Animation Layer" in Interface Builder (i.e. set views to be layer backed) for the split view and all subviews — this is required for the transitions to be animated. (It will still work, but without animation.)
A full working project is available here:

NSPopUpButton arrow color

Is there a way to customize the color of a NSPopUpButton arrow? I've looked around but I've not found an answer yet
I really dont think there is an "easy" way to do this. If you look at the API description, it even states that it doesnt respond to the setImage routine. I have done quite a bit of work sub-classing button objects, etc... and I think this is where you would have to go in order to do what you are asking.
Like too many of these controls, I did it by subclassing NSPopupButton(Cell) and then doing all my own drawing in drawRect...I cheated a little though, and used an image do the actual triangle rather than trying to do it via primitives.
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect
//...Insert button draw code here...
//Admittedly the above statement includes more work than we probably want to do.
//Assumes triangleIcon is a cached NSImage...I also make assumptions about location
CGFloat iconSize = 6.0;
CGFloat iconYLoc = (dirtyRect.size.height - iconSize) / 2.0;
CGFloat iconXLoc = (dirtyRect.size.width - (iconSize + 8));
CGRect triRect = {iconXLoc, iconYLoc, iconSize, iconSize};
[triangleIcon drawInRect:triRect];
i did this and its worked for me.
(void)drawImageWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView
NSPopUpButton *temp = (NSPopUpButton*)controlView;
NSString *strtile = temp.title;
AppDelegate *appdel = (AppDelegate*)[NSApplication sharedApplication].delegate;
NSFont *font = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:13.5];
NSSize size = NSMakeSize(40, 10);// string size
CGRect rect = controlView.frame;
rect = CGRectMake((size.width + temp.frame.size.width)/2, rect.origin.y, 8, 17);
[self drawImage:[NSImage imageNamed:#"icon_downArrow_white.png"] withFrame:rect inView:self.
I have changed arrow color by using "False Color" filter without using any image. So far it is the easiest way to change cocoa control to me.
class RLPopUpButton: NSPopUpButton {
init() {
super.init(frame: NSZeroRect, pullsDown: false)
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder)
func addFilter() {
let colorFilter = CIFilter(name: "CIFalseColor")!
colorFilter.setValue(CIColor(cgColor:, forKey: "inputColor0")
colorFilter.setValue(CIColor(cgColor: NSColor.white.cgColor), forKey: "inputColor1")
// colorFilter.setValue(CIColor(cgColor: NSColor.yellow.cgColor), forKey: "inputColor0")
// colorFilter.setValue(CIColor(cgColor:, forKey: "inputColor1")
self.contentFilters = [colorFilter]
Swift 5
In interface builder, remove default arrow setting.
Then, apply this subclass for cell, which will add an NSImageView to the right side of the NSPopUpButton.
This way you have complete control over what you set as your custom button and how you position it.
import Cocoa
#IBDesignable class NSPopUpButtonCellBase: NSPopUpButtonCell {
let textColor = NSColor(named: "white")!
let leftPadding: CGFloat = 16
let rightPadding: CGFloat = 30
override func awakeFromNib() {
let imageView = NSImageView()
imageView.image = NSImage(named: "ic_chevron_down")!
imageView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
imageView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: CGFloat(20)).isActive = true
imageView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: CGFloat(20)).isActive = true
imageView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: controlView!.trailingAnchor).isActive = true
imageView.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: controlView!.centerYAnchor).isActive = true
// overriding this removes the white container
override func drawBezel(withFrame frame: NSRect, in controlView: NSView) {
// overriding this allows us to modify paddings to text
override func titleRect(forBounds cellFrame: NSRect) -> NSRect {
// this gets rect, which has title's height, not the whole control's height
// also, it's origin.y is such that it centers title
let processedTitleFrame = super.titleRect(forBounds: cellFrame)
let paddedFrame = NSRect(
x: cellFrame.origin.x + leftPadding,
y: processedTitleFrame.origin.y,
width: cellFrame.size.width - leftPadding - rightPadding,
height: processedTitleFrame.size.height
return paddedFrame
// overriding this allows us to style text
override func drawTitle(_ title: NSAttributedString, withFrame frame: NSRect, in controlView: NSView) -> NSRect {
let attributedTitle = NSMutableAttributedString.init(attributedString: title)
let range = NSMakeRange(0, attributedTitle.length)
attributedTitle.addAttributes([NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor : textColor], range: range)
return super.drawTitle(attributedTitle, withFrame: frame, in: controlView)

How to create NSCollectionView programmatically from scratch?

