What is the shortcut key in visual studio for cleaning entire solution? - visual-studio

What is the shortcut key in visual studio for cleaning entire solution?

I don't think there is one, by default. My VS2008 certainly has no shortcut defined for the menu item.
Go into Tools -> Customize -> Keyboard... and you will be able to give the Build.CleanSolution action whatever shortcut key you wish!


Assigning a shortcut to Visual Assist's quick actions

In plain Visual Studio there is the Alt+Enter shortcut, which brings up a popup with quick fixes and improvement suggestions.
I am using the Visual Assist plugin for c++ development, which lets me right-click on a item and open 'Quick Actions and Refactorings (VA)' menu.
I would like to combine these two options into one: Having the advanced features in the easy accessible Alt+Enter shortcut without reaching to the mouse and right-click. Anyone knows how to assign a custom shortcut to 'Quick Actions and Refactoring'? Or any suggestions how to get rid of the tedious right-click?
Assigning shortcuts always works like this in Visual Studio:
Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard
Find the right identifier for the desired action, which is
VAssistX.RefactorContextMenu in your case.
Assign the desired shortcut Alt+Enter for the scope Text Editor and there you go.
Note, that this replaces Visual Studio's original Alt+Enter functionality, not blending them together.

Single key hotkey mapping in Visual studio

I am wondering if there is a way to set a single key keyboard shortcut in visual studio. IN al my other editors (Android studio and sublimeText) I have the key [`] mapped to goto line. In visual studio it will not let me assign that. But if I push ctrl first it will.
Although I REALLY do not recommend single-character shortcut, you can do it. After all, you are the master of your system :)
First, create a shortcut with Ctrl+ or Shift+. Close the Studio. Open the user's settings file CurrentSettings.vssettings located in %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Settings folder with any text editor. Locate that key binding and simply delete Ctrl+ part. Save. Done.
This is more a workaround than a solution, but you could create a simple Autohotkey script to map the backtick to a Ctl + backtick:
You could even limit the effect to Visual Studio by using the #IfWinActive directive.

How to run debug on a project selected in Solution Explorer with a key combo?

Is there a way to bind a shortcut that will run a project that is currently selected in the Solution Explorer (that is not the startup project of the current solution) in Visual Studio 2010?
I couldn't find any actions related to Solution Explorer specifically in Options > Environment > Keyboard section.
Find this msdn doc http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa301747(v=vs.71).aspx, it already explains quite clearly. If you have any more doubt, we can discuss it further.
I've done this on my computer with Visual studio 2010.
After seeing this dialog, choose an action from the drop down lists under the Show commands containing, in your case, choose Debug.Run. Then choose global in the Use new shortcut in list, and in the Press shortcut keys your customized shortcut key, for example Alt+r, press Assign. Press OK.
After all the settings, I press Alt + r, my selected project compiles and runs, just the same as the menu Debug->Run.
Hope I've made myself clear for your solution.

Shortcut to a list of files in Visual Studio

I have about 15 files in a very large solution that I'd like to be able to permanently have in some kind of popout panel that I can click to access them quickly. Is there any way to accomplish this within Visual Studio?
One easy way would be to bookmark all the 15 files at the first line of each and navigate through the bookmarks in Visual Studio; or if you have Re-Sharper installed this makes it even easier, you just set re-sharper book marks and it gives you a little window of all the files. Resharper -> navigate -> bookmarks ; you can set a shortcut for this window in REsharper settings if you want.

Launch Visual Studio 2010 with new document?

Is there any way to launch Visual Studio 2010 with a new document instead of the usual start tab?
I'm just curious--I usually use Notepad++ to jot down quick things, but Visual Studio seems like it would be preferable.
Here are your choices.
Curious, though, as to why you would want to open a full-fledged IDE just to take notes. That seems like precisely the kind of thing a notepad application is suited for...
You can make a shortcut that always launches a specific file, e.g.:
Put a document called "notes.txt" on your desktop.
Copy the Visual Studio 2010 shortcut to your desktop (to a new shortcut)
Edit the shortcut properties (right click → properties → Shortcut tab → Target) to add this to the end of the Target:
/edit "%USERPROFILE%\desktop\notes.txt"