NSCollectionView remains one of the most mysterious parts of the Cocoa API that I've ever seen. Documentation is poor and there are many moving parts, many of which are often implemented in Interface Builder, making documentation challenging.
Please provide sample code to create the simplest case of NSCollectionView which displays either Text Fields or Buttons without using Xcode where each Text Field or Button has a different Title. Assume a new Xcode project with the default window IBOutlet.
For this example, no binding is required to update the NSCollectionView as the data source changes. Simply display a grid of prototype objects and set each object's Title to some value.
If we can get a good example of how to do this available to many people, I think it will help everyone who works with NSCollectionViews and is as baffled as I am.
Summary of request
Provide sample code to render an NSCollectionView in a new Xcode project
Do not use Interface Builder, do use the default window IBOutlet provided
NSCollectionView should contain Text Fields or Buttons, your choice
Each item in the view should have a different Title
No binding is required
If there's sample code out there that meets these requirements, please provide a link, that'd be great!
I’m not sure there’s much insight in creating a collection view programmatically and without bindings, but here it goes.
There are essentially four components when using a collection view:
View: a subclass of NSView, responsible for displaying information;
The collection view itself;
View controller: a subclass of NSCollectionViewItem that serves as the collection view item prototype;
Model: an array of objects.
Usually a view is designed in Interface Builder, and a model is mediated by Cocoa bindings.
Doing it programmatically:
static const NSSize buttonSize = {80, 20};
static const NSSize itemSize = {100, 40};
static const NSPoint buttonOrigin = {10, 10};
This is a standard view (a custom view in Interface Builder parlance) containing a button. Note that the view has fixed size.
#interface BVView : NSView
#property (weak) NSButton *button;
#implementation BVView
#synthesize button;
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect {
self = [super initWithFrame:(NSRect){frameRect.origin, itemSize}];
if (self) {
NSButton *newButton = [[NSButton alloc]
initWithFrame:(NSRect){buttonOrigin, buttonSize}];
[self addSubview:newButton];
self.button = newButton;
return self;
View Controller (Prototype)
Normally a view controller loads its view from a nib file. In the rare cases where the view controller doesn’t obtain its view from a nib file, the developer must either send it -setView: before -view is received by the view controller, or override -loadView. The following code does the latter.
View controllers receive the corresponding model object via -setRepresentedObject:. I’ve overridden it so as to update the button title whenever the model object changes. Note that this can be accomplished by using Cocoa bindings without any code at all.
Note that none of this code is specific to collection views — it’s general view controller behaviour.
#interface BVPrototype : NSCollectionViewItem
#implementation BVPrototype
- (void)loadView {
[self setView:[[BVView alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect]];
- (void)setRepresentedObject:(id)representedObject {
[super setRepresentedObject:representedObject];
[[(BVView *)[self view] button] setTitle:representedObject];
A simple array of strings representing button titles:
#property (strong) NSArray *titles;
self.titles = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"Case", #"Molly", #"Armitage",
#"Hideo", #"The Finn", #"Maelcum", #"Wintermute", #"Neuromancer", nil];
Collection View
So far, the only relation that’s been established is the view (BVView) used by the item prototype (BVPrototype). The collection view must be informed of the prototype it should be using as well as the model from which to obtain data.
NSCollectionView *cv = [[NSCollectionView alloc]
initWithFrame:[[[self window] contentView] frame]];
[cv setItemPrototype:[BVPrototype new]];
[cv setContent:[self titles]];
Full Source Code for the Application Delegate
#import "BVAppDelegate.h"
static const NSSize buttonSize = { 80, 20 };
static const NSSize itemSize = { 100, 40 };
static const NSPoint buttonOrigin = { 10, 10 };
#interface BVView : NSView
#property (weak) NSButton *button;
#implementation BVView
#synthesize button;
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect {
self = [super initWithFrame:(NSRect){frameRect.origin, itemSize}];
if (self) {
NSButton *newButton = [[NSButton alloc]
initWithFrame:(NSRect){buttonOrigin, buttonSize}];
[self addSubview:newButton];
self.button = newButton;
return self;
#interface BVPrototype : NSCollectionViewItem
#implementation BVPrototype
- (void)loadView {
[self setView:[[BVView alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect]];
- (void)setRepresentedObject:(id)representedObject {
[super setRepresentedObject:representedObject];
[[(BVView *)[self view] button] setTitle:representedObject];
#interface BVAppDelegate ()
#property (strong) NSArray *titles;
#implementation BVAppDelegate
#synthesize window = _window;
#synthesize titles;
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
self.titles = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"Case", #"Molly", #"Armitage",
#"Hideo", #"The Finn", #"Maelcum", #"Wintermute", #"Neuromancer", nil];
NSCollectionView *cv = [[NSCollectionView alloc]
initWithFrame:[[[self window] contentView] frame]];
[cv setItemPrototype:[BVPrototype new]];
[cv setContent:[self titles]];
[cv setAutoresizingMask:(NSViewMinXMargin
| NSViewWidthSizable
| NSViewMaxXMargin
| NSViewMinYMargin
| NSViewHeightSizable
| NSViewMaxYMargin)];
[[[self window] contentView] addSubview:cv];
You did an excellent job there. This was just an amazing tutorial which I sometimes miss at the Apple Docs.
I rewrote Bavarious' code in Swift (v2) for anyone who's interested:
// AppDelegate.swift:
import Cocoa
let buttonSize:NSSize = NSSize(width: 80, height: 20)
let itemSize:NSSize = NSSize(width: 100, height: 40)
let buttonOrigin:NSPoint = NSPoint(x: 10, y: 10)
let titles:[String] = ["Case", "Molly", "Armitage", "Hideo", "The Finn", "Maelcum", "Wintermute", "Neuromancer"]
class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var window: NSWindow!
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {
let cv = NSCollectionView(frame: self.window.contentView!.frame)
cv.itemPrototype = BVTemplate()
cv.content = titles
cv.autoresizingMask = NSAutoresizingMaskOptions.ViewMinXMargin
func applicationWillTerminate(aNotification: NSNotification) {
// Insert code here to tear down your application
// BVTemplate.swift:
import Cocoa
class BVTemplate: NSCollectionViewItem {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do view setup here.
override func loadView() {
self.view = BVView(frame: NSZeroRect)
override var representedObject:AnyObject? {
didSet {
if let representedString = representedObject as? String {
(self.view as! BVView).button?.title = representedString
// BVView.swift:
import Cocoa
class BVView: NSView {
var button:NSButton?
override init(frame frameRect: NSRect) {
super.init(frame: NSRect(origin: frameRect.origin, size: itemSize))
let newButton:NSButton = NSButton(frame: NSRect(origin: buttonOrigin, size: buttonSize))
self.button = newButton
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder)
To answer brigadir's question on how to bind to a mutable array.
zero'th - make titles an NSMutableArray
first - bind the array to your items
[cv bind:NSContentBinding
Second - when altering titles, make sure to modify the proxy.
NSMutableArray *kvcTitles = [self mutableArrayValueForKey:#"titles"];
[kvcTitles removeLastObject];
